Esempio n. 1
        private async Task DoSwitchCommand(Context ctx, ICollection <PKMember> members)
            // Make sure there are no dupes in the list
            // We do this by checking if removing duplicate member IDs results in a list of different length
            if (members.Select(m => m.Id).Distinct().Count() != members.Count)
                throw Errors.DuplicateSwitchMembers;

            // Find the last switch and its members if applicable
            var lastSwitch = await _switches.GetLatestSwitch(ctx.System);

            if (lastSwitch != null)
                var lastSwitchMembers = await _switches.GetSwitchMembers(lastSwitch);

                // Make sure the requested switch isn't identical to the last one
                if (lastSwitchMembers.Select(m => m.Id).SequenceEqual(members.Select(m => m.Id)))
                    throw Errors.SameSwitch(members);

            await _switches.RegisterSwitch(ctx.System, members);

            if (members.Count == 0)
                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Switch-out registered.");
                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Switch registered. Current fronter is now {string.Join(", ", members.Select(m => m.Name)).SanitizeMentions()}.");
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <ActionResult <FrontersReturn> > GetFronters(string hid)
            var system = await _systems.GetByHid(hid);

            if (system == null)
                return(NotFound("System not found."));

            var sw = await _switches.GetLatestSwitch(system);

            if (sw == null)
                return(NotFound("System has no registered switches."));

            var members = await _switches.GetSwitchMembers(sw);

            return(Ok(new FrontersReturn
                Timestamp = sw.Timestamp,
                Members = members
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task SystemFronter(Context ctx, PKSystem system)
            if (system == null)
                throw Errors.NoSystemError;

            var sw = await _switches.GetLatestSwitch(system);

            if (sw == null)
                throw Errors.NoRegisteredSwitches;

            await ctx.Reply(embed : await _embeds.CreateFronterEmbed(sw, system.Zone));
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task <Embed> CreateSystemEmbed(PKSystem system)
            var accounts = await _systems.GetLinkedAccountIds(system);

            // Fetch/render info for all accounts simultaneously
            var users = await Task.WhenAll(accounts.Select(async uid => (await _client.GetUserAsync(uid))?.NameAndMention() ?? $"(deleted account {uid})"));

            var memberCount = await _members.MemberCount(system);

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                     .WithTitle(system.Name ?? null)
                     .WithThumbnailUrl(system.AvatarUrl ?? null)
                     .WithFooter($"System ID: {system.Hid}");

            var latestSwitch = await _switches.GetLatestSwitch(system);

            if (latestSwitch != null)
                var switchMembers = (await _switches.GetSwitchMembers(latestSwitch)).ToList();
                if (switchMembers.Count > 0)
                    eb.AddField("Fronter".ToQuantity(switchMembers.Count(), ShowQuantityAs.None),
                                string.Join(", ", switchMembers.Select(m => m.Name)));

            if (system.Tag != null)
                eb.AddField("Tag", system.Tag);
            eb.AddField("Linked accounts", string.Join(", ", users), true);
            eb.AddField($"Members ({memberCount})", $"(see `pk;system {system.Hid} list` or `pk;system {system.Hid} list full`)", true);

            if (system.Description != null)
                eb.AddField("Description", system.Description.Truncate(1024), false);
