Esempio n. 1
        public override void Update()
            currentPick = PerformPicking();

            if (PickingInsideSphere())
                if (dragging)
                    TGCVector3 normalizedTo = currentPick;

                    var cross           = TGCVector3.Cross(normalizedFrom, normalizedTo);
                    var newRotation     = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(cross, FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(normalizedFrom, normalizedTo)));
                    var currentRotation = TGCQuaternion.Multiply(stacked, newRotation);

                    shark.Transform = baseSharkTransform * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(currentRotation);

                    if (Input.buttonUp(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                        stacked         = currentRotation;
                        shark.Transform = baseSharkTransform * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(stacked);
                        dragging        = false;
                else if (Input.buttonPressed(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                    dragging       = true;
                    fromDrag       = currentPick;
                    normalizedFrom = TGCVector3.Normalize(fromDrag);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Convierte un TGCQuaternion a rotación de Euler
        /// </summary>
        private TGCVector3 quaternionToEuler(TGCQuaternion quat)
            //TODO revisar que esta conversion a Euler ande bien

            var mat = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(quat);
            var matrixGetRotation = TGCVector3.Empty;

            //gets the x axis rotation from the matrix
            matrixGetRotation.X = (float)Math.Asin(mat.M32);
            var cosX = (float)Math.Cos(matrixGetRotation.X);

            //checks for gimbal lock
            if (cosX < 0.005)
                matrixGetRotation.Z = 0;
                matrixGetRotation.Y = Math.Sign(-mat.M21) * (float)Math.Acos(mat.M11);
            //normal calculation
                matrixGetRotation.Z = Math.Sign(mat.M12) * (float)Math.Acos(mat.M22 / cosX);
                matrixGetRotation.Y = Math.Sign(mat.M31) * (float)Math.Acos(mat.M33 / cosX);
                //converts the rotations because the x axis rotation can't be bigger than 90 and -90
                if (Math.Sign(mat.M22) == -1 && matrixGetRotation.Z == 0)
                    var pi = (float)Math.PI;
                    matrixGetRotation.Z += pi;
                    matrixGetRotation.Y += pi;

        public void Update(float elapsedTime)
            TGCQuaternion rotationX  = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Geometry.DegreeToRadian(90f /* + anguloEntreVectores*15*/));
            TGCVector3    PosicionA  = posicionInicial;
            TGCVector3    PosicionB  = jugador.GetPosicion();
            TGCVector3    DireccionA = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
            TGCVector3    DireccionB = PosicionB - PosicionA;

            if (DireccionB.Length() >= 15f && PosicionA.Z > PosicionB.Z + 10f)
                // anguloEntreVectores = (float)Math.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(DireccionA, DireccionB));

                var cross       = TGCVector3.Cross(DireccionA, DireccionB);
                var newRotation = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(cross, FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(DireccionA, DireccionB)));
                quaternionAuxiliar = rotationX * newRotation;
                mainMesh.Transform = baseScaleRotation *
                                     TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotationX * newRotation) *
                mainMesh.Transform = baseScaleRotation *
                                     TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(quaternionAuxiliar) *
            //codigo de prueba------
            tiempo += .1f + elapsedTime;
            if (tiempo > 15f)
                tiempo = 0f;
        private TGCQuaternion QuaternionDireccion(TGCVector3 direccionDisparoNormalizado)
            TGCVector3    DireccionA  = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
            TGCVector3    cross       = TGCVector3.Cross(DireccionA, direccionDisparoNormalizado);
            TGCQuaternion newRotation = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(cross, FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(DireccionA, direccionDisparoNormalizado)));

Esempio n. 5
        public TgcSkeletalBone(int index, string name, TGCVector3 startPosition, TGCQuaternion startRotation)
            Index         = index;
            Name          = name;
            StartPosition = startPosition;
            StartRotation = startRotation;

