protected override void ProcessRecord()
            if (!this.CheckFileExists(this.Filename))

            this.WriteVerbose("Loading {0} as xml", this.Filename);
            var xmldoc = SXL.XDocument.Load(this.Filename);

            var root = xmldoc.Root;
            this.WriteVerbose("Root element name ={0}", root.Name);
            if (root.Name == "directedgraph")
                this.WriteVerbose("Loading as a Directed Graph");
                var dg_model = VA.Scripting.DirectedGraph.DirectedGraphBuilder.LoadFromXML(
            else if (root.Name == "orgchart")
                this.WriteVerbose("Loading as an Org Chart");
                var oc = VA.Scripting.OrgChart.OrgChartBuilder.LoadFromXML(this.client, xmldoc);
                var exc = new System.ArgumentException("Unknown root element for XML");
                throw exc;
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            if (!this.CheckFileExists(this.Filename))

            this.WriteVerbose("Loading {0} as xml", this.Filename);
            var xmldoc = SXL.XDocument.Load(this.Filename);

            var root = xmldoc.Root;

            this.WriteVerbose("Root element name ={0}", root.Name);
            if (root.Name == "directedgraph")
                this.WriteVerbose("Loading as a Directed Graph");
                var dg_model = VA.Scripting.DirectedGraph.DirectedGraphBuilder.LoadFromXML(
            else if (root.Name == "orgchart")
                this.WriteVerbose("Loading as an Org Chart");
                var oc = VA.Scripting.OrgChart.OrgChartBuilder.LoadFromXML(this.client, xmldoc);
                var exc = new System.ArgumentException("Unknown root element for XML");
                throw exc;
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @ParameterizedTest(name = "V{0}") @ValueSource(longs = {999, -1}) void shouldThrowExceptionIfVersionIsUnknown(long protocolVersion)
        internal virtual void ShouldThrowExceptionIfVersionIsUnknown(long protocolVersion)
            BoltStateMachineFactoryImpl factory = NewBoltFactory();

            System.ArgumentException error = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => factory.NewStateMachine(protocolVersion, _channel));
            assertThat(error.Message, startsWith("Failed to create a state machine for protocol version"));
Esempio n. 4
        public void PassingEmptyFirstStringComputeTest()
            System.ArgumentException ex =
                Assert.Throws <System.ArgumentException>(() => Levenshtein.Compute(string.Empty, "sddss"));

            Assert.Contains("Input cannot be empty", ex.Message);
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            var targetshapes = new VisioScripting.TargetShapes(this.Shape);


            string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(this.Filename).ToLowerInvariant();

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(this.Filename))
                this.WriteVerbose("File already exists");
                if (this.Overwrite)
                    string msg = string.Format("File \"{0}\" already exists", this.Filename);
                    var    exc = new System.ArgumentException(msg);
                    throw exc;

            if (_static_html_extensions.Contains(ext))
                this.Client.Export.ExportSelectionToHtml(VisioScripting.TargetSelection.Auto, this.Filename);
                this.Client.Export.ExportSelectionToImage(VisioScripting.TargetSelection.Auto, this.Filename);
        /* returns a random number without bias from within a range */
        public ulong GetRandomInRange(ulong min, ulong max)
            if (min > max)
                System.ArgumentException argEx =
                    new System.ArgumentException("Random number range: max smaller than min");
                throw argEx;
            else if (max == min)
                /* Needed for init time because for some reason this function gets
                 * called before any actual limits are set up, or something, and max and
                 * min are both zero.

            ulong maxOffset    = max - min;
            ulong numIntervals = maxOffset + 1;
            ulong maxValid     = System.UInt64.MaxValue - (System.UInt64.MaxValue % numIntervals);
            ulong intervalSize = maxValid / numIntervals;
            ulong trialNum;

            /* keep trying random numbers until we get one within the range that won't
             * causes biases
                trialNum = this.BaseCryptoRandom.GetRandomUInt64();
            } while(trialNum > maxValid);
            return(min + (trialNum / intervalSize));
Esempio n. 7
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void stringOverExceedLimitNotAllowed()
        internal virtual void StringOverExceedLimitNotAllowed()
            int length = MAX_TERM_LENGTH * 2;

            System.ArgumentException iae = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => INSTANCE.validate(RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(length)));
            assertThat(iae.Message, containsString("Property value size is too large for index. Please see index documentation for limitations."));
Esempio n. 8
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void fileWatchRegistrationIsIllegal()
        internal virtual void FileWatchRegistrationIsIllegal()
            DefaultFileSystemWatcher watcher = CreateWatcher();

