protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Oldpwd.Value) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.newpwd.Value)) { if (this.newpwd.Value.Trim() == this.newpwd1.Value.Trim()) { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new string[] { "id=", this.Uid, " and password='******'" }), null); if (all.Count > 0) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = all[0] as Sys_UserInfo; sys_UserInfo.PassWord = Encrypt.MD5_32(this.newpwd.Value.Trim().ToLower()); Sys_User.Init().Update(sys_UserInfo); Help.UpdateIMUser(sys_UserInfo); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('您好!密码已修改成功!');window.location='" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "'</script>"); } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('原密码不正确,请重新输入!');window.location='" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "'</script>"); } } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('确认密码 不一致,请重新输入!');window.location='" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "'</script>"); } } }
private void Show() { Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid)); this.userlist.Value = (byId.et6 ?? ""); this.namelist.Value = (byId.et5 ?? ""); }
private void DownLoads() { string text = ""; string text2 = " ( "; string text3 = base.Request.QueryString["tt"]; int num = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.QueryString["uid"]); Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(num); string text4 = text; text = string.Concat(new string[] { text4, byId.RealName, " (", byId.DepName, ")\r\n\r\n" }); if (byId.et6.Contains("#" + this.Uid + "#") && text3.Contains(";")) { string[] array = text3.Split(new char[] { ';' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(array[i])) { if (i != array.Length - 2) { text2 = text2 + " stime like '" + array[i] + "%' or "; } else { text2 = text2 + " stime like '" + array[i] + "%' ) "; } } } this.GetCT(num, ref text, text2); base.Response.Clear(); base.Response.ClearHeaders(); base.Response.Buffer = false; base.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=CalendarReports.txt"); base.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.txt"; base.Response.Write(text); base.Response.Flush(); base.Response.End(); } else { base.Response.Write(string.Concat(new string[] { "<script>alert('您不是", byId.RealName, "(", byId.DepName, ")的直接上级,无权查看他的工作日程');window.location='/manage/common/MyMemo.aspx'</script>" })); } }
private void Show(string uid) { this.UUserName.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly"); Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(uid)); this.ViewState["su"] = byId; this.UUserName.Value = byId.UserName; this.PassWord.Value = byId.PassWord; this.PassWord2.Value = byId.PassWord; this.URealName.Value = byId.RealName; this.Sex1.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.Sex); this.Birthday.Value = byId.Birthday; this.Phone.Value = byId.Phone; this.RoleID.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.RoleID); this.parentID.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.DepID); this.Status1.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.Status); this.IsLock.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(byId.IsLock); this.Notes.Value = byId.Notes; this.Tel.Value = byId.Tel; this.JoinTime.Value = byId.JoinTime; this.HomeAddress.Value = byId.HomeAddress; this.PositionName.Value = byId.PositionName; this.Email.Value = byId.Email; this.QQ.Value = byId.QQ; this.Orders.Value = string.Concat(byId.Orders); this.RoleGUID.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.MsgTime); this.MemoShare.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(byId.MemoShare); this.userlist.Value = byId.et6; this.namelist.Value = byId.et5; if (byId.DepGUID == "no") { this.DepGuid.SelectedValue = "no"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.et4) && byId.et4.Contains("|")) { this.Attachword.Visible = true; List <TmpInfo> list = new List <TmpInfo>(); string[] array = byId.et4.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { TmpInfo tmpInfo = new TmpInfo(); int num = array[i].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string tmp = array[i].Substring(num, array[i].Length - num); string tmp2 = array[i].Replace("~", ""); tmpInfo.Tmp1 = array[i]; tmpInfo.Tmp2 = tmp; tmpInfo.Tmp3 = tmp2; list.Add(tmpInfo); } } this.rpt.DataSource = list; this.rpt.DataBind(); } }
