Esempio n. 1
 private void Listen()
     while (true)
         T result = Update();
         if (isCancel)
         var args = new TArg
             Arg = result
         OnMessageReceived?.Invoke(this, args);
Esempio n. 2
        public TArg GetArguments <TArg>() where TArg : new()
            var retVal                 = new TArg();
            var properties             = _propertyInfoCacher.GetProperties(typeof(TArg));
            var propertyValueProviders = _propertyValueProviderFactory.GetPropertyValueProviders();

            foreach (var propertyValueProvider in propertyValueProviders)
                foreach (var kvp in properties)
                    if (propertyValueProvider.HasValue <TArg>(kvp.Key))
                        kvp.Value.SetValue(retVal, propertyValueProvider.GetValue <TArg>(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.PropertyType), null);
Esempio n. 3
            static void pushLeftNodes(BoundBinaryOperator binary, ArrayBuilder <BoundBinaryOperator> stack, TArg arg, Action <BoundBinaryOperator, TArg>?binaryOperatorCallback)
                Debug.Assert(typeof(TInterpolatedStringType) == typeof(BoundInterpolatedString) || binary.IsUnconvertedInterpolatedStringAddition);
                BoundBinaryOperator?current = binary;

                while (current != null)
                    binaryOperatorCallback?.Invoke(current, arg);
                    current = current.Left as BoundBinaryOperator;
 /// <summary>
 /// Represents <see cref="Provider{TArg,TServiceType}.Invoke"/>
 /// </summary>
 public TService Create(TArg arg)
     return(container.Resolve <TService>(new[] { new TypedParameter(typeof(TArg), arg) }));
Esempio n. 5
 static Action CreateTaskCallback(Action <TArg> action, TArg arg) => new(() => action(arg));
Esempio n. 6
 static ValueTask <TResult> UnwrapAndTransformAsync(ValueTask <TIntermediate> intermediateResult, Func <TIntermediate, TArg, TResult> transform, TArg arg, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     // Apply the transformation function once a result is available. The behavior depends on the final
     // status of 'intermediateResult' and the 'cancellationToken'.
     // | 'intermediateResult'       | 'cancellationToken' | Behavior                                 |
     // | -------------------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
     // | Ran to completion          | Not cancelled       | Apply transform                          |
     // | Ran to completion          | Cancelled           | Cancel result without applying transform |
     // | Cancelled (matching token) | Cancelled           | Cancel result without applying transform |
     // | Cancelled (mismatch token) | Not cancelled       | Cancel result without applying transform |
     // | Cancelled (mismatch token) | Cancelled           | Cancel result without applying transform |
     // | Direct fault¹              | Not cancelled       | Directly fault (exception is not caught) |
     // | Direct fault¹              | Cancelled           | Directly fault (exception is not caught) |
     // | Indirect fault             | Not cancelled       | Fault result without applying transform  |
     // | Indirect fault             | Cancelled           | Cancel result without applying transform |
     // ¹ Direct faults are exceptions thrown from 'func' prior to returning a ValueTask<TIntermediate>
     //   instances. Indirect faults are exceptions captured by return an instance of
     //   ValueTask<TIntermediate> which (immediately or eventually) transitions to the faulted state. The
     //   direct fault behavior is currently handled without calling UnwrapAndTransformAsync.
     return(new ValueTask <TResult>(intermediateResult.AsTask().ContinueWith(
                                        task => transform(task.GetAwaiter().GetResult(), arg),
                                        TaskContinuationOptions.LazyCancellation | TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnCanceled | TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously,