Esempio n. 1
        private void InitializePlanes()
            var baldosas = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Texturas\\baldosasceramica.jpg");
            var lisa     = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Texturas\\paredLisa.jpg");

            List <TgcPlane> planeCollection = new List <TgcPlane>
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(-500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(1000f, 1f, 1000f), TgcPlane.Orientations.XZplane, baldosas, 10f, 10f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(0f, 400f, 1000f), TgcPlane.Orientations.YZplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(0f, 400f, 1000f), TgcPlane.Orientations.YZplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(-500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(1000f, 400f, 0f), TgcPlane.Orientations.XYplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),
                new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(-500.0f, 0f, -500.0f), new TGCVector3(1000f, 400f, 0f), TgcPlane.Orientations.XYplane, lisa, 23.2f, 16.8f),

            planeCollection.ForEach(plane => plane.updateValues());

            int index = 0;

            planes = planeCollection.ConvertAll(plane => { index++; return(plane.toMesh("plane" + index.ToString())); });

            // Orient the planes to the center of the scene
            planes[0].Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationX(FastMath.PI) * planes[0].Transform;
            planes[1].Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI) * planes[1].Transform;
            planes[3].Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI) * planes[3].Transform;

            planes.ForEach(plane => { plane.Effect = effect; plane.Technique = "Wall"; });
            planes[0].Technique = "Blinn";
Esempio n. 2
        public void Render()
            // Renderizar la malla del auto, en este caso solo el Chasis
            Mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(0, meshAxisRadius.Y - (meshRealHeight / 2f), 0)) * new TGCMatrix(rigidBody.InterpolationWorldTransform);

            TGCMatrix wheelTransform;

            // Como las ruedas no son cuerpos rigidos (aún) se procede a realizar las transformaciones de las ruedas para renderizar
            wheelTransform  = TGCMatrix.RotationY(vehicle.GetSteeringValue(0)) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(new TGCQuaternion(RigidBody.Orientation.X, RigidBody.Orientation.Y, RigidBody.Orientation.Z, RigidBody.Orientation.W)) * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(vehicle.GetWheelInfo(0).WorldTransform.Origin));
            wheel.Transform = wheelTransform;

            wheelTransform  = TGCMatrix.RotationY(vehicle.GetSteeringValue(1) + FastMath.PI) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(new TGCQuaternion(RigidBody.Orientation.X, RigidBody.Orientation.Y, RigidBody.Orientation.Z, RigidBody.Orientation.W)) * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(vehicle.GetWheelInfo(1).WorldTransform.Origin));
            wheel.Transform = wheelTransform;

            wheelTransform  = TGCMatrix.RotationY(-vehicle.GetSteeringValue(2)) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(new TGCQuaternion(RigidBody.Orientation.X, RigidBody.Orientation.Y, RigidBody.Orientation.Z, RigidBody.Orientation.W)) * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(vehicle.GetWheelInfo(2).WorldTransform.Origin));
            wheel.Transform = wheelTransform;

            wheelTransform  = TGCMatrix.RotationY(-vehicle.GetSteeringValue(3) + FastMath.PI) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(new TGCQuaternion(RigidBody.Orientation.X, RigidBody.Orientation.Y, RigidBody.Orientation.Z, RigidBody.Orientation.W)) * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(vehicle.GetWheelInfo(3).WorldTransform.Origin));
            wheel.Transform = wheelTransform;
Esempio n. 3
 public void rotar(float angulo)
     director.TransformCoordinate(TGCMatrix.RotationY(-angulo * 0.01f));
     personaje.Transform          = TGCMatrix.Translation(TGCVector3.Empty) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(-angulo * 0.01f) * new TGCMatrix(personajeBody.InterpolationWorldTransform);
     personajeBody.WorldTransform = personaje.Transform.ToBsMatrix;
     personaje.RotateY(-angulo * 0.01f);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Init(GameModel gameModel)
            GModel = gameModel;