private void Show() { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll(" et6 like '%#" + this.Uid + "#%' ", "order by MemoShare desc,depid asc,orders asc"); this.rpt.DataSource = all; this.rpt.DataBind(); this.num.InnerHtml = "您当前拥有 总计 - <span style='color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold;'>" + all.Count + "</span> 个 下属信息"; }
private List <string> GetPhoneList(string ulist, string userlist) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); if (ulist.Contains(",")) { string[] array = ulist.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (Help.ValidateMobile(array[i])) { list.Add(array[i]); } i++; } } else { if (Help.ValidateMobile(ulist)) { list.Add(ulist); } } if (userlist.Contains(",")) { string[] array = userlist.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 0; int num = array.Length; while (i < num) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { string value = array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[1]; Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value)); if (Help.ValidateMobile(byId.Phone)) { list.Add(byId.Phone); } } i++; } } return(list); }
protected string GetStepUsers(object userlist, object namelist, object userlist_dep, object step_type) { string text = ""; if (step_type.ToString() == "0") { text = string.Concat(userlist); } if (step_type.ToString() == "1") { string text2 = string.Concat(userlist_dep); if (text2.Contains(",")) { string[] array = text2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); List<Sys_UserInfo> list = new List<Sys_UserInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { string str = array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[1]; IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll("depid=" + str, null); foreach (object current in all) { Sys_UserInfo item = current as Sys_UserInfo; if (!list.Contains(item)) { list.Add(item); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, list[i].RealName, "#", list[i].id, "#", list[i].DepName, "," }); } } } return text; }
public static void BBS_Check(string u) { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll("id=" + Convert.ToInt32(u), null); if (all.Count > 0) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = all[0] as Sys_UserInfo; Help.BBS_Update(sys_UserInfo.UserName, sys_UserInfo.PassWord, sys_UserInfo); Help.BBS_Login(sys_UserInfo.UserName, sys_UserInfo.PassWord); } }
private void DeleteUser(int did) { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll("DepID=" + did, null); for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = all[i] as Sys_UserInfo; // Help.DeleteIMUser(; Sys_User.Init().Delete(; } }
private void MyDownLoad(string s, string e) { string text = ""; string text2 = " ( "; int num = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.QueryString["uid"]); Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(num); string text3 = text; text = string.Concat(new string[] { text3, byId.RealName, " (", byId.DepName, ")\r\n\r\n" }); text3 = text2; text2 = string.Concat(new string[] { text3, " substring(STime,1,8) between '", s, "' and '", e, "' )" }); this.GetCT(num, ref text, text2); string str; if (s != e) { str = string.Concat(new string[] { this.UserName, "_", s, "to", e }); } else { str = this.UserName + "_" + s; } base.Response.Clear(); base.Response.ClearHeaders(); base.Response.Buffer = false; base.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + str + ".txt"); base.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.txt"; base.Response.Write(text); base.Response.Flush(); base.Response.End(); }
protected void Del_Btn(object obj, EventArgs e) { LinkButton linkButton = obj as LinkButton; RepeaterItem repeaterItem = linkButton.Parent as RepeaterItem; HtmlInputCheckBox htmlInputCheckBox = repeaterItem.FindControl("chk") as HtmlInputCheckBox; int num = Convert.ToInt32(htmlInputCheckBox.Value); //Help.DeleteIMUser(num); Sys_User.Init().Delete(num); this.DelUserDetail(string.Concat(num)); this.Show(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.power_menu = this.GetUserPowerMenu(this.Modules); IList all = News_Type.Init().GetAll(null, " order by orders asc"); for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++) { News_TypeInfo news_TypeInfo = all[i] as News_TypeInfo; this.news_type += string.Format(this.ft, "nn" + (i + 1), news_TypeInfo.TypeName, "News/News_List.aspx?tid=" +; this.news_type1 += string.Format(this.ft1, "nn" + (i + 1), news_TypeInfo.TypeName); } this.uid.Value = this.Uid; Bas_ComInfo bas_ComInfo = HttpContext.Current.Application["cominfo"] as Bas_ComInfo; this.comname = bas_ComInfo.ComName; this.weburl = bas_ComInfo.WebUrl; this.logo = bas_ComInfo.Logo; Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid)); byId.RoleGUID = (byId.RoleGUID ?? ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.RoleGUID) && byId.RoleGUID.ToLower().Contains(".jpg")) { this.wallpaper = "myLib.desktop.wallpaper.init('" + byId.RoleGUID + "');"; } if (bas_ComInfo.MsgState != 1) { this.message_div.Visible = false; } else { try { int num = byId.MsgTime; if (num == -1) { this.message_div.Visible = false; } if (num > -1) { num = num * 60 * 1000; this.notice_time.Value = string.Concat(num); this.stay_time.Value = "30000"; } } catch { } } if (bas_ComInfo.BBSState == 1) { this.dxbbs_div.Visible = true; } }
