Esempio n. 1
        public static SurfaceEvaluation ProjectPointToShell(this Body body, Point point, out Face face)
            Debug.Assert(body != null);
            face = null;

            double            leastDistSquared = double.MaxValue;
            SurfaceEvaluation leastEval        = null;
            SurfaceEvaluation eval             = null;

            foreach (Face testFace in body.Faces)
                eval = testFace.ProjectPoint(point);
                double distSquared = (eval.Point - point).MagnitudeSquared();
                if (distSquared == Math.Min(leastDistSquared, distSquared))
                    face             = testFace;
                    leastEval        = eval;
                    leastDistSquared = distSquared;

            Debug.Assert(face != null);
            Debug.Assert(leastEval != null);
Esempio n. 2
        public static Plane GetPlaneCenteredOnFace(DesignFace face)
            PointUV           centerUV   = face.Shape.BoxUV.Center;
            SurfaceEvaluation evaluation = face.Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(centerUV);
            Point             point      = evaluation.Point;
            Direction         dirU       = (face.Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(PointUV.Create(centerUV.U + 0.001, centerUV.V)).Point.Vector
                                            - face.Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(PointUV.Create(centerUV.U - 0.001, centerUV.V)).Point.Vector).Direction;
            Direction dirVTemp = Direction.Cross(evaluation.Normal, dirU);

            if (face.Shape.Geometry as Plane != null)
                if (!Accuracy.Equals(Vector.Dot(dirU.UnitVector, Direction.DirZ.UnitVector), 0.0))                   // if our U direction has a Z component, the text might be slanted
                    if (Accuracy.Equals(Vector.Dot(dirVTemp.UnitVector, Direction.DirZ.UnitVector), 0.0))            // if our V direction has no Z component, use it
                        dirU = dirVTemp;

            if (face.Shape.Geometry as Cylinder != null)
                dirU = dirVTemp;

            dirVTemp = Direction.Cross(evaluation.Normal, dirU);
            if (Vector.Dot(dirVTemp.UnitVector, Direction.DirZ.UnitVector) < 0.0)              // Prevent upside-down notes
                dirU = -dirU;

            return(Plane.Create(Frame.Create(point, dirU, Direction.Cross(evaluation.Normal, dirU))));
Esempio n. 3
        protected override bool OnClickStart(ScreenPoint cursorPos, Line cursorRay)
            var iDesignFace = InteractionContext.Preselection as IDesignFace;

            if (iDesignFace == null)

            SurfaceEvaluation eval = iDesignFace.Shape.GetSingleRayIntersection(cursorRay);

            if (eval == null)

            double defaultHeight = 0.02;

            WriteBlock.ExecuteTask("Create Oscillator", () => {
                OscillatorPart.Create(HandleTypeEnum.Shaft, iDesignFace, eval.Param, defaultHeight, 0);
                OscillatorPart.Create(HandleTypeEnum.Base, iDesignFace, eval.Param, defaultHeight, 0);
                OscillatorPart.Create(HandleTypeEnum.Start, iDesignFace, eval.Param, defaultHeight, 0);
                OscillatorPart.Create(HandleTypeEnum.End, iDesignFace, eval.Param, defaultHeight, 0);

Esempio n. 4
        private static ToolEvaluation Evaluate(PointUV pointUV, FaceToolPath toolPath)
            SurfaceEvaluation eval          = toolPath.Surface.Evaluate(pointUV);
            Point             surfacePoint  = eval.Point;
            Direction         surfaceNormal = toolPath.IsNormalFlipped ? -eval.Normal : eval.Normal;

            return(new ToolEvaluation(surfacePoint + toolPath.CuttingTool.Radius * surfaceNormal, surfacePoint, surfaceNormal));
Esempio n. 5
        public SpiralStrategy(Plane plane, ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> curves, double initialOffset, ToolPath toolPath)
            this.plane         = plane;
            this.curves        = curves;
            this.toolPath      = toolPath;
            this.tool          = toolPath.CuttingTool;
            this.parameters    = toolPath.CuttingParameters;
            this.initialOffset = initialOffset;