            //Cargar personaje con animaciones
            var skeletalLoader = new TgcSkeletalLoader();

            personaje =
                    GModel.MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Robot-TgcSkeletalMesh.xml",
                    GModel.MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\",
                GModel.MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Caminando-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml",
                GModel.MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Parado-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml"
            //Esto hay que desactivarlo
            personaje.AutoTransform = false;

            //Posicion inicial
            personaje.Position             = new TGCVector3(250, 20, 20);
            matrizPosicionamientoPersonaje = TGCMatrix.Translation(personaje.Position.X, personaje.Position.Y, personaje.Position.Z);
            checkpoint = personaje.Position;

            matrizEscalaPersonaje = TGCMatrix.Scaling(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
            //La matriz comienza asi porque el personaje comienza dado vuelta
            matrizRotacionPersonajeY = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI);

            saltando = false;

            collider = new TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox();
Esempio n. 5
        private void InitializeMeshes()
            TgcTexture tiles, lava, stones, water;

            tiles  = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Textures/tiles.jpg");
            lava   = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Textures/lava.jpg");
            stones = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Textures/stones.bmp");
            water  = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Textures/water.bmp");

            TGCSphere baseSphere = new TGCSphere(1f, Color.White, TGCVector3.Empty);

            sphereOne = baseSphere.toMesh("sphereOne");
            sphereTwo = baseSphere.toMesh("sphereTwo");
            sphereThree = baseSphere.toMesh("sphereThree");

            TgcSceneLoader loader = new TgcSceneLoader();
            var            scene  = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "Robot2-TgcScene.xml");

            robot           = scene.Meshes[0];
            robot.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI) * TGCMatrix.Translation(TGCVector3.Up * 40f);

            TgcPlane tgcPlane = new TgcPlane(TGCVector3.Empty, TGCVector3.One * 100f, TgcPlane.Orientations.XZplane, tiles, 10f, 10f);

            plane = tgcPlane.toMesh("plane");
Esempio n. 6
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(out TGCVector3 pos, out TGCVector3 targetCenter)
            targetCenter = TGCVector3.Add(Target, TargetDisplacement);
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, OffsetHeight, OffsetForward) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(RotationY) * TGCMatrix.Translation(targetCenter);

            pos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
        public override void UpdateCamera(float elapsedTime)
            var moveVector = actualizarMoveVector();

            #region actualizarTransformacion
            //Solo rotar si se esta aprentando el boton izq del mouse
            if (Input.buttonDown(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                leftrightRot  -= -Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot     -= Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);
                // cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);

            var cameraRotatedPositionEye = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(moveVector * elapsedTime, cameraRotation);
            positionEye += cameraRotatedPositionEye;

            //Calculamos el target de la camara, segun su direccion inicial y las rotaciones en screen space x,y.
            var cameraRotatedTarget = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(directionView, cameraRotation);
            var cameraFinalTarget   = positionEye + cameraRotatedTarget;

            //Se calcula el nuevo vector de up producido por el movimiento del update.
            var cameraOriginalUpVector = DEFAULT_UP_VECTOR;
            var cameraRotatedUpVector  = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(cameraOriginalUpVector, cameraRotation);


            base.SetCamera(positionEye, cameraFinalTarget, cameraRotatedUpVector);
Esempio n. 8
         * Posicion nave: Posicion inicial del misil
         * coordenadaEsfericaP: Direccion y sentido del misil
         * Rotacion nave: Constante con el que misil se rota inicialmente para estar alineado a la trayectoria
         * pathscene: Path donde esta ubicado el mesh
         * */
        public Misil(TGCVector3 posicionInicial, CoordenadaEsferica coordenadaEsferica, TGCVector3 rotacionInicial, string pathScene, OrigenMisil origenMisil)
            this.rotation           = rotacionInicial;
            this.coordenadaEsferica = coordenadaEsferica;
            this.position           = posicionInicial;
            this.scaleVector        = new TGCVector3(.2f, .2f, 4f);
            velocidadGeneral        = 1000;
            meshs    = new TgcMesh[1];
            meshs[0] = VariablesGlobales.loader.loadSceneFromFile(VariablesGlobales.mediaDir + pathScene).Meshes[0];
            meshs[0].AutoTransformEnable = false;
            matrizInicialTransformacion  = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI_HALF);

