Esempio n. 1
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /// <summary>Add (union) in a complete set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">the set being added.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>true if this changes the set.
        /// </returns>
        public virtual bool add(terminal_set other)

            /* make a copy */
            System.Collections.BitArray copy = (System.Collections.BitArray)_elements.Clone();

            /* or in the other set */
            //UPGRADE_NOTE: In .NET BitArrays must be of the same size to allow the 'System.Collections.BitArray.Or' operation. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1083"'
            _elements = _elements.Or(other._elements);

            /* changed if we are not the same as the copy */
            //UPGRADE_TODO: method 'java.util.BitSet.equals' was converted to ' ' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javautilBitSetequals_javalangObject"'
            return(!BitArraysEqual(_elements, copy));
            // _elements.Equals(copy);
Esempio n. 2
        internal virtual System.Collections.BitArray AddClause(BooleanQuery bq, System.Collections.BitArray result)
            System.Collections.BitArray rnd = sets[r.Next(sets.Length)];
            Query q = new ConstantScoreQuery(new AnonymousClassFilter(rnd, this));

            bq.Add(q, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
            if (validate)
                if (result == null)
                    result = (System.Collections.BitArray)rnd.Clone();
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>  Test if set A is contained in  set B.</summary>
        /// <param name="A"> a bitSet
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="B"> a bitSet
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>    true if  A is contained in  B
        /// </returns>
        private bool isContainedIn(System.Collections.BitArray A, System.Collections.BitArray B)
            bool result = false;

            if (isEmpty(A))

            System.Collections.BitArray setA = (System.Collections.BitArray)A.Clone();
            //UPGRADE_NOTE: In .NET BitArrays must be of the same size to allow the 'System.Collections.BitArray.And' operation. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1083'"

            //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.BitSet.equals' was converted to 'System.Collections.BitArray.Equals' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilBitSetequals_javalangObject'"
            if (setA.Equals(A))
                result = true;

Esempio n. 4
        internal virtual void  DoRandomSets(int maxSize, int iter, int mode)
            System.Collections.BitArray a0 = null;
            OpenBitSet b0 = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++)
                int sz = rand.Next(maxSize);
                System.Collections.BitArray a = new System.Collections.BitArray(sz);
                OpenBitSet b = new OpenBitSet(sz);

                // test the various ways of setting bits
                if (sz > 0)
                    int nOper = rand.Next(sz);
                    for (int j = 0; j < nOper; j++)
                        int idx;

                        idx = rand.Next(sz);
                        a.Set(idx, true);
                        idx = rand.Next(sz);
                        a.Set(idx, false);
                        idx = rand.Next(sz);
                        a.Set(idx, !a.Get(idx));

                        bool val  = b.FlipAndGet(idx);
                        bool val2 = b.FlipAndGet(idx);
                        Assert.IsTrue(val != val2);

                        val = b.GetAndSet(idx);
                        Assert.IsTrue(val2 == val);

                        if (!val)
                        Assert.IsTrue(b.Get(idx) == val);

                // test that the various ways of accessing the bits are equivalent
                DoGet(a, b);

                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}
                // Java's java.util.BitSet automatically grows as needed - i.e., when a bit is referenced beyond
                // the size of the BitSet, an exception isn't thrown - rather, the set grows to the size of the
                // referenced bit.
                // System.Collections.BitArray does not have this feature, and thus I've faked it here by
                // "growing" the array explicitly when necessary (creating a new instance of the appropriate size
                // and setting the appropriate bits).

                // test ranges, including possible extension
                int fromIndex, toIndex;
                fromIndex = rand.Next(sz + 80);
                toIndex   = fromIndex + rand.Next((sz >> 1) + 1);

                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}:
                // The following commented-out, compound statement's 'for loop' implicitly grows the Java BitSets 'a'
                // and 'aa' to the same cardinality as 'j+1' when 'a.Count < j+1' and 'fromIndex < toIndex':
                //BitArray aa = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, !a.Get(j));
                // So, if necessary, lets explicitly grow 'a' now; then 'a' and its clone, 'aa', will be of the required size.
                if (a.Length < toIndex && fromIndex < toIndex)
                    System.Collections.BitArray tmp = new System.Collections.BitArray(toIndex, false);
                    for (int k = 0; k < a.Length; k++)
                        tmp.Set(k, a.Get(k));
                    a = tmp;
                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}: now we can invoke this statement without going 'out-of-bounds'
                System.Collections.BitArray aa = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++)
                    aa.Set(j, !a.Get(j));
                OpenBitSet bb = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); bb.Flip(fromIndex, toIndex);

