protected override void ActionLocal(CommandCaller caller, Player player, string input, string[] args) { if (TBAMultiplayerConfig.EnableDebugCommands) { TBAPlayer tPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(caller.Player); if (input.Contains("DayOrk")) { tPlayer.Stand = StandLoader.Instance.FindGeneric(x => x is SREKTStand); Main.NewText("What the~"); return; } if (StandLoader.Instance.FindGeneric(x => input.Contains(x.StandName.ToString()) && x.CanAcquire(TBAPlayer.Get(caller.Player))) != null) { tPlayer.Stand = StandLoader.Instance.FindGeneric(x => input.Contains(x.StandName.ToString())); } else { Main.NewText("Incorrect stand name, please use /listStands to see their names"); } } else { DisabledDebugCommands(); } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); if (!HasLoaded && StandLoader.Instance.Loaded) { HasLoaded = true; foreach (var stand in StandLoader.Instance.Generics) { if (!stand.CanAcquire(TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer))) { continue; } int projToKill = Projectile.NewProjectile(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, TBAMod.Instance.ProjectileType(stand.GetType().Name), 0, 0, Main.myPlayer); StandCard standCard = new StandCard(Main.projectile[projToKill].modProjectile as Stand); standCard.Left.Set(5, 0); standCard.OnClick += SetStand; StandCardGrid.Add(standCard); Main.projectile[projToKill].Kill(); } } Recalculate(); }
public override void PostDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor) { TBAPlayer tbaPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer); // Stand shouldn't be drawn in 2 scenarios: // 1) We aren't a stand user, so we can't see stands // 2) Someone f****d shit up and forgot to fill Animations smh; if (!tbaPlayer.StandUser || Animations.Count <= 0) { return; } SpriteEffects spriteEffects = IsFlipped ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None; if (DrawStandAura) { spriteBatch.Draw(Animations[CurrentState].SpriteSheet, projectile.Center + new Vector2(DrawOffset, 0).RotatedBy(DrawRotation) - Main.screenPosition, Animations[CurrentState].FrameRect, AuraColor * 0.25f * Opacity, projectile.rotation, Animations[CurrentState].DrawOrigin, 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw(Animations[CurrentState].SpriteSheet, projectile.Center + new Vector2(-DrawOffset, 0).RotatedBy(DrawRotation) - Main.screenPosition, Animations[CurrentState].FrameRect, AuraColor * 0.25f * Opacity, projectile.rotation, Animations[CurrentState].DrawOrigin, 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw(Animations[CurrentState].SpriteSheet, projectile.Center + new Vector2(0, DrawOffset).RotatedBy(DrawRotation) - Main.screenPosition, Animations[CurrentState].FrameRect, AuraColor * 0.25f * Opacity, projectile.rotation, Animations[CurrentState].DrawOrigin, 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw(Animations[CurrentState].SpriteSheet, projectile.Center + new Vector2(0, -DrawOffset).RotatedBy(DrawRotation) - Main.screenPosition, Animations[CurrentState].FrameRect, AuraColor * 0.25f * Opacity, projectile.rotation, Animations[CurrentState].DrawOrigin, 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); } spriteBatch.Draw(Animations[CurrentState].SpriteSheet, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, Animations[CurrentState].FrameRect, Color.White * Opacity, projectile.rotation, Animations[CurrentState].DrawOrigin, 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); }
protected override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { CalculatedStyle dims = base.GetDimensions(); Vector2 MousePosition = new Vector2((float)Main.mouseX, (float)Main.mouseY); if (this.ContainsPoint(MousePosition)) { Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true; } Texture2D texture = TBAPlayer.Get().Stand.StandName == StandDisplayName ? Textures.SCCurrent : Textures.StandCard; spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dims.Position(), null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); if (!Unlocked) { spriteBatch.Draw(Textures.SCUnknown, dims.Position() + new Vector2(70), null, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(Textures.SCUnknown.Width / 2, Textures.SCUnknown.Height / 2), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); Utils.DrawBorderString(spriteBatch, "???", dims.Position() + new Vector2(56, 160), Color.White); } if (Unlocked) { Vector2 anchor = dims.Position() + new Vector2(16, 160); spriteBatch.Draw(Idle.SpriteSheet, dims.Position() + new Vector2(70), Idle.FrameRect, Color.White, 0f, Idle.DrawOrigin, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); Utils.DrawBorderString(spriteBatch, StandDisplayName, anchor, Color.White, 1); } }