            MatLocal = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(StartRotation) * TGCMatrix.Translation(StartPosition);
        /// <summary>
        /// Devuelve la rotacion que se debe aplicar a la matriz de transformacion para que la entidad apunte hacia una direccion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lookDir">Vector normalizado que define la direccion a la que debe mirar la entidad.</param>
        private void LookAt(TGCVector3 lookDir)
            float      angle     = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(defaultLookDir, lookDir));
            TGCVector3 rotVector = TGCVector3.Cross(defaultLookDir, lookDir);

            rotVector.Z = 0;

            rotation = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(rotVector, angle);
Esempio n. 7
        public void giro_en_plano()
            timer += ElapsedTime;

            var posicion = new TGCVector3(radio * FastMath.Sin(timer), 0f, radio * FastMath.Cos(timer));

            var posicionNormalizada = posicion;

            var quaternion = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(posicionNormalizada, -timer * 5f);

            sphereOne.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(spheresScale) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(quaternion) * TGCMatrix.Translation(posicion + new TGCVector3(0f, 4f, 0f));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Crear una malla instancia de una original
        /// </summary>
        private TgcMesh crearMeshInstance(TgcMeshData meshData, List <TgcMesh> meshes)
            var originalMesh = meshes[meshData.originalMesh];
            var translation  = new TGCVector3(meshData.position[0], meshData.position[1], meshData.position[2]);
            var rotationQuat = new TGCQuaternion(meshData.rotation[0], meshData.rotation[1], meshData.rotation[2],
            var rotation = quaternionToEuler(rotationQuat);
            var scale    = new TGCVector3(meshData.scale[0], meshData.scale[1], meshData.scale[2]);

            var tgcMesh = new TgcMesh(, originalMesh, translation, rotation, scale);

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualiza la posicion de cada hueso del esqueleto segun sus KeyFrames de la animacion
        /// </summary>
        protected void updateSkeleton()
            for (var i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
                var bone = bones[i];

                //Tomar el frame actual para este hueso
                var boneFrames = currentAnimation.BoneFrames[i];

                //Solo hay un frame, no hacer nada, ya se hizo en el Init de la animacion
                if (boneFrames.Count == 1)

                //Obtener cuadro actual segun el tiempo transcurrido
                var currentFrameF = currentTime * frameRate;
                //Ve a que KeyFrame le corresponde
                var keyFrameIdx = getCurrentFrameBone(boneFrames, currentFrameF);
                currentFrame = keyFrameIdx;

                //Armar un intervalo entre el proximo KeyFrame y el anterior
                var frame1 = boneFrames[keyFrameIdx - 1];
                var frame2 = boneFrames[keyFrameIdx];

                //Calcular la cantidad que hay interpolar en base al la diferencia entre cuadros
                float framesDiff         = frame2.Frame - frame1.Frame;
                var   interpolationValue = (currentFrameF - frame1.Frame) / framesDiff;

                //Interpolar traslacion
                var frameTranslation = (frame2.Position - frame1.Position) * interpolationValue + frame1.Position;

                //Interpolar rotacion con SLERP
                var quatFrameRotation = TGCQuaternion.Slerp(frame1.Rotation, frame2.Rotation, interpolationValue);

                //Unir ambas transformaciones de este frame
                var frameMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(quatFrameRotation) * TGCMatrix.Translation(frameTranslation);

                //Multiplicar por la matriz del padre, si tiene
                if (bone.ParentBone != null)
                    bone.MatFinal = frameMatrix * bone.ParentBone.MatFinal;
                    bone.MatFinal = frameMatrix;
Esempio n. 10
        public override void Init()
            stacked     = TGCQuaternion.Identity;
            fromDrag    = TGCVector3.Empty;
            dragging    = false;
            currentPick = TGCVector3.Empty;


            pickingRay = new TgcPickingRay(Input);

            Camera.SetCamera(new TGCVector3(20f, 0f, 20f), new TGCVector3(-1f, 0f, -1f));
Esempio n. 11
        public void CambiarRotacion(TGCVector3 nuevaRotacion)
            TGCQuaternion rotationX = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nuevaRotacion.X);
            TGCQuaternion rotationY = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), nuevaRotacion.Y);
            TGCQuaternion rotationZ = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), nuevaRotacion.Z);

            TGCQuaternion rotation = rotationX * rotationY * rotationZ;

            baseScaleRotation = TGCMatrix.Scaling(new TGCVector3(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f)) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI_HALF);