            SurfaceEvaluation eval = plane.Evaluate(PointUV.Origin);

            centerOffset         = eval.Normal * tool.Radius;
            tip                  = -toolPath.Csys.DirZ * tool.Radius;
            closeClearanceVector = toolPath.Csys.DirZ * tool.Radius;
Esempio n. 6
        protected override bool OnDragStart(ScreenPoint cursorPos, Line cursorRay)
            //SelectionTypes = new Type[0]; // disable preselection while dragging

            OscillatorPart oscillatorPart = OscillatorPart.GetWrapper(InteractionContext.Preselection as CustomObject);

            if (oscillatorPart == null)

            Point?pointOnCustom = InteractionContext.PreselectionPoint;

            if (pointOnCustom == null)
                oscillatorPart = null;

            switch (oscillatorPart.HandleType)
            case HandleTypeEnum.Base:
                var iDesignFace = InteractionContext.Preselection as IDesignFace;
                if (iDesignFace == null)

                SurfaceEvaluation eval = iDesignFace.Shape.GetSingleRayIntersection(cursorRay);
                if (eval == null)

                oscillatorIDesignFace = iDesignFace;
                oscillatorPointUV     = eval.Param;

                StatusText = "Drag to move the oscillator.";

            case HandleTypeEnum.Start:
            case HandleTypeEnum.End:

Esempio n. 7
        static Frame?GetFrameFromPoint(IDesignFace designFace, Point startPoint)
            SurfaceEvaluation evaluation = designFace.Shape.Geometry.ProjectPoint(startPoint);
            Point             point      = evaluation.Point;
            PointUV           pointUV    = evaluation.Param;
            Direction         dirU       = (designFace.Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(PointUV.Create(pointUV.U + 0.0001, pointUV.V)).Point.Vector
                                            - designFace.Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(PointUV.Create(pointUV.U - 0.0001, pointUV.V)).Point.Vector).Direction;
            Direction dirV = Direction.Cross(evaluation.Normal, dirU);

            Frame frame = Frame.Create(point, dirU, dirV);

            if (designFace.Shape.IsReversed)
                return(Frame.Create(frame.Origin, -frame.DirX, frame.DirY));

Esempio n. 8
        static void FaceCenter_Executing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Window activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;
            ICollection <IDesignFace> iDesignFaces = activeWindow.GetAllSelectedIDesignFaces();

            if (iDesignFaces.Count == 0)

            Part parent = activeWindow.ActiveContext.Context as Part;

            if (parent == null)

            Part      part      = Part.Create(parent.Document, "Face Centers");
            Component component = Component.Create(parent, part);

            foreach (IDesignFace iDesignFace in iDesignFaces)
                List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
                foreach (IDesignEdge iDesignEdge in iDesignFace.Edges)

                Point             center            = points.Average();
                SurfaceEvaluation surfaceEvaluation = iDesignFace.Shape.ProjectPoint(center);
                center = surfaceEvaluation.Point;

                if (isCreatingSpheres)
                    ShapeHelper.CreateSphere(center, cylinderDiameter, part);

                if (isCreatingCylinders)
                    ShapeHelper.CreateCylinder(center + surfaceEvaluation.Normal * cylinderDiameter, center - surfaceEvaluation.Normal * cylinderDiameter, cylinderDiameter, part);
Esempio n. 9
        protected override bool OnMouseMove(ScreenPoint cursorPos, Line cursorRay, MouseButtons button)
            if (button != MouseButtons.None)

            IDocObject  preselection = InteractionContext.Preselection;
            IDesignFace iDesignFace  = null;

            OscillatorPart existingOscillatorHandle = OscillatorPart.GetWrapper(preselection as CustomObject);

            if (existingOscillatorHandle != null)
                iDesignFace = existingOscillatorHandle.IDesignFace;
            if (iDesignFace == null)
                iDesignFace = preselection as DesignFace;
            if (iDesignFace == null)             // selection filtering is not applied if you (pre)select in the tree

            SurfaceEvaluation eval = iDesignFace.Shape.GetSingleRayIntersection(cursorRay);

            if (eval == null)

            Rendering = Graphic.Create(null, null, OscillatorPart.GetGraphics(iDesignFace, eval.Param, 0.05, 0, HandleTypeEnum.All));

            return(false);            // if we return true, the preselection won't update
Esempio n. 10
        public static ICollection <Graphic> GetGraphics(IDesignFace iDesignFace, PointUV pointUV, double span, double position, HandleTypeEnum handleType)
            Debug.Assert(iDesignFace != null);

