Esempio n. 1
    void Awake()
        // NOTE: Awake is called even when the script itself is disabled, so we manually have to check
        // if the script is disabled or not.
        if (!this.enabled)

        // NOTE: This makes sure the LODGroup system resets properly when you load another scene
        if (masterExists)
            masterExists   = false;
            instanceMaster = null;
            camTrans       = null;
            groupCount     = 0;

        if (transform.childCount > 0)
            // NOTE: At the end of the Awake() function, we give every instance of the script an instance ID
            instanceID = groupCount++;
            Debug.LogError("Sys_LODGroups Error: LOD Group has no children!", gameObject);
            this.enabled = false;
Esempio n. 2
    void Start()
        // NOTE: Because of the way the preceding Awake() is stuctured, any object still running this script
        // HAS to have at least 1 child object. Ineligible objects have already been filtered out.
        bool master = !masterExists;

        // This block creates the LODGroup itself and fills in some of the data. It could be made into a neat
        // LODGroup constructor call of course, but I think this is superfluous because construction of this
        // object will only ever take place here.
        LODGroup thisGroup = new LODGroup();                  = instanceID;
        thisGroup.mainObject          = gameObject;
        thisGroup.origin              = transform.position;
        thisGroup.updateByCount       = updateByCount;
        thisGroup.disableRendererOnly = disableRendererOnly;
        thisGroup.excludedObjects     = excludedObjects;

        if (master)          // NOTE: This is going to be the master object
            masterExists   = true;
            instanceMaster = this;

            // NOTE: The reason I'm caching this transform is because Camera.main is actually
            // a search type function - VERY expensive.
            camTrans = Camera.main.transform;

            lodGroups = new LODGroup[groupCount];

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
   = "!LODGroup Master";
                #if UNITY_EDITOR
        else if (instanceID > groupCount)
            Debug.LogError("Sys_LODGroups Error: (ID " + lodGroups.Length + ") can't be created because the array (Length " + lodGroups.Length + ") is not big enough!", gameObject);

        // NOTE: Grab Arrays

        // NOTE: Do initial cull check
        thisGroup.culled = (Vector3.Distance(camTrans.position, transform.position) < cullingDistance);
        if (thisGroup.culled)

        // NOTE: Write to the array and kill all slaves
        if (!master)
            instanceMaster.lodGroups[instanceID] = thisGroup;
            //print ("Slave (ID " + ticket + ") registered and terminated succesfully!");
            lodGroups[instanceID] = thisGroup;