private void btnSupermarkt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbSupermarkten.SelectedItem != null) { Supermarkt supermarkt = lbSupermarkten.SelectedItem as Supermarkt; } }
protected async override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e) { #if DEBUG if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { this.DebugSettings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true; } #endif Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame; if (rootFrame == null) { rootFrame = new Frame(); rootFrame.CacheSize = 1; if (e.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.Terminated) { } Window.Current.Content = rootFrame; } if (rootFrame.Content == null) { #if WINDOWS_PHONE_APP // Removes the turnstile navigation for startup. if (rootFrame.ContentTransitions != null) { this.transitions = new TransitionCollection(); foreach (var c in rootFrame.ContentTransitions) { this.transitions.Add(c); } } rootFrame.ContentTransitions = null; rootFrame.Navigated += this.RootFrame_FirstNavigated; #endif if ((await Supermarkt.GetSelectedSupermarketsFromStorage()) == null) { if (!rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(ConfigureSupermarkets), e.Arguments)) { throw new Exception("Failed to create initial page"); } } else { if (!rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), e.Arguments)) { throw new Exception("Failed to create initial page"); } } } Window.Current.Activate(); }
private async void NavigationHelper_LoadState(object sender, LoadStateEventArgs e) { Exception AppException = null; LoadingControl.DisplayLoadingError(false); LoadingControl.SetLoadingStatus(true); try { supermarkt = Supermarkt.Deserialize(e.NavigationParameter as string); this.DataContext = supermarkt; supermarkt.ProductPagina = await GetSAData.GetDiscountsFromSupermarket(supermarkt, false); this.ProductsLV.DataContext = supermarkt.ProductPagina.Producten; DiscountVallidTextbox.Text = supermarkt.ProductPagina.DiscountValid; try { if (SelectedItem != null) { foreach (Product p in supermarkt.ProductPagina.Producten) { if (p.ID == SelectedItem.ID) { supermarkt.ProductPagina.SelectedItem = p; SelectedItem = null; ProductsLV.SelectedItem = p; break; } } ProductsLV.ScrollIntoView(supermarkt.ProductPagina.SelectedItem); } } catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { AppException = ex; LoadingControl.DisplayLoadingError(true); } finally { Task t = Task.Run(() => ClientIDHandler.instance.PostAppStats(ClientIDHandler.AppName.Supermarkt_Aanbiedingen)); LoadingControl.SetLoadingStatus(false); } if (AppException != null) { Task t = Task.Run(() => ExceptionHandler.instance.PostException(new AppException(AppException), (int)ClientIDHandler.AppName.Supermarkt_Aanbiedingen)); } }
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 7) { foreach (Supermarkt s in await Supermarkt.GetSelectedSupermarketsFromStorage()) { await s.GetProductpagina(true); } deferral.Complete(); } }
private async void NavigationHelper_LoadState(object sender, LoadStateEventArgs e) { Exception AppException = null; try { CountCombovox.ItemsSource = ItemCount; CountCombovox.SelectedItem = (CountCombovox.ItemsSource as string[])[0]; supermarkt = Supermarkt.Deserialize(e.NavigationParameter as string); this.DataContext = supermarkt; //GetBoodschappenlijstje IList <BoodschappenLijstje> lijstjes = await BoodschappenLijstje.GetBoodschappenLijstjes(); foreach (BoodschappenLijstje b in lijstjes) { if (b.supermarkt.Name == supermarkt.Name) { foreach (BoodschappenlijstjeItem BItem in b.Producten) { if (BItem.SupermarktItem.Name == supermarkt.ProductPagina.SelectedItem.Name) { DeleteButton.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible; AddButtonText.Text = "Wijzig"; BoodschappenlijstTextblock.Text = "Verander aantal in boodschappenlijst:"; CountCombovox.SelectedIndex = BItem.Count - 1; } } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { AppException = ex; } if (AppException != null) { Task t = Task.Run(() => ExceptionHandler.instance.PostException(new AppException(AppException), (int)ClientIDHandler.AppName.Supermarkt_Aanbiedingen)); } }
public static ProductPagina GetDiscountsFromSupermarket(Supermarkt supermarkt) { ProductPagina productPagina = CacheHandler.GetData("GetDiscountsFromSupermarket", supermarkt.URL, new string[] { }) as ProductPagina; if (productPagina != null) { return(productPagina); } bool DateUndetermined = supermarkt.URL.Contains("lidl"); string PageSource = HttpHandler.GetDataFromWebPage("" + supermarkt.URL); productPagina = DiscountsFromSupermarketParser.GetProductPaginaFromSourceAndURL(PageSource, supermarkt); CrawledFromInternetRequests++; CacheHandler.AddToCache("GetDiscountsFromSupermarket", supermarkt.URL, new string[] { }, productPagina); return(productPagina); }
public static ProductPagina GetProductPaginaFromSourceAndURL(string Source, Supermarkt supermarkt) { ProductPagina CurrentPage = null; try { //Clear header Source = Source.Substring(HtmlParserUtil.GetPositionOfStringInHTMLSource("<h1 class=\"discount-title\">", Source)); string ValidUntil = HtmlParserUtil.GetContentAndSubstringInput("<small> - ", "</small>", Source, out Source); while (ValidUntil.Contains('<') && ValidUntil.Contains('>')) { try { int Index1 = ValidUntil.IndexOf('<'); int Index2 = ValidUntil.IndexOf('>', Index1); ValidUntil = ValidUntil.Replace(ValidUntil.Substring(Index1, Index2 + 1 - Index1), ""); } catch { break; } } CurrentPage = new ProductPagina(ValidUntil, new List <Product>(), supermarkt); GetProductsFromSource(Source, CurrentPage); Debug.WriteLine(supermarkt.Name + ": " + (CurrentPage.Producten.Last() as Product).Name); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(CurrentPage); }
private async void NextButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { NextButton.IsEnabled = false; List <Supermarkt> SelectedSupermarkets = new List <Supermarkt>(); foreach (Supermarkt s in Supermarkets) { if (s.SupermarketEnabled) { SelectedSupermarkets.Add(s); } } await Supermarkt.SaveSupermarketsToStorage(SelectedSupermarkets); if (!Frame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage))) { ; } { } }