Esempio n. 1
        static void HandleCommands(bool connected, string msg)
            switch (msg)
            case "time":
                var getTime = _client.GetRemoteFunction <string>("GetTime");
                //Call a function that requires authentication checking.
                getTime.CallWait();                       //If call failed, return will be the default value for the type
                if (getTime.LastStatus == FunctionResponseStatus.Success)
                {                                         //No issues
                    Console.WriteLine(getTime.LastValue); //Write last returned value to console
                    Console.WriteLine("Call failed. reason: {0}. Try the \"toggletime\" command", getTime.LastStatus);

            case "say":
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the string to send to the server:");
                var input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                    Console.WriteLine("Input empty.");

                var say    = _client.GetRemoteFunction <string>("say");
                var sayCmd = say.CallWait(input);
                Console.WriteLine($"Server said: {sayCmd}");

            case "toggletime":
                var toggleTime = _client.GetRemoteFunction <string>("toggletime");
                Console.WriteLine(toggleTime.CallWait());     //If call fails, nothing (null) will be printed because it is strings default value.

                if (connected)
                    _client.Send(new ChatMessage(msg));
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestRemoteCalls()
            var client = new SyncIOClient();
            var server = new SyncIOServer();

            var Test1 = server.RegisterRemoteFunction("Test1", new Func <string, int>((string string1) => string1.Length));

            server.RegisterRemoteFunction("Test2", new Func <string, string>((string string1) => string.Concat(string1.Reverse())));
            server.RegisterRemoteFunction("Test3", new Func <string, char>((string string1) => string1.FirstOrDefault()));

            Test1.SetAuthFunc((SyncIOConnectedClient requester, RemoteFunctionBind callingFunc) =>
            {                 //Example of authenticating call to Test1
                return(true); //Always allow call

            var listenSock = server.ListenTCP(6000);


            client.OnDisconnect += (sCl, err) =>
                throw new AssertFailedException(err.Message, err);

            Assert.IsTrue(client.Connect("", 6000));


            var testParam = "Hello World";
            var func1     = client.GetRemoteFunction <int>("Test1");
            var func2     = client.GetRemoteFunction <string>("Test2");
            var func3     = client.GetRemoteFunction <char>("Test3");

            Assert.AreEqual(testParam.Length, func1.CallWait(testParam));
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Concat(testParam.Reverse()), func2.CallWait(testParam));
            Assert.AreEqual(testParam.FirstOrDefault(), func3.CallWait(testParam));
            func1.CallWait(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(func1.LastStatus, FunctionResponceStatus.InvalidParameters);
Esempio n. 3
        public SecureFunction <T> GetFunction <T>(string name)
            if (!client.Connected)

            lock (SyncLock) {
                var realName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", AppID, name);
                if (FuncList.ContainsKey(realName))
                    return(FuncList[realName] as SecureFunction <T>);
                    var newFunc = new SecureFunction <T>(client.GetRemoteFunction <T>(realName));
                    FuncList.Add(realName, newFunc);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void Client()
            //When sending custom objects, you must create a new packer and specify them.
            var packer = new Packager(new Type[] {

            //Using ipv4 and the packer that has the custom types.
            var client = new SyncIOClient(TransportProtocal.IPv4, packer);

            //The diffrent types of handlers: (all optional)

            //The type handler.
            //This handler handles a specific object type.
            client.SetHandler <ChatMessage>((SyncIOClient sender, ChatMessage messagePacket) => {
                //All ChatMessage packages will be passed to this callback

            //This handler handles any IPacket that does not have a handler.
            client.SetHandler((SyncIOClient sender, IPacket p) => {
                //Any packets without a set handler will be passed here

            //This handler handles anything that is not a SINGLE IPacket object
            client.SetHandler((SyncIOClient sender, object[] data) => {
                //Any object array sent will be passed here, even if the array contains
                //A packet with a handler (e.g. ChatMessage)

            if (!client.Connect("", new Random().Next(9996, 10000)))//Connect to any of the open ports.
                ConsoleExtentions.ErrorAndClose("Failed to connect to server.");

            //Connecting and handshake are not the same.
            //Connecting = Establishing a connection with a socket
            //Handskake  = Establishing a connection with a SyncIOServer and getting an ID.
            Console.WriteLine("Connected on port {0}. Waiting for handshake.", client.EndPoint.Port);

            bool success = client.WaitForHandshake();

             * The asynchronous way to get handshake would be subscribing
             * to the client.OnHandshake event.

            if (!success)
                ConsoleExtentions.ErrorAndClose("Handshake failed.");

            Console.WriteLine("Handshake success. Got ID: {0}", client.ID);

            var name = ConsoleExtentions.GetNonEmptyString("Enter a name: ");

            client.Send(new SetName(name));

            Console.WriteLine("Name set. You can now send messages.");

            bool connected = true;

            client.OnDisconnect += (s, err) => {
                connected = false;

            var GetTime    = client.GetRemoteFunction <string>("GetTime");
            var toggletime = client.GetRemoteFunction <string>("toggletime");

            while (connected)
                var msg = ConsoleExtentions.GetNonEmptyString("");

                if (msg == "time")
                    //Call a function that requires authentication checking.
                    GetTime.CallWait();                                       //If call failed, return will be the default value for the type
                    if (GetTime.LastStatus == FunctionResponceStatus.Success) //No issues
                        Console.WriteLine(GetTime.LastValue);                 //Write last returned value to console
                        Console.WriteLine("Call failed. reason: {0}. Try the \"toggletime\" command", GetTime.LastStatus);
                else if (msg == "toggletime")
                    Console.WriteLine(toggletime.CallWait()); //If call fails, nothing (null) will be printed because it is strings default value.
                    if (connected)
                        client.Send(new ChatMessage(msg));
            ConsoleExtentions.ErrorAndClose("Lost connection to server");