/// <summary>
 /// Transitions the camera to the given target.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The object we want the camera to view.</param>
 /// <param name="transitionTime">The amount of time it will take to transition
 ///  to the target object. </param>
 public void MoveToTarget(T2DSceneObject target, float transitionTime)
     camera.AnimatePosition((target.Position + mountOffset), transitionTime);
     camera.Mount(target, String.Empty, camera.AnimatePositionTarget, 0.0f, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Turns the object invisible (if it isn't already) and disables all collision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="puzzleObject">The object to make disappear.</param>
        public override void Execute(T2DSceneObject puzzleObject)
            T2DStaticSprite sprite = puzzleObject as T2DStaticSprite;

            if (sprite != null)
                newColor = new Color(255, 0, 0, 0);
                SimpleMaterial material = TorqueObjectDatabase.Instance.FindObject<SimpleMaterial>(sprite.Material.Name);
                if (material == null)

                Texture2D tex = material.Texture.Instance as Texture2D;
                SurfaceFormat format = tex.Format;

                int numPixels = tex.Width * tex.Height;
                Color[] data = new Color[numPixels];

                if (tex.GraphicsDevice.Textures[0] == tex)
                    tex.GraphicsDevice.Textures[0] = null;


                for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; ++i)
                    Color c = data[i];
                    c = newColor;
                    data[i] = c;

            active = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the camera back to the player.  Only to be used after all camera 
 /// transitioning is done
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">The player.</param>
 /// <param name="transitionTime">The amount of time it will to take to transition
 /// to the player</param>
 public void ReturnToPlayer(T2DSceneObject player, float transitionTime)
     camera.AnimatePosition((player.Position + new Vector2(0, -1)), transitionTime);
     camera.Mount(player, String.Empty, new Vector2(0, -1), 0.0f, true);
     camera.UseMountForce = true;
     camera.MountForce = 15;
        public override void Execute(T2DSceneObject puzzleObject)
            if (sfxName != "")
                SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound("sounds", sfxName);

            active = false;
 public override void Execute(GarageGames.Torque.T2D.T2DSceneObject puzzleObject)
     this.puzzleObject = puzzleObject;
     ProcessList.Instance.AddTickCallback(puzzleObject, this);
     active = false;
     degrees = 0;
 public static void ResolveCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info,
     T2DCollisionMaterial material, bool handleBoth)
     theirObject.Physics.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;
     ourObject.Physics.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;
     ourObject.MarkForDelete = true;
        protected override bool _confirmPickup(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ActorComponent actor)
            base._confirmPickup(ourObject, theirObject, actor);

            if(actor is PlayerActorComponent)
                    CheckpointSystemSpawnedObjectComponent spawnedComp = ourObject.Components.FindComponent<CheckpointSystemSpawnedObjectComponent>();

                    if(spawnedComp != null)
                        spawnedComp.Recover = false;

                // Play sound effect here!
                SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound("sounds", "checkpoint");

                // set the new respawn position of the actor
                if (SceneObject != null)
                    actor.RespawnPosition = SceneObject.Position;
                    actor.RespawnPosition = actor.Actor.Position;

                //GUICanvas.Instance.SetContentControl(new Checkpoint_GUI(SceneObject.Position + new Vector2(0, -5)));

                // true = yes, i was picked up. delete me!
                return true;

            // false = no, this guy didn't pick me up.
            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// _confirmDamage callback. Optionally override this in a child class to only deal damage to specific actors. Returns true by default
 /// (i.e. deals damage to any Actor).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ourObject">The scene object this HazardComponent is on.</param>
 /// <param name="theirObject">The scene object the ActorComponent is on.</param>
 /// <param name="actor">The ActorComponent on the scene object that entered the trigger.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the HazardComponent should deal damage to the Actor.</returns>
 protected virtual bool _confirmDamage(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ActorComponent actor)
     // this should be overridden by derived classes
     // a return value of false will result in the damage not being applied
     // a return value of true will result in the damage being applied
     return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Turns the object invisible (if it isn't already) and disables all collision.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="puzzleObject">The object to make disappear.</param>
 public override void Execute(T2DSceneObject puzzleObject)
     obj = puzzleObject;
     puzzleObject.CollisionsEnabled = false;
     //puzzleObject.Visible = false;
     active = false;
     ProcessList.Instance.AddTickCallback(puzzleObject, this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the object and an associated scrolling magnitude the pool
        /// of parallax objects to update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The scene object to include in parallax scrolling.</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The scrolling magnitude of the object.</param>
        public void AddParallaxObj(T2DSceneObject obj, float magnitude)
            ParallaxObject pObj;

