private void btnMemberAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (cmbMember.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择会员类型"); } if (cmbMemberType.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择参数类型"); } string strSql = "select * from tbMemberCode where cnvcMemberName ='" + cmbMember.Text + "' and cnvcMemberType='" + cmbMemberType.Text + "'"; DataTable dtMemberCode = Helper.Query(strSql); if (dtMemberCode.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "【会员类型+参数类型】已存在"); } if (txtMemberValue.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请输入参数值"); } if (!txtMemberValue.Text.Equals(ConstApp.Free_Time_NoLimit)) { int.Parse(txtMemberValue.Text); if (int.Parse(txtMemberValue.Text) < 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请输入正数"); } } MemberCode memberCode = new MemberCode(); memberCode.cnvcMemberName = cmbMember.Text; memberCode.cnvcMemberType = cmbMemberType.Text; memberCode.cnvcMemberValue = txtMemberValue.Text; MemberManageFacade memberManage = new MemberManageFacade(); memberManage.AddMemberCode(memberCode); MessageBox.Show(this, "会员参数添加成功!", "会员参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); cmbMember_ValueChanged(null, null); SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message + "\n参数异常,请核查", "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult strRet = MessageBox.Show(this, "是否删除?", "会员参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (strRet == DialogResult.Yes) { UltraGridRow row = this.ultraGrid1.ActiveRow; if (null == row) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "请选择参数"); } if (cmbType.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "请选择参数类型"); } if (txtValue.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "请输入参数值"); } string strType = row.Cells["cnvcType"].Value.ToString(); DataTable dtNameCode = Helper.Query("select * from tbNameCode where cnvcType='" + strType + "'"); if (dtNameCode.Rows.Count < 2) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "【参数类型】+【参数值】必须要有"); } NameCode nameCode = new NameCode(); nameCode.cnvcCodeID = int.Parse(row.Cells["cnvcCodeID"].Value.ToString()); MemberManageFacade memberManage = new MemberManageFacade(); memberManage.DeleteNameCode(nameCode); MessageBox.Show(this, "参数删除成功!", "参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); BindNamecode(); BindMemberRight(); cmbMember_ValueChanged(null, null); //Helper.BindMemberCode(cmbMemberType); SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); } } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnMemberDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult strRet = MessageBox.Show(this, "是否删除?", "会员参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (strRet == DialogResult.Yes) { UltraGridRow row = this.ultraGrid2.ActiveRow; if (null == row) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择会员参数"); } if (cmbMember.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择会员类型"); } if (cmbMemberType.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择参数类型"); } string strSql = "select * from tbMemberCode where cnvcMemberName ='" + cmbMember.Text + "' and cnvcMemberType='" + cmbMemberType.Text + "'"; DataTable dtMemberCode = Helper.Query(strSql); if (dtMemberCode.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "【会员类型+参数类型】不存在"); } MemberCode memberCode = new MemberCode(); memberCode.cnnMemberCodeID = int.Parse(row.Cells["cnnMemberCodeID"].Value.ToString()); MemberManageFacade memberManage = new MemberManageFacade(); memberManage.DeleteMemberCode(memberCode); MessageBox.Show(this, "会员参数删除成功!", "会员参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); cmbMember_ValueChanged(null, null); SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); } } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnMemberModify_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { UltraGridRow row = this.ultraGrid2.ActiveRow; if (null == row) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择会员参数"); } if (cmbMember.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择会员类型"); } if (cmbMemberType.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择参数类型"); } string strType = row.Cells["cnvcMemberType"].Value.ToString(); string strValue = row.Cells["cnvcMemberValue"].Value.ToString(); if (strType != cmbMemberType.Text) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "参数类型不能修改"); } string strSql = "select * from tbMemberCode where cnvcMemberName ='" + cmbMember.Text + "' and cnvcMemberType='" + cmbMemberType.Text + "'"; DataTable dtMemberCode = Helper.Query(strSql); if (dtMemberCode.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "【会员类型+参数类型】不存在"); } if (txtMemberValue.