Esempio n. 1
        public SymbolFeed(BinanceClient client, CombinedWebSocketClient websocket, BinanceTradeBarsRepository hist, string market, SymbolInfo symbol, DateTime timeNow)
            HistoryDb            = hist;
            this.Client          = client;
            this.WebSocketClient = websocket;
            this.Symbol          = symbol;
            this.Market          = market;
            this.Time            = timeNow;
            Logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Bin" + Symbol + "Feed");

            HistoryId = new SymbolHistoryId(this.Market, Symbol.Key, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
Esempio n. 2
 private void InitializeDataSourceCallBack(Market market, SymbolFeed feed)
     if (!IncrementalHistoryLoading)
         if (feed.DataSource == null)
             var histInfo = new SymbolHistoryId(market.MarketName, feed.Symbol.Key, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
             feed.DataSource = this.HistoryDb.GetSymbolHistory(histInfo, StartTime, EndTime);
Esempio n. 3
 private async Task CheckClosing()
     while (true)
         lock (LastHistoryRequest)
             foreach (var kv in LastHistoryRequest.ToArray())
                 var key     = kv.Key;
                 var lastReq = kv.Value;
                 if (DateTime.Now > lastReq.AddMinutes(5))
                     this.SaveAndClose(SymbolHistoryId.Parse(key), true);
         await Task.Delay(10000);
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task AssureFilter(Func <string, bool> filter, DateTime fromTime, DateTime toTime)
            var exchangeInfo = Client.GetExchangeInfo().Result;
            var symbols      = exchangeInfo.Symbols;

            var toDownload = symbols

                             .Where(s => filter(s.symbol))
                             .Select(sp => sp.symbol).ToList();

            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var sym in toDownload)
                var histInfo = new SymbolHistoryId("Binance", sym, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
                var task     = this.AssureData(histInfo, fromTime, toTime).ContinueWith(t => this.SaveAndClose(histInfo, true));
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Esempio n. 5
        public bool NextTick()
            //calculate next tick time
            var nextTick = this.Time + Resolution;

            //if a new month has started

            //update market time
            this.Time = nextTick;
            bool moreData = false;

            //add new data to all symbol feeds that have it
            foreach (var market in _Markets)
                if (IncrementalHistoryLoading)
                    if (Time.Month != market.Time.Month || Time.Year != market.Time.Year || !market.FistTickPassed)
                        // a new month has started, let's load the data for this month
                        foreach (var feed in market.SymbolsFeeds.Values)
                            var histInfo = new SymbolHistoryId(market.MarketName, feed.Symbol.Key, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

                            feed.DataSource = this.HistoryDb.GetSymbolHistory(
                                new DateTime(Time.Year, Time.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddMonths(1).AddMilliseconds(-1));
                            this.HistoryDb.SaveAndClose(histInfo, false);
                            market.FistTickPassed = true;
                market.Time = this.Time;
                foreach (var feed in market.SymbolsFeeds.Values)
                    feed.Time = market.Time;
                    var dataSource = feed.DataSource;
                    if (dataSource.Ticks.Count > 0)
                        while (dataSource.Ticks.NextTickTime <= this.Time)
                            var candle = dataSource.Ticks.Current is Candlestick c ? c : new Candlestick(dataSource.Ticks.Current);
                            market.AddNewCandle(feed as SymbolFeed, candle);// new Candlestick(data.Ticks.Tick)); //use less memory
                        moreData |= dataSource.Ticks.Position < dataSource.Ticks.Count - 1;

            if (!moreData)
                NoMoreDataCount = 0;
            //resolve orders of each market
            foreach (var market in _Markets)

            //raise orders/trades events
            foreach (var market in _Markets)

            return(nextTick <= this.EndTime && NoMoreDataCount < 10);
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task AssureData(SymbolHistoryId histInfo, DateTime fromTime, DateTime toTime)
            if (toTime > DateTime.Now.AddYears(10))
                toTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);
            toTime = new DateTime(toTime.Year, toTime.Month, toTime.Day, toTime.Hour, toTime.Minute, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            var epoch = new DateTime(2017, 07, 01, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            if (fromTime < epoch)
                fromTime = epoch;

            await DownloadCandlesSemaphore.WaitAsync();

            var sem = GetSemaphore(histInfo.Symbol);

                await sem.WaitAsync();

                var hist     = this.GetSymbolHistory(histInfo, fromTime, toTime);
                var oldTicks = hist.Ticks;

