static void Main(string[] args)
            CommandLineArgs command = new CommandLineArgs(args);

            if (command.IsDownload && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.BuildNumber))
                ConsoleWriter.Write("Cannot download build. Enter a valid build ID to download.", MessageType.Error);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.ProjectName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.BuildNumber))
                ConsoleWriter.Write("No project name specified.", MessageType.Error);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;

            TFS _tfs = new TFS(command.UserName, command.Password, command.CollectionURL, command.ProjectName, command.BuildNumber);

            TFSBuild.RootObject obj = _tfs.GetBuilds().Result;

            if (obj != null)
                List <TFSBuild.Value> v = obj.value;

                if (command.IsDownload)
                    TFSBuild.Value buildDef = v.Single(x => x.buildNumber == command.BuildNumber);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.OutputFile))
                        ConsoleWriter.Write("Download destination: " + command.OutputFile, MessageType.Information);
                        ConsoleWriter.Write("Initiating download..." + command.OutputFile, MessageType.Information);
                        DownloadBuild _buildDownloader = new DownloadBuild(buildDef.drop.downloadUrl, command.OutputFile + command.BuildNumber + ".zip");

                        ConsoleWriter.Write("Download Successfull!!" + command.OutputFile, MessageType.Information);
                        ConsoleWriter.Write("Download destination: " + command.OutputFile, MessageType.Information);
                        DownloadBuild _buildDownloader = new DownloadBuild(buildDef.drop.downloadUrl, command.BuildNumber + ".zip");
                        ConsoleWriter.Write("Download Successfull!!" + command.OutputFile, MessageType.Information);
                    foreach (var _value in v)
                        ConsoleWriter.Write("Build Number: " + _value.buildNumber, MessageType.Success);
                        ConsoleWriter.Write("Download URL: " + _value.drop.downloadUrl, MessageType.Success);
                        ConsoleWriter.Write("------------------------------------------------------------------", MessageType.Success);
            //restore the original console foreground color
            ConsoleWriter.Write("Press any key to exit..." + command.OutputFile, MessageType.Information);
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        public BuildScheduleViewModel(TFS.Common.WorkflowConfig.MultiEnvironmentWorkflowDefinition multiEnvironmentWorkflowDefinition)
            // TODO: Complete member initialization
            this.Item = multiEnvironmentWorkflowDefinition;

            this.Item.MainLabWorkflowDefinition.LabBuildDefinitionDetails.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => { if (args.PropertyName.Equals("ContinuousIntegrationType")) { this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.QuietPeriodVisible); this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.ScheduledDaysVisible); } };
Esempio n. 3
        private void LoadProjects(Uri uri)
            IsProjectsWorking = true;
                Tfs      = new TFS(uri);
                Projects = Tfs.GetTeamProjects();

                if (!Servers.Select(server => server.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList().Contains(uri.AbsoluteUri.ToLowerInvariant()))
                using (var sqliteConnection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + System.IO.Path.Combine(appPath, "servers.sqlite")))
                    var db = DB.DBBase.GetDBInstance(sqliteConnection, 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                Projects = new List <TeamProject>();
                MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "TFSMonkey", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                Tfs = null;
            IsProjectsWorking = false;
Esempio n. 4
        public void ShowProject(TFS tfs, TeamProject teamProject)
            Tfs         = tfs;
            TeamProject = teamProject;

            Title = teamProject.Name + "- TFSMonkey";

            SqliteConnection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + System.IO.Path.Combine(appPath, $"{AppData.SanitizePath(Tfs.Url)}-{AppData.SanitizePath(TeamProject.ServerItem)}.sqlite"));

            Settings = Settings.LoadSettings(SqliteConnection);

            DataSource = new DataSource(SqliteConnection, tfs, TeamProject, Settings);

            Page = new Uri("/Views/CombinedPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                new Timer(state =>
                }).Change(1000 * 60 * 10, 1000 * 60 * 10);
Esempio n. 5
 public BacklogManagmenetApp(string tfsUrl, string pat, Action <string> verbose)
     this.TfsUrl  = tfsUrl;
     this.PAT     = pat;
     this.TFS     = new BacklogManagement(this.TfsUrl, this.PAT, verbose);
     this.TFS2    = new TFS(this.TfsUrl, this.PAT);
     this.Verbose = verbose;
 // POST: api/TFS/5
 public HttpResponseMessage Post(int id, [FromBody] TFSCredentials credentials)
         //Get the latest suites for a team with the given credentials
         TFS.GetLatestTestSuites(id, credentials);
         return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, true));
     catch (Exception)
         return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, false));
Esempio n. 7
        public DataSource(SqliteConnection sqliteConnection, TFS tfs, TeamProject teamProject, Settings settings)
            SqliteConnection = sqliteConnection;
            Tfs                    = tfs;
            TeamProject            = teamProject;
            Settings               = settings;
            HistoryItemFactory     = new HistoryItemFactory();
            WorkItemFactory        = new WorkItemFactory(settings);
            HistoryItems           = new ObservableCollectionEx <HistoryItem>(CancellationTokenSource.Token);
            WorkItems              = new ObservableCollectionEx <WorkItem>(CancellationTokenSource.Token);
            Tfs.HistoryItemFactory = HistoryItemFactory;
            Tfs.WorkItemFactory    = WorkItemFactory;