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请输入参数值"); } if (!txtMemberValue.Text.Equals(ConstApp.Free_Time_NoLimit)) { int.Parse(txtMemberValue.Text); if (int.Parse(txtMemberValue.Text) < 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请输入正数"); } if (strValue == txtMemberValue.Text) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请修改参数值"); } } strSql = "select * from tbJob where convert(varchar(100),cnvcJobTheme)='" + cmbMember.Text + "' and GETDATE() between cndBeginDate and cndEndDate"; DataTable dtJob = Helper.Query(strSql); if (dtJob.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new BusinessException("商品管理", "招聘会已开始不能修改"); } MemberCode memberCode = new MemberCode(dtMemberCode); memberCode.cnnMemberCodeID = int.Parse(row.Cells["cnnMemberCodeID"].Value.ToString()); memberCode.cnvcMemberType = cmbMemberType.Text; memberCode.cnvcMemberValue = txtMemberValue.Text; MemberManageFacade memberManage = new MemberManageFacade(); memberManage.ModifyMemberCode(memberCode); MessageBox.Show(this, "会员参数修改成功!", "会员参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); cmbMember_ValueChanged(null, null); SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message + "\n参数异常,请核查", "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnModify_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { UltraGridRow row = this.ultraGrid1.ActiveRow; if (null == row) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "请选择参数"); } if (cmbType.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "请选择参数类型"); } if (txtValue.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "请输入参数值"); } string strType = row.Cells["cnvcType"].Value.ToString(); string strValue = row.Cells["cnvcValue"].Value.ToString(); if (strType != cmbType.Text) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "参数类型不能修改"); } if (strValue == txtValue.Text) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "请修改参数值"); } DataTable dtNameCode = Helper.Query("select * from tbNameCode where cnvcType='" + cmbType.Text + "' and cnvcValue='" + txtValue.Text + "'"); if (dtNameCode.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new BusinessException("参数设置", "【参数类型】+【参数值】已存在"); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchFlash) { //JudgeOne(cmbType.Text); int.Parse(txtValue.Text); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchBookBeginDate || cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchBookEndDate || cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchSignInBeginDate || cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchSignInEndDate ) { //JudgeOne(cmbType.Text); if (txtValue.Text.IndexOf(":") < 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请输入时间格式,例如05:01"); } //string strValue = txtValue.Text; string[] strValues = txtValue.Text.Split(':'); // string strHour = strValues[0]; // string strMinute = strValues[1]; int.Parse(strValues[0]); int.Parse(strValues[1]); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.BookDate) { int.Parse(txtValue.Text); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.tishi) { int.Parse(txtValue.Text); } string strSql = "select * from tbJob where convert(varchar(100),cnvcJobTheme)='" + strValue + "' "; DataTable dtJob = Helper.Query(strSql); if (dtJob.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new BusinessException("商品管理", "招聘会已使用不能修改"); } NameCode nameCode = new NameCode(dtNameCode); nameCode.cnvcCodeID = int.Parse(row.Cells["cnvcCodeID"].Value.ToString()); nameCode.cnvcType = cmbType.Text; nameCode.cnvcValue = txtValue.Text; MemberManageFacade memberManage = new MemberManageFacade(); memberManage.ModifyNameCode(nameCode); MessageBox.Show(this, "参数修改成功!", "会员参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); BindNamecode(); BindMemberRight(); cmbMember_ValueChanged(null, null); SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message + "\n参数异常,请核查", "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (cmbType.SelectedItem == null) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请选择参数类型"); } if (txtValue.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请输入参数值"); } DataTable dtNameCode = Helper.Query("select * from tbNameCode where cnvcType='" + cmbType.Text + "' and cnvcValue='" + txtValue.Text + "'"); if (dtNameCode.