private static bool IsEncoded(int stream, SyncWord syncWord)
            const int framesToCheck = 5;
              const int bytesPerSample = 4;
              const int bytesPerWord = 2;
              const int channelCount = 2;

              long streamLength = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLength(stream);
              long currentPosition = 0;
              if (streamLength > 0)
            currentPosition = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetPosition(stream);
            if (currentPosition != 0)
              Bass.BASS_ChannelSetPosition(stream, 0);

              SyncFifoBuffer syncFifoBuffer = new SyncFifoBuffer(syncWord);
              float[] readBuffer = new float[channelCount];

              int lastSyncWordPosition = -1;
              int lastFrameSize = -1;
              int frameCount = 0;

              bool result = false;
              bool endOfStream = false;
              int sampleIndex = 0;
              int maxSampleIndex = (syncWord.MaxFrameSize / bytesPerWord) * framesToCheck + syncWord.WordLength;

              while (!result && !endOfStream && sampleIndex < maxSampleIndex)
            int bytesRead = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetData(stream, readBuffer, readBuffer.Length * bytesPerSample);
            endOfStream = bytesRead <= 0;
            if (!endOfStream)
              int samplesRead = bytesRead / bytesPerSample;
              int readSample = 0;
              while (!result && readSample < samplesRead)
            // Convert float value to word
            UInt16 word = (UInt16)(readBuffer[readSample] * 32768);

            // Add word to fifo buffer

            // Check Sync word
            if (syncFifoBuffer.IsMatch())
              int newSyncWordPosition = (sampleIndex - syncWord.WordLength + 1) * bytesPerWord;
              if (lastSyncWordPosition != -1)
                int thisFrameSize = newSyncWordPosition - lastSyncWordPosition;
                if (lastFrameSize != -1)
                  if (thisFrameSize != lastFrameSize)
                lastFrameSize = thisFrameSize;
              lastSyncWordPosition = newSyncWordPosition;
              result = (frameCount == framesToCheck);
              endOfStream = true;

              if (streamLength > 0)
            Bass.BASS_ChannelSetPosition(stream, currentPosition);

              return result;
        private static bool SyncToWord(int stream, SyncWord syncWord)
            const int bytesPerSample = 4;
              const int bytesPerWord = 2;
              const int channelCount = 2;

              long streamLength = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLength(stream);
              long currentPosition = 0;
              if (streamLength > 0)
            currentPosition = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetPosition(stream);

              SyncFifoBuffer syncFifoBuffer = new SyncFifoBuffer(syncWord);
              float[] readBuffer = new float[channelCount];

              bool result = false;
              bool endOfStream = false;
              int sampleIndex = 0;
              int maxSampleIndex = (syncWord.MaxFrameSize / bytesPerWord) + syncWord.WordLength;

              while (!result && !endOfStream && sampleIndex < maxSampleIndex)
            // For float streams we get one float value for each 16bit word
            int bytesRead = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetData(stream, readBuffer, readBuffer.Length * bytesPerSample);
            endOfStream = bytesRead <= 0;
            if (!endOfStream)
              int samplesRead = bytesRead / bytesPerSample;
              int readSample = 0;
              while (!result && readSample < samplesRead)
            // Convert float value to word
            UInt16 word = (UInt16)(readBuffer[readSample] * 32768);

            // Add word to fifo buffer

            // Check Sync word
            if (syncFifoBuffer.IsMatch())
              long pos = currentPosition + (sampleIndex - syncWord.WordLength + 1) * bytesPerWord;
              //Log.Debug("PureAudio: Sync to next frame: changing position from {0} to {1}", currentPosition, pos);
              Bass.BASS_ChannelSetPosition(stream, pos);
              result = true;

              if (!result && streamLength > 0)
              Bass.BASS_ChannelSetPosition(stream, currentPosition);

              return result;