/// <summary> /// Import /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Import List of Locations:\r\n" + "1. First step is to find the file with the list of locations\r\n" + "2. Second step is to choose from importing methods (Add or Replace)\r\n" + "\r\nDo you want to continue with importing?", "Notification", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "GLOC files (*.gloc)|*.gloc||"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { MessageBox.Show("Importing was cancelled."); return; } dr = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to ADD selected location file to the current database of locations?\r\n" + "Press YES for Adding, press NO for replacement of current database with imported file.\r\n" + "Press CANCEL for not importing at all.", "Importing method", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } if (TLocationDatabase.ImportFile(ofd.FileName, (dr == DialogResult.No)) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Importing of file was not succesful.", "Importing progress"); return; } // opatovna inicializacia dialog boxu listViewLocations.Items.Clear(); // m_wndList.ResetContent(); m_wndCountry.Items.Clear(); // setting the current country InitCountries(); m_wndCountry.SelectedIndex = 0; }