static void Main() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load("../../ExpensesByVendorAndByMonth.xml"); var context = new SupermarketContext(); XmlNodeList Vendors = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/expenses-by-month/vendor"); foreach (XmlElement item in Vendors) { string vendorName = item.Attributes["name"].Value; foreach (XmlNode expense in item.ChildNodes) { DateTime expenseMonth = DateTime.Parse(expense.Attributes["month"].Value); decimal expensePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(expense.InnerText); try { var vendorId = context.Suppliers.First(v => v.Name == vendorName).Id; context.Expenses.Add(new Expense { Date = expenseMonth, Amount = expensePrice, SupplierId = vendorId }); context.SaveChanges(); } catch { throw new ArgumentNullException("Such vendor is not found in the database", vendorName); } } } }
private static void MoveProducts() { var client = new SupermarketModel(); using (client) { var products = client.Products; using (SupermarketContext context = new SupermarketContext()) { foreach (var item in products) { var product = new SupermarketSQL.Models.Product { ProductName = item.ProductName, BasePrice = item.BasePrice, MeasureId = item.MeasureId, VendorId = item.VendorId }; context.Products.Add(product); } context.SaveChanges(); } } }
public void Export(string zipFileName, string extractionFolder, OleDbConnection excelConnection, SupermarketContext sqlServerDb) { ExtractTo(zipFileName, extractionFolder); DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(extractionFolder); foreach (var dir in directory.GetDirectories()) { int dateId = -1; //Console.WriteLine("{0}", dir.Name); DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(dir.Name); if (sqlServerDb.SoldDates.Where(x => x.Date == date).Count() == 0) { sqlServerDb.SoldDates.Add(new SoldDate() { Date = date }); sqlServerDb.SaveChanges(); } dateId = sqlServerDb.SoldDates.Where(x => x.Date.Equals(date)).Select(x => x.SoldDateId).First(); foreach (var file in dir.GetFiles()) { ExportSingleExcelFile(file, dateId, excelConnection, sqlServerDb); } } }
public static void UpdateVendorsExpenseFromMssql() { var msSqLcontext = new SupermarketContext(); var mySqlContext = new marketsystemEntities(); var vendorsExpense = msSqLcontext.VendorExpenses .ToList(); foreach (var expense in vendorsExpense) { var vendorId = expense.VendorId; var date = expense.Date; var total = expense.Total; mySqlContext.vendor_expenses.AddOrUpdate( e => new { e.vendorId, e.expenseDate }, new vendor_expenses() { vendorId = vendorId, expenseDate = date, total = total }); mySqlContext.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void CreateTable(string pdfFile) { SupermarketContext model = new SupermarketContext(); Document document = new Document(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream("../../" + pdfFile, FileMode.Create)); using (writer) { document.Open(); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(5); table.AddCell("Product"); table.AddCell("Quantity"); table.AddCell("Unit Price"); table.AddCell("Location"); table.AddCell("Sum"); var sales = model.Sales.Include("Product").Select(s => s).ToList(); foreach (var sale in sales) { table.AddCell(sale.Product.ProductName.ToString()); table.AddCell(sale.Quantity.ToString()); table.AddCell(sale.UnitPrice.ToString()); table.AddCell(sale.Supermarket.ToString()); table.AddCell(sale.Sum.ToString()); } document.Add(table); document.Close(); } }
public void Export(SupermarketContext sQLServerContext, string location) { foreach (var product in sQLServerContext.Products.Include("Vendor")) { using (SupermarketContext sqlServerInnerContext = new SupermarketContext()) { int quantitySold = sqlServerInnerContext.Sales.Include("Product.ProductName").Where(x => x.Product.ProductName == product.ProductName).Select(x => x.Quantity).Sum(); decimal totalIncome = sqlServerInnerContext.Sales.Include("Product.ProductName").Where(x => x.Product.ProductName == product.ProductName).Select(x => x.Sum).Sum(); MongoDbProductFormat newExportObject = new MongoDbProductFormat() { ProductId = product.Id, ProductName = product.ProductName, VendorName = product.Vendor.VendorName, TotalQuantitySold = quantitySold, TotalIncomes = totalIncome }; MongoDbProvider.db.SaveData <MongoDbProductFormat>(newExportObject); //Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", product.Id, product.ProductName, product.Vendor.VendorName, quantitySold, totalIncome); ExportToJSON(newExportObject, location); } } }
