Esempio n. 1
        private void AddChange(TKS_FAS_FixedAssets data, IDbTransaction ts)
            TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange change = new TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange();

            change.Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            change.ParentId   = data.Id;
            change.DocNo      = data.DocNo;
            change.PeriodId   = data.StartPeriod;
            change.AccountId  = data.AccountId;
            change.AssetsName = data.Name;
            change.PreContent = data.InitialAssetValue.ToString();
            change.CurContent = data.InitialAssetValue.ToString();
            change.ChangeType = 1;
            change.CreateUser = data.CreateUser;
            change.CreateDate = data.CreateDate;
            cnn.Insert <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange>(change, ts);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 模板加载
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ResponseTPLMGet TPLGet(RequestTPLMGet request)
            ResponseTPLMGet response = new ResponseTPLMGet();

            using (cnn = GetConnection())
                var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction();

                    var user = UserInfoGet(request.Token, ts);
                    var head = cnn.QuerySingle <TKS_FAS_DocTPL>("select * from TKS_FAS_DocTPL where id=@Id", new
                        Id = request.Data.Id
                    }, ts);
                    AccountSetBLL account = new AccountSetBLL(cnn);
                    var           period  = account.GetActivePeriod(user.AccountId, ts);

                    var detail = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL>(
                        @"select * from tks_fas_docDetailTPL where parentId=@ParentId",
                        new { ParentId = head.Id }, ts).ToList();
                    if (head.TPLTarget == 3)
                        #region 固定资产,计提折旧
                        FixedAssetsBLL fbll = new FixedAssetsBLL(cnn);

                        List <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets> fixedAssets = fbll.FixedAssetsGetByAcccount(user.AccountId, period, ts);
                        List <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL> newDetail = new List <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL>();
                        head.AMT_DBT = 0;
                        foreach (var item in fixedAssets)
                            if (item.DepreciationMethod == "2")
                            if (item.IsStartPeriodDepreciation == 0 && item.StartPeriod == period.Id)
                            if (item.DpreMonth < item.PreUseMonth)
                                for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++)
                                    //update by Hero.Zhang 每次循环前必须将借贷金额初始化
                                    detail[i].Money_Credit = 0;
                                    detail[i].Money_Debit  = 0;
                                    if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 1)
                                        detail[i].SubjectCode = item.ADSubjectCode;
                                        //detail[i].SubjectDescription = item.ADSubjectCode + " " + item.ADSubjectName;
                                        detail[i].SubjectDescription = item.ADSubjectName;
                                    else if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                        detail[i].SubjectCode        = item.DCostSubjectCode;
                                        detail[i].SubjectDescription = item.DCostSubjectName;
                                var d = FillDetail(item.DprePerMonth, detail);
                                head.AMT_DBT += item.DprePerMonth;
                                //if (item.ADSubjectCode == "1502001")
                                //    test.Add(item);
                        var lst = newDetail.GroupBy(x => new { x.Id, x.ParentId, x.LineNo, x.AccountId, x.Year, x.SubjectCode, x.SubjectDescription, x.Summary, x.Credit_Debit, x.PartnerCode, x.Unit, x.CurrencyCode, x.CalItem1, x.CalValue1, x.CalItem2, x.CalValue2, x.CalItem3, x.CalValue3, x.CalItem4, x.CalValue4, x.CalItem5, x.CalValue5, x.Rate, x.Quantity, x.Price, x.IsCurrency, x.IsQuantity, x.IsCalHelper, x.Balance, x.YB, x.IPercent, x.SourceType }).Select(x => new TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL
                            Id                 = x.First().Id,
                            ParentId           = x.First().ParentId,
                            LineNo             = x.First().LineNo,
                            AccountId          = x.First().AccountId,
                            Year               = x.First().Year,
                            SubjectCode        = x.First().SubjectCode,
                            SubjectDescription = x.First().SubjectDescription,
                            Summary            = x.First().Summary,
                            Credit_Debit       = x.First().Credit_Debit,
                            PartnerCode        = x.First().PartnerCode,
                            Unit               = x.First().Unit,
                            CurrencyCode       = x.First().CurrencyCode,
                            CalItem1           = x.First().CalItem1,
                            CalValue1          = x.First().CalValue1,
                            CalItem2           = x.First().CalItem2,
                            CalValue2          = x.First().CalValue2,
                            CalItem3           = x.First().CalItem3,
                            CalValue3          = x.First().CalValue3,
                            CalItem4           = x.First().CalItem4,
                            CalValue4          = x.First().CalValue4,
                            CalItem5           = x.First().CalItem5,
                            CalValue5          = x.First().CalValue5,
                            Rate               = x.First().Rate,
                            Quantity           = x.First().Quantity,
                            Price              = x.First().Price,
                            IsCurrency         = x.First().IsCurrency,
                            IsQuantity         = x.First().IsQuantity,
                            IsCalHelper        = x.First().IsCalHelper,
                            Balance            = x.First().Balance,
                            YB                 = x.First().YB,
                            IPercent           = x.First().IPercent,
                            SourceType         = x.First().SourceType,
                            Money_Credit       = x.Sum(s => s.Money_Credit),
                            Money_Debit        = x.Sum(s => s.Money_Debit)
                        //detail = newDetail;
                        detail = lst;
                    else if (head.TPLTarget == 7)
                        #region 固定资产变动单类型
                        var changeTypeToTpl = cnn.QuerySingleOrDefault <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange>(
                            "select * from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange where Id=@Id ",
                            new { Id = request.Key }, ts);
                        if (changeTypeToTpl != null)
                            string fixsql = @"select B.* from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange A 
                        left join TKS_FAS_FixedAssets B on where";
                            TKS_FAS_FixedAssets fixedAssets = cnn.QuerySingleOrDefault <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>(fixsql, new { ID = request.Key }, ts);
                            if (fixedAssets == null)
                                throw new Exception("固定资产不存在");
                            FillDetail(request.Money, detail);

