public TranspileCommand(FragmentsParsingService fragmentsParsingService, MetadataLogService metadataLogService, ESMAnalyzer esmAnalyzer)
            : base(fragmentsParsingService)
            TES5FragmentFactory fragmentFactory;

            GetFactories(metadataLogService, esmAnalyzer, out fragmentFactory);
            converter = new TES4ToTES5ASTTIFFragmentConverter(fragmentFactory);
 public TranspileCommand(FragmentsParsingService fragmentsParsingService, Build build, MetadataLogService metadataLogService)
     : base(fragmentsParsingService)
     ESMAnalyzer analyzer;
     TES5ReferenceFactory referenceFactory;
     TES5ValueFactory valueFactory;
     TES5FragmentFactory fragmentFactory;
     GetFactories(metadataLogService, out analyzer, out referenceFactory, out valueFactory, out fragmentFactory);
     converter = new TES4ToTES5ASTTIFFragmentConverter(analyzer, fragmentFactory, valueFactory, referenceFactory);
        public void execute(string buildPath = Build.DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH, bool skipParsing = false, string mode = "strict")
            set_time_limit(10800); // 3 hours is the maximum for this command. Need more? You really screwed something, full suite for all Oblivion vanilla data takes 20 minutes. :)
            float threshold;

            switch (mode)
            case "sloppy":
                threshold = 0.5f;

            case "normal":
                threshold = 0.85f;

            case "strict":
                threshold = 0.95f;

            case "perfect":
                threshold = 1;

            if (!skipParsing)
                SyntaxErrorCleanParser parser = new SyntaxErrorCleanParser(new TES4ObscriptCodeGrammar());
                //parser = new Parser(new TES4OBScriptGrammar());
                TES4ToTES5ASTTIFFragmentConverter converter = TES4ToTES5ASTTIFFragmentConverterFactory.GetConverter(new Build(buildPath));
                string   inputFolder = "./Fragments/TIF/fragments/";
                string   outputFolder = "./Fragments/TIF/PapyrusFragments/";
                string[] scandir = Directory.GetFiles(inputFolder);
                int      success = 0, total = 0;
                Dictionary <string, TES5MultipleScriptsScope> ASTTable = new Dictionary <string, TES5MultipleScriptsScope>();
                Console.WriteLine("Lexing and parsing..");
                int totalNumber = scandir.Length;
                foreach (var scriptPath in scandir)
                    if (!scriptPath.EndsWith(".txt"))

                    if ((total % 10) == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine(total + "/" + totalNumber + "...");

                    string scriptFileName   = scriptPath.Substring(0, scriptPath.Length - 4);
                    string outputScriptPath = scriptFileName + ".psc";
                        Console.WriteLine(scriptFileName + "...");
                        FragmentLexer               lexer        = new FragmentLexer();
                        ArrayTokenStream            tokens       = lexer.lex(File.ReadAllText(path));
                        TES4VariableDeclarationList variableList = this.fragmentsReferencesBuilder.buildVariableDeclarationList(inputFolder + scriptFileName + ".references");
                        TES5MultipleScriptsScope    AST          = (TES5MultipleScriptsScope)parser.ParseWithFixLogic(tokens);
                        ASTTable[scriptPath] = AST;
                        TES5Target TES5AST      = converter.convert(scriptFileName, variableList, AST);
                        string     outputScript = TES5AST.output();
                        File.WriteAllText(outputFolder + outputScriptPath, outputScript);
                        Process.Start("lua", "\"Utilities/beautifier.lua\" \"" + outputFolder + outputScriptPath + "\"");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine(scriptPath + "\r\n" + e.GetType().FullName + ":  " + e.Message + "\r\n");

                float successRate = (float)success / total;
                if (successRate < threshold)
                    float percent = (float)Math.Round(successRate * 100);
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Build failed on parsing step in " + mode + " mode. The rate is " + success + "/" + total + " (" + percent + " %)");

                Console.WriteLine("Parsing in " + mode + " mode succedeed (rate " + success + "/" + total + ").  Copying Skyrim scripts and parsed papyrus fragments to build folder...");

            Console.WriteLine("Build in " + mode + " mode succeeded!");