// TODO: change those two to something else public void ExecuteAction(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement) { if (SelectedRunnable == null) { Main.NewText("You must select a save slot!"); return; } LastInstantEnvironment.Run(TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer)); }
public override void UpdateInventory(Player player) { item.favorited = true; TBAPlayer.Get(player).StaminaRegenBuff += 60; if (!TBAPlayer.Get(player).KnifeGangMember) { item.TurnToAir(); } }
public virtual void KillStand() { if (CanDie || Owner.dead || ! { projectile.Kill(); TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).KillStand(); Animations.Clear(); } }
public override void Action(CommandCaller caller, string input, string[] args) { if (TBAMultiplayerConfig.EnableDebugCommands) { TBAPlayer.Get().IsDebugging = !TBAPlayer.Get().IsDebugging; } else { DisabledDebugCommands(); } }
protected override void ActionLocal(CommandCaller caller, Player player, string input, string[] args) { if (TBAMultiplayerConfig.EnableDebugCommands) { TBAPlayer tPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(caller.Player); tPlayer.ActiveStandProjectile.KillStand(); } else { DisabledDebugCommands(); } }
public void EraseTime() { if (TimeSkipManager.TimeSkippedFor <= 0 && TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(25)) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).TirePlayer(15); Projectile.NewProjectile(Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <FakeTilesProjectile>(), 0, 0, Owner.whoAmI); TimeSkipManager.SkipTime(TBAPlayer.Get(Owner), Constants.TICKS_PER_SECOND * 10 + 26); } else if (TimeSkipManager.TimeSkippedFor > 0) { Main.projectile.FirstActive(x => x.modProjectile is FakeTilesProjectile).timeLeft = 30; TimeSkipManager.SkipTime(TBAPlayer.Get(Owner), 36); } }
public override void ModifyHitNPC(Projectile projectile, NPC target, ref int damage, ref float knockback, ref bool crit, ref int hitDirection) { if (TimeStopManagement.TimeStopped) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.combatText.Length; i++) { if (!Main.combatText[i].active) { if (!TBAPlayer.Get().CombatTextQue.ContainsKey(i)) { TBAPlayer.Get().CombatTextQue.Add(i, damage); } } } } }
public override void PostDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor) { if (!TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer).StandUser) { return; } Texture2D texture = Main.projectileTexture[projectile.type]; Vector2 position = Center - Main.screenPosition; float rotation = Velocity.ToRotation() + MathHelper.Pi / 2; float opacity = TimeLeft > 116 ? 0f : 1f; spriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, null, Color.White * opacity, rotation, new Vector2(1), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); }
private void SetStand(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement) { StandCard card = listeningElement as StandCard; if (card != null) { if (!TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer).UnlockedStands.Contains(card.StandUnlocalizedName)) { return; } UIManager.StandComboLayer.State.Visible = true; UIManager.StandComboLayer.State.CurrentStand = StandLoader.Instance.FindGeneric(x => x.StandName.ToString() == card.StandDisplayName); UIManager.StandComboLayer.State.NeedsToUpdateAutopsyReport = true; } }
public override void NetReceive(BinaryReader reader) { bool timeStopped = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (timeStopped) { TimeStopManagement.MainTime = reader.ReadDouble(); TimeStopManagement.MainRainTimer = reader.ReadInt32(); TimeStopManagement.StopTime(TBAPlayer.Get(Main.player[reader.ReadInt32()]), reader.ReadInt32()); } else { TimeStopManagement.ResumeTime(); } }
protected override void ActionLocal(CommandCaller caller, Player player, string input, string[] args) { if (TBAMultiplayerConfig.EnableDebugCommands) { foreach (Stand s in StandLoader.Instance.Generics) { if (s.CanAcquire(TBAPlayer.Get(caller.Player))) { Main.NewText(s.StandName); } } } else { DisabledDebugCommands(); } }