                DoIterate(aa, bb, mode); // a problem here is from flip or doIterate

                fromIndex = rand.Next(sz + 80);
                toIndex   = fromIndex + rand.Next((sz >> 1) + 1);
                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}:
                // The following commented-out, compound statement's 'for loop' implicitly grows the Java BitSet 'aa'
                // when 'a.Count < j+1' and 'fromIndex < toIndex'
                //aa = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, false);
                // So, if necessary, lets explicitly grow 'aa' now
                if (a.Length < toIndex && fromIndex < toIndex)
                    aa = new System.Collections.BitArray(toIndex);
                    for (int k = 0; k < a.Length; k++)
                        aa.Set(k, a.Get(k));
                    aa = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone();
                for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++)
                    aa.Set(j, false);
                bb = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); bb.Clear(fromIndex, toIndex);

                DoNextSetBit(aa, bb); // a problem here is from clear() or nextSetBit

                fromIndex = rand.Next(sz + 80);
                toIndex   = fromIndex + rand.Next((sz >> 1) + 1);
                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}:
                // The following commented-out, compound statement's 'for loop' implicitly grows the Java BitSet 'aa'
                // when 'a.Count < j+1' and 'fromIndex < toIndex'
                //aa = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, false);
                // So, if necessary, lets explicitly grow 'aa' now
                if (a.Length < toIndex && fromIndex < toIndex)
                    aa = new System.Collections.BitArray(toIndex);
                    for (int k = 0; k < a.Length; k++)
                        aa.Set(k, a.Get(k));
                    aa = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone();
                for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++)
                    aa.Set(j, true);
                bb = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); bb.Set(fromIndex, toIndex);

                DoNextSetBit(aa, bb);                 // a problem here is from set() or nextSetBit

                if (a0 != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(a.Equals(a0), b.Equals(b0));

                    Assert.AreEqual(BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a), b.Cardinality());

                    // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}
                    // The Java code used java.util.BitSet, which grows as needed.
                    // When a bit, outside the dimension of the set is referenced,
                    // the set automatically grows to the necessary size.  The
                    // new entries default to false.
                    // BitArray does not grow automatically and is not growable.
                    // Thus when BitArray instances of mismatched cardinality
                    // interact, we must first explicitly "grow" the smaller one.
                    // This growth is acheived by creating a new instance of the
                    // required size and copying the appropriate values.

                    //BitArray a_and = (BitArray)a.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                    //BitArray a_or = (BitArray)a.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                    //BitArray a_xor = (BitArray)a.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                    //BitArray a_andn = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Count; j++) if (a0.Get(j)) a_andn.Set(j, false);

                    System.Collections.BitArray a_and;
                    System.Collections.BitArray a_or;
                    System.Collections.BitArray a_xor;
                    System.Collections.BitArray a_andn;

                    if (a.Length < a0.Length)
                        // the Java code would have implicitly resized 'a_and', 'a_or', 'a_xor', and 'a_andn'
                        // in this case, so we explicitly create a resized stand-in for 'a' here, allowing for
                        // a to keep its original size while 'a_and', 'a_or', 'a_xor', and 'a_andn' are resized
                        System.Collections.BitArray tmp = new System.Collections.BitArray(a0.Length, false);
                        for (int z = 0; z < a.Length; z++)
                            tmp.Set(z, a.Get(z));

                        a_and  = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                        a_or   = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                        a_xor  = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                        a_andn = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Length; j++)
                            if (a0.Get(j))
                                a_andn.Set(j, false);
                    else if (a.Length > a0.Length)
                        // the Java code would have implicitly resized 'a0' in this case, so
                        // we explicitly do so here:
                        System.Collections.BitArray tmp = new System.Collections.BitArray(a.Length, false);
                        for (int z = 0; z < a0.Length; z++)
                            tmp.Set(z, a0.Get(z));
                        a0 = tmp;

                        a_and  = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                        a_or   = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                        a_xor  = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                        a_andn = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Length; j++)
                            if (a0.Get(j))
                                a_andn.Set(j, false);
                        // 'a' and 'a0' are the same size, no explicit growing necessary
                        a_and  = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                        a_or   = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                        a_xor  = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                        a_andn = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Length; j++)
                            if (a0.Get(j))
                                a_andn.Set(j, false);

                    OpenBitSet b_and  = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); Assert.AreEqual(b, b_and); b_and.And(b0);
                    OpenBitSet b_or   = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); b_or.Or(b0);
                    OpenBitSet b_xor  = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); b_xor.Xor(b0);
                    OpenBitSet b_andn = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); b_andn.AndNot(b0);

