public async Task InitializeAndSync()
            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(10, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);

            DmTable dmColumnsListServer;
            DmTable dmColumnsListClient;

            // check if all types are correct
            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.ServerConnectionString))
                dmColumnsListServer = SqlManagementUtils.ColumnsForTable(sqlConnection, null, "AllColumns");
            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.Client1ConnectionString))
                dmColumnsListClient = SqlManagementUtils.ColumnsForTable(sqlConnection, null, "AllColumns");

            // check if all columns are replicated
            Assert.Equal(dmColumnsListServer.Rows.Count, dmColumnsListClient.Rows.Count);

            // check if all types are correct
            foreach (var serverRow in dmColumnsListServer.Rows.OrderBy(r => (int)r["column_id"]))
                var name       = serverRow["name"].ToString();
                var ordinal    = (int)serverRow["column_id"];
                var typeString = serverRow["type"].ToString();
                var maxLength  = (Int16)serverRow["max_length"];
                var precision  = (byte)serverRow["precision"];
                var scale      = (byte)serverRow["scale"];
                var isNullable = (bool)serverRow["is_nullable"];
                var isIdentity = (bool)serverRow["is_identity"];

                var clientRow = dmColumnsListClient.Rows.FirstOrDefault(cr => (int)cr["column_id"] == ordinal);


                // exception on numeric, check if it could be decimal
                var cTypeString = clientRow["type"].ToString();
                if (typeString.ToLowerInvariant() == "numeric" && cTypeString.ToLowerInvariant() == "decimal")
                    cTypeString = "numeric";

                Assert.Equal(name, clientRow["name"].ToString());
                Assert.Equal(ordinal, (int)clientRow["column_id"]);
                Assert.Equal(typeString, cTypeString);
                Assert.Equal(maxLength, (Int16)clientRow["max_length"]);
                Assert.Equal(precision, (byte)clientRow["precision"]);
                Assert.Equal(scale, (byte)clientRow["scale"]);
                Assert.Equal(isNullable, (bool)clientRow["is_nullable"]);
                Assert.Equal(isIdentity, (bool)clientRow["is_identity"]);
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync(SqlSyncProvider serverProvider, SqliteSyncProvider clientProvider)
            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ServiceTickets" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            // Launch the sync process
            var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(tables);

            // This first sync did not upload the client rows.
            // We only have rows from server that have been downloaded
            // The important step here is to have setup the sync (triggers / tracking tables ...)

            // Now we can "mark" original clients rows as "to be uploaded"
            await agent.LocalOrchestrator.UpdateUntrackedRowsAsync();

            // Then we can make a new synchronize to upload these rows to server
            // Launch the sync process
            var s2 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

        public async Task Initialize()
            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(15, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task Initialize()
            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(7, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);

            // check relation has been created on client :
            //int foreignKeysCount=0;
            //using (var sqlConnection = new SQLiteConnection(fixture.ClientSQLiteConnectionString))
            //    var script = $@"PRAGMA foreign_key_list('ServiceTickets')";

            //    using (var sqlCmd = new SQLiteCommand(script, sqlConnection))
            //    {
            //        sqlConnection.Open();

            //        var reader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
            //        while (reader.Read())
            //            foreignKeysCount++;

            //        sqlConnection.Close();
            //    }
            //Assert.Equal(1, foreignKeysCount);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task Scenario_MultiScopes_SameTables_DifferentFilters(SyncOptions options)
            // This test works only if we have the same exact provider on both sides

            // create client orchestrator that is the same as server
            var clientDatabaseName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcpfilt_cli_");
            var clientProvider     = this.CreateProvider(this.ServerType, clientDatabaseName);

            // create a client database
            await this.CreateDatabaseAsync(Server.ProviderType, clientDatabaseName, true);

            // Get the correct names for ProductCategory and Product
            var productCategoryTableName = this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql ? "SalesLT.ProductCategory" : "ProductCategory";
            var productTableName         = this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql ? "SalesLT.Product" : "Product";

            // create a server schema with seeding
            await this.EnsureDatabaseSchemaAndSeedAsync(this.Server, true, UseFallbackSchema);