internal static void MainOnOnTick() { int previousTimeStoppedFor = TimeStoppedFor; if (TimeStoppedFor > 0) { TimeStoppedFor--; } if (TimeStoppedFor == 0 && TimeStoppedFor != previousTimeStoppedFor) { TryResumeTime(TimeStopper); } if (TimeStopped) { TBAPlayer tbaPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer); Main.blockInput = !(tbaPlayer.StandUser && (tbaPlayer.Stand.IsNativelyImmuneToTimeStop() || TimeStopper == tbaPlayer)); Main.dayRate = 0; Main.time = TimeStopManagement.MainTime; Main.rainTime = TimeStopManagement.MainRainTimer; } if (!TimeStopped) { if (itemStates.Count > 0) { itemStates.Clear(); } if (npcStates.Count > 0) { npcStates.Clear(); } if (projectileStates.Count > 0) { projectileStates.Clear(); } } }
public override bool CanUseItem(Item item, Player player) { if ( && item.shoot != ProjectileID.None) { if (!TBAMod.Instance.TimeStopImmuneProjectiles.Contains(item.shoot)) { TBAMod.Instance.TimeStopImmuneProjectiles.Add(item.shoot); } } TBAPlayer tPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(player); if (tPlayer.StandActive && tPlayer.ActiveStandProjectile.StopsItemUse) { return(false); } return(base.CanUseItem(item, player)); }
public void PostSCARDraw(NPC npc, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color drawColor) { if (Main.LocalPlayer.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { TBAPlayer standUser = TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer); if (standUser.Stand is SREKTStand && standUser.StandActive) { int maxHeight = ( * npc.height) / npc.lifeMax; if (standUser.ActiveStandProjectile is SREKTStand stand && stand.Wallhack) { DrawHelpers.DrawBorderedRectangle(npc.position - Main.screenPosition - new Vector2(12, maxHeight - npc.height), 10, maxHeight, Color.Lime, Color.Green, spriteBatch); DrawHelpers.DrawBorderedRectangle(npc.position - Main.screenPosition, npc.width, npc.height, Color.Black * 0f, Color.Green, spriteBatch); } } } }
public void TimeStop() { if (TimeStopManagement.TimeStopped) { TimeStopManagement.TryResumeTime(TBAPlayer.Get(Owner)); Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, TimeStopRestorePath)); return; } if (!TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).ShatteredTime&& TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(TimeStopCost)) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).TirePlayer(15); if (!TimeStopManagement.TimeStopped) { TBAMod.PlayVoiceLine(TimeStopVoiceLinePath); } CurrentState = TIMESTOP_ANIMATION; } }
public override void PostDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor) { TBAPlayer tbaPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(Main.player[Main.myPlayer]); if (!tbaPlayer.StandUser) { return; } SpriteEffects spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; Texture2D texture = ModContent.GetTexture(Texture); spriteBatch.Draw(texture, projectile.Center + new Vector2(2, 0) - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle(0, (int)(texture.Height * SFrame), (int)texture.Width, (int)texture.Height / 2), Color.White * Opacity * 0.35f, projectile.velocity.ToRotation(), new Vector2(texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 4), 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw(texture, projectile.Center + new Vector2(-2, 0) - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle(0, (int)(texture.Height * SFrame), (int)texture.Width, (int)texture.Height / 2), Color.White * Opacity * 0.35f, projectile.velocity.ToRotation(), new Vector2(texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 4), 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw(texture, projectile.Center + new Vector2(0, 2) - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle(0, (int)(texture.Height * SFrame), (int)texture.Width, (int)texture.Height / 2), Color.White * Opacity * 0.35f, projectile.velocity.ToRotation(), new Vector2(texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 4), 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw(texture, projectile.Center + new Vector2(0, -2) - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle(0, (int)(texture.Height * SFrame), (int)texture.Width, (int)texture.Height / 2), Color.White * Opacity * 0.35f, projectile.velocity.ToRotation(), new Vector2(texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 4), 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw(texture, projectile.Center - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle(0, (int)(texture.Height * SFrame), (int)texture.Width, (int)texture.Height / 2), Color.White * Opacity, projectile.velocity.ToRotation(), new Vector2(texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 4), 1f, spriteEffects, 1f); }
