Esempio n. 1
 public static Match2 CreateMatch(Msoft.Match msoftMatch)
     if (msoftMatch.Success)
         return Factory.CreateMatch(msoftMatch.Index, msoftMatch.Length, msoftMatch.Value);
         return Match2.Empty;
Esempio n. 2
        public void ToArray()
            var test     = "My number is 010 123-4567";
            var expected = new[] { "010 123-4567", "010", "123-4567" };
            var actual   = Regex.Match(test, "([0-9]{3,}) ([0-9]{3,3}-[0-9]{4,})").ToArray();

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected, actual);
Esempio n. 3
        public void TryMatch()
            string[] actual;
            var test     = "Testing out tryMatch out";
            var expected = new[] { "out" };

            Assert.IsTrue( TRegex.TryMatch(test, "out", out actual) );
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void ThenCanSuccessfullyMatch()
            var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline {Name = "Adding several numbers"};
            var exampleRow = new[] {"40", "50", "90"};

            var signatureBuilder = Kernel.Get<xUnitExampleSignatureBuilder>();
            Regex signature = signatureBuilder.Build(scenarioOutline, exampleRow);

            signature.IsMatch("Pickles.TestHarness.xUnit.AdditionFeature.AddingSeveralNumbers(firstNumber: \"40\", secondNumber: \"50\", result: \"90\", exampleTags: System.String[])".ToLowerInvariant()).ShouldBeTrue();
        public void ShouldApplyLimitUsingTop()
            var sql = "select a,b,c from d where a = 1 order by c";
            var expected = new[] { "select top(5) a,b,c from d where a = 1 order by c" };

            var pagedSql = new SqlCe40QueryPager().ApplyLimit(sql, 5);
            var modified = pagedSql.Select(x => Normalize.Replace(x, " ").ToLowerInvariant());

Esempio n. 6
        public void TryMatch_Extension()
            string[] actual;
            var regex    = new Regex("out");
            var test     = "Testing out tryMatch out";
            var expected = new[] { "out" };

            Assert.IsTrue( regex.TryMatch(test, out actual) );
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void ShouldApplyPagingUsingOrderBy()
            var sql = "select a,b,c from d where a = 1 order by c";
            var expected = new[]{
                "select a,b,c from d where a = 1 order by c offset 5 rows fetch next 10 rows only"};

            var pagedSql = new SqlCe40QueryPager().ApplyPaging(sql, 5, 10);
            var modified = pagedSql.Select(x=> Normalize.Replace(x, " ").ToLowerInvariant());

Esempio n. 8
 public static int LineCount(this string text)
     var lineends = new[] { '\r', '\n' };
      int index = 0, count = 0;
      while ((index = 1 + text.IndexOfAny(lineends, index)) > 0)
     index += (text[index] == lineends[1]) ? 1 : 0;
      return count;
        public void ThenCanSuccessfullyMatchSpecialCharacters()
            var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Adding several numbers (foo-bar, foo bar)" };
            var exampleRow = new[] { "40", "50", "90" };

            var signatureBuilder = new NUnit3ExampleSignatureBuilder();
            Regex signature = signatureBuilder.Build(scenarioOutline, exampleRow);

            var isMatch = signature.IsMatch("AddingSeveralNumbersFoo_BarFooBar(\"40\",\"50\",\"90\",System.String[])".ToLowerInvariant());
        public void ShouldApplyPagingUsingOrderByFirstColumnIfNotAlreadyOrdered()
            var sql = "select a,b,c from d where a = 1";
            var expected = new[]{
                "select a,b,c from d where a = 1 order by a offset 10 rows fetch next 20 rows only"};

            var pagedSql = new SqlCe40QueryPager().ApplyPaging(sql, new string[0], 10, 20);
            var modified = pagedSql.Select(x => Normalize.Replace(x, " ").ToLowerInvariant());

        public void ThenCanSuccessfullyMatch()
            var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Adding several numbers" };
            var exampleRow = new[] { "40", "50", "90" };

            var signatureBuilder = new NUnit2ExampleSignatureBuilder();
            Regex signature = signatureBuilder.Build(scenarioOutline, exampleRow);

            var isMatch = signature.IsMatch("Pickles.TestHarness.AdditionFeature.AddingSeveralNumbers(\"40\",\"50\",\"90\",System.String[])".ToLowerInvariant());
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Retorna true se o CPF for válido
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsValidCpf(string cpf)
            cpf = cpf.OnlyNumbers();

            var multiplicador1 = new[] { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 };
            var multiplicador2 = new[] { 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 };

            int soma, resto;
            var isNum = IsNumber(cpf);

            if (isNum != true)
                return false;

            if (cpf.Length != 11)
                return false;

            if (cpf == "00000000000")
                return false;

