Esempio n. 1
        private async Task HANDLE_LOGGING(byte[] args)
            var input = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(args);

            // If filename requested, send over
            if (input == "E")
                await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, downloadFilename);

                SystemUpdatedEventArgs e = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                    Status  = LOGGING_START,
                    Message = $"Logging to file: {downloadFilename}.dat"
                var msg = handler.Translate(input, LOGGING_FINISH);

                SystemUpdatedEventArgs ui = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                    Status   = LOGGING_FINISH,
                    Filename = downloadFilename,
                    Message  = msg
Esempio n. 2
        private void HANDLE_DISCONNECTION(IDevice device)
            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = DISCONNECTED,
                Message = $"Disconnected from {device.Name}"

            App.IsConnected = false;
            RELEASE_DATA(buffer, false);

            if (DATA_IN.Count > 0)
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    bool save = await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Disconnected",
                                                                                "Store data locally?", "Yes", "No");

                    if (save)
                        WRITE_FILE(DATA_IN, handler.GetFileName(DateTime.Now), HEADER_LOCAL);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Request file download from remote device.
        /// Format filename to be maximum of 8 characters long, then send download request.
        /// Filename will be send to remote device in HANDLE_DOWNLOAD() function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of the file to download.</param>
        public async Task DownloadFile(string filename)
            // Show popup for user interaction
            Debug.WriteLine("filename: " + filename);

            // Check filename is no more than 8 chars long
            if (filename.Length > 8)
                downloadFilename = filename.Remove(8);
                downloadFilename = filename;

            // Send UI update event and BLE command.
            downloadProgress = 0;

            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = DOWNLOAD_START,
                Message = $"Downloading file: {downloadFilename}"


            await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, "G");
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives stop scan request from UI.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task StopScan()
            await adapter.StopScanningForDevicesAsync();

            // Send UI update event for stopping scan.
            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = SCAN_FINISH,
                Message = "Stopping scan."

Esempio n. 5
        private async Task HANDLE_STREAM(byte[] stream)
            switch (STATUS)
            case SYS_STREAM_START:

                // Save data and send to display.
                    if (stream.Length > 1)
                        // Add buffer to local array
                        stream.CopyTo(buffer, packetIndex);     // Destination array is sometimes not long enough. Check packet index + stream length
                        packetIndex += stream.Length;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.WriteLine("*************** STREAM EXCEPTION ***************");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Received {stream.Length} bytes: {BitConverter.ToString(stream)}");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Copy stream to buffer failed with exception: " + e.Message);
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Stream length: {stream.Length}, packet index: {packetIndex}");

                // Check all packets received
                if (packetIndex >= 100)
                    // Request next packet if header present.
                    await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, "S");

                    // Send buffer to be written to file and empty all values.
                    var t = Task.Run(() => RELEASE_DATA(buffer));


            case SYS_STREAM_FINISH:
                var input = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream);
                var msg   = handler.Translate(input, SYS_STREAM_FINISH);

                SystemUpdatedEventArgs ui = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                    Status  = SYS_STREAM_FINISH,
                    Message = msg

                STATUS = IDLE;
Esempio n. 6
        private void HANDLE_INIT(byte[] args)
            var input = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(args);
            var msg   = handler.Translate(input, STATUS);

            if (input == "^")
                SystemUpdatedEventArgs e = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                    Status  = IDLE,
                    Message = msg,
                    Device  = Brace
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve list of files on remote device.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task GetMobileFiles()
            // Request list of files from brace
            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = SYNC_START,
                Message = "Beginning file sync"


            await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, "F");

            // Show popup
            CrossToastPopUp.Current.ShowToastMessage("Syncing mobile files");
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives stop stream request from UI.
        /// Send stop command to remote device and write all received data to file.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task StopStream()
            // Stop stream from menu (any character apart from "S")
            await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, ".");

            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = SYS_STREAM_FINISH,
                Message = "Stream finished."


            WRITE_FILE(DATA_IN, name: handler.GetFileName(DateTime.Now), header: HEADER_LOCAL, footer: HEADER_LOCAL);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Send initialisation command to remote device.
        /// Requires a brief delay due to internal config which happens on remote device.
        /// System isn't ready to receive commands immediately after connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task InitBrace()
            // Brief delay
            await Task.Delay(2500);

            // Send init event and BLE command
            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = SYS_INIT,
                Message = "Initalising device..."


            await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, "I");
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives stream request from UI.
        /// Check UART characteristics are properly registered, then send request stream command out to remote device.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Stream()
            // Flush out data

            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = SYS_STREAM_START,
                Message = "Starting data stream..."