            // Step 1: Create a default scope and Sync clients
            // Note we are not including the [Attribute With Space] column
            var setup = new SyncSetup(productCategoryTableName, productTableName);

                new string[] { "ProductCategoryId", "Name", "rowguid", "ModifiedDate" });

            var schemaName = this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql ? "SalesLT" : null;

            // Add filters
            var productFilter = new SetupFilter("Product", schemaName);

            productFilter.AddParameter("ProductCategoryID", "Product", schemaName);
            productFilter.AddWhere("ProductCategoryID", "Product", "ProductCategoryID", schemaName);

            var productCategoryFilter = new SetupFilter("ProductCategory", schemaName);

            productCategoryFilter.AddParameter("ProductCategoryID", "ProductCategory", schemaName);
            productCategoryFilter.AddWhere("ProductCategoryID", "ProductCategory", "ProductCategoryID", schemaName);


            // ------------------------------------------------
            var paramMountb = new SyncParameters(("ProductCategoryID", "MOUNTB"));
            var paramRoadfr = new SyncParameters(("ProductCategoryID", "ROADFR"));

            // create agent with filtered tables and parameter
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, Server.Provider, options);

            var rTourb = await agent.SynchronizeAsync("Mountb", setup, paramMountb);

            var rRoadfr = await agent.SynchronizeAsync("Roadfr", setup, paramRoadfr);

            Assert.Equal(8, rTourb.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(8, rTourb.TotalChangesApplied);
            Assert.Equal(3, rRoadfr.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(3, rRoadfr.TotalChangesApplied);
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample :

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            // First provider is using the Sql change tracking feature. Don't forget to enable it on your database until running this code !
            // For instance, use this SQL statement on your server database : ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks  SET CHANGE_TRACKING = ON  (CHANGE_RETENTION = 10 DAYS, AUTO_CLEANUP = ON)
            // Otherwise, if you don't want to use Change Tracking feature, just change 'SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider' to 'SqlSyncProvider'
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            //var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider("adv.db");
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            //var setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
            //            "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail");

            var setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory");

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            var remoteOrchestrator = agent.RemoteOrchestrator;
            var localOrchestrator  = agent.LocalOrchestrator;

                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(setup);

                var serverScope = await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(setup);

                setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory", "Product");
                var schema = await remoteOrchestrator.GetSchemaAsync(setup);

                serverScope.Schema = schema;
                serverScope.Setup  = setup;
                await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(serverScope, overwrite : true);

                var cs = await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(serverScope, overwrite : true);

                s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                // Write results
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

        public async Task AddFilterTableAndNormalTable()
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.ServerConnectionString);
            var cli2Provider   = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.Client2ConnectionString);
            var cli3Provider   = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.Client3ConnectionString);

            SyncConfiguration configuration = new SyncConfiguration(new[] { "ServiceTickets" });

            // Add a filter
            configuration.Filters.Add("ServiceTickets", "CustomerID");

            // first agent with parameter for filter
            SyncAgent agent2 = new SyncAgent(cli2Provider, serverProvider, configuration);

            agent2.Parameters.Add("ServiceTickets", "CustomerID", 1);

            // second agent with no parameter
            SyncAgent agent3 = new SyncAgent(cli3Provider, serverProvider, configuration);

            var session2 = await agent2.SynchronizeAsync();

            var session3 = await agent3.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Only 4 lines should be downloaded
            Assert.Equal(40, session2.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(50, session3.TotalChangesDownloaded);

            session2 = await agent2.SynchronizeAsync();

            session3 = await agent3.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(0, session2.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session3.TotalChangesDownloaded);

            // Update one server row outside filter
            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.ServerConnectionString))
                var textUpdateOneRow = "Update ServiceTickets set Opened=getdate() where CustomerID=10";

                using (var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(textUpdateOneRow, sqlConnection))

            session2 = await agent2.SynchronizeAsync();

            session3 = await agent3.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(0, session2.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(10, session3.TotalChangesDownloaded);
Esempio n. 8
        private static async Task PreventDeletionAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample :

            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "Product" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            // First sync to have some rows on client
            var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(tables);

            // Write results

            // do not delete product row. it's your choice !
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplying(args =>
                if (args.State == DataRowState.Deleted && args.SchemaTable.TableName == "Product")
                    Console.WriteLine($"Preventing deletion on {args.BatchPartInfos.Sum(bpi => bpi.RowsCount)} rows.");
                    args.Cancel = true;

            var c   = serverProvider.CreateConnection();
            var cmd = c.CreateCommand();

            cmd.Connection  = c;
            cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Product WHERE ProductId >= 750 AND ProductId < 760";

            // Second sync
            s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results

            // Third sync
            s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results
        public async Task Initialize()
            // during the sync, I insert datas on both server and clients
            agent.RemoteProvider.ScopeSaved += Server_ScopeSaved;
            agent.TableChangesApplying      += Client_TableChangesApplying;

            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            agent.RemoteProvider.ScopeSaved -= Server_ScopeSaved;
            agent.TableChangesApplying      -= Client_TableChangesApplying;

            Assert.Equal(50, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);
Esempio n. 10
        private async Task TestSyncAgentDeleteWithForeignKeys(
            BlogDbContext localDb,
            ISyncProvider localSyncProvider,
            BlogDbContext remoteDb,
            ISyncProvider remoteSyncProvider)
            var syncAgent = new SyncAgent(localSyncProvider, remoteSyncProvider);
            await syncAgent.SynchronizeAsync();

            //create a user on remote store
            User remoteUser;

            remoteDb.Users.Add(remoteUser = new User()
                Email = "*****@*****.**", Name = "User", Created = DateTime.Now
            remoteUser.Posts.Add(new Post()
                Content = $"Content",
                Title   = $"Post",
                Claps   = 1,
                Stars   = 10

            await remoteDb.SaveChangesAsync();

            await syncAgent.SynchronizeAsync();

            var localUser = await localDb.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(_ => _.Email == "*****@*****.**");


            //delete user on remotedb
            remoteDb = remoteDb.Refresh();

            remoteDb.Users.Remove(await remoteDb.Users.FirstAsync(_ => _.Email == "*****@*****.**"));
            remoteDb.Posts.RemoveRange(await remoteDb.Posts.ToListAsync());
            await remoteDb.SaveChangesAsync();

            await syncAgent.SynchronizeAsync();

            localDb   = localDb.Refresh();
            localUser = await localDb.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(_ => _.Email == "*****@*****.**");


            (await localDb.Posts.AnyAsync()).ShouldBeFalse();
Esempio n. 11
        private static async Task ConflictAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample :

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                        "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            Console.WriteLine("- Initialize the databases with initial data");
            // Make a first sync to have everything in place
            Console.WriteLine(await agent.SynchronizeAsync(SyncType.Reinitialize));

            Console.WriteLine("- Insert data in client and server databases to generate a conflict Insert Client - Insert Server");

            var id = new Random(50000).Next();

            // Insert a value on client
            await Helper.InsertNConflictsCustomerAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection(), 10, id, "John", "Clientdoe");

            // Insert a value on server with same key, to generate a conflict
            await Helper.InsertNConflictsCustomerAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), 10, id, "John", "Serverdoe");

                    Console.WriteLine("- Launch synchronization");
                    var res = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

        public async Task TableWithForeignKeyButNotParentTable()
            serverProvider = new MySqlSyncProvider(fixture.ServerConnectionString);
            clientProvider = new MySqlSyncProvider(fixture.Client2ConnectionString);

            agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, new[] {

            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(3, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);

            int fkeysCount = 0;

            using (var sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(fixture.Client2ConnectionString))
                using (var sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE " +
                                                     "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = @schema AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME is not null", sqlConnection))
                    sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@schema", fixture.client2DbName);

                    fkeysCount = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar());
            Assert.Equal(2, fkeysCount);
Esempio n. 13
        private async void SyncButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider("employees.db");

            var proxyClientProvider = new WebProxyClientProvider(
                new Uri("http://localhost:58507/api/authsync"));