            if (VariablesGlobales.SHADERS)
                Effect shader = VariablesGlobales.shaderManager.AskForEffect(ShaderManager.MESH_TYPE.SHADOW);
                if (shader != null)
                    meshs[0].Effect = shader;
            switch (origenMisil)
            case OrigenMisil.ENEMIGO:
                collisionObject = VariablesGlobales.physicsEngine.AgregarMisilEnemigo(meshs[0].BoundingBox.calculateSize());

            case OrigenMisil.XWING:
                collisionObject = VariablesGlobales.physicsEngine.AgregarMisilXwing(meshs[0].BoundingBox.calculateSize());
Esempio n. 9
        private TGCMatrix getSunTransform()
            var scale = TGCMatrix.Scaling(SUN_SCALE);
            var yRot  = TGCMatrix.RotationY(axisRotation);

            return(scale * yRot);
Esempio n. 10
 private void Init()
     prevLatitude = Camera.Latitude;
     Body = RigidBodyFactory.CreateCapsule(Constants.CAPSULE_RADIUS, Constants.CAPSULE_SIZE, Constants.INDOOR_POSITION, 1f, false);
     Body.CenterOfMassTransform = TGCMatrix.Translation(Constants.INDOOR_POSITION).ToBulletMatrix();
Esempio n. 11
        public virtual void Roam()
            LookDirection = new TGCVector3(LookDirection.X, 0, LookDirection.Z);  // Elimino la componente Y para que roamee al nivel que esta del agua

            timeSinceLastDirection += GameInstance.ElapsedTime;

            TGCVector3 rotationVector = TGCVector3.Empty;

            if (timeSinceLastDirection > timeToChangeDirection)
                timeSinceLastDirection = 0f;
                timeToChangeDirection  = MathExtended.GetRandomNumberBetween(2, 5);

                float randomX = MathExtended.GetRandomNumberBetween(-100, 100);
                float randomZ = MathExtended.GetRandomNumberBetween(-100, 100);

                TGCVector3 lastDirection = LookDirection;
                LookDirection = TGCVector3.Normalize(new TGCVector3(randomX, LookDirection.Y, randomZ));

                float angle = MathExtended.AngleBetween(new TGCVector2(lastDirection.X, lastDirection.Z), new TGCVector2(LookDirection.X, LookDirection.Z));

                rotationVector.Y = -angle;

            rotation += rotationVector;
            Position += LookDirection * roamingSpeed * GameInstance.ElapsedTime;

            TGCMatrix rot   = TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotation.Y);
            TGCMatrix trans = TGCMatrix.Translation(Position);
            TGCMatrix scal  = TGCMatrix.Scaling(scale);

            Transform = scal * rot * trans;
Esempio n. 12
 public Wheel(TgcMesh mesh, TGCVector3 traslado)
     this.mesh          = mesh;
     mesh.AutoTransform = false;
     trasladoInicial    = TGCMatrix.Translation(traslado);
Esempio n. 13
        private void Rotation()
            Latitude  -= -Input.XposRelative * Constants.ROTATION_SPEED;
            Longitude -= Input.YposRelative * Constants.ROTATION_SPEED;
            Longitude  = FastMath.Clamp(Longitude, Constants.LIMIT_MIN, Constants.LIIMIT_MAX);

            CameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(Longitude) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(Latitude);
 public void execute()
     if (model.Input.keyDown(Key.Left) || model.Input.keyDown(Key.A))
         model.BandicootCamera.rotateY(-1 * model.ElapsedTime);
         model.DirectorAngle -= (1 * model.ElapsedTime);
         model.Rotation       = TGCMatrix.RotationY(model.DirectorAngle);
        public TGCMatrix CalculateCameraRotationY()
            if (ConsideringInput)
                leftrightRot += Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;