                //first find next available data, if not found download everything
                DateTime lastTime = fromTime;
                while (lastTime < toTime)
                    if (oldTicks.MoveNext())
                        if (oldTicks.Time - lastTime > histInfo.Resolution)
                            Logger.Debug($"Hole found in {histInfo.Symbol} history from {lastTime} to {hist.Ticks.NextTickTime}.");
                            var candles = await DownloadCandles(histInfo.Symbol, lastTime, oldTicks.Current.CloseTime);

                            this.AddCandlesticks(histInfo, candles);
                        lastTime = oldTicks.Current.CloseTime;
                        Logger.Debug($"Hole found in {histInfo.Symbol} history from {lastTime} to {toTime}.");
                        //there isn't any other tick, all remaining data needs to be downloaded
                        var candles = await DownloadCandles(histInfo.Symbol, lastTime, toTime);

                        this.AddCandlesticks(histInfo, candles);
                        lastTime = toTime;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("Fatal Exception while download history for symbol {0}: {1}", histInfo.Symbol, ex.Message);
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task DownloadHistoryAsync(string symbol, DateTime fromTime, TimeSpan redownloadStart)
            //we must assure that there is only one downloading action ongoing for each symbol!
            var semaphore = GetSemaphore(symbol);

                await semaphore.WaitAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Downloading {symbol} history ");
                DateTime endTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

                //we need to convert all in UTC time
                var startTime = fromTime; //
                var epoch     = new DateTime(2017, 07, 01, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                if (startTime < epoch)
                    startTime = epoch;

                //try to get the first candle - use these functions for performance improvement
                var symId    = new SymbolHistoryId(MarketName, symbol, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
                var metaData = this.GetMetaData(symId);

                if (metaData.FirstBar != null && metaData.LastBar != null)
                    if (startTime > metaData.FirstBar.OpenTime)
                        //if startTime is after the first recorded bar then
                        // then we can start downloading from last recorded bar
                        if (endTime <= metaData.LastBar.Time)
                            endTime = startTime;
                        startTime = new DateTime(metaData.LastBar.OpenTime.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc).Subtract(redownloadStart);
                        if (metaData.FirstKnownData == null)
                            //start time is earlier than first known candle.. we start download from first candle on server
                            var firstAvailable = (await Client.GetKlinesCandlesticks(
                                                      new GetKlinesCandlesticksRequest
                                Symbol = symbol,
                                StartTime = startTime,
                                Interval = KlineInterval.OneMinute,
                                EndTime = startTime.AddYears(3),
                                Limit = 10
                            this.UpdateFirstKnownData(metaData.HistoryId, KlineToCandlestick(firstAvailable));

                        //if we already downloaded the first available we can start download from the last known
                        //otherwise we leave start time as it is to avoid creating holes
                        if (metaData.FirstKnownData.CloseTime.AddSeconds(1) >= metaData.FirstBar.OpenTime)
                            startTime = new DateTime(metaData.LastBar.Time.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc).Subtract(redownloadStart);

                        // avoid downloading again some data if possible
                        if (endTime <= metaData.LastBar.Time)
                            endTime = metaData.FirstBar.Time;

                //download and add bars if needed
                if (endTime > startTime)
                    var candlesDownloaded = await DownloadCandles(symbol, startTime, endTime);

                    this.AddCandlesticks(symId, candlesDownloaded);

                Console.WriteLine($"{symbol} history downloaded");
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = $"Fatal Exception during {symbol} history download: ";
                if (ex is BinanceException binException)
                    msg += binException.ErrorDetails;
                    msg += ex.Message;
Esempio n. 8
 public override ISymbolHistory GetSymbolHistory(SymbolHistoryId info, DateTime startOfData, DateTime endOfData)
     lock (LastHistoryRequest)
         LastHistoryRequest[info.Key] = DateTime.Now;
     return(base.GetSymbolHistory(info, startOfData, endOfData));