            System.ArgumentException exception = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => watcher.Watch(new File("notADirectory")));
            assertThat(exception.Message, containsString("Only directories can be registered to be monitored."));
Esempio n. 9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void validateExplicitIndexedRelationshipProperties()
        internal virtual void ValidateExplicitIndexedRelationshipProperties()
            Label            label        = Label.label("explicitIndexedRelationshipPropertiesTestLabel");
            string           propertyName = "explicitIndexedRelationshipProperties";
            string           explicitIndexedRelationshipIndex = "explicitIndexedRelationshipIndex";
            RelationshipType indexType = RelationshipType.withName("explicitIndexType");

            using (Transaction transaction = _database.beginTx())
                Node         source       = _database.createNode(label);
                Node         destination  = _database.createNode(label);
                Relationship relationship = source.CreateRelationshipTo(destination, indexType);
                _database.index().forRelationships(explicitIndexedRelationshipIndex).add(relationship, propertyName, "shortString");

            System.ArgumentException argumentException = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () =>
                using (Transaction transaction = _database.beginTx())
                    Node source               = _database.createNode(label);
                    Node destination          = _database.createNode(label);
                    Relationship relationship = source.createRelationshipTo(destination, indexType);
                    string longValue          = StringUtils.repeat("a", IndexWriter.MAX_TERM_LENGTH + 1);
                    _database.index().forRelationships(explicitIndexedRelationshipIndex).add(relationship, propertyName, longValue);
            assertEquals("Property value size is too large for index. Please see index documentation for limitations.", argumentException.Message);
Esempio n. 10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void parseDatabaseShouldThrowOnPath()
        internal virtual void ParseDatabaseShouldThrowOnPath()
            Path path = Paths.get("data", "databases", GraphDatabaseSettings.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME);

            System.ArgumentException exception = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => _arg.parse(Args.parse("--database=" + path)));
            assertEquals("'database' should be a name but you seem to have specified a path: " + path, exception.Message);
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(this.Filename))
                this.WriteVerbose("File already exists");
                if (this.Overwrite)
                    var exc = new System.ArgumentException("File already exists");
                    throw exc;

            string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(this.Filename).ToLowerInvariant();

            if (ext == ".html" || ext == ".xhtml" || ext == ".htm")
Esempio n. 12
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(this.Filename))
                this.WriteVerbose("File already exists");
                if (this.Overwrite)
                    var exc = new System.ArgumentException("File already exists");
                    throw exc;

            string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(this.Filename).ToLowerInvariant();

            if (ext == ".html" || ext == ".xhtml" || ext == ".htm")
Esempio n. 13
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void nullToStringIsNotAllowed()
        internal virtual void NullToStringIsNotAllowed()
            object testValue = mock(typeof(object));

            System.ArgumentException iae = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => INSTANCE.validate(testValue));
            assertThat(iae.Message, containsString("has null toString"));
Esempio n. 14
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void failToCreateWhenConfiguredFactoryNotFound()
        internal virtual void FailToCreateWhenConfiguredFactoryNotFound()
            Config config = Config.defaults(GraphDatabaseSettings.LockManager, "notFoundManager");

            System.ArgumentException exception = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => createLockFactory(config, NullLogService.Instance));

            assertEquals("No lock manager found with the name 'notFoundManager'.", exception.Message);
        public virtual void test_constructor_messageCause()
            System.ArgumentException cause = new System.ArgumentException("Under");
            PricingException         test  = new PricingException("Hello", cause);

            assertEquals(test.Message, "Hello");
            assertEquals(test.InnerException, cause);
Esempio n. 16
 protected internal override int countLessThan(System.IComparable value)
     if (value == null)
         System.ArgumentException e = new System.ArgumentException();
         throw e;
     return(countLessThan(value, root));
Esempio n. 17
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") @Test void defaultValuesShouldBeValidClassifiers()
        internal virtual void DefaultValuesShouldBeValidClassifiers()
            foreach (string classifier in DEFAULT_CLASSIFIERS)

            // Make sure the above actually catches bad classifiers
            System.ArgumentException exception = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => describeClassifier("invalid"));
            assertEquals("Unknown classifier: invalid", exception.Message);
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            if (this.Filename == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(this.Filename));