Esempio n. 16
        private void ChangeFishWay()
            TGCMatrix Rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(-RotationYSign() * FastMath.PI_HALF);

            TotalRotation      *= Rotation;
            Mesh.Mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(Constants.Scale) * TotalRotation * TGCMatrix.Translation(GetMeshPosition());
            time = Constants.ScapeFromPlayerCooldown;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        ///     Genera la proxima matriz de view, sin actualizar aun los valores internos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">Futura posicion de camara generada</param>
        /// <param name="targetCenter">Futuro centro de camara a generada</param>
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(out TGCVector3 pos, out TGCVector3 targetCenter)
            //alejarse, luego rotar y lueg ubicar camara en el centro deseado
            targetCenter = TGCVector3.Add(Target, TargetDisplacement);
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, OffsetHeight, OffsetForward) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(RotationY) * TGCMatrix.Translation(targetCenter);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            pos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Genera la proxima matriz de view, sin actualizar aun los valores internos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">Futura posicion de camara generada</param>
        /// <param name="targetCenter">Futuro centro de camara a generada</param>
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(out TGCVector3 pos, out TGCVector3 targetCenter)
            //alejarse, luego rotar y lueg ubicar camara en el centro deseado
            targetCenter = Target;
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, DesplazarAltura, DesplazarAdelante) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(RotationY) * TGCMatrix.Translation(targetCenter);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            pos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
Esempio n. 19
        private TGCMatrix getEarthTransform()
            var scale      = TGCMatrix.Scaling(EARTH_SCALE);
            var yRot       = TGCMatrix.RotationY(earthAxisRotation);
            var sunOffset  = TGCMatrix.Translation(EARTH_ORBIT_OFFSET, 0, 0);
            var earthOrbit = TGCMatrix.RotationY(earthOrbitRotation);

            return(scale * yRot * sunOffset * earthOrbit);
Esempio n. 20
        private TGCMatrix getMoonTransform(TGCMatrix earthTransform)
            var scale       = TGCMatrix.Scaling(MOON_SCALE);
            var yRot        = TGCMatrix.RotationY(axisRotation);
            var earthOffset = TGCMatrix.Translation(MOON_ORBIT_OFFSET, 0, 0);
            var moonOrbit   = TGCMatrix.RotationY(moonOrbitRotation);

            return(scale * yRot * earthOffset * moonOrbit * earthTransform);
        public TGCMatrix CalculateCameraRotation()
            if (ConsideringInput)
                leftrightRot += Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot     = FastMath.Clamp(updownRot - Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed, -FastMath.PI_HALF, FastMath.PI_HALF);

            return(TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot));
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 ///     Crear una nueva camara
 /// </summary>
 public MamutCamara(TgcD3dInput input)
     this.Input          = input;
     this.directionView  = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 75);
     this.RotationSpeed  = 1f;
     this.leftrightRot   = FastMath.PI_HALF;
     this.updownRot      = -FastMath.PI / 10.0f;
     this.cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);
Esempio n. 23
        public void Update()
            //Intento de hacer que la caja3 se traslade entre dos limites de tiempo
            if (subir)
                traslacionCaja3 += velocidadTraslacionCaja * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                tiempoDeSubida  -= GModel.ElapsedTime;
                if (tiempoDeSubida <= 0)
                    subir = false;
                traslacionCaja3 -= velocidadTraslacionCaja * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                tiempoDeSubida  += GModel.ElapsedTime;
                if (tiempoDeSubida >= 5)
                    subir = true;