            Window activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;
            var    graphics     = new List <Graphic>();

            var primitives = new List <Primitive>();

            SurfaceEvaluation eval   = iDesignFace.Shape.Geometry.Evaluate(pointUV);
            Point             point  = eval.Point;
            Direction         normal = eval.Normal;

            double pixelSize      = activeWindow.ActiveContext.GetPixelSize(point);
            double shaftDiameter  = 4 * pixelSize;
            double handleDiameter = 8 * pixelSize;
            double handleHeight   = 4 * pixelSize;

            Point  startPoint          = point - (normal * (span * (position + 1) / 2 - handleHeight));
            Point  endPoint            = startPoint + normal * (span + 2 * handleHeight);
            Vector handleHalfThickness = normal * handleHeight / 2;

            bool isDrawingAll = handleType == HandleTypeEnum.All;
            var  mesh         = new List <Primitive>();
            var  style        = new GraphicStyle
                EnableDepthBuffer = true,
                LineColor         = Color.DimGray,
                LineWidth         = 1,
                FillColor         = Color.DimGray

            switch (handleType)
            case HandleTypeEnum.All:
            case HandleTypeEnum.Shaft:
                mesh.AddRange(ShapeHelper.CreateCylinderMesh(startPoint, endPoint, shaftDiameter, 8));
                graphics.Add(Graphic.Create(style, mesh));

                if (isDrawingAll)
                    goto case HandleTypeEnum.Base;

            case HandleTypeEnum.Base:
                mesh.AddRange(ShapeHelper.CreateCylinderMesh(point - handleHalfThickness, point + handleHalfThickness, handleDiameter, 12));
                style.LineColor = Color.DodgerBlue;
                style.FillColor = Color.DodgerBlue;
                graphics.Add(Graphic.Create(style, mesh));

                if (isDrawingAll)
                    goto case HandleTypeEnum.Start;

            case HandleTypeEnum.Start:
                mesh.AddRange(ShapeHelper.CreateCylinderMesh(startPoint - handleHalfThickness, startPoint + handleHalfThickness, handleDiameter, 12));
                style.LineColor = Color.DarkViolet;
                style.FillColor = Color.DarkViolet;
                graphics.Add(Graphic.Create(style, mesh));

                if (isDrawingAll)
                    goto case HandleTypeEnum.End;

            case HandleTypeEnum.End:
                mesh.AddRange(ShapeHelper.CreateCylinderMesh(endPoint - handleHalfThickness, endPoint + handleHalfThickness, handleDiameter, 12));
                style.LineColor = Color.DarkViolet;
                style.FillColor = Color.DarkViolet;
                graphics.Add(Graphic.Create(style, mesh));


Esempio n. 11
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            base.OnExecute(command, context, buttonRect);

            Window activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;
            Part   activePart   = (activeWindow.Scene as Part);

            Layer tabLayer = NoteHelper.CreateOrGetLayer(activeWindow.ActiveContext.Context.Document, "Tabs", System.Drawing.Color.Fuchsia);

            IDesignEdge iDesignEdge = activeWindow.ActiveContext.SingleSelection as IDesignEdge;

            if (iDesignEdge == null)

            if (iDesignEdge.Faces.Count != 1)

            IDesignFace iDesignFace = null;

            foreach (IDesignFace testFace in iDesignEdge.Faces)
                iDesignFace = testFace;

            Debug.Assert(iDesignFace != null);

            Point startPoint = iDesignEdge.Shape.StartPoint;
            Point endPoint   = iDesignEdge.Shape.EndPoint;

            if (areTabsFlipped)
                Point tempPoint = startPoint;
                startPoint = endPoint;
                endPoint   = tempPoint;

            SurfaceEvaluation surfEval   = iDesignFace.Shape.ProjectPoint(startPoint);
            Direction         faceNormal = surfEval.Normal;
            Point             midpoint   = startPoint + (endPoint - startPoint) / 2;
            Double            edgeLength = iDesignEdge.Shape.Length;
            Direction         xDir       = (endPoint - startPoint).Direction;