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(this.Filename))
                this.WriteVerbose("File already exists");
                if (this.Overwrite)
                    string msg = string.Format("File \"{0}\" already exists", this.Filename);
                    var    exc = new System.ArgumentException(msg);
                    throw exc;

            if (_static_html_extensions == null)
                _static_html_extensions = new HashSet <string> {
                    ".html", ".htm", ".xhtml"

            string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(this.Filename).ToLowerInvariant();

            if (this.Shapes == null)
                // use the active selection
                if (this.Shapes.Length < 1)
                    throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(this.Shapes), "Shapes parameter must contain at least one shape");


            if (_static_html_extensions.Contains(ext))
Esempio n. 19
            public override int Write()
                if (this.Robot.Type() != bRobotBrand.UR)
                    System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("Invalid robot type for program. Is it a UR robot?");
                    throw argEx;
                this.program = "def " + + "():\n";

                // Write init data
                this.program += "\ttextmsg(\"---\")\n";
                this.program += "\ttextmsg(\"Program generated by Brick v0.1\")\n";
                this.program += "\ttextmsg(\"Brick is written by Tom Svilans\")\n\n";
                this.program += "\ttextmsg(\"\")\n\n";
                this.program += "\ttextmsg(\"---\")\n";
                Types.UR.AxisAngle ta = new Types.UR.AxisAngle(robot.Tool.RootToTCP);
                this.program += String.Format("\tset_tcp(p[{0:0.0000}, {1:0.0000}, {2:0.0000}, {3:0.0000}, {4:0.0000}, {5:0.0000}])\n", robot.Tool.RootToTCP.M03 * 0.001, robot.Tool.RootToTCP.M13 * 0.001, robot.Tool.RootToTCP.M23 * 0.001, ta.x * ta.angle, ta.y * ta.angle, ta.z * ta.angle);
                this.program += String.Format("\tset_payload({0:0.0000})\n\n", 1.0);

                //this.program += String.Format("while(True):\n\tif(get_digital_out({0})):\n\t\tbreak\n\telse:\n\t\tsync()\n\n", 5);

                for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i)
                    switch (commands[i].Type())
                        case (CommandType.MoveCommand):
                            bMoveBase movcmd = (bMoveBase)commands[i];
                            movcmd.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(robot.Position, Plane.WorldXY));
                            this.program += "    " + movcmd.to_script(bRobotBrand.UR, true);
                            movcmd.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, robot.Position));
                        case (CommandType.IOCommand):
                            bIOBase iocmd = (bIOBase)commands[i];
                            this.program += iocmd.to_script(bRobotBrand.UR);
                            this.program += "Unsupported command.\n";
                this.program += "end\n";
                this.program += + "()\n"; // run program

                return 1;
Esempio n. 20
     public new void isprazni(int komada)
         if (popunjenost-komada < 0)
             System.ArgumentException prazanSpremnik = new System.ArgumentException("Kontejner je prazan");
             throw prazanSpremnik;
             if (komada < 5 || komada > 10)
                 System.ArgumentException kriviBrojPraznjenjaKomada = new System.ArgumentException("Previše ili premalo komada");
                 throw kriviBrojPraznjenjaKomada;
                 popunjenost -= komada;
Esempio n. 21
 public new void dodaj(int komada)
     if (popunjenost + komada > kapacitet)
         System.ArgumentException popunjenSpremnik = new System.ArgumentException("Kontejner je pun");
         throw popunjenSpremnik;
             if (komada < 5 || komada > 10)
                 System.ArgumentException kriviBrojKomada = new System.ArgumentException("Previše ili premalo komada");
                 throw kriviBrojKomada;
                 popunjenost += komada;
Esempio n. 22
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void validateIndexedNodePropertiesInLucene()
        internal virtual void ValidateIndexedNodePropertiesInLucene()
            setUp(, GraphDatabaseSettings.SchemaIndex.NATIVE10.providerName());
            Label  label        = Label.label("indexedNodePropertiesTestLabel");
            string propertyName = "indexedNodePropertyName";

            CreateIndex(label, propertyName);

            using (Transaction ignored = _database.beginTx())
                _database.schema().awaitIndexesOnline(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

            System.ArgumentException argumentException = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () =>
                using (Transaction transaction = _database.beginTx())
                    Node node = _database.createNode(label);
                    node.setProperty(propertyName, StringUtils.repeat("a", IndexWriter.MAX_TERM_LENGTH + 1));
            assertThat(argumentException.Message, equalTo("Property value size is too large for index. Please see index documentation for limitations."));
Esempio n. 23
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void validateIndexedNodePropertiesInNativeBtree()
        internal virtual void ValidateIndexedNodePropertiesInNativeBtree()
            Label  label        = Label.label("indexedNodePropertiesTestLabel");
            string propertyName = "indexedNodePropertyName";