            //Movimiento caja4
            if (movLateral)
                traslacionCaja4    += velocidadTraslacionCaja * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                tiempoDeMovLateral -= GModel.ElapsedTime;
                if (tiempoDeMovLateral <= 0)
                    movLateral = false;
                traslacionCaja4    -= velocidadTraslacionCaja * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                tiempoDeMovLateral += GModel.ElapsedTime;
                if (tiempoDeMovLateral >= 10)
                    movLateral = true;

            desplazamientoCaja3 = new TGCVector3(0, traslacionCaja3, 0);
            desplazamientoCaja4 = new TGCVector3(traslacionCaja4, 0, 0);
            //El problema de plantearlo asi es que la caja que rota sobre un eje Y no seria facil de calcular...
            desplazamientoCaja5 = new TGCVector3(0, 1, 0);

            //En base a la traslacion que quiero se actualiza la matriz de traslación
            movimientoTraslacionY = TGCMatrix.Translation(desplazamientoCaja3);
            movimientoTraslacionX = TGCMatrix.Translation(desplazamientoCaja4);

            //Movimiento caja 5
            rotacionTotal      += velocidadRotacionCaja * GModel.ElapsedTime;
            movimientoRotacionY = TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotacionTotal);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Genera la proxima matriz de view, sin actualizar aun los valores internos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">Futura posicion de camara generada</param>
        /// <param name="targetCenter">Futuro centro de camara a generada</param>
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(float rotX, float rotY)
            //alejarse, luego rotar y lueg ubicar camara en el centro deseado
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, OffsetHeight, OffsetForward)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationX(rotX)
                    * TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotY)
                    * TGCMatrix.Translation(Target);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            NextPos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
        public void Girar(float rotacionReal)
            var       rotacionRueda    = (rotacionReal > 0) ? 1f * this.GetElapsedTime() : -1f * this.GetElapsedTime();
            TGCMatrix matrizDeRotacion = TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotacionReal);

            this.RotarDelanteras((this.GetVelocidadActual() > 0) ? rotacionRueda : -rotacionRueda);
Esempio n. 26
        public void deformacion_esfera()
            timer += ElapsedTime;

            var variacionY = FastMath.Max(2f, 6f * FastMath.Abs(FastMath.Cos(timer * 1.5f)));
            var variacionZ = FastMath.Max(2f, 6f * FastMath.Abs(FastMath.Sin(timer * 1.5f)));

            var escalado = new TGCVector3(6f, variacionY, variacionZ);

            sphereOne.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(timer) * TGCMatrix.Scaling(escalado) * TGCMatrix.Translation(spheresCenter);
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        ///     Realiza un update de la camara a partir del elapsedTime, actualizando Position,LookAt y UpVector.
        ///     Presenta movimientos basicos a partir de input de teclado W, A, S, D, Espacio, Control y rotraciones con el mouse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elapsedTime"></param>
        public override void UpdateCamera(float elapsedTime)
            var moveVector = TGCVector3.Empty;

            if (Input.keyPressed(Key.Escape))
                LockCam = !lockCam;
                //habiaSalido = true;

            if ((Input.buttonPressed(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT)))
                LockCam = !lockCam;
                //habiaSalido = false;

            if (lockCam)
                leftrightRot -= -Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot    -= Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed;

                if (updownRot > 1.5)
                    updownRot = 1.5f;
                if (updownRot < -1.5)
                    updownRot = -1.5f;

                //Se actualiza matrix de rotacion, para no hacer este calculo cada vez y solo cuando en verdad es necesario.
                cameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot);

            if (lockCam)
                Cursor.Position = mouseCenter;

            //Calculamos la nueva posicion del ojo segun la rotacion actual de la camara.
            var cameraRotatedPositionEye = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(moveVector * elapsedTime, cameraRotation);

            positionEye += cameraRotatedPositionEye;

            //Calculamos el target de la camara, segun su direccion inicial y las rotaciones en screen space x,y.
            var cameraRotatedTarget = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(directionView, cameraRotation);
            var cameraFinalTarget   = positionEye + cameraRotatedTarget;