            pObj.ObjectPtr = obj;
            pObj.Magnitude = magnitude;

        public static void EtherealCollision(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ref T2DCollisionInfo info,
            T2DCollisionMaterial material, bool handleBoth)
            // Start player's flashing animation to indicate she was hit.
            PlayerActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

            if (actor != null && !actor.IsInvincible)
        protected override void _onEnter(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info)
            ActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<ActorComponent>();

            if (actor == null)

            actor.Kill(Owner as T2DSceneObject);
        protected override void _onEnter(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info)
            TrapComponent trapComponent = trapObject.Components.FindComponent<TrapComponent>();


            ourObject.CollisionsEnabled = false;
            ourObject.MarkForDelete = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Mounts the particle to the given scene object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mounter">The object to mount the particle to.</param>
        public void MountTo(T2DSceneObject mounter)
            mountedParticle = particleTemplate.Clone() as T2DParticleEffect;

            if (mountedParticle != null)
                mountedParticle.Mount(mounter, linkPoint, true);
        public override void Execute(T2DSceneObject puzzleObject)
            this.puzzleObject = puzzleObject;
            origPosition = this.puzzleObject.Position;
            this.puzzleObject.Physics.VelocityX = xSpeed * (xDistance / Math.Abs(xDistance));
            this.puzzleObject.Physics.VelocityY = ySpeed * (yDistance / Math.Abs(yDistance));

            ProcessList.Instance.AddTickCallback(puzzleObject, this);
            active = false;
        protected override void _onEnter(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info)
            ActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<ActorComponent>();

            if (actor == null)

            if (_confirmDamage(ourObject, theirObject, actor))
                actor.TakeDamage(_damage, ourObject);
        /// <summary>
        /// Decides whether or not the Actor should be allowed to pick this collectible up. Override this
        /// in derived classes. Default always returns true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourObject">The scene object this CollectibleComponent is on.</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The scene object the ActorComponent is on.</param>
        /// <param name="actor">The ActorComponent that's trying to pick up this collectible.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the Actor should be allowed to pick up the collectible.</returns>
        protected virtual bool _confirmPickup(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, ActorComponent actor)
                if(effect != null)

            // this should be overridden by derived classes
            // a return value of false will result in the collectible remaining in the scene
            // a return value of true will result in the collectible being removed from the scene
            return true;
        protected override void _onEnter(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info)
            PlayerActorComponent player = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

            if (player == null)

            base._onEnter(ourObject, theirObject, info);
        public void OnLeaveLadder(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject)
            // notify the actor they are no longer in the ladder
            ActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<ActorComponent>();

            if (actor != null)
                actor.LadderObject = null;

            // disable the trigger when all actors leave
            if (_objectList.Count == 0 && _ladder.Collision != null)
                Enabled = false;
        protected override void _onEnter(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info)
            BairneActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<BairneActorComponent>();

            if (actor != null)
                actor.OnLeft = onLeft;
                actor.ReachedBound = true;
                ;//log error
        /// <summary>
        /// The routine run when the player collides with the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourObject">The trigger object.</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The player that collided with the trigger.</param>
        /// <param name="info">Some sort of info...</param>
        protected override void _onEnter(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject, T2DCollisionInfo info)
            if (!flipped)
                switchedOn = !switchedOn;

                if (behaviors != null)
                    foreach (ISwitchBehavior behavior in behaviors)
                        behavior.Execute(ourObject, switchedOn);

                flipped = true;
        public void OnStayLadder(T2DSceneObject ourObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject)
            // make sure the object is an actor type
            if (!theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.ActorObjectType))

            // grab the actor component
            ActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<ActorComponent>();

            // notify the actor that they are in a ladder and give them a reference
            if (actor != null && !actor.InLadder)
                actor.LadderObject = _ladder;
        /// <summary>
        /// Accelerated version of CheckSceneObjectBins for T2D.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object to check.</param>
        public void CheckSceneObjectBinsT2D(T2DSceneObject obj)
            // Check everything is fine!
            Assert.Fatal(obj != null, "Invalid Object");

            // Get the object's SceneContainerData
            SceneContainerData scd = obj.SceneContainerData;

            // Find which bins we cover.
            uint minBinX, minBinY, maxBinX, maxBinY;
            _GetBins(obj.WorldClipRectangle, out minBinX, out minBinY, out maxBinX, out maxBinY);