private void Show(string uid) { Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(uid)); this.URealName5.InnerText = byId.RealName; this.UDepName5.InnerText = byId.DepName; this.Sex5.InnerText = ((byId.Sex == 0) ? "男" : "女"); this.Birthday5.InnerText = this.GetAges(byId.Birthday); if (Help.ValidateMobile(byId.Phone)) { this.Phone5.InnerHtml = string.Concat(new string[] { "<a href='wtai://wp/mc;", byId.Phone, "'>", byId.Phone, " (拨号)</a>" }); } this.Tel5.InnerHtml = byId.Tel; this.Notes5.InnerText = byId.Notes; this.Status5.InnerText = ((byId.Status == 0) ? "在职" : "离职"); this.JoinTime5.InnerText = byId.JoinTime; this.DirectSupervisor5.InnerText = byId.et5; this.HomeAddress5.InnerText = byId.HomeAddress; this.PositionName5.InnerText = byId.PositionName; this.Email5.InnerText = byId.Email; this.QQ5.InnerText = byId.QQ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.PerPic) && Utils.FileExists(base.Server.MapPath("~/Files/common/" + byId.PerPic))) { this.PerPic.ImageUrl = "~/Files/common/" + byId.PerPic; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["type"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.et4) && (this.Modules.Contains("19") || this.Modules.Contains("20")) && byId.et4.Contains("|")) { string[] array = byId.et4.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { int num = array[i].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string arg = array[i].Substring(num, array[i].Length - num); string s = array[i].Replace("~", ""); this.fjs += string.Format(, base.Server.UrlEncode(s), arg); } } } }
private void Show() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["keywords"])) { string text = base.Request.QueryString["keywords"]; string where = string.Concat(new string[] { " UserName like '%", text, "%' or RealName like '%", text, "%' or DepName like '%", text, "%' " }); IList list = Sys_User.Init().GetAll(where, "Order BY DepID asc,orders asc, Phone DESC"); this.rpt.DataSource = list; this.rpt.DataBind(); } else { int pageSize = 30; IList list = this.GetOrdersUser(); int num = 0; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["page"])) { num = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.QueryString["page"]); } } catch { } if (num == 0) { num = 1; } PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.DataSource = list; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = true; pagedDataSource.PageSize = pageSize; pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = num - 1; this.Page1.sty("meneame", num, pagedDataSource.PageCount, "?page="); this.num.InnerHtml = "当前总计 - <span style='color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold;'>" + list.Count + "</span> 条 记录数据"; this.rpt.DataSource = pagedDataSource; this.rpt.DataBind(); } }
protected void Del_All(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (RepeaterItem repeaterItem in this.rpt.Items) { HtmlInputCheckBox htmlInputCheckBox = repeaterItem.FindControl("chk") as HtmlInputCheckBox; if (htmlInputCheckBox.Checked) { int num = Convert.ToInt32(htmlInputCheckBox.Value); //Help.DeleteIMUser(num); Sys_User.Init().Delete(num); this.DelUserDetail(string.Concat(num)); } } this.Show(); }
private void GetTreeItems(int did, IList li) { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll("DepID=" + did, "order by status asc,orders asc"); foreach (object current in all) { li.Add(current); } IList all2 = Sys_Dep.Init().GetAll("ParentID=" + did, "order by orders asc"); if (all2.Count != 0) { foreach (Sys_DepInfo sys_DepInfo in all2) { this.GetTreeItems(, li); } } }
private void Show() { Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid)); this.ViewState["su"] = byId; this.PositionName.Value = byId.PositionName; this.Sex.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.Sex); this.Birthday.Value = byId.Birthday; this.Phone.Value = byId.Phone; this.Tel.Value = byId.Tel; this.HomeAddress.Value = byId.HomeAddress; this.JoinTime.Value = byId.JoinTime; this.Notes.Value = byId.Notes; this.QQ.Value = byId.QQ; this.Email.Value = byId.Email; }