public override bool UseItem(Player player) { TBAPlayer tbaPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(player); Stand stand = StandLoader.Instance.GetRandom(tbaPlayer); tbaPlayer.Stand = stand; Main.NewText($"You got yourself a Stand{(Main.rand.Next(0, 100) > 98 ? "oda" : "")}!"); if (TBAInputs.StandPose.GetAssignedKeys().Count <= 0 || TBAInputs.ContextAction.GetAssignedKeys().Count <= 0 || TBAInputs.ExtraAction01.GetAssignedKeys().Count <= 0 || TBAInputs.ExtraAction02.GetAssignedKeys().Count <= 0) { Main.NewText("Whoops! It looks like you forgot to setup your hotkeys! Go to Settings -> Controls and scroll down. Bind all hotkeys from this mod & try again"); } if (!tbaPlayer.UnlockedStands.Contains(stand.UnlocalizedName)) { tbaPlayer.UnlockedStands.Add(stand.UnlocalizedName); } return(true); }
public override bool PreKill(int timeLeft) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).PointOfInterest = Vector2.Zero; return(base.PreKill(timeLeft)); }
protected override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { TBAPlayer mPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(Main.LocalPlayer); Texture2D border = Textures.StaminaBarBorder; Texture2D bar = Textures.StaminaBar; Vector2 position = new Vector2(20, Main.screenHeight - 80); Rectangle barSize = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, border.Width, border.Height); for (int i = Entries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Entries[i].DrawSelf(spriteBatch); } if (mPlayer.StandUser) { int drawPercent = (mPlayer.Stamina * bar.Width) / mPlayer.MaxStamina; float regen = (mPlayer.StaminaRegenTickRate) / 60; string result = string.Format("{0}.{1}", regen, mPlayer.StaminaRegenTickRate % 60); if (barSize.Contains(Main.MouseScreen.ToPoint())) { Main.hoverItemName = "You restore " + mPlayer.StaminaGain + " stamina over " + result + " seconds"; } spriteBatch.Draw( border, position, null, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); spriteBatch.Draw( bar, position + new Vector2(14, 6), new Rectangle(0, 0, drawPercent, bar.Height), Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); spriteBatch.DrawString( Main.fontMouseText, mPlayer.Stamina + " / " + mPlayer.MaxStamina, position + new Vector2(30, 4), Color.White); spriteBatch.DrawString( Main.fontMouseText, result + "s", new Vector2(20, Main.screenHeight - 80) + new Vector2(116, 24), Color.White, -MathHelper.Pi / 4 + .1f, Vector2.Zero, 0.75f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f ); if (mPlayer.IsDebugging) { spriteBatch.DrawString( Main.fontMouseText, "DEBUG", new Vector2(20, Main.screenHeight - 80) + new Vector2(16, -36), Color.Red, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1, SpriteEffects.None, 1f ); } } }
public override void AI() { base.AI(); if (_previousAngle != Angle) { projectile.netUpdate = true; } Owner.heldProj = projectile.whoAmI; if (Vector2.Distance(Center, Owner.Center) >= 16 * 100) { CurrentState = "RETURN"; } if (CurrentAnimation != null) { Width = (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.X; Height = (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.Y; } if (!SetVel) { if (Owner.direction == -1) { Angle = (float)MathHelper.Pi; } Opacity = 0f; Center = Owner.Center - new Vector2(120 * Owner.direction, 24); SetVel = true; } Speed = 8.0f; if (CurrentState == "TURN" && CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame <= 8) { Speed = 9 - MathHelper.Clamp(CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame, 0, 8); } else if (CurrentState == "TURN" && CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame >= 8) { Speed = 0 - MathHelper.Clamp(8 - (CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame - CurrentAnimation.FrameCount), 0, 8); } TBAPlayer tPlayer = TBAPlayer.Get(Owner); if (IsSpawning) { if (Opacity < 1f) { Opacity += 0.04f; } } if (IsDespawning || IsSpawning) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int dustIndex = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y) + projectile.velocity * 4.5f, 0, 0, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default, 2f);