            var tempCpf = cpf.Substring(0, 9);
            soma = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                soma += int.Parse(tempCpf[i].ToString()) * multiplicador1[i];

            resto = soma % 11;
            if (resto < 2)
                resto = 0;
                resto = 11 - resto;

            var digito = resto.ToString();

            tempCpf = tempCpf + digito;

            soma = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                soma += int.Parse(tempCpf[i].ToString()) * multiplicador2[i];

            resto = soma % 11;
            if (resto < 2)
                resto = 0;
                resto = 11 - resto;

            digito = digito + resto;

            return cpf.EndsWith(digito);
        public void ThenCanSuccessfullyMatchExamplesWithLongValues()
            var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Deal correctly with overlong example values" };
            var exampleRow = new[]
                "Please enter a valid two letter country code (e.g. DE)!",
                "This is just a very very very veery long error message!"

            var signatureBuilder = new NUnit3ExampleSignatureBuilder();
            var signature = signatureBuilder.Build(scenarioOutline, exampleRow);

            var isMatch = signature.IsMatch("DealCorrectlyWithOverlongExampleValues(\"Please enter a valid two letter count...\",\"This is just a very very very veery l...\",null)".ToLowerInvariant());
        public void ThenCanSuccessfullyMatchExamplesWithLongValues()
            var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Deal correctly with overlong example values" };
            var exampleRow = new[]
                "Please enter a valid two letter country code (e.g. DE)!",
                "This is just a very very very veery long error message!"

            var signatureBuilder = new XUnitExampleSignatureBuilder();
            var signature = signatureBuilder.Build(scenarioOutline, exampleRow);

            var isMatch = signature.IsMatch("Pickles.TestHarness.xunit2.ScenarioOutlinesFeature.DealCorrectlyWithOverlongExampleValues(value1: \"Please enter a valid two letter country code (e.g.\"..., value2: \"This is just a very very very veery long error mes\"..., exampleTags: [])".ToLowerInvariant());
        private static bool MatchRegexSpecialChars(string expectedParameter)
            var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "This scenario contains examples with Regex-special characters" };
            var exampleRow = new[] { expectedParameter };

            var signatureBuilder = new XUnitExampleSignatureBuilder();
            var signature = signatureBuilder.Build(scenarioOutline, exampleRow);

            var matchEntry = string
                    "Pickles.TestHarness.xunit2.ScenariosWithSpecialCharactersFeature.ThisScenarioContainsExamplesWithRegex_SpecialCharacters(regex: \"{0}\", exampleTags: System.String[])",

            return signature.IsMatch(matchEntry);
        public CreateFileDialog()

            var mainFileTypes = new[]
            CbFileType.ItemsSource = mainFileTypes;
            CbFileType.SelectedIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 17
		public void ShouldThrowIfRegExIsMissing()
			const string wordToMatch = "the toggle";

			var content = new[]
			var mappings = new DefaultSpecificationMappings();
			mappings.AddMapping("myRegex", new RegExSpecification(new Regex("^" + wordToMatch + "$")));

			Assert.Throws<IncorrectTextFileException>(() => 
				new ToggleConfiguration(new FileParser(new FileReaderStub(content), mappings))
			.Should().Contain(string.Format(RegExSpecification.MustDeclareRegexPattern, "sometoggle"));
Esempio n. 18
		public void ShouldHandleMiss()
			const string wordToMatch = "the toggle";

			var content = new[]
				"sometoggle.myRegex." + RegExSpecification.RegExParameter + "=" + wordToMatch
			var mappings = new DefaultSpecificationMappings();
			mappings.AddMapping("myRegex", new RegExSpecification(new Regex("^somethingelse$")));

			var toggleChecker = new ToggleConfiguration(new FileParser(new FileReaderStub(content), mappings))

Esempio n. 19
		static RegexCollection()
			string[] tags = new[] {

			RegexOptions defaultRegexOptions =
				| RegexOptions.Multiline
				| RegexOptions.CultureInvariant

			Tags = new Regex(string.Join("|", tags), defaultRegexOptions);

			Head = new Regex(@"<head.*?>", defaultRegexOptions);

			End = new Regex(@"<\/body>", defaultRegexOptions);
        public static void AssertMatches(E.MatchCollection<char> matches, STR.MatchCollection regexMatches)
            if (matches == null && regexMatches == null)
             if (matches == null)
            Assert.Fail ("matches == null");
             if (regexMatches == null)
            Assert.Fail ("regexMatches == null");

             Assert.AreEqual (regexMatches.Count, matches.Count, "matches.Count");
             for (int i = 0; i < regexMatches.Count; i++)
            var rMatch = regexMatches[i];
            var eMatch = matches[i];