            // adding bearer auth
            if (authenticationResult != null && authenticationResult.AccessToken != null)
                proxyClientProvider.AddCustomHeader("Authorization", authenticationResult.CreateAuthorizationHeader());

            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, proxyClientProvider);

            agent.SyncProgress += (s, a) => Debug(a.Message + a.PropertiesMessage);
                var r = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                Debug("TotalChangesDownloaded: " + r.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug("Error during sync " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 14
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample :

            var serverOrchestrator = new WebClientOrchestrator("https://localhost.fiddler:44342/api/sync");

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverOrchestrator);

                    var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(args => Console.WriteLine($"{args.PogressPercentageString}:\t{args.Message}"));
                    // Launch the sync process
                    var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

                    // Write results
                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Esempio n. 15
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample :

            // Create a web proxy Orchesrtrator with a custom serializer
            var serverProxyOrchestrator = new WebClientOrchestrator("https://localhost:44342/api/sync")
                SerializerFactory = new CustomMessagePackSerializerFactory(),
                Converter         = new CustomConverter()

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(args => Console.WriteLine($"{args.Context.SyncStage}:\t{args.Message}"));

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProxyOrchestrator);

                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

                // Write results
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Esempio n. 16
        public async Task SyncThroughHttp()
            using (var server = new KestrellTestServer())
                var serverHandler = new RequestDelegate(async context =>
                    SqlSyncProvider serverProvider      = new SqlSyncProvider(this.fixture.ServerConnectionString);
                    SyncConfiguration configuration     = new SyncConfiguration(this.fixture.Tables);
                    configuration.DownloadBatchSizeInKB = 500;

                    WebProxyServerProvider proxyServerProvider = new WebProxyServerProvider(serverProvider);
                    proxyServerProvider.Configuration          = configuration;

                    await proxyServerProvider.HandleRequestAsync(context);

                var clientHandler = new ResponseDelegate(async(serviceUri) =>
                    var proxyProvider  = new WebProxyClientProvider(new Uri(serviceUri));
                    var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(this.fixture.Client1ConnectionString);

                    SyncAgent agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, proxyProvider);
                    var session     = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                    Assert.Equal(5, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
                    Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);

                await server.Run(serverHandler, clientHandler);
Esempio n. 17
        private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Database script used for this sample :

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            // First provider is using the Sql change tracking feature. Don't forget to enable it on your database until running this code !
            // For instance, use this SQL statement on your server database : ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks  SET CHANGE_TRACKING = ON  (CHANGE_RETENTION = 10 DAYS, AUTO_CLEANUP = ON)
            // Otherwise, if you don't want to use Change Tracking feature, just change 'SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider' to 'SqlSyncProvider'
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider("adv.db");

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                        "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            // Launch the sync process
            var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results
        public async Task Initialize()
            serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.ServerConnectionString);
            clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.Client1ConnectionString);

            agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, new[] {

            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(7, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);

            int fkeysCount = 0;

            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.Client1ConnectionString))
                using (var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("select count(*) from sys.foreign_keys", sqlConnection))
                    fkeysCount = (int)sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar();
            Assert.Equal(5, fkeysCount);
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task UpdateFromServer(SyncConfiguration conf)
            Guid guid            = Guid.NewGuid();
            var  updateRowScript =
                $@" Declare @id uniqueidentifier;
                Select top 1 @id = ServiceTicketID from ServiceTickets;
                Update [ServiceTickets] Set [Title] = 'Updated from server {guid.ToString()}' Where ServiceTicketId = @id";

            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.ServerConnectionString))
                using (var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(updateRowScript, sqlConnection))

            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.ServerConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new MySqlSyncProvider(fixture.ClientMySqlConnectionString);
            //var simpleConfiguration = new SyncConfiguration(Tables);