public static List <VendorExpense> ReadFileXML(string path) { List <VendorExpense> readedVendorsExpense = new List <VendorExpense>(); using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(path)) { while (reader.Read()) { if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "sale")) { var newVendor = new VendorExpense(); var name = reader.GetAttribute("vendor"); var dbCobntext = new SupermarketContext(); var vendor = dbCobntext.Vendors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name); newVendor.Vendor = vendor; reader.Read(); reader.Read(); while ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "expenses")) { var month = reader.GetAttribute("month"); DateTime vendorMonth = DateTime.ParseExact(month, "MMM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var sum = reader.ReadElementString(); newVendor.Date = vendorMonth; newVendor.MonthExpense = decimal.Parse(sum, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); reader.Read(); readedVendorsExpense.Add(newVendor); newVendor = new VendorExpense(); newVendor.Vendor = vendor; } } } return(readedVendorsExpense); } }
private List <ProductReport> GetProductReports() { using (SupermarketContext context = new SupermarketContext()) { List <ProductReport> productReports = new List <ProductReport>(); productReports = context.Database.SqlQuery <ProductReport>(ProductReportQuery).ToList(); return(productReports); } }
private MainController() { Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways <SupermarketContext>()); //Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<SupermarketContext, Configuration>()); this.sQLServerContext = new SupermarketContext(); this.mySqlContext = new SuperMarketEntitiesModel(); this.excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(); this.sqliteContext = new SuperMarketEntities(); }
public static void ReplicateOracleDataToSqlServer(SupermarketContext context) { ReplicateCategories(context); ReplicateCustomers(context); ReplicateMeasures(context); ReplicateSuppliers(context); ReplicateProducts(context); ReplicateOrders(context); }
public void MigrateDataFromMySqlToSqlServer() { using (var supermarketContextSqlServer = new SupermarketContext()) { using (var supermarketContextMySql = new SupermarketModel()) { foreach (var measureMySql in supermarketContextMySql.Measures) { if (!supermarketContextSqlServer.Measures .Any(m => m.MeasureName == measureMySql.MeasureName)) { supermarketContextSqlServer.Measures.Add(new Models.Measure() { MeasureName = measureMySql.MeasureName }); } } foreach (var vendorMySql in supermarketContextMySql.Vendors) { if (!supermarketContextSqlServer.Vendors .Any(v => v.VendorName == vendorMySql.VendorName)) { supermarketContextSqlServer.Vendors.Add(new Models.Vendor() { VendorName = vendorMySql.VendorName }); } } supermarketContextSqlServer.SaveChanges(); foreach (var productMySql in supermarketContextMySql.Products) { if (!supermarketContextSqlServer.Products .Any(p => p.Name == productMySql.ProductName)) { var vendorSqlServer = supermarketContextSqlServer.Vendors .First(v => v.VendorName == productMySql.Vendor.VendorName); var measureSqlServer = supermarketContextSqlServer.Measures .First(m => m.MeasureName == productMySql.Measure.MeasureName); supermarketContextSqlServer.Products.Add(new Models.Product() { BasePrice = productMySql.BasePrice, Name = productMySql.ProductName, Measure = measureSqlServer, Vendor = vendorSqlServer, }); } } } supermarketContextSqlServer.SaveChanges(); } }
public SupermarketRepository(SupermarketContext context, IPropertyMappingService propertyMappingService, IProductPropertyMappingService productPropertyMappingService, IStaffMemberPropertyMappingService staffMemberPropertyMappingService, IStockPropertyMappingService stockPropertyMappingService) { _context = context; _propertyMappingService = propertyMappingService; _productPropertyMappingService = productPropertyMappingService; _staffMemberPropertyMappingService = staffMemberPropertyMappingService; _stockPropertyMappingService = stockPropertyMappingService; }
