public void TestProcess_Synchronize()
            SynchronizeProcessDebugStep sp = new SynchronizeProcessDebugStep("Test synchro : BizWTF.Sample.Processes.Receive2WayDemo");

            sp.ProcessName = "BizWTF.Sample.Processes.Receive2WayDemo";
            sp.ContextProps.Add(new ControlProperty(BTSProperties.messageType.Name.Namespace,
            sp.XPathProps.Add(new ControlField("/*[local-name()='Demo']/*[local-name()='Field1']", "Field1_0"));
            sp.PollingCount          = 10;
            sp.PollingInterval       = 1000;
            sp.TargetContextProperty = "ServiceInstanceIDs";

            SubmitMockMessage2WayStep target = new SubmitMockMessage2WayStep("Mock message submission");

            target.DestURI               = "http://*****:*****@"C:\Temp\BizWTF\BizWTF.SubmissionTest - Demo.xml";
            target.TargetContextProperty = "BizWTFResponse";

            ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(() => {
                bool msgResult = false;
                msgResult      = target.ExecuteStep();
            Thread t = new Thread(ts);


            bool result = sp.ExecuteStep();

        public void TestProcess_Receive2WayDemo()
            SubmitMockMessage2WayStep send2WayMsgStep = new SubmitMockMessage2WayStep("Submit 2Way Message");

            send2WayMsgStep.DestURI                = "http://*****:*****@"<your embedded resources here>";
            send2WayMsgStep.SourceResourceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName; // In this case, the resource is embedded in the current assembly
            send2WayMsgStep.TestID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();                                                  // NOTE : you can provide a test ID, wich will be attached as a message property. This facilitates instance tracking.
            send2WayMsgStep.TargetContextProperty = "send2WayMsgStep_Response";

            SynchronizeProcessDebugStep synchroStep = new SynchronizeProcessDebugStep("Synchronization : <Your orchestration>");

            synchroStep.ProcessName           = "BizWTF.Sample.Processes.Receive2WayDemo";
            synchroStep.TargetContextProperty = "SyncProcess_Result_Receive2WayDemo_OK"; // Choose any relevant name
            synchroStep.ContextProps.Add(new ControlProperty("https://BizWTF.Mocking.Schemas.ProcessingProperties",
                                                             send2WayMsgStep.TestID)); // NOTE : if a test ID was set in a previous step, use it here

            /// NOTE : Polling settings are used to determine how long BizWTF will keep waiting for a matching instance to be started.
            /// If no matching instance is found, the step fails.
            synchroStep.PollingCount    = 10;
            synchroStep.PollingInterval = 500; // Interval in ms

            /// ForceTrackedMessageCopyJobStep : used to force execution of the TrackedMessageCopy job
            ForceTrackedMessageCopyJobStep ftmc = new ForceTrackedMessageCopyJobStep("Wait until tracking job executes");

            if (!synchroStep.ExecuteStep())
                // NOTE : in case of short living orchestrations, the synchronization step may fail because it didn't have to time to execute before the orchestration finished
            if (!ftmc.ExecuteStep())
                Assert.Fail(ftmc.ResultDescription); //NOTE : this step should DEFINITELY complete
            /// NOTE : the folowwing code actually sends the message.
            /// Nevertheless, it is recommended to first initialize all the steps of the test before executing any of them.
            if (!send2WayMsgStep.ExecuteStep())

            /// Once the step has executed successfully, do whatever test you need to do.
            /// The following code : BTSTestContext.GetParam(send2WayMsgStep.TargetContextProperty)
            /// retrieves the response received.
        // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        // [ClassInitialize()]
        // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
        // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        // [ClassCleanup()]
        // public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
        // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        // [TestInitialize()]
        // public void MyTestInitialize() { }
        // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        // [TestCleanup()]
        // public void MyTestCleanup() { }

        public void TestProcess_Standard()
            SubmitMockMessage1WayStep smm = new SubmitMockMessage1WayStep("Mock submission test"); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

            smm.DestURI    = "http://*****:*****@"C:\Temp\BizWTF\BizWTF.SubmissionTest - Enveloppe.xml";

            //WaitStep ws1 = new WaitStep("Wait until process starts");
            //ws1.Seconds = 1;

            SynchronizeProcessDebugStep sp = new SynchronizeProcessDebugStep("Test synchro : BizWTF.Sample.Processes.Processes.TestOrch1");

            sp.ProcessName           = "BizWTF.Sample.Processes.TestOrch1";
            sp.TargetContextProperty = "ServiceInstanceID";
            sp.ContextProps.Add(new ControlProperty(BTSProperties.messageType.Name.Namespace,
            sp.XPathProps.Add(new ControlField("/*[local-name()='Demo']/*[local-name()='Field1']", "Test1"));

            ForceTrackedMessageCopyJobStep ftmc = new ForceTrackedMessageCopyJobStep("Wait until tracking job executes");

            GetProcessDebugStep gp = new GetProcessDebugStep("Orchestration query : BizWTF.Sample.Processes.Processes.TestOrch1");

            gp.ProcessName           = sp.ProcessName;
            gp.SourceContextProperty = "ServiceInstanceID";
            gp.TargetContextProperty = "OrchestrationInstanceInfo";
            gp.ContextProps.Add(new ControlProperty(BTSProperties.messageType.Name.Namespace,
            gp.XPathProps.Add(new ControlField("/*[local-name()='Demo']/*[local-name()='Field1']", "Test1"));

            TestProcessDebugStep tp = new TestProcessDebugStep("Orchestration test : BizWTF.Sample.Processes.Processes.TestOrch1");

            tp.SourceContextProperty = "OrchestrationInstanceInfo";
            DebugTrace expectedTrace = new DebugTrace();
            DebugShape shape         = new DebugShape();

            shape.shapeType = ShapeTypes.ReceiveShape;
            shape.shapeText = "Rcv input msg";
            shape.ShapeID   = new Guid("5386ed66-aca3-4f68-af0b-d5c9f042a7f6");
            shape           = new DebugShape();
            shape.shapeType = ShapeTypes.DelayShape;
            shape.shapeText = "Delay 10s";
            shape.ShapeID   = new Guid("5e08ebcc-ac83-4b52-a48f-d4f94b723c9e");
            shape           = new DebugShape();
            shape.shapeType = ShapeTypes.SendShape;
            shape.shapeText = "Send output msg";
            shape.ShapeID   = new Guid("345b65b4-a222-4703-b55a-946bd4550d11");
            tp.Scenario = expectedTrace;

            TimeLine            tl = new TimeLine();
            List <TimeLineStep> ts = new List <TimeLineStep>();

            ts.Add(new TimeLineStep(smm));
            //ts.Add(new TimeLineStep(ws1));
            ts.Add(new TimeLineStep(sp));
            ts.Add(new TimeLineStep(ftmc));
            ts.Add(new TimeLineStep(gp));
            ts.Add(new TimeLineStep(tp));
            tl.Steps = ts;