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "【参数类型】+【参数值】已存在"); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchFlash) { JudgeOne(cmbType.Text); int.Parse(txtValue.Text); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchBookBeginDate || cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchBookEndDate || cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchSignInBeginDate || cmbType.Text == ConstApp.TouchSignInEndDate ) { JudgeOne(cmbType.Text); if (txtValue.Text.IndexOf(":") < 0) { throw new BusinessException("会员参数设置", "请输入时间格式,例如05:01"); } string strValue = txtValue.Text; string[] strValues = strValue.Split(':'); string strHour = strValues[0]; string strMinute = strValues[1]; int.Parse(strHour); int.Parse(strMinute); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.BookDate) { JudgeOne(cmbType.Text); int.Parse(txtValue.Text); } if (cmbType.Text == ConstApp.tishi) { JudgeOne(cmbType.Text); int.Parse(txtValue.Text); } NameCode nameCode = new NameCode(); nameCode.cnvcType = cmbType.Text; nameCode.cnvcValue = txtValue.Text; MemberManageFacade memberManage = new MemberManageFacade(); memberManage.AddNameCode(nameCode); MessageBox.Show(this, "参数添加成功!", "会员参数设置", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); BindNamecode(); BindMemberRight(); cmbMember_ValueChanged(null, null); SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnBrushCard_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //刷卡登录 try { //读取会员卡号 iLoginTime += 1; if (iLoginTime > 3) { Application.Exit(); } else { CardM1 m1 = new CardM1(); string strCardNo = ""; string strRet = m1.ReadCard(out strCardNo); //,out dtemp,out itemp); if (strRet != ConstMsg.RFOK) { throw new BusinessException("卡操作失败", "读取操作员卡失败!"); } DataTable dtOper = Helper.Query("select * from tbOper where cnvcCardNo is not null and cnvcCardNo = '" + strCardNo + "'"); if (dtOper.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new BusinessException("登录", "未找到操作员"); } if (dtOper.Rows.Count > 1) { throw new BusinessException("登录", "未找到操作员"); } Oper oper = new Oper(dtOper); byte[] bIn = Convert.FromBase64String(oper.cnvcPwd); byte[] bRet = Cryptographer.DecryptSymmetric("Custom Symmetric Cryptography Provider", bIn); if (bRet == null) { throw new BusinessException("登录", "密码错误"); } string strpwd = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bRet); SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); LogIn(oper.cnvcOperName, strpwd, Login.constApp.strCardTypeL6Name, Login.constApp.strCardTypeL8Name); SecurityManage security = new SecurityManage(); //security.OperLogin(oper.cnvcOperName);//,oper.cnvcPwd); //constApp.alOperFunc = security.alOperFunc; //constApp.oper = security.oper; //constApp.iDiscount = security.iDiscount; //SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); OperLogin login = new OperLogin(oper.ToTable()); login.cndLoginDate = DateTime.Now; login.cnvcLoginMethod = "刷卡"; login.cnnAgainTime = iLoginTime; security.LoginLog(login); MainForm mForm = new MainForm(); //mForm.ll = this; mForm.Owner = this; mForm.Show(); this.Hide(); // = false; } } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } //catch (System.Exception ex) //{ // MessageBox.Show(this,ex.Message,"系统错误",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error); //} }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //登录 try { if (iLoginTime > 3) { Application.Exit(); } else { string strOperName = txtOperName.Text.Trim(); string strPWD = txtPWD.Text.Trim(); if (strOperName.Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("登录错误", "请输入用户名!"); } if (strPWD.Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("登录错误", "请输入密码!"); } SysInit.LoadPara(Login.constApp); LogIn(strOperName, strPWD, Login.constApp.strCardTypeL6Name, Login.constApp.strCardTypeL8Name); SecurityManage security = new SecurityManage(); //security.OperLogin(strOperName);//,DataSecurity.Encrypt(strPWD); //constApp.alOperFunc = security.alOperFunc; //constApp.oper = security.oper; //constApp.iDiscount = security.iDiscount; //isLogin = true; //constApp = new ConstApp(); //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(new Exception("导入基本数据前")); //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(new Exception("导入基本数据后")); OperLogin login = new OperLogin(); if (cmbDept.SelectedItem != null) { login.cnnDeptID = int.Parse(cmbDept.SelectedItem.DataValue.ToString()); } login.cnvcOperName = txtOperName.Text; login.cndLoginDate = DateTime.Now; login.cnvcLoginMethod = "录入"; login.cnnAgainTime = iLoginTime; security.LoginLog(login); //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(new Exception("写登录日志")); MainForm mForm = new MainForm(); mForm.Owner = this; //mForm.ll = this; //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(new Exception("主窗体new完成")); mForm.Show(); //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(new Exception("主窗体show完成")); this.Hide(); //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(new Exception("主窗体打开完成")); } } catch (BusinessException bex) { iLoginTime += 1; //MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type,MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.txtOperName.Focus(); throw bex; //isLogin = false; } //catch (System.Exception ex) //{ // MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Application.Exit(); // //this.btnLogin.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; //} }