            CreateIndex(label, propertyName);

            using (Transaction ignored = _database.beginTx())
                _database.schema().awaitIndexesOnline(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

            System.ArgumentException argumentException = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () =>
                using (Transaction transaction = _database.beginTx())
                    Node node = _database.createNode(label);
                    node.setProperty(propertyName, StringUtils.repeat("a", keyValueSizeCapFromPageSize(PAGE_SIZE) + 1));
            assertThat(argumentException.Message, containsString("is too large to index into this particular index. Please see index documentation for limitations."));
Esempio n. 24
 public InvalidUseException(string message, System.ArgumentException innerException)
     : base(message, innerException)
Esempio n. 25
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void nullIsNotAllowed()
        internal virtual void NullIsNotAllowed()
            System.ArgumentException iae = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => INSTANCE.validate(null));
            assertEquals(iae.Message, "Null value");
Esempio n. 26
		public static System.ArgumentException ReadArgumentException(this MemoryBuffer buffer)
			System.String _message = buffer.ReadAString();
			var result = new System.ArgumentException(_message);
			return result;
Esempio n. 27
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldObjectIfTheArchiveArgumentIsMissing()
        internal virtual void ShouldObjectIfTheArchiveArgumentIsMissing()
            System.ArgumentException exception = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => (new DumpCommand(_homeDir, _configDir, null)).execute(new string[] { "--database=something" }));
            assertEquals("Missing argument 'to'", exception.Message);
Esempio n. 28
        public void GivenIWork81HoursAtARateOf10_ThenAnExceptionIsRaised()
            WageCalculator calculator = new WageCalculator();

            System.ArgumentException argumentException = Assert.Throws <System.ArgumentException>(() => calculator.CalculateWages(81, 10));
Esempio n. 29
            public override int Write()
                if (this.Robot.Type() != bRobotBrand.KUKA)
                    System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("Invalid robot type for program. Is it a KUKA robot?");
                    throw argEx;

                // GET INIT DATA
                this.program = "";
                this.acceleration = 100;
                this.velocity = 100;

                // Compile robot program

                /* HEADER */
                //this.program = "&ACCESS RVO\n";
                this.program = "DEF " + + "()\n";
                this.program += "; Program generated by Brick v0.1\n; Brick is written by Tom Svilans\n;\n\n";

                /* INITIALIZATION */

                /* replace with proper joint max velocities and speeds */
                this.program += String.Format("INT I\nBAS (#INITMOV,0 )\nFOR I = 1 TO 6\n$VEL_AXIS[I] = {0}\n$ACC_AXIS[I] = {1}\n$VEL_EXTAX[I] = {0}\n$ACC_EXTAX[I] = {1}\nENDFOR\n\n", this.velocity, this.acceleration);
                /* set mode to 'tool on robot' */
                this.program += "$IPO_MODE = #BASE\n";
                /* replace with radius */
                this.program += String.Format("$APO.CDIS = {0}\n", 100); // approximate distance
                this.program += String.Format("$APO.CVEL = {0}\n", 100); // approximate velocity
                /* set advance pointer */
                this.program += String.Format("$ADVANCE = {0}\n", 3);

                /* set tool data */
                //this.program += String.Format("TOOL_DATA[{0}] = ", 14) + "{" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + "}\n"; // set tool number and offset frame
                //this.program += String.Format("$TOOL = TOOL_DATA[{0}]\n", 1); // tool number

                /* get tool parameters */
                Types.KUKA.kukaABC ttr = new Types.KUKA.kukaABC(robot.Tool.RootToTCP);
                this.program += "$TOOL = {" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", ttr.x, ttr.y, ttr.z, ttr.a, ttr.b, ttr.c) + "}\n";
                //this.program += "$TOOL = {" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0) + "}\n"; // tool number

                /* set base data */
                this.program += String.Format("BASE_DATA[{0}]", 17) + " = {" + String.Format("X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, A {3}, B {4}, C {5}", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + "}\n";
                /* activate base */
                this.program += String.Format("$BASE = BASE_DATA[{0}]\n", 17); // use base 17 as 0 base
                /* active base with external axis */
                //this.program += String.Format("$BASE = EK(MACHINE_DEF[2].ROOT, MACHINE_DEF[2].MECH_TYPE, BASE_DATA[{0}]: ", 17) + "{x 0, y 0, z 0, a 0, b 0, c 0})\n"; // use base 17 as 0 base

                this.program += "\n"; // breathing room...