            Assert.AreEqual (rMatch.Index, eMatch.Index, "Index of match " + i);
            Assert.AreEqual (rMatch.Length, eMatch.Length, "Length of match " + i);

            string rValue = rMatch.Value;
            string eValue = new string (eMatch.Items.ToArray ());
            Assert.AreEqual (rValue.Length, eValue.Length, "Value of match " + i);
Esempio n. 21
                public void Properties(string prop1, string prop2, string prop3)
                    var properties = new [] { prop1, prop2, prop3 };

                    var account = new BankAccount(BankAccountTest.NUMBER,
                            BankAccountTest.SORTCODE, BankAccountTest.NAME);

                    var serialize = account.Serialize(SerializeMethod.FixedWidth, properties);

                    var composed = "";
                    foreach(var prop in properties)
                        var p = typeof(ISerializedAccount).GetProperty(prop);
                        composed += p.GetValue(serialize, null).ToString();

                    Assert.Equal(composed, serialize.Line);
Esempio n. 22
        public void VerifyRows(string column, string dataValue, string dataFormat = null)
            var tableName = "Import_" + column;
              var columnNames = new[] {column};
              var dataValues = new[] { new[] { dataValue } };

              CreateTable(tableName, column);
              ImportRows(tableName, columnNames, dataValues);
              VerifyRows(tableName, columnNames, dataValues, dataFormat);
Esempio n. 23
		public void TestLessThanDecimal()
			var model = new { value = new decimal(-10.5) };

			string output = Template.Parse("{% if model.value < 0 %}passed{% endif %}")
				.Render(Hash.FromAnonymousObject(new { model }));

			Assert.AreEqual("passed", output);
Esempio n. 24
 public static Match2[] CreateMatches(Msoft.MatchCollection msoftMatches)
     return msoftMatches.Cast<Msoft.Match>()
                        .Select(m => CreateMatch(m))
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// 読み取った引数の内容を正規化します。(trim, dequotation)
 /// </summary>
 static string ReadArg(Rgx::Group g){
   string ret=g.Value.Trim();
     }else if(ret[0]=='/'){
   return ret;
Esempio n. 26
    /// <summary>
    /// Validates an html tag against the allowedTags. Also check that
    /// it doesn't have any "extra" features such as javascript in it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tag">
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="allowedTags">
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    /// The is valid tag.
    /// </returns>
    public static bool IsValidTag(string tag, IEnumerable<string> allowedTags)
      if (tag.IndexOf("javascript") >= 0)
        return false;

      if (tag.IndexOf("vbscript") >= 0)
        return false;

      if (tag.IndexOf("onclick") >= 0)
        return false;

      var endchars = new[]
          ' ', '>', '/', '\t'

      int pos = tag.IndexOfAny(endchars, 1);
      if (pos > 0)
        tag = tag.Substring(0, pos);

      if (tag[0] == '/')
        tag = tag.Substring(1);

      // check if it's a valid tag
      return allowedTags.Any(allowedTag => tag == allowedTag);
Esempio n. 27
 public string GetProcessedAfter(Rgx::Match match)
     string ret=this.after;
     ret=reg_after.Replace(ret,delegate(Rgx::Match m){
         //System.Console.WriteLine("replacement match: "+m.Value);
             int n=int.Parse(m.Groups["num"].Value);
                 return match.Value;
             Rgx::Group g=match.Groups[n];
                 return g.Value;
         }else if(m.Groups["name"].Success){
             Rgx::Group g=match.Groups[m.Groups["name"].Value];
                 return g.Value;
         }else switch(m.Groups["cmd"].Value){
             case "include":
                 string fname=m.Groups["arg"].Value.Trim();
                 return System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fname);
         return m.Value;
     return ret;
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Retorna true se o CNPJ for válido
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsValidCnpj(string cnpj)
            if (cnpj != null)
                cnpj = cnpj.OnlyNumbers();

            var multiplicador1 = new[] { 5, 4, 3, 2, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 };
            var multiplicador2 = new[] { 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 };

            int soma, resto;
            var isNum = IsNumber(cnpj);

            cnpj = (cnpj ?? "").Trim();

            if (isNum != true)
                return false;

            if (cnpj.Length != 14)
                return false;

            var tempCnpj = cnpj.Substring(0, 12);

            soma = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                soma += int.Parse(tempCnpj[i].ToString()) * multiplicador1[i];

            resto = (soma % 11);
            if (resto < 2)
                resto = 0;
                resto = 11 - resto;

            var digito = resto.ToString();

            tempCnpj = tempCnpj + digito;
            soma = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                soma += int.Parse(tempCnpj[i].ToString()) * multiplicador2[i];

            resto = (soma % 11);
            if (resto < 2)
                resto = 0;
                resto = 11 - resto;

            digito = digito + resto;

            return cnpj.EndsWith(digito);