Esempio n. 1
        public void Given_I_Call_GetSurvey_Then_I_Get_The_Correct_Survey_Returned(string instrument1Name)
            var survey1Mock = new Mock <ISurvey>();

            survey1Mock.Setup(s => s.Name).Returns(instrument1Name);

            const string instrument2Name = "Instrument2";
            var          survey2Mock     = new Mock <ISurvey>();

            survey2Mock.Setup(s => s.Name).Returns(instrument2Name);

            var surveyItems = new List <ISurvey> {
                survey1Mock.Object, survey2Mock.Object

            _surveyCollectionMock = new Mock <ISurveyCollection>();
            _surveyCollectionMock.Setup(s => s.GetEnumerator()).Returns(() => surveyItems.GetEnumerator());
            _serverParkMock.Setup(s => s.Surveys).Returns(_surveyCollectionMock.Object);

            var result = _sut.GetSurvey(_connectionModel, instrument1Name, _serverParkName);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <ISurvey>(result);
            Assert.AreSame(survey1Mock.Object, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(instrument1Name, result.Name);
        public IActionResult Get(string no)
            var survey = _survey.GetSurvey(no);

            if (survey == null)

            return(new ObjectResult(survey));
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestSurveyCRUD()
            SurveyService service    = new SurveyService();
            string        surveyName = "MySurvey";

            DTO.Survey survey = new DTO.Survey()
                Name = surveyName
            survey.Questions.Add(new Question()
                AnswerType = AnswerTypes.boolean,
                Sequence   = 1,
                Text       = "Do you like this question?"
            List <PossibleAnswer> answers = new List <PossibleAnswer>();

            answers.Add(new PossibleAnswer()
                Answer   = "1",
                Sequence = 1
            answers.Add(new PossibleAnswer()
                Answer   = "2",
                Sequence = 2

            survey.Questions.Add(new Question()
                AnswerType      = AnswerTypes.list,
                Sequence        = 2,
                Text            = "If you like oranges press one. If you like apples press two.",
                PossibleAnswers = answers

            DTO.Survey expectedSurvey = service.GetSurvey(surveyName);
            Assert.IsNotNull(expectedSurvey, "Could not find survey with a name of " + surveyName);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSurvey.Name, survey.Name, "Survey names do not match");

            string userId = "1234";
            int    uid    = service.InsertUser("joe tester", userId, "0001");
            User   user   = service.GetUserByUserId(userId);

            Assert.IsNotNull(user, "Could not find user with ID of " + userId);

            service.InsertResponse("No", expectedSurvey.Questions[0].Id, user.Id);
            user = service.GetUserByUserId(userId);
            Assert.IsNotNull(user, "Could not find user with ID of " + userId + " after adding response to question.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, user.SurveyResponses.Count, "Expected 1 survey response but there are " + user.SurveyResponses.Count.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> SubmitSurvey(string id)
            Survey survey = await SurveyService.GetSurvey(id);

            List <String>            selectedRadios  = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <int, String> selectedOptions = new Dictionary <int, String>();

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var question in survey.Questions)
                var qns = "qns" + i;

            // Obtains selected radio item value and stores in dictionary
            var j = 0;

            foreach (String radio in selectedRadios)
                selectedOptions.Add(j, Request.Form[radio]);

            GenerateResult generateResult = new GenerateResult(selectedOptions, survey.Set);
            float          score          = await generateResult.GetScore();

            switch (survey.Type)
            case "openness":

            case "conscientiousness":

            case "extraversion":

            case "agreeableness":

            case "neuroticism":

            ViewBag.score   = score;
            ViewBag.message = generateResult.GetMessage(score);

Esempio n. 5
        public void GetSurvey_ValidRequestNoAnswers_ShouldReturnTemplate()
            var expected = new Survey
                Template  = "template",
                Answers   = "",
                Submitted = false

            mockSurveyRepository.Setup(repository => repository.GetSurveyByUid("testUid")).Returns(expected);

            var actual = surveyService.GetSurvey("testUid");

        public WelcomePage(User user)