                /* replace with initial acceleration */
                this.program += String.Format("$ACC.CP = {0}\n", this.acceleration * 0.006);
                /* replace with initial velocity */
                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.CP = {0}\n", this.velocity * 0.002);

                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.ORI1 = {0}\n", (int)(this.velocity / 3));
                this.program += String.Format("$ACC.ORI1 = {0}\n", (int)(this.acceleration / 2));
                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.ORI2 = {0}\n", (int)(this.velocity / 3));
                this.program += String.Format("$ACC.ORI2 = {0}\n", (int)(this.acceleration / 2));

                //this.program += "$H_POS = {" + String.Format("A1 {0}, A2 {1}, A3 {2}, A4 {3}, A5 {4}, A6 {5},",
                //    0, -80, 120, 0, -40, 0) +
                //    String.Format(" E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0, T '{0}', S '{1}'", 0, 0) + "}\n";
                double r2d = 180.0 / Math.PI;
                this.program += "$H_POS = {" + String.Format("A1 {0}, A2 {1}, A3 {2}, A4 {3}, A5 {4}, A6 {5},",
                    qHome[0] * r2d, qHome[1] * r2d, qHome[2] * r2d, qHome[3] * r2d, qHome[4] * r2d, qHome[5] * r2d) +
                    " E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0}\n";
                this.program += "PTP $H_POS\n\n"; // go to home position

                /* WRITE COMMANDS */

                /* set current velocity and acceleration values, if they differ, write speed command too */
                int last = this.commands.Count - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.commands.Count; ++i)
                    switch (this.commands[i].Type())
                        case (CommandType.MoveCommand):
                            /* cast command as MoveCommand */
                            bMoveBase movcmd = (bMoveBase)this.commands[i];

                            /* handle continuous movements */
                            bool cont = true;
                            if (i < last)
                                if (this.commands[i + 1].Type() == CommandType.MoveCommand)

                                    /* check if next move is a stop move (not continuous) */
                                    bMoveBase movnxt = (bMoveBase)this.commands[i + 1];
                                    if (movnxt.MovementType() == bMoveBase.MoveType.Stop)
                                        cont = false;
                            /* if it is the last command, not continous */
                                cont = false;

                            /* transform waypoint to local coordinates */
                            movcmd.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(robot.Position, Plane.WorldXY));

                            /* where to put this? needs to go between below if-else block for splines... */
                            if ((movcmd.MovementType() != bMoveBase.MoveType.Stop) && (Math.Abs(movcmd.Velocity - this.velocity) > 0.0001))
                                /* update current velocity to new one */
                                this.velocity = movcmd.Velocity;

                                /* record change in velocity */
                                this.program += String.Format("$VEL.CP = {0}\n", this.velocity); // record change in velocity and convert from mm/s to m/s

                            /* handle spline moves */
                            if (movcmd.MovementType() == bMoveBase.MoveType.Process && !spline)
                                /* start spline block */
                                this.spline = true;
                                this.program += "SPLINE\n";
                            else if (movcmd.MovementType() != bMoveBase.MoveType.Process && spline)
                                /* end spline block */
                                this.program += "ENDSPLINE\n";
                                this.spline = false;

                            /* write command in KRL */
                            this.program += movcmd.to_script(bRobotBrand.KUKA, cont);

                            /* put waypoint back into world space */
                            movcmd.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, robot.Position));

                        case (CommandType.IOCommand):
                            /* cast command as IOCommand */
                            bIOBase iocmd = (bIOBase)this.commands[i];

                            /* write command in KRL*/
                            this.program += iocmd.to_script(bRobotBrand.KUKA);

                if (this.spline)
                    /* if spline block is open, close it */
                    this.spline = false;
                    this.program += "ENDSPLINE\n";

                /* return home and end it */
                this.program += "PTP $H_POS\n\n";
                this.program += "\nEND\n";

                return 1;
Esempio n. 30
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldFailWhenAuthEnabledAndNoSecurityModuleFound()
        internal virtual void ShouldFailWhenAuthEnabledAndNoSecurityModuleFound()
            System.ArgumentException argumentException = assertThrows(typeof(System.ArgumentException), () => AbstractEditionModule.SetupSecurityModule(null, null, mock(typeof(Log)), null, "non-existent-security-module"));
            assertEquals("Failed to load security module with key 'non-existent-security-module'.", argumentException.Message);