            List <Window> tabWindows = null;
            string        tabFile    = string.Empty;

            if (!isTabStartSlot)
                tabFile = @"C:\Users\bcr.SPACECLAIM\Documents\Models\Dodecahedron Foldcrease\Tab-Circle-Male.scdoc";
                tabFile = @"C:\Users\bcr.SPACECLAIM\Documents\Models\Dodecahedron Foldcrease\Tab-Circle-Female.scdoc";

            try {
                tabWindows = new List <Window>(Document.Open(tabFile, ImportOptions.Create()));
            catch (Exception exception) {
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(SpaceClaim.Api.V10.Application.MainWindow, exception.Message);

            DesignBody tabDesignBody = null;

            foreach (DesignBody testBody in (tabWindows[0].Scene as Part).Bodies)
                tabDesignBody = testBody;

            Debug.Assert(tabDesignBody != null);

            tabDesignBody = DesignBody.Create(activePart, "tab", tabDesignBody.Shape.Body.Copy());

            foreach (Window window in tabWindows)

            Matrix scale = Matrix.CreateScale(edgeLength / 0.02, Point.Origin);
            Matrix trans = Matrix.CreateMapping(Frame.Create(midpoint, xDir, Direction.Cross(faceNormal, xDir)));

            tabDesignBody.Transform(trans * scale);
            tabDesignBody.Layer = tabLayer;
Esempio n. 12
        // hardwired to place on about inch-spaced points
        // Edge-only for now -- See EO comments
        static void MakeTabs_Executing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Window activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;

            Layer tabLayer = NoteHelper.CreateOrGetLayer(activeWindow.ActiveContext.Context.Document, "Tabs", System.Drawing.Color.Fuchsia);

            ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> trimmedCurves = AddInHelper.GetITrimmedCurvesOfSelectedTopology(activeWindow);

            // quantize with lines to points separated by approx targetDistance;
            TrimmedCurveChain curveChain     = new TrimmedCurveChain(trimmedCurves);
            Point             lastPoint      = curveChain.Curves[0].StartPoint;
            double            tolerance      = 0.2 * inches;
            double            targetDistance = 1 * inches;

            trimmedCurves = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();
            Dictionary <ITrimmedCurve, Direction> OriginalNormals = new Dictionary <ITrimmedCurve, Direction>();

            double extraLength = 0;

            foreach (OrientedTrimmedCurve curve in curveChain.Curves)
                Point point = curve.EndPoint;

                if (Math.Abs((lastPoint - point).Magnitude - targetDistance) > tolerance)
                    extraLength += (lastPoint - point).Magnitude;

                CurveSegment curveSegment = null;
                //		if (extraLength == 0)
                curveSegment = CurveSegment.Create(lastPoint, point);
                //		else
                //			curveSegment = CurveSegment.Create(point - (lastPoint - point).Direction * ((lastPoint - point).Magnitude + extraLength), point);


                Edge edge = curve.TrimmedCurve as Edge;
                if (edge != null)
                    Face face = null;
                    foreach (Face testFace in edge.Faces)
                        face = testFace;

                    SurfaceEvaluation surfEval = face.ProjectPoint(curve.StartPoint);
                    OriginalNormals[curveSegment] = surfEval.Normal;

                lastPoint = point;
                //		extraLength = 0;

            curveChain = new TrimmedCurveChain(trimmedCurves);
            if (AreTabsFlipped)

            List <Window> curveWindows = new List <Window>(Document.Open(@"C:\Users\bcr.SPACECLAIM\Documents\Models\Pod Tent\TabCurve.scdoc", false));
            bool          adjustEnds   = true;

#if false
            List <Window> curveWindows = new List <Window>(Document.Open(@"C:\Users\bcr.SPACECLAIM\Documents\Models\Pod Tent\TabStrapEdgeCurve.scdoc", false));
            bool          adjustEnds   = true;
            NurbsCurve middle = GetFirstNurbsCurveFromPart(curveWindows[0].Scene as Part);
            Debug.Assert(middle != null);

            NurbsCurve endTab  = null;
            NurbsCurve endSlot = null;
            foreach (Component component in (curveWindows[0].Scene as Part).Components)
                if (component.Template.Name == "EndTab")
                    endTab = GetFirstNurbsCurveFromPart(component.Template);

                if (component.Template.Name == "EndSlot")
                    endSlot = GetFirstNurbsCurveFromPart(component.Template);