//protected HtmlHead Head1; //protected HtmlForm form1; //protected Button Button1; //protected HtmlInputText SealName; //protected HtmlInputText TagName; //protected DropDownList uids; //protected HtmlInputPassword PWD; //protected FileUpload Fup; //protected Image PerPic; //protected HtmlInputCheckBox Status; //protected HtmlTextArea Notes; //protected Button save_bt; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsPostBack) { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll(null, "order by depid asc,orders asc"); this.uids.Items.Add(new ListItem("请选择 印章/签名使用者", "")); for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = all[i] as Sys_UserInfo; this.uids.Items.Add(new ListItem(sys_UserInfo.RealName + " (" + sys_UserInfo.DepName + ")", string.Concat(; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["mid"]) && !base.IsPostBack) { this.Show(base.Request.QueryString["mid"]); } }
protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = this.ViewState["su"] as Sys_UserInfo; sys_UserInfo.PositionName = this.PositionName.Value; sys_UserInfo.Sex = Convert.ToInt32(this.Sex.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.Birthday = this.Birthday.Value; sys_UserInfo.Phone = this.Phone.Value; sys_UserInfo.Tel = this.Tel.Value; sys_UserInfo.QQ = this.QQ.Value; sys_UserInfo.Email = this.Email.Value; sys_UserInfo.HomeAddress = this.HomeAddress.Value; sys_UserInfo.JoinTime = this.JoinTime.Value; sys_UserInfo.Notes = this.Notes.Value; sys_UserInfo.MsgTime = Convert.ToInt32(this.RoleGUID.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.MemoShare = Convert.ToInt32(this.MemoShare.Checked); sys_UserInfo.et6 = this.userlist.Value; sys_UserInfo.et5 = this.namelist.Value; if (this.Fup.HasFile) { FileExtension[] fileEx = new FileExtension[] { FileExtension.GIF, FileExtension.JPG, FileExtension.PNG, FileExtension.BMP }; if (FileSystemManager.IsAllowedExtension(this.Fup, fileEx)) { string userName = sys_UserInfo.UserName; string text = base.Server.MapPath("~/Files/common/"); string text2 = userName + Path.GetExtension(this.Fup.FileName); text += text2; this.Fup.PostedFile.SaveAs(text); sys_UserInfo.PerPic = text2; this.Fup.Dispose(); } } Sys_User.Init().Update(sys_UserInfo); //Help.UpdateIMUser(sys_UserInfo); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!基本资料修改成功!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); }
protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PositionName.Value)) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = this.ViewState["su"] as Sys_UserInfo; sys_UserInfo.PositionName = this.PositionName.Value; sys_UserInfo.Sex = Convert.ToInt32(this.Sex.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.Birthday = this.Birthday.Value; sys_UserInfo.Phone = this.Phone.Value; sys_UserInfo.Tel = this.Tel.Value; sys_UserInfo.QQ = this.QQ.Value; sys_UserInfo.Email = this.Email.Value; sys_UserInfo.HomeAddress = this.HomeAddress.Value; sys_UserInfo.JoinTime = this.JoinTime.Value; sys_UserInfo.Notes = this.Notes.Value; if (this.Fup.HasFile) { FileExtension[] fileEx = new FileExtension[] { FileExtension.GIF, FileExtension.JPG, FileExtension.PNG, FileExtension.BMP }; if (FileSystemManager.IsAllowedExtension(this.Fup, fileEx)) { string userName = sys_UserInfo.UserName; string text = base.Server.MapPath("~/Files/common/"); string text2 = userName + Path.GetExtension(this.Fup.FileName); text += text2; this.Fup.PostedFile.SaveAs(text); sys_UserInfo.PerPic = text2; this.Fup.Dispose(); } } Sys_User.Init().Update(sys_UserInfo); Help.UpdateIMUser(sys_UserInfo); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "资料编辑成功!", "UserMenu.aspx"); } else { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "职务不能为空!", "User_InfoEdit.aspx"); } }
