Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        public SystemSettingsSwitcher(CommandBase owner, SystemSettingsSwitcherSettings settings)
            // argument checks
            if (owner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(owner));
            // settings can be null

            // initialize members
            this.Owner = owner;

            bool        enabled;
            string      configurationScript;
            DnsEndPoint actualProxyEndPoint;

            if (settings == null)
                // simple initialization (ex. to restore only)
                enabled             = true;
                configurationScript = null;
                actualProxyEndPoint = null;
                // usual initialization
                enabled = settings.EnableSystemSettingsSwitch;
                ActualProxySettings actualProxySettings = settings.ActualProxy;
                if (actualProxySettings != null)
                    configurationScript = actualProxySettings.ConfigurationScript;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationScript))
                        actualProxyEndPoint = new DnsEndPoint(actualProxySettings.Host, actualProxySettings.Port);
                        actualProxyEndPoint = null;
                    configurationScript = null;
                    actualProxyEndPoint = null;

            this.Enabled = enabled;
            this.ActualProxyConfigurationScript = configurationScript;
            this.ActualProxyEndPoint            = actualProxyEndPoint;

Esempio n. 2
        public bool Test(CommandSettings settings, string targetUrl)
            SystemSettingsSwitcherSettings systemSettingsSwitcherSettings = settings.SystemSettingsSwitcher;
            bool       backup         = systemSettingsSwitcherSettings.EnableSystemSettingsSwitch;
            string     logLevelLog    = string.Empty;
            TraceLevel backupLogLevel = Logger.LogLevel;
            TraceLevel tempLogLevel   = backupLogLevel;

            if (tempLogLevel < TraceLevel.Info)
                tempLogLevel = TraceLevel.Info;
                logLevelLog  = $" The LogLevel is changed to '{tempLogLevel}' temporarily.";

            // test suppressing system settings switch
            try {
                LogStart($"Start a test connection to '{targetUrl}'.{logLevelLog}");
                Logger.LogLevel = tempLogLevel;
                systemSettingsSwitcherSettings.EnableSystemSettingsSwitch = false;

                using (RunningProxyState proxyState = StartProxy(settings, saveCredentials: false, checkPreviousBackup: false)) {
                    // In SystemSettingsSwitcher.TestWebProxy() called from StartProxy() above,
                    // MAPE already tested connectivity to the targetUrl with the actual proxy.
                    // In this test, on the other hand, connectivity is tested with the MAPE main listener as the proxy.
                    IPEndPoint       proxyEndPoint = ListenerSettings.GetEndPoint(settings.Proxy.MainListener);
                    WebClientForTest webClient     = new WebClientForTest();
                    webClient.Timeout = 180 * 1000; // 3 minutes
                    webClient.Proxy   = new WebProxy(proxyEndPoint.Address.ToString(), proxyEndPoint.Port);

                    webClient.DownloadData(targetUrl);                      // an exception is thrown on error

                    // wait for stop for 3 seconds
                    proxyState.Stop(systemSessionEnding: false, millisecondsTimeout: 3000);
            } finally {
                systemSettingsSwitcherSettings.EnableSystemSettingsSwitch = backup;
                Logger.LogLevel = backupLogLevel;
                LogStop($"Stop the test connection.");

        public override SystemSettingsSwitcher CreateSystemSettingsSwitcher(CommandBase owner, SystemSettingsSwitcherSettings settings)
            // argument checks
            SystemSettingsSwitcherForWindowsSettings actualSettings = null;

            if (settings != null)
                actualSettings = settings as SystemSettingsSwitcherForWindowsSettings;
                if (actualSettings == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException($"It must be {nameof(SystemSettingsSwitcherForWindowsSettings)} class.", nameof(settings));

            return(new SystemSettingsSwitcherForWindows(owner, actualSettings));
Esempio n. 4
            public void Start(CommandSettings commandSettings, bool saveCredentials, bool checkPreviousBackup)
                // argument checks
                if (commandSettings == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandSettings));
                SystemSettingsSwitcherSettings systemSettingsSwitcherSettings = commandSettings.SystemSettingsSwitcher;

                if (systemSettingsSwitcherSettings == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandSettings.SystemSettingsSwitcher));
                ProxySettings proxySettings = commandSettings.Proxy;

                if (proxySettings == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandSettings.Proxy));

                // state checks
                if (this.proxy != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The proxy is already started.");
                Debug.Assert(this.switcher == null);
                Debug.Assert(this.backup == null);

                try {
                    ComponentFactory componentFactory = this.Owner.ComponentFactory;

                    // check the state of previous backup
                    if (checkPreviousBackup)

                    // create a system settings swither
                    SystemSettingsSwitcher switcher = componentFactory.CreateSystemSettingsSwitcher(this.Owner, systemSettingsSwitcherSettings);
                    this.switcher = switcher;

                    // setup credential dictionary
                    lock (this.credentialsLocker) {
                        IEnumerable <CredentialSettings> credentials = commandSettings.Credentials;
                        this.dictionary         = (credentials == null)? new Dictionary <string, CredentialSettings>(): credentials.ToDictionary(c => c.EndPoint);
                        this.isCredentialsDirty = false;

                    // create a proxy
                    Proxy proxy = componentFactory.CreateProxy(proxySettings);
                    this.proxy = proxy;

                    // detect the current proxy
                    IActualProxy actualProxy = switcher.GetActualProxy();
                    if (actualProxy == null)
                        // no actual proxy to which it connects
                        throw new Exception(Resources.CommandBase_Message_NoActualProxy);
                    try {
                        // log
                        CommandBase owner = this.Owner;
                        if (owner.ShouldLog(TraceEventType.Verbose))
                            // log the actual proxy
                            owner.LogVerbose($"ActualProxy is '{actualProxy.Description}'");

                            // log whether system settings is being switched
                            string label = switcher.Enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled";
                            owner.LogVerbose($"SystemSettingsSwitch: {label}");

                        // test actual proxy
                        if (switcher.TestWebProxy(actualProxy) == false)
                            string message = string.Format(Resources.SystemSettingsSwitcher_Message_ProxyIsNotConnectable, actualProxy.Description);
                            throw new Exception(message);

                        // start the proxy
                        proxy.ActualProxy = actualProxy;
                        actualProxy       = null;                       // its ownership has been moved to the proxy object.
                        this.saveCredentials = saveCredentials;

                        // switch system settings
                        this.backup = switcher.Switch(proxy);
                        if (this.backup != null)
                            // save backup settings

                        this.commandSettings = commandSettings;
                    } catch {
                        DisposableUtil.ClearDisposableObject(ref actualProxy);
                } catch {
                    Stop(systemSessionEnding: false);

Esempio n. 5
 public virtual SystemSettingsSwitcher CreateSystemSettingsSwitcher(CommandBase owner, SystemSettingsSwitcherSettings settings)
     return(new SystemSettingsSwitcher(owner, settings));