                    DoIterate(a_and, b_and, mode);
                    DoIterate(a_or, b_or, mode);
                    DoIterate(a_xor, b_xor, mode);
                    DoIterate(a_andn, b_andn, mode);

                    Assert.AreEqual(BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_and), b_and.Cardinality());
                    Assert.AreEqual(BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_or), b_or.Cardinality());
                    Assert.AreEqual(BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_xor), b_xor.Cardinality());
                    Assert.AreEqual(BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_andn), b_andn.Cardinality());

                    // test non-mutating popcounts
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_and.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.IntersectionCount(b, b0));
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_or.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.UnionCount(b, b0));
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_xor.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.XorCount(b, b0));
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_andn.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.AndNotCount(b, b0));

                a0 = a;
                b0 = b;
Esempio n. 5
		internal virtual void  DoRandomSets(int maxSize, int iter, int mode)
			System.Collections.BitArray a0 = null;
			OpenBitSet b0 = null;
			for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++)
				int sz = rand.Next(maxSize);
				System.Collections.BitArray a = new System.Collections.BitArray(sz);
				OpenBitSet b = new OpenBitSet(sz);
				// test the various ways of setting bits
				if (sz > 0)
					int nOper = rand.Next(sz);
					for (int j = 0; j < nOper; j++)
						int idx;
						idx = rand.Next(sz);
						a.Set(idx, true);
						idx = rand.Next(sz);
						a.Set(idx, false);
						idx = rand.Next(sz);
						a.Set(idx, !a.Get(idx));
						bool val = b.FlipAndGet(idx);
						bool val2 = b.FlipAndGet(idx);
						Assert.IsTrue(val != val2);
						val = b.GetAndSet(idx);
						Assert.IsTrue(val2 == val);
						if (!val)
						Assert.IsTrue(b.Get(idx) == val);
				// test that the various ways of accessing the bits are equivalent
				DoGet(a, b);
                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}
                // Java's java.util.BitSet automatically grows as needed - i.e., when a bit is referenced beyond
                // the size of the BitSet, an exception isn't thrown - rather, the set grows to the size of the 
                // referenced bit.
                // System.Collections.BitArray does not have this feature, and thus I've faked it here by
                // "growing" the array explicitly when necessary (creating a new instance of the appropriate size
                // and setting the appropriate bits).

                // test ranges, including possible extension
                int fromIndex, toIndex;
                fromIndex = rand.Next(sz + 80);
                toIndex = fromIndex + rand.Next((sz >> 1) + 1);

                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}:
                // The following commented-out, compound statement's 'for loop' implicitly grows the Java BitSets 'a'
                // and 'aa' to the same cardinality as 'j+1' when 'a.Count < j+1' and 'fromIndex < toIndex':
                //BitArray aa = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, !a.Get(j));
                // So, if necessary, lets explicitly grow 'a' now; then 'a' and its clone, 'aa', will be of the required size.
                if (a.Count < toIndex && fromIndex < toIndex)
                    System.Collections.BitArray tmp = new System.Collections.BitArray(toIndex, false);
                    for (int k = 0; k < a.Count; k++)
                        tmp.Set(k, a.Get(k));
                    a = tmp;
                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}: now we can invoke this statement without going 'out-of-bounds'
                System.Collections.BitArray aa = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, !a.Get(j));
                OpenBitSet bb = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); bb.Flip(fromIndex, toIndex);

                DoIterate(aa, bb, mode); // a problem here is from flip or doIterate

                fromIndex = rand.Next(sz + 80);
                toIndex = fromIndex + rand.Next((sz >> 1) + 1);
                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}:
                // The following commented-out, compound statement's 'for loop' implicitly grows the Java BitSet 'aa'
                // when 'a.Count < j+1' and 'fromIndex < toIndex'
                //aa = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, false);
                // So, if necessary, lets explicitly grow 'aa' now
                if (a.Count < toIndex && fromIndex < toIndex)
                    aa = new System.Collections.BitArray(toIndex);
                    for (int k = 0; k < a.Count; k++)
                        aa.Set(k, a.Get(k));
                    aa = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone();
                for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, false);
                bb = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); bb.Clear(fromIndex, toIndex);