public override void AI() { base.AI(); Opacity = 1f; projectile.Center = Owner.Center + new Vector2(34 * Owner.direction, -10 + Owner.gfxOffY); IsFlipped = Owner.direction == 1; if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_SUMMON) { if (InstantEnvironment == null && Owner == Main.LocalPlayer) { InstantEnvironment = new InstantEnvironment(); } if (!InitialSummonComplete) { Opacity = CurrentAnimation.FrameRect.Y / CurrentAnimation.FrameRect.Height * 0.25f; } if (CurrentAnimation.Finished) { InitialSummonComplete = true; CurrentState = ANIMATION_IDLE; } } projectile.timeLeft = 200; if (Owner.IsLocalPlayer()) { if (TBAInputs.SummonStand.JustPressed && CurrentState == ANIMATION_IDLE) { CurrentState = ANIMATION_DESPAWN; } if (TBAInputs.ContextAction.JustPressed && CurrentState == ANIMATION_IDLE) { UIManager.RATMState.Visible = true; } if (TBAInputs.StandPose.JustPressed && CurrentState == ANIMATION_IDLE) { if (!InstantEnvironment.CompileAssembly(Path.Combine(Main.SavePath, "Mods", "Cache", "TBA"))) { CurrentState = ANIMATION_ERROR; } } if (TBAInputs.ExtraAction01.JustPressed && CurrentState == ANIMATION_IDLE) { InstantEnvironment?.Run(TBAPlayer.Get(Owner)); } if (TBAInputs.ExtraAction02.JustPressed && CurrentState == ANIMATION_IDLE) { InstantEnvironment?.Selected?.Stop(); } } if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_ERROR && _errorLoopCount < ERROR_LOOP_COUNT) { if (CurrentAnimation.Finished) { _errorLoopCount++; CurrentAnimation.ResetAnimation(); } if (_errorLoopCount == 1) { _errorLoopCount = 0; CurrentState = ANIMATION_SUMMON; CurrentAnimation.ResetAnimation(); } } if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_DESPAWN) { Opacity = (Animations[ANIMATION_DESPAWN].FrameCount - CurrentAnimation.FrameRect.Y / (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.Y) * 0.2f; if (CurrentAnimation.Finished) { KillStand(); } } }
public override bool PreKill(int timeLeft) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).KillStand(); return(base.PreKill(timeLeft)); }
public override void AI() { base.AI(); if (Animations.Count <= 0) { return; } OwnerCtrlUse = Owner.controlUseTile; projectile.width = (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.X; projectile.height = (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.Y; IsFlipped = Owner.direction == 1; projectile.timeLeft = 200; projectile.friendly = true; if (Owner.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { /*if (TBAInputs.StandPose.JustPressed) * if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_IDLE) * IsTaunting = true; * else * IsTaunting = false;*/ if (TBAInputs.SummonStand.JustPressed && InIdleState) { CurrentState = ANIMATION_DESPAWN; } } int xOffset = IsTaunting || CurrentState.Contains("PUNCH") || CurrentState.Contains("ATT") || CurrentState == "DONUT_UNDO" || CurrentState == "DONUT_MISS" || RushTimer > 0? 34 : -16; int yOffset = CurrentState.Contains("POSE") ? 36 : 0; xOffset = CurrentState.Contains("POSE") ? 24 : xOffset; PositionOffset = Owner.Center + new Vector2(xOffset * Owner.direction, -24 + Owner.gfxOffY + yOffset); projectile.Center = Vector2.Lerp(projectile.Center, PositionOffset, 0.26f); if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_SUMMON) { Opacity = 1; } #region Punching if (InIdleState) { if (TBAInputs.StandPose.JustPressed && Owner.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { CurrentState = "POSE_PREP"; } if (StopsItemUse) { if (PunchCounter < 2) { projectile.netUpdate = true; if (TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).MouseOneTimeReset > 0) { if (TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).MouseOneTime < 15 && !Owner.controlUseItem) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).Stamina -= 2; Owner.direction = Main.MouseWorld.X < Owner.Center.X ? -1 : 1; if (Main.MouseWorld.Y > Owner.Center.Y + 60) { CurrentState = "PUNCH_" + (Main.rand.NextBool() ? "R" : "L") + "D"; } else if (Main.MouseWorld.Y < Owner.Center.Y - 60) { CurrentState = "PUNCH_" + (Main.rand.NextBool() ? "R" : "L") + "U"; } else { CurrentState = "PUNCH_" + (Main.rand.NextBool() ? "R" : "L"); } PunchCounter++; PunchCounterReset = 28; Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, VectorHelpers.DirectToMouse(projectile.Center, 22f), ModContent.ProjectileType <Punch>(), 60, 3.5f, Owner.whoAmI, projectile.whoAmI); } if (TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).MouseOneTime >= 15) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).Stamina -= 10; Owner.direction = Main.MouseWorld.X < Owner.Center.X ? -1 : 1; CurrentState = "CUT_PREP"; } } } else if (Owner.controlUseItem) { projectile.netUpdate = true; TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(16, true); if (Main.MouseWorld.Y > Owner.Center.Y + 60) { CurrentState = "RUSH_DOWN"; } else if (Main.MouseWorld.Y < Owner.Center.Y - 60) { CurrentState = "RUSH_UP"; } else { CurrentState = "RUSH_MID"; } RushTimer = 180; PunchRushDirection = VectorHelpers.DirectToMouse(projectile.Center, 18f); TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).AttackDirectionResetTimer = RushTimer; TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).AttackDirection = Main.MouseWorld.X < projectile.Center.X ? -1 : 1; int barrage = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, PunchRushDirection, ModContent.ProjectileType <CrimsonBarrage>(), 60, 0, Owner.whoAmI); if (Main.projectile[barrage].modProjectile is CrimsonBarrage crimsonBarrage) { crimsonBarrage.RushDirection = PunchRushDirection; crimsonBarrage.ParentProjectile = projectile.whoAmI; } } } } #endregion #region Rush Animations["RUSH_DOWN"].AutoLoop = RushTimer > 0; Animations["RUSH_UP"].AutoLoop = RushTimer > 0; Animations["RUSH_MID"].AutoLoop = RushTimer > 0; #endregion if (CurrentState.Contains("PUNCH") || CurrentState.Contains("ATT") || CurrentState.Contains("UNDO") || CurrentState == "DONUT_MISS") { Owner.heldProj = projectile.whoAmI; } #region Yeet attacc // If we do a YEET attack, damage is dealt by stand itself instead of a seperate projectile bool yeeting = CurrentState == "CUT_ATT" && CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame > 3 && CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame < 9; bool donuting = CurrentState == "DONUT_ATT" && CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame == 3; projectile.damage = yeeting ? 400 : 0; if (donuting && Owner.ownedProjectileCounts[ModContent.ProjectileType <DonutPunch>()] <= 1) { Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <DonutPunch>(), 60, 0, Owner.whoAmI, projectile.whoAmI, -1); } if (CurrentState == "CUT_IDLE" && !Owner.controlUseItem) { CurrentAnimation.ResetAnimation(); CurrentState = "CUT_ATT"; } #endregion if (StopsItemUse && TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).MouseTwoTime > 20 && InIdleState) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(10, true); CurrentState = "DONUT_PREP"; } if (CurrentState == "DONUT_IDLE" && !OwnerCtrlUse) { CurrentAnimation.ResetAnimation(); CurrentState = "DONUT_ATT"; } Animations["DONUT_UNDO"].FrameSpeed = Animations["DONUT_UNDO"].CurrentFrame < 5 ? 12 : 5; if (InIdleState && CurrentAnimation.Finished) { CurrentAnimation.ResetAnimation(); } if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_DESPAWN) { Opacity = (5 - CurrentAnimation.FrameRect.Y / (int)CurrentAnimation.FrameSize.Y) * 0.2f; if (CurrentAnimation.Finished) { KillStand(); } } if (InIdleState) { HasMissedDonut = true; } if (CurrentState == "DONUT_ATT") { Animations["DONUT_ATT"].SetNextAnimation(HasMissedDonut ? Animations["DONUT_MISS"] : Animations["DONUT_UNDO"]); } if (TBAInputs.ContextAction.JustPressed && Owner.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer && !CurrentState.Contains("RUSH")) { EraseTime(); } if (TBAInputs.StandPose.JustPressed && Owner.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer && CurrentState == "POSE_IDLE") { CurrentState = "POSE_END"; } if (CurrentState.Contains("POSE")) { Owner.heldProj = projectile.whoAmI; } }