                            if (changeTypeToTpl.ChangeType == 1)
                                #region 新增
                                for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++)
                                    if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1501")
                                        detail[i].SubjectCode        = fixedAssets.GDCode;
                                        detail[i].SubjectDescription = fixedAssets.GDName;
                                    else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "217100101")
                                        if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                            detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                                            detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                                    else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1002")
                                        if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                            detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money + fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                                            detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money + fixedAssets.InputVAT;

                                request.Money += fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                            else if (changeTypeToTpl.ChangeType == 8)
                                #region 报废
                                for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++)
                                    if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1501")
                                        if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                            detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue;
                                            detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue;
                                    else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1502")
                                        if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                            detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre + fixedAssets.DprePerMonth;//累计折旧+每月折旧额
                                            detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre + fixedAssets.DprePerMonth;
                                    else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1701")
                                        if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                            detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue - fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre - fixedAssets.DprePerMonth;//减去累计折旧和每月折旧额
                                            detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue - fixedAssets.AccumulativeDpre - fixedAssets.DprePerMonth;

                                request.Money = fixedAssets.InitialAssetValue;
                            FillDetail(request.Money, detail);
                    else if (head.TPLTarget == 2)
                        #region 发票上传
                        //var fp = cnn.Query<TKS_FAS_Invoice>(
                        //    "select * from TKS_FAS_Invoice where id=@Id", new { Id =request.Data.Id}, ts);
                        //if (fp == null)
                        //    throw new NormalException("未找到对应发票");
                        FillDetail(request.Money, detail);
                        decimal total = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++)
                            if (detail[i].SourceType == 0)
                            else if (detail[i].SourceType == 1)
                                if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                    detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money;
                                    detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money;
                            else if (detail[i].SourceType == 2)
                                if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                    detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Tax;
                                    detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Tax;
                            else if (detail[i].SourceType == 3)
                                if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                    detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money - request.Tax;
                                    detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money - request.Tax;

                            total += detail[i].Money_Debit;
                        request.Money = total;
                        FillDetail(request.Money, detail);

                    if (request.Money > 0)
                        head.AMT_DBT = request.Money;
                    response.IsSuccess = true;
                    response.Message   = "加载完毕";
                    response.Head      = head;
                    response.Detail    = detail;
                    #region add by Hero.Zhang 判断科目行是否有子科目
                    for (int i = 0; i < detail.Count(); i++)
                        var item = detail[i];
                        List <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject> sub = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject>(@"select * from TKS_FAS_AccountSubject where AccountId=@AccountId and RootCode=@RootCode",
                                                                                               new { AccountId = user.AccountId, RootCode = item.SubjectCode }, ts).ToList();
                        if (sub.Count > 1)
                            response.CheckParent = "1";
                            response.Message    += "</br>第" + (i + 1).ToString() + "行有子科目,请重新选择";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseTPLMGet);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 综合模板管理(无需选择账套)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ResponseTPLMGet TPLMGet(RequestTPLMGet request)
            ResponseTPLMGet response = new ResponseTPLMGet();