                DoNextSetBit(aa, bb); // a problem here is from clear() or nextSetBit

                fromIndex = rand.Next(sz + 80);
                toIndex = fromIndex + rand.Next((sz >> 1) + 1);
                // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}:
                // The following commented-out, compound statement's 'for loop' implicitly grows the Java BitSet 'aa'
                // when 'a.Count < j+1' and 'fromIndex < toIndex'
                //aa = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, false);
                // So, if necessary, lets explicitly grow 'aa' now
                if (a.Count < toIndex && fromIndex < toIndex)
                    aa = new System.Collections.BitArray(toIndex);
                    for (int k = 0; k < a.Count; k++)
                        aa.Set(k, a.Get(k));
                    aa = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone();
                for (int j = fromIndex; j < toIndex; j++) aa.Set(j, true);
                bb = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); bb.Set(fromIndex, toIndex);
				DoNextSetBit(aa, bb); // a problem here is from set() or nextSetBit     
				if (a0 != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(a.Equals(a0), b.Equals(b0));

                    Assert.AreEqual(SupportClass.BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a), b.Cardinality());

                    // {{dougsale-2.4.0}}
                    // The Java code used java.util.BitSet, which grows as needed.
                    // When a bit, outside the dimension of the set is referenced,
                    // the set automatically grows to the necessary size.  The
                    // new entries default to false.
                    // BitArray does not grow automatically and is not growable.
                    // Thus when BitArray instances of mismatched cardinality
                    // interact, we must first explicitly "grow" the smaller one.
                    // This growth is acheived by creating a new instance of the
                    // required size and copying the appropriate values.

                    //BitArray a_and = (BitArray)a.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                    //BitArray a_or = (BitArray)a.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                    //BitArray a_xor = (BitArray)a.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                    //BitArray a_andn = (BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Count; j++) if (a0.Get(j)) a_andn.Set(j, false);

                    System.Collections.BitArray a_and;
                    System.Collections.BitArray a_or;
                    System.Collections.BitArray a_xor;
                    System.Collections.BitArray a_andn;

                    if (a.Count < a0.Count)
                        // the Java code would have implicitly resized 'a_and', 'a_or', 'a_xor', and 'a_andn'
                        // in this case, so we explicitly create a resized stand-in for 'a' here, allowing for
                        // a to keep its original size while 'a_and', 'a_or', 'a_xor', and 'a_andn' are resized
                        System.Collections.BitArray tmp = new System.Collections.BitArray(a0.Count, false);
                        for (int z = 0; z < a.Count; z++)
                            tmp.Set(z, a.Get(z));

                        a_and = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                        a_or = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                        a_xor = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                        a_andn = (System.Collections.BitArray)tmp.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Count; j++) if (a0.Get(j)) a_andn.Set(j, false);
                    else if (a.Count > a0.Count)
                        // the Java code would have implicitly resized 'a0' in this case, so
                        // we explicitly do so here:
                        System.Collections.BitArray tmp = new System.Collections.BitArray(a.Count, false);
                        for (int z = 0; z < a0.Count; z++)
                            tmp.Set(z, a0.Get(z));
                        a0 = tmp;

                        a_and = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                        a_or = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                        a_xor = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                        a_andn = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Count; j++) if (a0.Get(j)) a_andn.Set(j, false);
                        // 'a' and 'a0' are the same size, no explicit growing necessary
                        a_and = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_and.And(a0);
                        a_or = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_or.Or(a0);
                        a_xor = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); a_xor.Xor(a0);
                        a_andn = (System.Collections.BitArray)a.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < a_andn.Count; j++) if (a0.Get(j)) a_andn.Set(j, false);

                    OpenBitSet b_and = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); Assert.AreEqual(b, b_and); b_and.And(b0);
                    OpenBitSet b_or = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); b_or.Or(b0);
                    OpenBitSet b_xor = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); b_xor.Xor(b0);
                    OpenBitSet b_andn = (OpenBitSet)b.Clone(); b_andn.AndNot(b0);

                    DoIterate(a_and, b_and, mode);
                    DoIterate(a_or, b_or, mode);
                    DoIterate(a_xor, b_xor, mode);
                    DoIterate(a_andn, b_andn, mode);

                    Assert.AreEqual(SupportClass.BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_and), b_and.Cardinality());
                    Assert.AreEqual(SupportClass.BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_or), b_or.Cardinality());
                    Assert.AreEqual(SupportClass.BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_xor), b_xor.Cardinality());
                    Assert.AreEqual(SupportClass.BitSetSupport.Cardinality(a_andn), b_andn.Cardinality());