public override bool PreAI() { projectile.timeLeft = 200; if (CurrentState != LastState) { projectile.netUpdate = true; } if (!ReverseOffset) { if (DrawOffset < 5.0f) { DrawOffset += 0.1f; } else { ReverseOffset = true; } } else { if (DrawOffset > 0.0f) { DrawOffset -= 0.1f; } else { ReverseOffset = false; } } if (DrawRotation < MathHelper.Pi) { DrawRotation += 0.07f; } else { DrawRotation = 0.0f; } LastState = CurrentState; if (TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).ActiveStandProjectile != projectile.modProjectile) { KillStand(); } if (Main.dedServ) { return(false); } if (TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).Stamina <= 0) { ShouldDie = true; } if (!HasSetAnimations) { AddAnimations(); if (Animations.Count >= 1) { Width = (int)Animations[CurrentState].FrameSize.X; Height = (int)Animations[CurrentState].FrameSize.Y; } HasSetAnimations = true; } if (ShouldDie && CanDie && CurrentState != ANIMATION_DESPAWN) { CurrentState = ANIMATION_DESPAWN; } if (Animations.Count >= 1 && !TimeStopManagement.projectileStates.ContainsKey(projectile)) { Animations[CurrentState].Update(); SpriteAnimation nextAnimation = CurrentAnimation.NextAnimation; bool reverseAnimation = CurrentAnimation.ReverseNextAnimation; if (CurrentAnimation.Finished && nextAnimation != null && Animations.ContainsValue(nextAnimation)) { CurrentAnimation.ResetAnimation(CurrentAnimation.ReversePlayback); CurrentState = Animations.Where(x => x.Value == nextAnimation).Select(x => x.Key).First(); CurrentAnimation.ResetAnimation(reverseAnimation); } } if (Owner.dead || ! { KillStand(); } return(true); }
public override void Update(Player player, ref int buffIndex) { TBAPlayer.Get(player).Exhausted = true; }
public override void AI() { base.AI(); Opacity = 1f; IsFlipped = Owner.direction == 1; projectile.timeLeft = 200; int xOffset = CurrentState.Contains("PUNCH") || CurrentState.Contains("RUSH") || CurrentState == "THROW_KNIVES" || CurrentState == TIMESTOP_ANIMATION ? 34 : -16; PositionOffset = Owner.Center + new Vector2(xOffset * Owner.direction, -24 + Owner.gfxOffY); if (CurrentState.Contains("PUNCH") || CurrentState == "SLAM" || CurrentState == "THROW_KNIVES" || CurrentState == TIMESTOP_ANIMATION) { Owner.heldProj = projectile.whoAmI; } projectile.Center = Vector2.Lerp(projectile.Center, PositionOffset, 0.26f); if (CurrentState == "THROW_KNIVES") { if (CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame == 10) { Vector2 direction = VectorHelpers.DirectToMouse(projectile.Center, 14f); if (Owner.Center.X + direction.X > Owner.Center.X) { Owner.direction = 1; } else { Owner.direction = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center + direction * 2.2f + new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(-5, 5), Main.rand.Next(-34, 34)).RotatedBy(direction.ToRotation()), direction, ModContent.ProjectileType <Knife>(), 80, 3.5f, Owner.whoAmI, projectile.whoAmI); } } } if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_DESPAWN && CurrentAnimation.Finished && TimeStopDelay <= 0) { KillStand(); } if (InIdleState) { if (Owner.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { if (TBAInputs.StandPose.JustPressed) { if (CurrentState == ANIMATION_IDLE) { IsTaunting = true; } else { IsTaunting = false; } } if (TBAInputs.ExtraAction02.JustPressed && TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(10)) { CurrentState = "THROW_KNIVES"; } if (TBAInputs.SummonStand.JustPressed) { CurrentState = ANIMATION_DESPAWN; } int roadRollerCost = TimeStopManagement.TimeStopped ? 10 : 50; if (TBAInputs.ExtraAction01.JustPressed && !BeganAscending && TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(roadRollerCost)) { projectile.netUpdate = true; if (!TimeStopManagement.TimeStopped) { if (!TimeStopManagement.TimeStopped) { TBAMod.PlayVoiceLine("Sounds/TheWorld/TimeStop"); } IsTaunting = false; TimeStopDelay = 25; } Owner.Center -= new Vector2(0, 16); Owner.velocity.Y = -16; CurrentState = "FLY_UP"; projectile.netUpdate = true; TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).PointOfInterest = Main.screenPosition + new Vector2(Main.screenWidth, Main.screenHeight) * 0.5f; BeganAscending = true; } if (TBAInputs.ContextAction.JustPressed) { TimeStop(); } } if (StopsItemUse) { if (PunchCounter < 2) { if (TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).MouseOneTimeReset > 0) { projectile.netUpdate = true; if (TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).MouseOneTime < 15 && !Owner.controlUseItem) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(2); Owner.direction = Main.MouseWorld.X < Owner.Center.X ? -1 : 1; if (Main.MouseWorld.Y > Owner.Center.Y + 60) { CurrentState = "PUNCH_" + (Main.rand.NextBool() ? "R" : "L") + "D"; } else if (Main.MouseWorld.Y < Owner.Center.Y - 60) { CurrentState = "PUNCH_" + (Main.rand.NextBool() ? "R" : "L") + "U"; } else { CurrentState = "PUNCH_" + (Main.rand.NextBool() ? "R" : "L"); } PunchCounter++; PunchCounterReset = 32; Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, VectorHelpers.DirectToMouse(projectile.Center, 22f), ModContent.ProjectileType <Punch>(), 80, 3.5f, Owner.whoAmI, projectile.whoAmI); } } } else if (Owner.controlUseItem) { projectile.netUpdate = true; TBAMod.PlayVoiceLine("Sounds/TheWorld/MudaRush"); TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).CheckStaminaCost(16); if (Main.MouseWorld.Y > Owner.Center.Y + 60) { CurrentState = "RUSH_DOWN"; } else if (Main.MouseWorld.Y < Owner.Center.Y - 60) { CurrentState = "RUSH_UP"; } else { CurrentState = "RUSH_MID"; } RushTimer = 180; PunchRushDirection = VectorHelpers.DirectToMouse(projectile.Center, 22f); TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).AttackDirectionResetTimer = RushTimer; TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).AttackDirection = Main.MouseWorld.X < projectile.Center.X ? -1 : 1; int barrage = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, PunchRushDirection, ModContent.ProjectileType <WorldBarrage>(), 60, 0, Owner.whoAmI); if (Main.projectile[barrage].modProjectile is WorldBarrage worldBarrage) { worldBarrage.RushDirection = PunchRushDirection; worldBarrage.ParentProjectile = projectile.whoAmI; } } } } if (TimeStopDelay > 1) { TimeStopDelay--; } else if (TimeStopDelay == 1) { if (!TimeStopManagement.TimeStopped) { Projectile.NewProjectile(Owner.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <TimeStopVFX>(), 0, 0, Owner.whoAmI); Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/TheWorld/TheWorld_ZaWarudoSFX")); } TimeStopManagement.ToggleTimeStopIfStopper(TBAPlayer.Get(Owner), 11 * Constants.TICKS_PER_SECOND); TimeStopDelay--; } if (Animations.Count > 0) { Animations["RUSH_DOWN"].AutoLoop = RushTimer > 0; Animations["RUSH_UP"].AutoLoop = RushTimer > 0; Animations["RUSH_MID"].AutoLoop = RushTimer > 0; } if (BeganAscending) { if (AscensionTimer >= (int)(2 * Constants.TICKS_PER_SECOND)) { if (RoadRollerXAxis == -1.0f) { RoadRollerXAxis = Main.MouseWorld.X; } TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).PointOfInterest = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).PointOfInterest.X, RoadRollerXAxis, 0.1f), TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).PointOfInterest.Y); } if (++AscensionTimer >= (int)(2.5 * Constants.TICKS_PER_SECOND)) { TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).TirePlayer(30); projectile.netUpdate = true; TBAMod.PlayVoiceLine("Sounds/TheWorld/RoadRoller"); BeganAscending = false; AscensionTimer = 0; CurrentState = "SLAM"; HasResetRoadRollerDrop = false; RoadRollerID = Projectile.NewProjectile(new Vector2(RoadRollerXAxis, Owner.Center.Y), Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <RoadRoller>(), 20, 0, projectile.owner); RoadaRollaDa.spriteDirection = Owner.direction * -1; RoadaRollaDa.Center = new Vector2(RoadRollerXAxis, Owner.Center.Y); RoadRollerXAxis = -1.0f; } else { Owner.velocity = Vector2.Zero; Owner.Center -= new Vector2(0f, 10f); } } if (RoadaRollaDa.modProjectile is RoadRoller roller) { if (RushTimer > 0 && roller.HasTouchedGround || !roller.HasTouchedGround) { Owner.direction = RoadaRollaDa.spriteDirection * -1; Owner.Center = projectile.Center + new Vector2(20 * Owner.direction * -1, -20); projectile.Center = RoadaRollaDa.Center + new Vector2(40 * Owner.direction * -1, -40); } if (roller.HasTouchedGround && !HasResetRoadRollerDrop) { TBAMod.PlayVoiceLine("Sounds/TheWorld/MudaRush"); CurrentState = "RUSH_DOWN"; RushTimer = 180; PunchRushDirection = (RoadaRollaDa.Center - projectile.Center).SafeNormalize(-Vector2.UnitX) * 12f; TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).AttackDirectionResetTimer = RushTimer; TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).AttackDirection = RoadaRollaDa.Center.X < projectile.Center.X ? -1 : 1; TBAPlayer.Get(Owner).PointOfInterest = Vector2.Zero; HasResetRoadRollerDrop = true; int barrage = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, PunchRushDirection, ModContent.ProjectileType <WorldBarrage>(), 60, 0, Owner.whoAmI); if (Main.projectile[barrage].modProjectile is WorldBarrage worldBarrage) { worldBarrage.RushDirection = PunchRushDirection; worldBarrage.ParentProjectile = projectile.whoAmI; } } } }