            Debug.Assert(endTab != null);
            Debug.Assert(endSlot != null);

            Point startPoint = curveChain.Curves[0].StartPoint;
            Point endPoint   = curveChain.Curves[0].EndPoint;
            Point startTail  = startPoint + (endPoint - startPoint);
            bool  mirror     = false;

            if (IsTabStartSlot)
                NurbsCurve tmp = endTab;
                endTab  = endSlot;
                endSlot = tmp;

                mirror = !mirror;

            for (int i = 0; i < curveChain.Curves.Count; i++)
                Point endTail;
                if (i == curveChain.Curves.Count - 1)
                    endTail = curveChain.Curves[i].EndPoint + (curveChain.Curves[i].EndPoint - curveChain.Curves[i].StartPoint);
                    endTail = curveChain.Curves[i + 1].EndPoint;

                Point     mid            = Point.Origin + (startPoint.Vector + endPoint.Vector) / 2;
                Direction startDirection = (startPoint - startTail).Direction;
                Direction lineDirection  = (endPoint - startPoint).Direction;
                Direction endDirection   = (endTail - endPoint).Direction;

                Direction upDirection = Direction.DirZ;
                //if (upDirection.IsParallelTo(lineDirection))
                //    upDirection = Direction.DirY;

                if (OriginalNormals.ContainsKey(curveChain.Curves[i].TrimmedCurve))
                    upDirection = OriginalNormals[curveChain.Curves[i].TrimmedCurve];

                Direction normalDirection = Direction.Cross(lineDirection, upDirection);

                Line startMidLine;
                if (startDirection.UnitVector == lineDirection.UnitVector)
                    startMidLine = Line.Create(startPoint, Direction.Cross(lineDirection, upDirection));
                    startMidLine = Line.Create(startPoint, (startDirection.UnitVector - lineDirection.UnitVector).Direction);

                Line endMidLine;
                if (lineDirection.UnitVector == endDirection.UnitVector)
                    endMidLine = Line.Create(endPoint, Direction.Cross(lineDirection, upDirection));
                    endMidLine = Line.Create(endPoint, (lineDirection.UnitVector - endDirection.UnitVector).Direction);

                NurbsCurve template = middle;

                if (mirror)
                    lineDirection = -lineDirection;
                    Line tmp = startMidLine;
                    startMidLine = endMidLine;
                    endMidLine   = tmp;

                if (i == 0)
                    template = endSlot;

                if (i == curveChain.Curves.Count - 1)
                    if (mirror ^ IsTabStartSlot)
                        template = endSlot;
                        template = endTab;

                Frame  frame     = Frame.Create(mid, lineDirection, normalDirection);
                Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateMapping(frame);

                ControlPoint[] controlPoints = new ControlPoint[template.ControlPoints.Length];
                int            j             = 0;
                foreach (ControlPoint controlPoint in template.ControlPoints)
                    controlPoints[j] = new ControlPoint(transform * controlPoint.Position, controlPoint.Weight);

                //CurveEvaluation curveEval = null;
                //curveEval = startMidLine.Evaluate(1);
                //DesignCurve.Create(activeWindow.SubjectMatter as Part, CurveSegment.Create(startPoint, curveEval.Point));
                //curveEval = endMidLine.Evaluate(1);
                //DesignCurve.Create(activeWindow.SubjectMatter as Part, CurveSegment.Create(endPoint, curveEval.Point));

                MakeNurbsEndTangent(endMidLine, controlPoints, 0, 1);
                if (adjustEnds)
                    MakeNurbsEndTangent(startMidLine, controlPoints, controlPoints.Length - 1, controlPoints.Length - 2);

                Curve        curve        = NurbsCurve.Create(template.Data, controlPoints);
                CurveSegment curveSegment = CurveSegment.Create(curve, template.Parameterization.Range.Value);

                DesignCurve tab = DesignCurve.Create(activeWindow.ActiveContext.Context as Part, curveSegment);
                tab.Layer = tabLayer;

                startTail  = startPoint;
                startPoint = endPoint;
                endPoint   = endTail;
                mirror     = !mirror;

            foreach (Window window in curveWindows)