            // Request stream from menu
            await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, "S");
Esempio n. 11
        public void EVENT(SystemUpdatedEventArgs args)
                STATUS = args.Status;
                SystemEvent(this, args);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Message))
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Unable to perform UI Update.");
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Begin logging to file on the remote device.
        /// Show popup to for confirmation of logging command being sent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Name of the file to be written to on the remote device.</param>
        public async Task StartLogging(string filename)
            string msg = $"Logging to file: {filename}.dat...";

            // Request long-term logging function from brace
            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = LOGGING_START,
                Message = msg

            await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, "D");

            // Set the filename to be written by brace
            downloadFilename = filename;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives start scan request from UI.
        /// Adapter begins to scan for nearby devices. Any discovered devices generates a DeviceDiscovered event (see Model Instanciation region).
        /// If Brace+ not found after a timeout, stop scanning.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <bool> StartScan()
            // Check if device BLE is turned on.
            if (!ble.IsOn)
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Bluetooth turned off", "Please turn on bluetooth to scan for devices.", "OK");


            // If already scanning, don't request second scan (will confuse BLE adapter)
            if (adapter.IsScanning)

            // Send UI update event for starting a scan.
            SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                Status  = SCAN_START,
                Message = "Starting scan..."


            // Start scan for devices.
                await adapter.StartScanningForDevicesAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Write("Start scan failed: " + ex.Message);

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Model Instanciation.
        /// Initialise all members and attach necessary events with lambda functions.
        /// </summary>
        public BraceClient()
            handler       = new MessageHandler();
            dialogService = new DialogService();

            ble                 = CrossBluetoothLE.Current;
            adapter             = CrossBluetoothLE.Current.Adapter;
            adapter.ScanTimeout = BLE_SCAN_TIMEOUT_MS;

            MobileFileList = new List <string>();
            DATA_IN        = new List <byte[]>();

            STATUS = IDLE;

            // BLE State changed
            ble.StateChanged += (s, e) =>
                if (e.NewState.ToString() != "On")
                    Debug.WriteLine($"The bluetooth state changed to {e.NewState}");
                    Write(string.Format($"The bluetooth state changed to {e.NewState}"));
            // New BLE device discovered event
            adapter.DeviceDiscovered += async(s, e) =>
                string name = e.Device.Name;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))

                    SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                        Status  = DEVICE_FOUND,
                        Message = $"Discovered device: {name}"


                    if (e.Device.Name == DEV_NAME || e.Device.Name == "RN_BLE")
                        await Connect(e.Device);
            // BLE Device connected
            adapter.DeviceConnected += async(s, e) =>
                App.IsConnected = true;

                Debug.WriteLine("Device connected: " + e.Device.Name);

                // Prepare and send UI updates event
                SystemUpdatedEventArgs args = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                    Status    = CONNECTED,
                    Message   = $"Connected to: {e.Device.Name}",
                    Device    = e.Device,
                    ServiceId = uartServiceUUID,
                    UartRxId  = uartRxCharUUID,
                    UartTxId  = uartTxCharUUID

                var AOK = await REGISTER_GATT_PROFILE(e.Device);

                if (AOK)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Successfully registered GATT profile.");
                    var t = Task.Run(() => COMMS_MENU(uartTx));

                    // Begin system initialisation
                    await InitBrace();
            // BLE Device connection lost event
            adapter.DeviceConnectionLost += (s, e) => HANDLE_DISCONNECTION(e.Device);
            // BLE Device disconnection event
            adapter.DeviceDisconnected += (s, e) => HANDLE_DISCONNECTION(e.Device);
            // Scan timeout
            adapter.ScanTimeoutElapsed += async(s, e) =>
                if (!App.IsConnected)
                    await dialogService.ShowAlertAsync($"{DEV_NAME} not found.", $"Unable to find {DEV_NAME}", "OK");

                    Write("Scan timeout elapsed.");
                    await StopScan();
Esempio n. 15
        private async Task HANDLE_DOWNLOAD(byte[] bytes)
            // Translate raw input to readable string.
            var input = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);

            // If input is E, brace is requesting filename to download.
            if (input == "E")
                var filename = downloadFilename;
                await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, filename);

            // All of the file has been sent to create system update and write all data received to file.
            else if (input == "^")
                // Translate message to display on UI
                var msg = handler.Translate(input, DOWNLOAD_FINISH);

                // Write header for mobile file
                byte[] b = new byte[] { 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F };

                downloadProgress  = 0;
                downloadFilename += ".txt";
                WRITE_FILE(DATA_IN, name: downloadFilename, header: HEADER_MOBILE, footer: HEADER_MOBILE);

                SystemUpdatedEventArgs e = new SystemUpdatedEventArgs
                    Status   = DOWNLOAD_FINISH,
                    Filename = downloadFilename,
                    Message  = msg

                // Add buffer to local array
                bytes.CopyTo(buffer, packetIndex); // Destination array is sometimes not long enough. Check packet index + stream length
                packetIndex += bytes.Length;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("*************** DOWNLOAD EXCEPTION ***************");
                Debug.WriteLine($"Received {bytes.Length} bytes: {BitConverter.ToString(bytes)}");
                Debug.WriteLine("Copy stream to buffer failed with exception: " + e.Message);
                Debug.WriteLine($"Stream length: {bytes.Length}, packet index: {packetIndex}");

            // Check packet
            if (packetIndex >= 100)
                DownloadProgressEventArgs args = new DownloadProgressEventArgs
                    Value = downloadProgress / 31
                DownloadProgression(this, args);
                downloadProgress += 1;
                // Request next packet if header present.
                await RUN_BLE_WRITE(uartRx, "g");

                // Send buffer to be written to file and empty all values.
                var t = Task.Run(() => RELEASE_DATA(buffer));