private void Show(string uid) { Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(uid)); this.URealName5.InnerText = byId.RealName; this.UDepName5.InnerText = byId.DepName; this.Sex5.InnerText = ((byId.Sex == 0) ? "男" : "女"); this.Birthday5.InnerText = this.GetAges(byId.Birthday); this.Phone5.InnerText = byId.Phone; this.Tel5.InnerText = byId.Tel; this.Notes5.InnerText = byId.Notes; this.Status5.InnerText = ((byId.Status == 0) ? "在职" : "离职"); this.MemoShare5.InnerText = ((byId.MemoShare == 0) ? "未启用 日程汇报" : "已启用 日程汇报"); this.JoinTime5.InnerText = byId.JoinTime; this.DirectSupervisor5.InnerText = byId.et5; this.HomeAddress5.InnerText = byId.HomeAddress; this.PositionName5.InnerText = byId.PositionName; this.Email5.InnerText = byId.Email; this.QQ5.InnerText = byId.QQ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.PerPic) && Utils.FileExists(base.Server.MapPath("~/Files/common/" + byId.PerPic))) { this.PerPic.ImageUrl = "~/Files/common/" + byId.PerPic; this.PerPic.Attributes.Add("onclick", "'" + this.PerPic.ImageUrl.Replace("~", "") + "','_blank')"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["type"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(byId.et4) && (this.Modules.Contains("19") || this.Modules.Contains("20")) && byId.et4.Contains("|")) { string[] array = byId.et4.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Trim() != "") { int num = array[i].LastIndexOf('/') + 1; string arg = array[i].Substring(num, array[i].Length - num); string s = array[i].Replace("~", ""); this.fjs += string.Format(, base.Server.UrlEncode(s), arg); } } } }
//public static void DeleteIMUser(int uid) //{ // try // { // IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll("id=" + uid, null); // if (all.Count > 0) // { // Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = all[0] as Sys_UserInfo; // string cmdText = "select [Key] from WM_Users where Name='" + sys_UserInfo.UserName + "'"; // string text = string.Concat(MsSqlOperate.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, cmdText, new SqlParameter[0])); // if (Utils.IsNumber(text)) // { // long num = Convert.ToInt64(text); // AccountInfo userInfo = AccountImpl.get_Instance().GetUserInfo(num); // if (userInfo.get_Name().ToLower() != "manager") // { // AccountImpl.get_Instance().DeleteUser(userInfo.get_Name()); // string[] friends = userInfo.get_Friends(); // string[] array = friends; // for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) // { // string text2 = array[i]; // if (AccountImpl.get_Instance().GetUserInfo(text2).get_Type() == 0L) // { // SessionManagement.get_Instance().Send(text2, "GLOBAL:REFRESH_FIRENDS", null); // } // } // MsSqlOperate.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, "delete from WM_UDD where uid=" + text, new SqlParameter[0]); // } // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw ex; // } //} public static void FlowMobleSend(string userlist, string flow_title) { Bas_ComInfo bas_ComInfo = HttpContext.Current.Application["cominfo"] as Bas_ComInfo; if (bas_ComInfo.et2 == 1 && userlist.Contains(",")) { string[] array = userlist.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i].Contains("#")) { Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(array[i].Split(new char[] { '#' })[1])); Help.SMS_Send_Flow(byId, flow_title); } } } }
protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Oldpwd.Value) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.newpwd.Value)) { if (this.newpwd.Value.Trim() == this.newpwd1.Value.Trim()) { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll(string.Concat(new string[] { "id=", this.Uid, " and password='******'" }), null); if (all.Count > 0) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = all[0] as Sys_UserInfo; sys_UserInfo.PassWord = Encrypt.MD5_32(this.newpwd.Value.Trim().ToLower()); Sys_User.Init().Update(sys_UserInfo); Help.UpdateIMUser(sys_UserInfo); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "密码修改成功!", "UserMenu.aspx"); } else { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "原密码不正确,重新输入!", "User_PwdEdit.aspx"); } } else { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "确认密码不一致,重新输入!", "User_PwdEdit.aspx"); } } else { MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "新旧密码不能为空!", "User_PwdEdit.aspx"); } }
private void Show() { Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(this.Uid)); this.ViewState["su"] = byId; this.PositionName.Value = byId.PositionName; this.userlist.Value = byId.et6; this.namelist.Value = byId.et5; if (byId.DepGUID == "no") { this.zjss.Visible = false; } this.Sex.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.Sex); this.Birthday.Value = byId.Birthday; this.Phone.Value = byId.Phone; this.Tel.Value = byId.Tel; this.HomeAddress.Value = byId.HomeAddress; this.JoinTime.Value = byId.JoinTime; this.Notes.Value = byId.Notes; this.QQ.Value = byId.QQ; this.Email.Value = byId.Email; this.RoleGUID.SelectedValue = string.Concat(byId.MsgTime); this.MemoShare.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(byId.MemoShare); }