            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            agent.Configuration.DownloadBatchSizeInKB = conf.DownloadBatchSizeInKB;
            agent.Configuration.UseBulkOperations     = conf.UseBulkOperations;
            agent.Configuration.SerializationFormat   = conf.SerializationFormat;
            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(1, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);
Esempio n. 20
        public async Task Initialize()
                using (var ctx = new AdventureWorksContext())
                    ctx.ProviderType     = ProviderType.Sql;
                    ctx.ConnectionString = this.serverCString;
                    ctx.useSeeding       = true;
                    ctx.useSchema        = true;


                var agent = new SyncAgent(this.clientProvider, this.serverProvider, this.sqlTables);

                agent.LocalProvider.OnConnectionOpen(args =>
                    var keyCommand         = args.Connection.CreateCommand();
                    keyCommand.CommandText = "PRAGMA key = 'password';";

                var s = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                Assert.Equal(109, s.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 21
        public async Task Sync_One_Row_From_Client()
            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.ClientDatabaseString))
                var script = @"INSERT [ServiceTickets] 
                            ([ServiceTicketID], [Title], [Description], [StatusValue], [EscalationLevel], [Opened], [Closed], [CustomerID]) 
                            (N'CF3096E5-9057-4B29-8DBB-5D9D996643BD', N'Insert line into client', N'Description client', 1, 0, getdate(), NULL, 1)";

                using (var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(script, sqlConnection))

            SqlSyncProvider serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.ServerDatabaseString);
            SqlSyncProvider clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.ClientDatabaseString);

            ServiceConfiguration configuration = new ServiceConfiguration(new string[] { "ServiceTickets" });

            SyncAgent agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, configuration);

            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(1, session.TotalChangesUploaded);
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task DeprovisionStoredProcedures()
            agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, fixture.Tables);

            // Overwrite configuration to apply the schem on the database, even if we have already made a sync before
            agent.DatabaseApplying += (s, e) => e.OverwriteSchema = true;

            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            await clientProvider.DeprovisionAsync(agent.Configuration, SyncProvision.StoredProcedures);

            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.Client1ConnectionString))
                string commandText = "Select count(*) from sys.tables";
                using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, sqlConnection))
                    int nb = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    Assert.Equal(5, nb);
                commandText = "Select count(*) from sys.procedures";
                using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, sqlConnection))
                    int nb = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    Assert.Equal(0, nb);
Esempio n. 23
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample :

            // Getting a JWT token
            // This sample is NOT SECURE at all
            // You should get a Jwt Token from an identity provider like Azure, Google, AWS or other.
            var        token      = GenerateJwtToken("*****@*****.**", "SPERTUS01");
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);

            // Adding the HttpClient instance to the web client orchestrator
            var serverOrchestrator = new WebRemoteOrchestrator("https://localhost:44342/api/sync", client: httpClient);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverOrchestrator);

                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                // Write results
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Esempio n. 24
        public async Task DeprovisionAllExceptTables()
            agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, fixture.Tables);
            agent.DatabaseApplying += (s, e) => e.OverwriteSchema = true;
            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            await clientProvider.DeprovisionAsync(agent.Configuration,
                                                  SyncProvision.Scope | SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.TrackingTable | SyncProvision.Triggers);

            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.Client1ConnectionString))
                string commandText = "Select count(*) from sys.tables";
                using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, sqlConnection))
                    int nb = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    Assert.Equal(2, nb);
                commandText = "Select count(*) from sys.procedures";
                using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, sqlConnection))
                    int nb = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    Assert.Equal(0, nb);
                commandText = "Select count(*) from sys.triggers";
                using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, sqlConnection))
                    int nb = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    Assert.Equal(0, nb);
Esempio n. 25
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample :

            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                        "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // First DownloadOnly provider for Sqlite
            var clientSqliteProvider = new SqliteSyncDownloadOnlyProvider("adv.db");

            // Second DownloadOnly provider for SqlServer
            var clientSqlServerProvider = new SqlSyncDownloadOnlyProvider(clientConnectionString);

                // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
                var agentSqlite   = new SyncAgent(clientSqliteProvider, serverProvider);
                var sqliteResults = await agentSqlite.SynchronizeAsync(tables);


                var agentSqlServer   = new SyncAgent(clientSqlServerProvider, serverProvider);
                var sqlServerResults = await agentSqlServer.SynchronizeAsync(tables);

