Esempio n. 1
        public Sword()
            hitbox.X            = 48.0f;
            hitbox.Y            = 48.0f;
            item_state_time     = 0.0f;
            sword_damage        = 5;
            knockback_magnitude = 1.0f;

            sword_state = Sword_State.preslash;

            swordAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("swordPic");
Esempio n. 2
        public void update(Player parent, GameTime currentTime, LevelState parentWorld)
            item_direction  = parent.Direction_Facing;
            parent.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;

            item_state_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

            if (sword_state == Sword_State.preslash)
                //sword is on the right hand side of the player, if hitboxes are different dimensions, need to adjust the position of sword.
                parent.Animation_Time = 0.0f;

                if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Right_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_1) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem1))
                    parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lSlash" : "rSlash");
                else if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Left_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_2) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem2))
                    parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rSlash" : "lSlash");

                switch (item_direction)
                case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right:
                    position.X = parent.Position.X + parent.Dimensions.X;
                    position.Y = parent.Position.Y;

                case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left:
                    position.X = parent.Position.X - hitbox.X;
                    position.Y = parent.Position.Y;

                case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up:
                    position.Y = parent.Position.Y - hitbox.Y;
                    position.X = parent.CenterPoint.X - hitbox.X / 2;

                    position.Y = parent.CenterPoint.Y + parent.Dimensions.Y / 2;
                    position.X = parent.CenterPoint.X - hitbox.X / 2;
                if (item_state_time > delay)
                    sword_state = Sword_State.slash;
                    sword_swing = true;

            else if (sword_state == Sword_State.slash)
                for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++)
                    if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Enemy || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is ShopKeeper || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Key || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Coin || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Pickup)
                        if (hitTest(parentWorld.EntityList[i]))
                            Vector2 direction = parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint - parent.CenterPoint;
                            parentWorld.EntityList[i].knockBack(direction, knockback_magnitude, sword_damage, parent);

                sword_state = Sword_State.endslash;
            //time delay for the player to be in this state
            else if (sword_state == Sword_State.endslash)
                parent.State            = Player.playerState.Moving;
                item_state_time         = 0.0f;
                parent.Disable_Movement = true;
                sword_swing             = false;
                sword_state             = Sword_State.preslash;