private static void GenerateJSONReports() { Console.WriteLine("Enter start date in format \'YYYY-MM-DD\': "); string startDateInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter end date in format \'YYYY-MM-DD\': "); string endDateInput = Console.ReadLine(); try { DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(startDateInput); DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse(endDateInput); if (startDate > endDate) { throw new ArgumentException("End date must be after start date!"); } var mssqlData = new SupermarketContext(); var jsSerializaer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var sales = mssqlData.Sales.Where(s => s.SoldDate >= startDate && s.SoldDate <= endDate) .Select( s => new { productId = s.ProductId, productName = s.Product.ProductName, vendorName = s.Product.Vendor.VendorName, totalQuantitySold = s.Quantity, totalIncomes = s.Quantity * s.Product.Price }) .ToList(); foreach (var sale in sales) { var jsonReport = jsSerializaer.Serialize(sale); SaveDataInMongoDb(jsonReport); if (!File.Exists(JsonReportPath + sale.productId + ".json")) { File.WriteAllText(JsonReportPath + sale.productId + ".json", jsonReport); } } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); } }
///<summary> ///This is summary for method that transfer records from Oracle model into MQ SQL Server model. ///The method first select records from Oracle model which have not yet been copied or deleted. ///Second it inserts record into MS SQL Method and mark them as copied into Oracle model ///</summary> public static void UpdateProductsTypesFromOracle() { var oracleContext = new OracleEntities(); var msSqLcontext = new SupermarketContext(); var productstypes = oracleContext.PRODUCTSTYPES .Where(pt => pt.ISCOPIED == false && pt.ISDELETED == false) .Select(pt => new { pt.TYPENAME }).ToList(); if (productstypes.Count > 0) { var addedProductsTypesList = new List <string>(); foreach (var type in productstypes) { var typeName = type.TYPENAME; try { msSqLcontext.ProductTypes.AddOrUpdate( pt => pt.TypeName, new ProductType() { TypeName = typeName }); msSqLcontext.SaveChanges(); addedProductsTypesList.Add(typeName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(); } } var typesToChange = oracleContext.PRODUCTSTYPES.Where(pt => addedProductsTypesList.Contains(pt.TYPENAME)).ToList(); typesToChange.ForEach(pt => pt.ISCOPIED = true); oracleContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("\nAdded new Types from OracleBD into MS SQL Server:"); typesToChange.ForEach(tp => Console.WriteLine("Added types name: {0}", tp.TYPENAME)); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nThere is no new records to import into PRODUCTSTYPES table!"); } }
private static void FromMySqlNeverAgain() { var dbcontext = new SupermarketContext(); var mySqlContx = new SupermarketModel(); using (mySqlContx) { var products = mySqlContx.Products.OrderBy(e => e.ID).ToList(); var vendors = mySqlContx.Vendors.ToList(); var mesuares = mySqlContx.Measures.ToList(); using (dbcontext) { foreach (var mesuare in mesuares) { var newMeasure = new Measure() { ID = mesuare.ID, Name = mesuare.Name }; dbcontext.Measures.Add(newMeasure); } foreach (var vendor in vendors) { var newVendor = new Vendor() { ID = vendor.ID, Name = vendor.Name }; dbcontext.Vendors.Add(newVendor); } foreach (var product in products) { var some = new Product { BasePrice = product.BasePrice, Measure_ID = product.Measure_ID, Name = product.Name, Vendor_ID = product.Vendor_ID, }; dbcontext.Products.Add(some); } dbcontext.SaveChanges(); } } }
public static void MigrateFromMySqlToMSSql() { using (var productContext = new ProductContext()) { using (var supermarketContext = new SupermarketContext()) { MigrateVendorsTable(productContext, supermarketContext); MigrateMeasuresTable(productContext, supermarketContext); MigrateProductsTable(productContext, supermarketContext); supermarketContext.SaveChanges(); } } }