            //Se calcula el nuevo vector de up producido por el movimiento del update.
            var cameraOriginalUpVector = DEFAULT_UP_VECTOR;
            var cameraRotatedUpVector  = TGCVector3.TransformNormal(cameraOriginalUpVector, cameraRotation);

            base.SetCamera(positionEye, cameraFinalTarget, cameraRotatedUpVector);
        public override void Init()
            //Objetos en movimiento.
            colliderCylinder = new TgcBoundingCylinder(TGCVector3.Empty, 2, 4);
            colliderCylinderFixedY = new TgcBoundingCylinderFixedY(TGCVector3.Empty, 2, 4);
            //Cargar personaje con animaciones
            var skeletalLoader = new TgcSkeletalLoader();

            personaje =
                    MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Robot-TgcSkeletalMesh.xml",
                    MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\",
                MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Caminando-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml",
                MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Parado-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml"
            //Configurar animacion inicial
            personaje.playAnimation("Parado", true);
            //Escalarlo porque es muy grande
            personaje.Scale = new TGCVector3(0.04f, 0.04f, 0.04f);

            //El personaje esta en el 0,0,0 hay que bajarlo
            var size = personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Y - personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Y;

            personaje.Position = new TGCVector3(0, -3f, 0);
            //Rotarlo 180° porque esta mirando para el otro lado
            personaje.Rotation  = new TGCVector3(0, FastMath.PI, 0);
            personaje.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(personaje.Rotation.Y) * TGCMatrix.Translation(personaje.Position);

            //Objetos estaticos, pueden ser mesh o objetos simplificados.
            var loader = new TgcSceneLoader();
            var scene  = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "MeshCreator\\Meshes\\Vehiculos\\Patrullero\\Patrullero-TgcScene.xml");

            collisionableMeshAABB          = scene.Meshes[0];
            collisionableMeshAABB.Scale    = new TGCVector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
            collisionableMeshAABB.Position = new TGCVector3(6, 0, -2);
            collisionableCylinder          = new TgcBoundingCylinderFixedY(new TGCVector3(-6, 0, 0), 2, 2);
            collisionableSphere            = new TgcBoundingSphere(new TGCVector3(-3, 0, 10), 3);

            fixedYModifier = AddBoolean("fixedY", "use fixed Y", true);
            //Modifier para ver BoundingBox del personaje
            showBoundingBoxModifier = AddBoolean("showBoundingBox", "Personaje Bouding Box", false);
            sizeModifier            = AddVertex2f("size", TGCVector2.One, new TGCVector2(5, 10), new TGCVector2(2, 5));
            var angle = FastMath.TWO_PI;

            rotationModifier = AddVertex3f("rotation", new TGCVector3(-angle, -angle, -angle), new TGCVector3(angle, angle, angle), new TGCVector3(FastMath.TWO_PI / 8, 0, FastMath.TWO_PI / 8));

            //Configurar camara en Tercer Persona
            camaraInterna = new TgcThirdPersonCamera(personaje.Position, 25, -45);
            Camera        = camaraInterna;
Esempio n. 29
        private void InitializeTrafficLight()
            var sceneLoader = new TgcSceneLoader();
            var scene       = sceneLoader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "ModelosTgc//Semaforo//Semaforo-TgcScene.xml", MediaDir + "ModelosTgc//Semaforo//");

            trafficLight = scene.Meshes[0];
            var size = trafficLight.BoundingBox.calculateSize();

            trafficLight.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI) * TGCMatrix.Translation(0f, size.Y / 2.0f, 0f);
            trafficLight.Effect    = effect;
            trafficLight.Technique = "Blinn";
Esempio n. 30
        public void ChangeSharkWay()
            var rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(FastMath.PI_HALF * -RotationYSign());

            director = Constants.DirectorZ;
            Mesh.Transform      = rotation * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(Body.CenterOfMassPosition));
            Body.WorldTransform = Mesh.Transform.ToBulletMatrix();
            AcumulatedXRotation = 0;
            AcumulatedYRotation = 0;
            TotalRotation       = rotation;