private void BTN_SetAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string outvalue = ""; foreach (XCatItem x in TAB_Keys.TabPages[TAB_Keys.SelectedIndex].Controls) { if (x.Checked) { outvalue += x.GetOutValue(); } } parent.SendExternal(outvalue, false, true); }
private void BTN_Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isValid = true; foreach (RelationalItem ri in relationalItems) { if (!ri.IsValid) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid parameters in Step " + (ri.Index + 1).ToString()); isValid = false; } } if (isValid) { BuildCycle(); parent.SendExternal(cycleString, true, true); } }
private void BTN_Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cycle c = cycles[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex][LB_Cycle[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex].SelectedIndex]; string output = cycles[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex][LB_Cycle[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex].SelectedIndex].KeyValue.OutValue(cycles[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex][LB_Cycle[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex].SelectedIndex].KeyValue.Process(cycles[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex][LB_Cycle[TAB_Cavities.SelectedIndex].SelectedIndex].Enum.ToString("X2"))); foreach (CapabilityItem ci in PAN_CycleCommands.Controls) { string outvalue = ci.KVP.IsEnum ? ci.SelectedItem.Substring(3) : ci.SelectedItem; if (ci.KVP.Required) { output += ci.KVP.KeyValue.OutValue(outvalue); } else { if (ci.KVP.KeyValue.OutValue(outvalue) != ci.KVP.KeyValue.OutValue(ci.KVP.Default)) { output += ci.KVP.KeyValue.OutValue(outvalue); } } } output += c.OperationKey.KeyID + ((Button)sender).Tag.ToString(); parent.SendExternal(output, false, true); }
private void BTN_Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BuildKVPString(); parent.SendExternal(cyclestring, true, true); }
private void BTN_Run_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BTN_Run.Text == "Run Step") { string setmsg = ""; bool validcmd = true; string sentlist = ""; foreach (RelationalItem2 r in PAN_Send.Controls) { if (r.KVPValue(false) != "") { setmsg += r.KVPMessage(); sentlist += "(0x" + r.KeyValue + ")" + r.KeyName + ": " + r.KVPValue(false) + "\r\n"; } else { validcmd = false; } } /*if (validcmd && setmsg.Length > 0) * { * parent.SendExternal(setmsg, false, true); * } * else * { * MessageBox.Show("All command KVPs must have an assigned value."); * }*/ parent.listenList.Clear(); foreach (RelationalItem2 r in PAN_Recv.Controls) { DataRow dr = parent.listenList.NewRow(); dr["Key"] = r.KeyValue; dr["Name"] = r.KeyName; dr["Value"] = r.KVPValue(false); dr["HexValue"] = r.KVPMessage(); dr["Result"] = ""; dr["Pass"] = ""; parent.listenList.Rows.Add(dr); } try { //parent.listenUntil = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(int.Parse(TB_Wait.Text)); parent.listenTimer.Interval = int.Parse(TB_Wait.Text); if ((validcmd && setmsg.Length > 0) || PAN_Send.Controls.Count == 0) { parent.listening = true; parent.listenTimer.Enabled = true; bool sent = parent.SendExternal(setmsg, false, true); if (sent) { RTB_Log.AppendText("Running " + TB_Name.Text + "...\r\n\r\n"); RTB_Log.AppendText("Sent:\r\n" + sentlist + "\r\n"); RTB_Log.AppendText("Waiting " + TB_Wait.Text + "ms for responses...\r\n\r\n"); RTB_Log.ScrollToCaret(); if (!batchrunning) { BTN_Run.Text = "Stop"; LB_Batch.Enabled = false; foreach (Button b in PAN_Buttons.Controls) { if (!(b == BTN_Run || b == BTN_Close)) { b.Enabled = false; } } } } else { parent.listening = false; parent.listenTimer.Enabled = false; batchrunning = false; LB_Batch.Enabled = true; BTN_Run.Text = "Run Step"; BTN_BatchRun.Text = "Run Batch"; foreach (Button b in PAN_Buttons.Controls) { b.Enabled = true; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("All command KVPs must have an assigned value."); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Wait time is an invalid value."); } } else { BTN_Run.Text = "Run Step"; parent.listening = false; parent.listenTimer.Enabled = false; RTB_Log.AppendText("Aborted.\r\n\r\n"); LB_Batch.Enabled = true; foreach (Button b in PAN_Buttons.Controls) { b.Enabled = true; } } }