private void Show() { Hashtable hashtable = (Hashtable)HttpContext.Current.Application["config_fenye"]; int pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(hashtable["fenye_commom"]); IList list = Sys_User.Init().GetAll(null, "order by status asc,orders asc,id asc"); string text = base.Request.QueryString["keywords"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && Utils.CheckSql(text)) { string where = string.Concat(new string[] { " UserName like '%", text, "%' or RealName like '%", text, "%' or DepName like '%", text, "%' " }); list = Sys_User.Init().GetAll(where, "order by status asc,orders asc,id asc"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["did"])) { list = new List <Sys_UserInfo>(); this.GetTreeItems(Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.QueryString["did"]), list); } int num = 0; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["page"])) { num = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.QueryString["page"]); } } catch { } if (num == 0) { num = 1; } PagedDataSource pagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource(); pagedDataSource.DataSource = list; pagedDataSource.AllowPaging = true; pagedDataSource.PageSize = pageSize; pagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = num - 1; this.rpt.DataSource = pagedDataSource; this.rpt.DataBind(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["keywords"]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["did"])) { this.Page2.sty("meneame", num, pagedDataSource.PageCount, "?page="); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["keywords"])) { this.Page2.sty("meneame", num, pagedDataSource.PageCount, "?keywords=" + base.Request.QueryString["keywords"] + "&page="); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["did"])) { this.Page2.sty("meneame", num, pagedDataSource.PageCount, "?did=" + base.Request.QueryString["did"] + "&page="); } this.num.InnerHtml = "当前查询条件总计 - <span style='color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold;'>" + list.Count + "</span> 条 记录数据"; }
protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.nums = Convert.ToInt32(this.ViewState["nums"]); if (this.nums == 0) { Bas_ComInfo bas_ComInfo = new Bas_ComInfo(); bas_ComInfo.MsgState = Convert.ToInt32(this.TypeID.Value); bas_ComInfo.et3 = Convert.ToInt32(this.et3.Value); bas_ComInfo.ComName = this.ComName.Value.Replace("#", "").Replace(",", ""); bas_ComInfo.Notes = this.Notes.Value; bas_ComInfo.AddTime = DateTime.Now; bas_ComInfo.BBSState = Convert.ToInt32(this.BBSState.Checked); bas_ComInfo.ValidCodeState = Convert.ToInt32(this.ValidCodeState.Checked); bas_ComInfo.TipsState = Convert.ToInt32(this.TipsState.Checked); bas_ComInfo.WebUrl = "http://" + this.WebUrl.Value.ToLower().Replace("http://", ""); bas_ComInfo.Logo = this.Logo.Value; bas_ComInfo.et4 = this.et4.Value; Bas_Com.Init().Add(bas_ComInfo); Sys_DepInfo sys_DepInfo = new Sys_DepInfo(); sys_DepInfo.DepName = bas_ComInfo.ComName.Replace("#", "").Replace(",", ""); sys_DepInfo.Notes = bas_ComInfo.Notes; sys_DepInfo.ParentID = 0; sys_DepInfo.Orders = 0; sys_DepInfo.ComID =; sys_DepInfo.ComGUID = bas_ComInfo.guid; Sys_Dep.Init().Add(sys_DepInfo); HttpContext.Current.Application["cominfo"] = bas_ComInfo; try { // this.Sendcom(bas_ComInfo); } catch { } string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!企业信息已成功保存!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } else { Bas_ComInfo bas_ComInfo = this.ViewState["Bas_Com"] as Bas_ComInfo; bas_ComInfo.MsgState = Convert.ToInt32(this.TypeID.Value); bas_ComInfo.et3 = Convert.ToInt32(this.et3.Value); bas_ComInfo.ComName = this.ComName.Value.Replace("#", "").Replace(",", ""); bas_ComInfo.Notes = this.Notes.Value; bas_ComInfo.BBSState = Convert.ToInt32(this.BBSState.Checked); bas_ComInfo.ValidCodeState = Convert.ToInt32(this.ValidCodeState.Checked); bas_ComInfo.TipsState = Convert.ToInt32(this.TipsState.Checked); bas_ComInfo.WebUrl = "http://" + this.WebUrl.Value.ToLower().Replace("http://", ""); bas_ComInfo.Logo = this.Logo.Value; bas_ComInfo.et4 = this.et4.Value; Bas_Com.Init().Update(bas_ComInfo); HttpContext.Current.Application["cominfo"] = bas_ComInfo; IList all = Sys_Dep.Init().GetAll("ComID=" +, null); if (all.Count != 0) { Sys_DepInfo sys_DepInfo = all[0] as Sys_DepInfo; sys_DepInfo.DepName = bas_ComInfo.ComName.Replace("#", "").Replace(",", ""); sys_DepInfo.Notes = bas_ComInfo.Notes; sys_DepInfo.ParentID = 0; sys_DepInfo.Orders = 0; sys_DepInfo.ComID =; sys_DepInfo.ComGUID = bas_ComInfo.guid; Sys_Dep.Init().Update(sys_DepInfo); IList all2 = Sys_User.Init().GetAll("depid=" +, null); foreach (object current in all2) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = current as Sys_UserInfo; sys_UserInfo.DepName = sys_DepInfo.DepName.Replace("#", "").Replace(",", ""); Sys_User.Init().Update(sys_UserInfo); } } try { // this.Sendcom(bas_ComInfo); } catch { } string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!企业信息已成功保存!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } }
public static void MailMobleSend(List <string> uidlist, string mail_title) { Bas_ComInfo bas_ComInfo = HttpContext.Current.Application["cominfo"] as Bas_ComInfo; if (bas_ComInfo.et2 == 1) { Hashtable hashtable = (Hashtable)HttpContext.Current.Application["sms"]; string text = string.Concat(hashtable["sms_url"]); string text2 = string.Concat(hashtable["sms_user"]); string text3 = string.Concat(hashtable["sms_pwd"]); string.Concat(hashtable["cont_f"]); string.Concat(hashtable["cont_g"]); string.Concat(hashtable["cont_n"]); string text4 = string.Concat(hashtable["cont_m"]); string.Concat(hashtable["cont_f_e"]); string.Concat(hashtable["cont_g_e"]); string.Concat(hashtable["cont_n_e"]); string a = string.Concat(hashtable["cont_m_e"]); List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (string current in uidlist) { Sys_UserInfo byId = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(current)); if (Help.ValidateMobile(byId.Phone)) { list.Add(byId.Phone); } } string[] ary = list.ToArray(); object[] array = Help.SplitAry(ary, 40); object[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { object obj = array2[i]; string[] value = (string[])obj; string text5 = string.Join(",", value); string text6 = text; string text7 = text4; string text8 = text2; string text9 = text3; text7 = text7.Replace("t", mail_title); if (a == "1") { try { string text10 = string.Concat(new string[] { text6, "/?Uid=", text8, "&Key=", text9, "&smsMob=", text5, "&smsText=", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(text7, Encoding.GetEncoding("GBK")) }); string requestUriString = text10.Trim().ToString(); WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(requestUriString); WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse(); Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("GBK"))) { streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } catch { } } } } }
protected void Save_Btn(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["uid"])) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = this.ViewState["su"] as Sys_UserInfo; if (this.PassWord.Value.Trim() != "") { sys_UserInfo.PassWord = Encrypt.MD5_32(this.PassWord.Value.Trim().ToLower()); } sys_UserInfo.RealName = this.URealName.Value; sys_UserInfo.Sex = Convert.ToInt32(this.Sex1.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.Birthday = this.Birthday.Value; sys_UserInfo.Phone = this.Phone.Value; sys_UserInfo.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(this.RoleID.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.DepID = Convert.ToInt32(this.parentID.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.DepName = this.ClearLeaf(this.parentID.Items[this.parentID.SelectedIndex].Text); sys_UserInfo.Status = Convert.ToInt32(this.Status1.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.IsLock = Convert.ToInt32(this.IsLock.Checked); sys_UserInfo.Notes = this.Notes.Value; sys_UserInfo.Tel = this.Tel.Value; sys_UserInfo.QQ = this.QQ.Value; sys_UserInfo.Email = this.Email.Value; sys_UserInfo.HomeAddress = this.HomeAddress.Value; sys_UserInfo.PositionName = this.PositionName.Value; sys_UserInfo.JoinTime = this.JoinTime.Value; sys_UserInfo.MsgTime = Convert.ToInt32(this.RoleGUID.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.MemoShare = Convert.ToInt32(this.MemoShare.Checked); sys_UserInfo.Orders = Convert.ToInt32(this.Orders.Value); sys_UserInfo.DepGUID = this.DepGuid.SelectedValue; if (this.Fup.HasFile) { FileExtension[] fileEx = new FileExtension[] { FileExtension.GIF, FileExtension.JPG, FileExtension.PNG, FileExtension.BMP }; if (FileSystemManager.IsAllowedExtension(this.Fup, fileEx)) { string userName = sys_UserInfo.UserName; string text = base.Server.MapPath("~/Files/common/"); string text2 = userName + Path.GetExtension(this.Fup.FileName); text += text2; this.Fup.PostedFile.SaveAs(text); sys_UserInfo.PerPic = text2; this.Fup.Dispose(); } } sys_UserInfo.et4 = this.UpdateFiles(); sys_UserInfo.et6 = this.userlist.Value; sys_UserInfo.et5 = this.namelist.Value; Sys_User.Init().Update(sys_UserInfo); Help.UpdateIMUser(sys_UserInfo); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!员工已编辑成功!