            _CheckSceneObjectBins(obj, scd, minBinX, minBinY, maxBinX, maxBinY);
Esempio n. 24
        ///Callback for when the microbe collides with another object.
        ///<param name="ourObject">The microbe.</param>
        ///<param name="theirObject">The other object.</param>
        ///<param name="info">Information about the collision point.</param>
        ///<param name="resolve">Not used.</param>
        ///<param name="physicsMaterial">
        ///The physics properties of the objects.
        public void OnCollision(
           T2DSceneObject ourObject,
           T2DSceneObject theirObject,
           T2DCollisionInfo info,
           ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve,
           ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            if (!ourObject.MarkForDelete &&
                //handle microbe collision with another microbe
                if (theirObject.TestObjectType(
                       ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);
                else if (theirObject.TestObjectType(
                    //  ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                     ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);

                    //ourObject, theirObject, ref info, physicsMaterial, false);
                //TODO: add handling for other object types
        /// <summary>
        /// T2DOnCollision delegate to handle damage between the melee scene object and enemies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObject">The melee scene object mounted on the player</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The enemy scene object</param>
        /// <param name="info">Collision information</param>
        /// <param name="resolve">How the collision will be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="physicsMaterial">The type of material that would affect the physics</param>
        public static void MeleeCollision(T2DSceneObject myObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            int damage = myObject.Components.FindComponent<AttackCollisionComponent>().Damage;

            if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.PlayerObjectType))
                PlayerActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

                // Deal damage to the enemy
                if (actor != null)
                    actor.TakeDamage(damage, myObject, true, true);

            myObject.MarkForDelete = true;
        public static Vector2 ConvertLinkPointToWorld(T2DSceneObject gameObject, string linkPointName)
            Vector2 linkPosition;
            float rotation;

            if (gameObject.LinkPoints.HasLinkPoint(linkPointName))
                gameObject.LinkPoints.GetLinkPoint(linkPointName, out linkPosition, out rotation);

                float x = (gameObject.WorldClipRectangle.Width / 2) * linkPosition.X;
                float y = (gameObject.WorldClipRectangle.Height / 2) * linkPosition.Y;

                return new Vector2(x, y);

            return Vector2.Zero;
        public static void ProjCollision(T2DSceneObject projectile, T2DSceneObject targetObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo into, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial material)
            int damage = projectile.Components.FindComponent<ProjectileComponent>().Damage;

            if (targetObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.ActorObjectType))
                PlayerActorComponent actor = targetObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

                // Deal damage to the enemy
                if (actor != null)
                    actor.TakeDamage(damage, projectile, true, true);

            projectile.CollisionsEnabled = false;
            projectile.MarkForDelete = true;
        public override bool TakeDamage(float damage, T2DSceneObject sourceObject)
                return false;

            float startHealth = _health;

            _health -= damage;
            _health = MathHelper.Clamp(_health, 0, _maxHealth);

            if (_health == 0)
                _die(startHealth - _health, sourceObject);
                _tookDamage(startHealth - _health, sourceObject);

            return true;
        protected override bool _OnRegister(TorqueObject owner)
            if (!base._OnRegister(owner))
                return false;

            _sceneObject = owner as T2DSceneObject;

            if (_sceneObject.Collision == null)
                Assert.Fatal(false, "TriggerComponent requires a T2DCollisionComponent. Please add these components to your trigger.\n\nTrigger position: " + _sceneObject.Position.ToString());

            // make sure the collision component has at least one image
            if (_sceneObject.Collision.Images.Count == 0)
                _sceneObject.Collision.InstallImage(new T2DPolyImage());

            // make sure the collision and physics settigns are correct
            _sceneObject.Collision.OnCollision = OnCollision;
            _sceneObject.Collision.CollidesWith = TorqueObjectType.NoObjects;
            _sceneObject.Collision.SolveOverlap = false;
            _sceneObject.CollisionsEnabled = true;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// T2DOnCollision delegate to handle damage between the kushling and the player
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObject">The kushling</param>
        /// <param name="theirObject">The collided object.</param>
        /// <param name="info">Collision information</param>
        /// <param name="resolve">How the collision will be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="physicsMaterial">The type of material that would affect the physics</param>
        public static void KushCollision(T2DSceneObject myObject, T2DSceneObject theirObject,
            T2DCollisionInfo info, ref T2DResolveCollisionDelegate resolve, ref T2DCollisionMaterial physicsMaterial)
            int damage = myObject.Components.FindComponent<KushlingActorComponent>().Damage;

            if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.ActorObjectType))
                PlayerActorComponent actor = theirObject.Components.FindComponent<PlayerActorComponent>();

                // Deal damage to the enemy
                if (actor != null && !actor.IsInvincible)
                    actor.TakeDamage(damage, myObject, true, true);

            else if (theirObject.TestObjectType(PlatformerData.EnemyObjectType))
                resolve = T2DPhysicsComponent.ClampCollision;

                resolve = null;