            //TransformarModelo(delegate (TgcMesh unMesh) { unMesh.Rotation = nuevaRotacion; });
            //TransformarModelo(delegate (TgcMesh unMesh) { unMesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotation); });
            rotacionMesh = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotation);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Asigna target con offsets.
        /// </summary>
        public void setTargetOffset(TGCVector3 target, float offsetY, float offsetZ)
            Eye = new TGCVector3(target.X, target.Y + offsetY, target.Z + offsetZ);

            Target = target;

            m_viewMatrix  = TGCMatrix.LookAtLH(Eye, Target, m_targetYAxis);
            m_orientation = TGCQuaternion.RotationMatrix(m_viewMatrix);

            var offset = Target - Eye;

            m_offsetDistance = offset.Length();

            m_headingDegrees = 0.0f;
            m_pitchDegrees   = 0.0f;
Esempio n. 13
        private void Chase()
            LookDirection = TGCVector3.Normalize(GameInstance.Player.Position - Position);

            TGCVector3    rotationAxis = TGCVector3.Cross(InitialLookDirection, LookDirection); // Ojo el orden - no es conmutativo
            TGCQuaternion rotationQuat = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, MathExtended.AngleBetween(InitialLookDirection, LookDirection));

            TGCVector3 nextPosition = Position + LookDirection * chasingSpeed * GameInstance.ElapsedTime;

            TGCMatrix translationMatrix = TGCMatrix.Translation(nextPosition);
            TGCMatrix rotationMatrix    = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotationQuat);

            TGCMatrix nextTransform = rotationMatrix * translationMatrix;

            SimulateAndSetTransformation(nextPosition, nextTransform);
Esempio n. 14
        public override void Update(float elapsedTime)
            TGCQuaternion rotation         = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Geometry.DegreeToRadian(90f));
            TGCVector3    direccionDisparo = direccion;

            TGCQuaternion giro     = QuaternionDireccion(direccionDisparo);
            TGCVector3    movement = direccionDisparo * 60f * elapsedTime;

            mainMesh.Position += movement;
            TGCMatrix matrizTransformacion = baseScaleRotation * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotation * giro)
                                             * TGCMatrix.Translation(mainMesh.Position);

            mainMesh.Transform = matrizTransformacion;
Esempio n. 15
        private void UpdateRotation(float ElapsedTime)
            cam_angles  += new TGCVector2(Input.YposRelative, Input.XposRelative) * sensitivity * ElapsedTime;
            cam_angles.X = FastMath.Clamp(cam_angles.X, -CAMERA_MAX_X_ANGLE, CAMERA_MAX_X_ANGLE);
            cam_angles.Y = cam_angles.Y > 2 * FastMath.PI || cam_angles.Y < -2 * FastMath.PI ? 0 : cam_angles.Y;
            TGCQuaternion rotationY = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(0f, 1f, 0f), cam_angles.Y);
            TGCQuaternion rotationX = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(1f, 0f, 0f), -cam_angles.X);

            rotation = rotationX * rotationY;

            var        init_offset = new TGCVector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
            TGCMatrix  camera_m    = TGCMatrix.Translation(init_offset) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotation) * TGCMatrix.Translation(Player.Position());
            TGCVector3 pos         = new TGCVector3(camera_m.M41, camera_m.M42, camera_m.M43);

            Camara.SetCamera(pos, Player.Position());
Esempio n. 16
        public TGCVector3 calulateNextPosition(float headingDegrees, float elapsedTimeSec)
            var heading = FastMath.ToRad(-headingDegrees * elapsedTimeSec);

            var quatOrientation = m_orientation;

            if (heading != 0.0f)
                var rot = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(m_targetYAxis, heading);
                quatOrientation = TGCQuaternion.Multiply(rot, quatOrientation);

            var viewMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(quatOrientation);

            var m_zAxis       = new TGCVector3(viewMatrix.M13, viewMatrix.M23, viewMatrix.M33);
            var idealPosition = Target + m_zAxis * -m_offsetDistance;

Esempio n. 17
        public Arco(TgcMesh mesh, float meshRotationAngle) : base(mesh)
            this.meshRotationAngle = meshRotationAngle;

            cuerpo = BulletRigidBodyFactory.Instance.CreateRigidBodyFromTgcMesh(mesh);
            TGCQuaternion rot = new TGCQuaternion();

            rot.RotateAxis(new TGCVector3(0, 1, 0), meshRotationAngle);
            cuerpo.WorldTransform = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rot).ToBulletMatrix();

            AABBGol = new TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox(AABB.PMin + new TGCVector3(10, 10, 10), AABB.PMax - new TGCVector3(10, 10, 10));

            Ka         = 0.4f;
            Kd         = 0.55f;
            Ks         = 0.05f;
            shininess  = 0;
            reflection = 0;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        ///     Carga los valores default de la camara y limpia todos los cálculos intermedios
        /// </summary>
        public void resetValues()
            EnableSpringSystem = true;
            Spring             = DEFAULT_SPRING_CONSTANT;
            Damping            = DEFAULT_DAMPING_CONSTANT;

            m_offsetDistance = 0.0f;
            m_headingDegrees = 0.0f;
            m_pitchDegrees   = 0.0f;

            Eye           = new TGCVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Target        = new TGCVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            m_targetYAxis = TGCVector3.Up;

            m_velocity = new TGCVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            m_viewMatrix  = TGCMatrix.Identity;
            m_orientation = TGCQuaternion.Identity;
            SetCamera(Eye, Target);
        public override void Update()

            var rot = rotacionModifier.Value;

            rot.X = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rot.X);
            rot.Y = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rot.Y);
            rot.Z = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rot.Z);

            //Rotacion Euler
            boxEuler.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(rot.Y, rot.X, rot.Z) *

            //Rotacion TGCQuaternion
            var q = TGCQuaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(rot.Y, rot.X, rot.Z);

            boxTGCQuaternion.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(q) * TGCMatrix.Translation(boxTGCQuaternion.Position);

Esempio n. 20
        private void updateOrientation(float elapsedTimeSec)
            m_headingDegrees *= elapsedTimeSec;
            m_pitchDegrees   *= elapsedTimeSec;

            var heading = FastMath.ToRad(m_headingDegrees);
            var pitch   = FastMath.ToRad(m_pitchDegrees);

            TGCQuaternion rot;

            if (heading != 0.0f)
                rot           = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(m_targetYAxis, heading);
                m_orientation = TGCQuaternion.Multiply(rot, m_orientation);

            if (pitch != 0.0f)
                rot           = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(WORLD_XAXIS, pitch);
                m_orientation = TGCQuaternion.Multiply(m_orientation, rot);
Esempio n. 21
        public override void Update()
            var rot = rotacionModifier.Value;

            rot.X = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rot.X);
            rot.Y = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rot.Y);
            rot.Z = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rot.Z);

            //Rotacion Euler
            eulerMesh.Transform = baseScaleRotation *
                                  TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(rot.Y, rot.X, rot.Z) *

            //Rotacion TGCQuaternion
            TGCQuaternion rotationX = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), rot.X);
            TGCQuaternion rotationY = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), rot.Y);
            TGCQuaternion rotationZ = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), rot.Z);

            TGCQuaternion rotation = rotationX * rotationY * rotationZ;

            quaternionMesh.Transform = baseScaleRotation *
                                       TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotation) *
Esempio n. 22
 public TgcSkeletalAnimationFrame(int frame, TGCVector3 position, TGCQuaternion rotation)
     Frame    = frame;
     Position = position;
     Rotation = rotation;
 public void Update()
     TGCQuaternion camRot = cam.GetRotation();
     TGCMatrix plrTransform = TGCMatrix.Translation(Player.Instance().Position());
     mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(mesh.Scale) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotOffset) * TGCMatrix.Translation(posOffset) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(camRot) * plrTransform;
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 ///     Permite configurar la orientacion de la cámara respecto del Target
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cameraRotation">Rotación absoluta a aplicar</param>
 public void setOrientation(TGCVector3 cameraRotation)
     m_orientation    = TGCQuaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(cameraRotation.Y, cameraRotation.X, cameraRotation.Z);
     m_headingDegrees = 0;
     m_pitchDegrees   = 0;