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } else { if (this.IsNewUsername(this.UUserName.Value.Trim().ToLower())) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = new Sys_UserInfo(); sys_UserInfo.UserName = this.UUserName.Value.ToLower(); sys_UserInfo.PassWord = Encrypt.MD5_32(this.PassWord.Value.Trim().ToLower()); sys_UserInfo.RealName = this.URealName.Value; sys_UserInfo.Sex = Convert.ToInt32(this.Sex1.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.Birthday = this.Birthday.Value; sys_UserInfo.Phone = this.Phone.Value; sys_UserInfo.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(this.RoleID.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.DepID = Convert.ToInt32(this.parentID.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.DepName = this.ClearLeaf(this.parentID.Items[this.parentID.SelectedIndex].Text); sys_UserInfo.Status = Convert.ToInt32(this.Status1.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.IsLock = Convert.ToInt32(this.IsLock.Checked); sys_UserInfo.RegFromIp = RequestUtils.GetIP(); sys_UserInfo.Notes = this.Notes.Value; sys_UserInfo.LastLoginTime = DateTime.Now; sys_UserInfo.RegTime = DateTime.Now; sys_UserInfo.Tel = this.Tel.Value; sys_UserInfo.QQ = this.QQ.Value; sys_UserInfo.Email = this.Email.Value; sys_UserInfo.MsgTime = 10; sys_UserInfo.HomeAddress = this.HomeAddress.Value; sys_UserInfo.PositionName = this.PositionName.Value; sys_UserInfo.JoinTime = this.JoinTime.Value; sys_UserInfo.MsgTime = Convert.ToInt32(this.RoleGUID.SelectedValue); sys_UserInfo.MemoShare = Convert.ToInt32(this.MemoShare.Checked); sys_UserInfo.Orders = Convert.ToInt32(this.Orders.Value); sys_UserInfo.DepGUID = this.DepGuid.SelectedValue; if (this.Fup.HasFile) { FileExtension[] fileEx = new FileExtension[] { FileExtension.GIF, FileExtension.JPG, FileExtension.PNG, FileExtension.BMP }; if (FileSystemManager.IsAllowedExtension(this.Fup, fileEx)) { string userName = sys_UserInfo.UserName; string text = base.Server.MapPath("~/Files/common/"); string text2 = userName + Path.GetExtension(this.Fup.FileName); text += text2; this.Fup.PostedFile.SaveAs(text); sys_UserInfo.ComGUID = text2; this.Fup.Dispose(); } } sys_UserInfo.et4 = this.UpdateFiles(); sys_UserInfo.et6 = this.userlist.Value; sys_UserInfo.et5 = this.namelist.Value; Sys_User.Init().Add(sys_UserInfo); Help.UpdateIMUser(sys_UserInfo); string title = "[系统通知] : " + sys_UserInfo.RealName + ", 您好! 您的系统账号已开通, 欢迎使用本系统!"; string content = "恭喜您! 您的系统账号已开通! <br><br>您的用户名:" + sys_UserInfo.UserName + " <br>您可以更改初始密码!如果您有其他疑问 请和系统管理员联系。<br>"; int id =; string text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { sys_UserInfo.RealName, "#",, "#", sys_UserInfo.DepName, "," }); string text4 = sys_UserInfo.RealName + "(" + sys_UserInfo.DepName + "),"; //Help.AdminSendMail(title, content, id, text3, text4); string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("您好!员工已添加成功!"); base.Response.Redirect("~/InfoTip/Operate_Success.aspx?returnpage=" + base.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "&tip=" + str); } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('该用户名已被占用!请另外选择');window.location='User_Manage.aspx'</script>"); } } }
private bool IsNewUsername(string username) { IList all = Sys_User.Init().GetAll("UserName='******'", null); return(all.Count == 0); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsPostBack) { this.Show(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["userlist"])) { string text = base.Request.QueryString["userlist"]; if (Utils.IsNumber(text)) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = Sys_User.Init().GetById(Convert.ToInt32(text)); this.userlist.Value = string.Concat(new object[] { sys_UserInfo.RealName.Trim(), "#",, "#", sys_UserInfo.DepName.Trim(), "," }); this.namelist.Value = sys_UserInfo.RealName.Trim() + "(" + sys_UserInfo.DepName.Trim() + "),"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Request.QueryString["deplist"])) { string text2 = base.Request.QueryString["deplist"]; if (Utils.IsNumber(text2)) { IList list = new List<Sys_UserInfo>(); this.GetTreeItems(Convert.ToInt32(text2), list); string text3 = ""; string text4 = ""; foreach (object current in list) { Sys_UserInfo sys_UserInfo = current as Sys_UserInfo; object obj = text3; text3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, sys_UserInfo.RealName.Trim(), "#",, "#", sys_UserInfo.DepName.Trim(), "," }); string text5 = text4; text4 = string.Concat(new string[] { text5, sys_UserInfo.RealName.Trim(), "(", sys_UserInfo.DepName.Trim(), ")," }); this.userlist.Value = text3; this.namelist.Value = text4; } } } } }