            using (cnn = GetConnection())
                var ts = cnn.BeginTransaction();

                    var user = UserInfoGetButAccount(request.Token, ts);
                    var head = cnn.QuerySingle <TKS_FAS_DocTPL>("select * from TKS_FAS_DocTPL where id=@Id", new
                        Id = request.Data.Id
                    }, ts);

                    var detail = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_DocDetailTPL>(
                        @"select * from tks_fas_docDetailTPL where parentId=@ParentId",
                        new { ParentId = head.Id }, ts).ToList();
                    if (head.TPLTarget == 3)
                        #region 固定资产,计提折旧
                        FillDetail(request.Money, detail);
                    else if (head.TPLTarget == 7)
                        #region 固定资产变动单类型
                        var changeTypeToTpl = cnn.QuerySingleOrDefault <TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange>(
                            "select * from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange where Id=@Id and changeType=1",
                            new { Id = request.Key }, ts);
                        if (changeTypeToTpl != null)
                            string fixsql = @"select B.* from TKS_FAS_FixedAssetsChange A 
                        left join TKS_FAS_FixedAssets B on where";
                            TKS_FAS_FixedAssets fixedAssets = cnn.QuerySingleOrDefault <TKS_FAS_FixedAssets>(fixsql, new { ID = request.Key }, ts);
                            if (fixedAssets == null)
                                throw new Exception("固定资产不存在");
                            FillDetail(request.Money, detail);
                            for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++)
                                if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1501")
                                    detail[i].SubjectCode        = fixedAssets.GDCode;
                                    detail[i].SubjectDescription = fixedAssets.GDName;
                                else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "217100101")
                                    if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                        detail[i].Money_Debit = fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                                        detail[i].Money_Credit = fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                                else if (detail[i].SubjectCode == "1002")
                                    if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                        detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money + fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                                        detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money + fixedAssets.InputVAT;

                            request.Money += fixedAssets.InputVAT;
                            FillDetail(request.Money, detail);
                    else if (head.TPLTarget == 2)
                        #region 发票上传
                        //var fp = cnn.Query<TKS_FAS_Invoice>(
                        //    "select * from TKS_FAS_Invoice where id=@Id", new { Id =request.Data.Id}, ts);
                        //if (fp == null)
                        //    throw new NormalException("未找到对应发票");
                        FillDetail(request.Money, detail);
                        decimal total = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++)
                            if (detail[i].SourceType == 0)
                            else if (detail[i].SourceType == 1)
                                if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                    detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money;
                                    detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money;
                            else if (detail[i].SourceType == 2)
                                if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                    detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Tax;
                                    detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Tax;
                            else if (detail[i].SourceType == 3)
                                if (detail[i].Credit_Debit == 0)
                                    detail[i].Money_Debit = request.Money - request.Tax;
                                    detail[i].Money_Credit = request.Money - request.Tax;

                            total += detail[i].Money_Debit;
                        request.Money = total;
                        FillDetail(request.Money, detail);

                    if (request.Money > 0)
                        head.AMT_DBT = request.Money;
                    response.IsSuccess = true;
                    response.Message   = "加载完毕";
                    response.Head      = head;
                    response.Detail    = detail;

                    #region add by Hero.Zhang 判断科目行是否有子科目
                    for (int i = 0; i < detail.Count(); i++)
                        var item = detail[i];
                        List <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject> sub = cnn.Query <TKS_FAS_AccountSubject>(@"select * from TKS_FAS_AccountSubject where AccountId=@AccountId and RootCode=@RootCode",
                                                                                               new { AccountId = user.AccountId, RootCode = item.SubjectCode }, ts).ToList();
                        if (sub.Count > 1)
                            response.CheckParent = "1";
                            response.Message    += "</br>第" + (i + 1).ToString() + "行有子科目,请重新选择";

                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(this.DealException(response, ex) as ResponseTPLMGet);