public static SymbolKeyResolution Resolve(SymbolKeyReader reader)
                var isAnonymousDelegateType = reader.ReadBoolean();
                var location = reader.ReadLocation();

                var syntaxTree = location.SourceTree;
                if (syntaxTree == null)
                    return default(SymbolKeyResolution);

                var semanticModel = reader.Compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
                var root = syntaxTree.GetRoot(reader.CancellationToken);
                var node = root.FindNode(location.SourceSpan, getInnermostNodeForTie: true);

                var symbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(node, reader.CancellationToken)

                // If this was a key for an anonymous delegate type, then go find the
                // associated delegate for this lambda and return that instead of the 
                // lambda function symbol itself.
                if (isAnonymousDelegateType)
                    var anonymousDelegate = (symbol as IMethodSymbol).AssociatedAnonymousDelegate;
                    symbol = anonymousDelegate;

                return new SymbolKeyResolution(symbol);
            public static SymbolKeyResolution Resolve(SymbolKeyReader reader)
                var isAnonymousDelegateType = reader.ReadBoolean();
                var location = reader.ReadLocation();

                var syntaxTree = location.SourceTree;

                if (syntaxTree == null)