            WelcomeLabel.Text = "Welcome, " + user.Name + "!";

            // Populate surveys to listview
            var surveys = AsyncContext.Run(SurveyService.GetSurveys);

            var tableItems = new List <string>();

            for (var i = 0; i < surveys.Count; i++)
                tableItems.Add(surveys[i].No + " " + surveys[i].Title);

            SurveyListView.ItemsSource = tableItems;

            SurveyListView.ItemSelected += async(sender, e) => {
                // Play sound effect
                var    assembly    = typeof(AdventureLearn).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                Stream audioStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("AdventureLearn.Sounds." + "button.mp3");

                var player = Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.CrossSimpleAudioPlayer.Current;


                if (e.SelectedItem == null)
                SurveyListView.SelectedItem = null; // deselect row

                string selectedItem = (string)e.SelectedItem;
                string id           = selectedItem.Split(' ')[0];

                Survey survey = await SurveyService.GetSurvey(id);

                await Navigation.PushAsync(new SurveyPage(survey, user));
Esempio n. 7
        public override CallFlow BuildCallFlow()
            CallFlow flow = new CallFlow();
            //Create Service/Domain Layer for accessing survey information
            SurveyService service = new SurveyService();

            //Get a survey named MySurvey
            Service.DTO.Survey survey = service.GetSurvey("MySurvey");
            //If we did not get a survey back there is an error. Tell the caller.
            if (survey == null)
                flow.AddState(new VoiceState("noSurvey", new Exit("noSurvey", "Error finding survey in database. Goodbye.")), true);

            //If we got here then we have a survey from the database.
            //Create a greeting and on the exit action from this state
            //get the user we seeded from the database.  In a real survey
            //application we would prompt the user for their id and pin
            //to identify them.
            State greeting = new VoiceState("greeting", new Say("greeting", "Please take our short survey"))
                             .AddOnExitAction(delegate(CallFlow cf, State state, Event e)
                SurveyService sservice = new SurveyService();
                User user = sservice.GetUserByUserId("001");
                int uid   = 0;
                if (user != null)
                    uid = user.Id;
                cf.Ctx.SetGlobal <int>("userId", uid);

            flow.AddState(greeting, true);
            State prevState     = greeting;
            int   questionNum   = 0;
            int   questionCount = survey.Questions.Count;

            //Iterate through the survey questions and add them to our callflow.
            foreach (Question question in survey.Questions)
                string questionId   = question.Id.ToString();
                bool   lastQuestion = questionNum == questionCount;
                prevState.AddTransition("continue", questionId, null);
                Ask askQuestion = new Ask(questionId);
                askQuestion.initialPrompt.Add(new Prompt(question.Text));
                if (question.AnswerType == AnswerTypes.boolean)
                    askQuestion.grammar = new Grammar(new BuiltinGrammar(BuiltinGrammar.GrammarType.boolean));
                    askQuestion.grammar = new Grammar("possibleAnswers", question.PossibleAnswers.Select(p => p.Answer).ToList());
                State questionState = ViewStateBuilder.Build(questionId, askQuestion);
                questionState.AddOnExitAction(delegate(CallFlow cf, State state, Event e)
                    SurveyService sservice = new SurveyService();
                    string response        = state.jsonArgs;
                    int userId             = cf.Ctx.GetGlobalAs <int>("userId");
                    int qId = Int32.Parse(state.Id);
                    sservice.InsertResponse(response, qId, userId);
                prevState = questionState;
            //Take the last question in the survey and add a transition to the application exit.
            prevState.AddTransition("continue", "goodbye", null);
            //Tell the caller goodbye and hangup
            flow.AddState(new VoiceState("goodbye", new Exit("goodbye", "Thank you for taking our survey. Goodbye.")));

Esempio n. 8
        public async Task <IActionResult> TakeSurvey(string id)
            Survey survey = await SurveyService.GetSurvey(id);

            return(View("Survey", survey));