            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Esempio n. 26
    /// <summary>
    /// Launch a simple sync, over TCP network, each sql server (client and server are reachable through TCP cp
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
        // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(serverDbName));
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(clientDbName));

        // Tables involved in the sync process:
        var tables = allTables;

        // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

        // Using the Progress pattern to handle progession during the synchronization
        var progress = new Progress <ProgressArgs>(s => Console.WriteLine($"[client]: {s.Context.SyncStage}:\t{s.Message}"));

        // Setting configuration options
        agent.SetConfiguration(s =>
            s.ScopeInfoTableName     = "tscopeinfo";
            s.SerializationFormat    = Dotmim.Sync.Enumerations.SerializationFormat.Binary;
            s.StoredProceduresPrefix = "s";
            s.StoredProceduresSuffix = "";
            s.TrackingTablesPrefix   = "t";
            s.TrackingTablesSuffix   = "";

        agent.SetOptions(opt =>
            opt.BatchDirectory    = Path.Combine(SyncOptions.GetDefaultUserBatchDiretory(), "sync");
            opt.BatchSize         = 100;
            opt.CleanMetadatas    = true;
            opt.UseBulkOperations = true;
            opt.UseVerboseErrors  = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Sync Start");
                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

                // Write results
            catch (Exception e)

            //Console.WriteLine("Sync Ended. Press a key to start again, or Escapte to end");
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Esempio n. 27
        public async Task TableWithForeignKeyButNotParentTable()
            serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.ServerConnectionString);
            clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(fixture.Client2ConnectionString);
            var simpleConfiguration = new SyncConfiguration(new[] {

            agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, simpleConfiguration);

            var session = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(3, session.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Assert.Equal(0, session.TotalChangesUploaded);

            int fkeysCount = 0;

            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(fixture.Client2ConnectionString))
                using (var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("select count(*) from sys.foreign_keys", sqlConnection))
                    fkeysCount = (int)sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar();
            Assert.Equal(2, fkeysCount);
Esempio n. 28
    private static async Task SyncAdvAsync()
        // Sql Server provider, the master.
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(@"Server=tcp:,5433;Initial Catalog=Usavc.Services.AppointmentDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word");
        //Server=;Database=medman;UID=pub; PWD=0c95PYIg;

        // Sql Client provider for a Sql Server <=> Sql Server
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider("Server=tcp:,5433;Initial Catalog=Usavc.Services.AppointmentDb1;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word");
        //Server=tcp:,5433;Initial Catalog=Usavc.Services.AppointmentDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word

        // Tables involved in the sync process:
        var tables = new string[] { "ReasonCode" };

        // Sync orchestrator
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            var s = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(SyncType.Normal);

            Console.WriteLine($"Total Changes downloaded : {s.TotalChangesDownloaded}");
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
Esempio n. 29
        static async Task PerformSync()
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(
                @"Data Source=.\sqlexpress;
                Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;
                Integrated Security=true;");

            var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider("advworks.db");

            var tablesToSync = new string[] {
                "ProductDescription", "ProductModel",
                "Product", "ProductModelProductDescription",
                "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress",
                "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail"

            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tablesToSync);

            var progress = new Progress <ProgressArgs>(s =>

                var context = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

                Console.WriteLine($"Total Changes downloaded: \t{context.TotalChangesDownloaded}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Total Changes Uploaded: \t{context.TotalChangesUploaded}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Total Changes Conflicts: \t{context.TotalSyncConflicts}");
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
Esempio n. 30
    private static async Task SyncAdvAsync()
        // Sql Server provider, the master.
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(
            @"Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;User Id=sa;Password=Password12!;");

        // Sqlite Client provider for a Sql Server <=> Sqlite sync
        var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider("advworks2.db");

        // Tables involved in the sync process:
        var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory",
                                    "ProductDescription", "ProductModel",
                                    "Product", "ProductModelProductDescription",
                                    "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress",
                                    "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

        // Sync orchestrator
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            var s = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            Console.WriteLine($"Total Changes downloaded : {s.TotalChangesDownloaded}");
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);