                    // test non-mutating popcounts
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_and.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.IntersectionCount(b, b0));
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_or.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.UnionCount(b, b0));
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_xor.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.XorCount(b, b0));
                    Assert.AreEqual(b_andn.Cardinality(), OpenBitSet.AndNotCount(b, b0));
				a0 = a;
				b0 = b;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>  Parsing of the RGraph. This is the recursive method
        /// to perform a query. The method will recursively
        /// parse the RGraph thru connected nodes and visiting the
        /// RGraph using allowed adjacency relationship.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="traversed"> node already parsed
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="extension"> possible extension node (allowed neighbours)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="forbiden">  node forbiden (set of node incompatible with the current solution)
        /// </param>
        private void parseRec(System.Collections.BitArray traversed, System.Collections.BitArray extension, System.Collections.BitArray forbidden)
            System.Collections.BitArray newTraversed  = null;
            System.Collections.BitArray newExtension  = null;
            System.Collections.BitArray newForbidden  = null;
            System.Collections.BitArray potentialNode = null;

            // if there is no more extension possible we
            // have reached a potential new solution
            if (isEmpty(extension))
            // carry on with each possible extension
                // calculates the set of nodes that may still
                // be reached at this stage (not forbiden)
                potentialNode = ((System.Collections.BitArray)graphBitSet.Clone());
                //UPGRADE_NOTE: In .NET BitArrays must be of the same size to allow the 'System.Collections.BitArray.Or' operation. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1083'"

                // checks if we must continue the search
                // according to the potential node set
                if (mustContinue(potentialNode))
                    // carry on research and update iteration count

                    // for each node in the set of possible extension (neighbours of
                    // the current partial solution, include the node to the solution
                    // and perse recursively the RGraph with the new context.
                    for (int x = nextSetBit(extension, 0); x >= 0 && !stop; x = nextSetBit(extension, x + 1))
                        // evaluates the new set of forbidden nodes
                        // by including the nodes not compatible with the
                        // newly accepted node.
                        newForbidden = (System.Collections.BitArray)forbidden.Clone();
                        //UPGRADE_NOTE: In .NET BitArrays must be of the same size to allow the 'System.Collections.BitArray.Or' operation. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1083'"

                        // if it is the first time we are here then
                        // traversed is empty and we initialize the set of
                        // possible extensions to the extension of the first
                        // accepted node in the solution.
                        if (isEmpty(traversed))
                            newExtension = (System.Collections.BitArray)(((RNode)graph[x]).extension.Clone());
                        // else we simply update the set of solution by
                        // including the neighbours of the newly accepted node
                            newExtension = (System.Collections.BitArray)extension.Clone();
                            //UPGRADE_NOTE: In .NET BitArrays must be of the same size to allow the 'System.Collections.BitArray.Or' operation. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1083'"

                        // extension my not contain forbidden nodes

                        // create the new set of traversed node
                        // (update current partial solution)
                        // and add x to the set of forbidden node
                        // (a node may only appear once in a solution)
                        newTraversed = (System.Collections.BitArray)traversed.Clone();
                        SupportClass.BitArraySupport.Set(newTraversed, x);
                        SupportClass.BitArraySupport.Set(forbidden, x);

                        // parse recursively the RGraph
                        parseRec(newTraversed, newExtension, newForbidden);
Esempio n. 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Coleccion show = new Coleccion();
            System.Collections.BitArray bitArray =
                new System.Collections.BitArray(
                    new byte[] { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 });// Convertiendo byte a bit

            Coleccion.Show(bitArray, 2);

            //// Obtenemos un bit en particular

            //// ponemos un bit en particular
            bitArray.Set(3, true);
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray, 2);


            // Clonacion del BitArray
            System.Collections.BitArray bitArray2 =

            //// Invertir el Array, NOT
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray2, 2);

            // Creando otro Array
            System.Collections.BitArray bitArray3 =
                new System.Collections.BitArray(new byte[] { 5, 7, 9, 13, 15 });
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray3, 2, "3°Array");

            //// Hacemos Or entre Arreglos
            bitArray3.Or(bitArray); // El resultado se guarda en el Array que llevo
                                    //acabo la invocacion.
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray, pNombre: "1°Array");
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray3, 3, pNombre: "Result");

            //// Hacemos AND entre Array
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray, pNombre: "1°Array");
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray3, pNombre: "3°Array");

            // Hacemos el AND, BitArray 3 se modifica con el resultado
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray3, 3, "Result");

            //// Hamos XOR entre Array
            bitArray3 =
                new System.Collections.BitArray(new byte[] { 5, 7, 9, 13, 21 });
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray, pNombre: "1°Array");
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray3, pNombre: "3°Array");

            // Hacemos el XOR, Array 3 se modifica con el resultado
            Coleccion.Show(bitArray3, pNombre: "Result");
