public override SurfaceDelimitation[] DetectSurface(Vector3 pos, Vector3 maxRayLength, float gridResolution, out Vector3 boundingBoxMin, out Vector3 boundingBoxMax)
        // The surface is a rectangle defined by maxRayLengthX & maxRayLengthZ
        boundingBoxMin   = pos - maxRayLength;
        boundingBoxMax   = pos + maxRayLength;
        boundingBoxMax.y = pos.y;
        int LimitListLength = 1 + Mathf.CeilToInt((boundingBoxMax.x - boundingBoxMin.x) / gridResolution);

        SurfaceDelimitation[] surfaceLimits = new SurfaceDelimitation[LimitListLength];
        for (int i = 0; i < LimitListLength; i++)
            surfaceLimits[i].back  = boundingBoxMin.z;
            surfaceLimits[i].front = boundingBoxMax.z;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create 2 arrays for minZ/maxZ, which cover the XoZ surface, starting from StartX point, to StartX.x + lengthX.
    /// Rays are projected at every [resolution] interval along the X axis.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="StartX"></param>The starting point of the surface in X
    /// <param name="lengthX"></param>The X length of the surface
    /// <param name="maxZDistance"></param>The maximum distance to project rays in the Z axis
    /// <param name="resolution"></param>The resolution inbetween 2 rays along the X axis
    /// <param name="minZArray"></param>Output value; list of detected collisions toward Z-
    /// <param name="maxZArray"></param>Output value; list of detected collisions toward Z+
    /// <returns></returns>
    SurfaceDelimitation[] ComputeZSurface(Vector3 StartX, float lengthX, float maxZDistance, float resolution)
        int LimitListLength = 1 + Mathf.CeilToInt(lengthX / resolution);

        SurfaceDelimitation[] surface = new SurfaceDelimitation[LimitListLength];

        Vector3 indexPos = StartX;

        for (int i = 1; i < LimitListLength - 1; i++)
            indexPos.x = StartX.x + Mathf.Min((float)i * resolution, lengthX);

            RaycastHit hit;
            surface[i].back  = CastRay(new Ray(indexPos, Vector3.back), maxZDistance, out hit) ? hit.point.z : indexPos.z - maxZDistance;
            surface[i].front = CastRay(new Ray(indexPos, Vector3.forward), maxZDistance, out hit) ? hit.point.z : indexPos.z + maxZDistance;

        surface[0] = surface[1];
        surface[LimitListLength - 1] = surface[LimitListLength - 2];