            DBLoader = DB.DBBase.GetDBInstance(sqliteConnection);
            DBSaver  = DB.DBBase.GetDBInstance(sqliteConnection, 0);
Esempio n. 8
 public Engine(SVN svn, TFS tfs)
     _svn = svn;
     _tfs = tfs;
Esempio n. 9
 public TimeTrackingApp(string tfsUrl, string pat)
     this.TfsUrl = tfsUrl;
     this.PAT    = pat;
     this.TFS    = new TFS(this.TfsUrl, this.PAT);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on a list of ids, this copies each TFS TC with matching id to RF
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCaseIds">List of TFS testcase IDs.</param>
        /// <param name="browsers">List of browser names as defined by RF.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task <List <Core.ServiceException> > CopyTestToRainforest(List <int> testCaseIds, List <string> browsers, Site site)
            return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                // store failures, to be returned to UI layer for displaying
                List <Core.ServiceException> failedPush = new List <Core.ServiceException>();

                foreach (int id in testCaseIds)
                    // Get the required tc data from TFS
                    Services.TFS.TestCaseCopyData tfsCopyData = null;
                        tfsCopyData = TFS.GetCopyData(id, site);
                    catch (Core.ServiceException e)

                    Test rfTestCase = null;

                    // extract the RFID tag from the tfs tc
                    string rfIdTag = null;
                        rfIdTag = Parse.ExtractIdFromTags("RFID", tfsCopyData.Tags);
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        // somehow has too many tags and it can't be determined which is correct
                        Core.ServiceException e = new Core.ServiceException(Core.Error.TFSTestTooManyTags, id.ToString());

                    // create new RF tc or update
                    if (rfIdTag == null)
                        // create new in RF
                        rfTestCase = Services.Rainforest.Tests.Create(tfsCopyData.Title);
                        TFS.AddTag(id, $"RFID{}");
                        // get existing
                        string rfID = rfIdTag;
                            rfTestCase = Services.Rainforest.Tests.GetSingle(rfID);
                        catch (Core.HttpException)
                            failedPush.Add(new Core.ServiceException(Core.Error.RFTestDoesNotExist, id.ToString()));

                    // assign title from TFS to RF in case there were updates
                    rfTestCase.title = tfsCopyData.Title;

                    // assign description from TFS to RF
                    rfTestCase.description = tfsCopyData.Description;

                    // assign the test steps from TFS testStepData to RF Elements
                    rfTestCase.elements = new List <TestElement>();
                        // redirect bool values in RF API are stored somewhat awkwardly
                        // if the step is an embedded step at the start of a test case then it is auto redirected
                        //      to its start url, but the redirect bool is set to false
                        // otherwise an embedded step will hold the bool and it will reflect the value of the
                        //      checkbox presented before the step in the UI on RF
                        // each test case also has a start url, which problematically appears as a redirect box
                        //      in the UI after ANY sized chain of embedded steps at the start of the test
                        // the tool will look for "redirect" TAGS in TFS in order to set these redirect values in RF
                        // this means that two versions may exist for the same embedded test, one redirecting and one not
                        // the reverse logic for this issue for RF -> VSTS is in TS.TestSteps.cs
                        bool redirect = false;
                        bool haveProcessedNormalStep = false;
                        bool isFirstStep = true;

                        // replace the rfTestCase object's steps with the steps from TestCaseCopyData
                        foreach (Services.TFS.TestStepData teststep in tfsCopyData.Steps)
                            // this is awful logic by design of Rainforest
                            if (isFirstStep)
                                // by default the first step is always false
                                redirect = false;
                                isFirstStep = false;
                            else if ((!haveProcessedNormalStep) && (teststep.TFSSharedId == null))
                                // if first normal step after some number of embedded steps
                                redirect = TFS.ContainsTag(id, "redirect");
                            else if (teststep.TFSSharedId != null)
                                // if an embedded step, but not the first step
                                redirect = TFS.ContainsTag((int)teststep.TFSSharedId, "redirect");
                                // if just a normal step at some point other than the first
                                redirect = false;

                            ElementDocumentation elementDoc = new ElementDocumentation(teststep.RFEmbeddedId, teststep.Title, teststep.ExpectedResult);
                            TestElement element = new TestElement(elementDoc, redirect);

                            // determine if this is first normal step processed
                            haveProcessedNormalStep = haveProcessedNormalStep || (teststep.TFSSharedId == null);
                    catch (Core.ServiceException e)
                        e.AffectedId = id.ToString();

                    // copy the tags from TFS data to RF tc, leave out RFID tag
                    List <string> tags = (from tag in tfsCopyData.Tags where (!tag.Contains("RFID")) select tag).ToList();
                    rfTestCase.tags = tags;

                    // update with the provided browser set from the UI into RF Browsers (if needed)
                    rfTestCase.browsers = browsers;

                    // set the start_uri (aka the redirect url)
                    rfTestCase.start_uri = tfsCopyData.RedirectUrl;

                    // set the site to test this case on
                    rfTestCase.extras["site_id"] = (site == null) ? null :;

                    var response = Services.Rainforest.Tests.UpdateSingle(rfTestCase);
                return failedPush;