private void InitiateLogInProtocols()
            // Executing credential validation protocols before triggering a session or being denied one
            String message = SystemProtocols.ApplyCredentialsValidationProtocol(usernameTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Text);

            if (message == "INVALID USER") // provided username was not registered in the system
                usernameTextBox.BackColor = Color.Red; // highlighting incorrect username
            else if (message == "INACTIVE USER")       // provided username belongs to an inactive/suspended account
                MessageBox.Show("This user has been deacivated, please try with a different account.");
            else if (message == "INCORRECT") // provided credentials were incorrect for that username
                passwordTextBox.Text      = "";
                passwordTextBox.BackColor = Color.Red; // highlighting incorrect password
            else // credentials were successfully validated
                // Executing correct login protocols for new user session

                FormsMenuList.loginForm.Hide(); // TODO: replace this with close once program is ancored to splash page

                // Summon Product Browser Form
                FormsMenuList.inventorySearchForm = new InventorySearchForm();