///<summary> ///This is summary for method that transfer records from Oracle model into MQ SQL Server model. ///The method first select records from Oracle model which have not yet been copied or deleted. ///Second it inserts record into MS SQL Method and mark them as copied into Oracle model ///</summary> public static void UpdateVendorsFromOracle() { var oracleContext = new OracleEntities(); var msSqLcontext = new SupermarketContext(); var vendors = oracleContext.VENDORS .Where(v => v.ISCOPIED == false && v.ISDELETED == false) .Select(v => new { v.VENDORNAME }) .ToList(); if (vendors.Count > 0) { var addedVendorsList = new List <string>(); foreach (var vendor in vendors) { var vendorName = vendor.VENDORNAME; try { msSqLcontext.Vendors.AddOrUpdate( v => v.VendorName, new Vendor() { VendorName = vendorName }); msSqLcontext.SaveChanges(); addedVendorsList.Add(vendorName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(); } } var vendorsToChange = oracleContext.VENDORS.Where(v => addedVendorsList.Contains(v.VENDORNAME)).ToList(); vendorsToChange.ForEach(v => v.ISCOPIED = true); oracleContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("\nAdded new Vendors from OracleBD into MS SQL Server:"); vendorsToChange.ForEach(v => Console.WriteLine("Added vendor name: {0}", v.VENDORNAME)); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nThere is no new records to import into VENDORS table!"); } }
///<summary> ///This is summary for method that transfer records from Oracle model into MQ SQL Server model. ///The method first select records from Oracle model which have not yet been copied or deleted. ///Second it inserts record into MS SQL Method and mark them as copied into Oracle model ///</summary> public static void UpdateMeasuresFromOracle() { var oracleContext = new OracleEntities(); var msSqLcontext = new SupermarketContext(); var measures = oracleContext.MEASURES .Where(m => m.ISCOPIED == false && m.ISDELETED == false) .Select(m => new { m.MEASURENAME }).ToList(); if (measures.Count > 0) { var addedMeasuresList = new List <string>(); foreach (var measure in measures) { var measureName = measure.MEASURENAME; try { msSqLcontext.Measures.AddOrUpdate( m => m.MeasureName, new Measure() { MeasureName = measureName }); msSqLcontext.SaveChanges(); addedMeasuresList.Add(measureName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(); } } var measuresToChange = oracleContext.MEASURES.Where(m => addedMeasuresList.Contains(m.MEASURENAME)).ToList(); measuresToChange.ForEach(m => m.ISCOPIED = true); oracleContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("\nAdded new Measures from OracleBD into MS SQL Server:"); measuresToChange.ForEach(m => Console.WriteLine("Added measure name: {0}", m.MEASURENAME)); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nThere is no new records to import into MEASURES table!"); } }
private static void MigrateVendorsTable(ProductContext productContext, SupermarketContext supermarketContext) { var productTable = productContext.Vendors; var supermarketTable = supermarketContext.Vendors; foreach (var item in productTable) { var newItem = new Vendor() { Id = item.Id, VendorName = item.VendorName }; supermarketTable.Add(newItem); } }
private static void MigrateMeasuresTable(ProductContext productContext, SupermarketContext supermarketContext) { var productTable = productContext.Measures; var supermarketTable = supermarketContext.Measures; foreach (var item in productTable) { var newItem = new Measure() { Id = item.Id, MeasureName = item.MeasureName }; supermarketTable.Add(newItem); } }
private static void MigrateProductsTable(ProductContext productContext, SupermarketContext supermarketContext) { var productTable = productContext.Products; var supermarketTable = supermarketContext.Products; foreach (var item in productTable) { var newItem = new Product.Model.Product() { Id = item.Id, VendorId = item.VendorId, ProductName = item.ProductName, MeasureId = item.MeasureId, BasePrice = item.BasePrice }; supermarketTable.Add(newItem); } }
private static double PourReportData(PdfPTable table) { double totalSum = 0; double grandTotal = 0; var msSQLcontext = new SupermarketContext(); msSQLcontext.Vendors.FirstOrDefault(); var salesReport = msSQLcontext.SupermarketSalesProducts .Select(p => new { date = p.SalesDate, location = p.Supermarket.Name, product = p.Product.ProductName, quantity = p.Quantity, price = p.Price, measure = p.Product.Measure.MeasureName }) .GroupBy(d =>; foreach (var item in salesReport) { HeaderGeneration(table, item.Key); double sum = 0; foreach (var item2 in item) { sum = (double)(item2.quantity * item2.price); table.AddCell(item2.product); table.AddCell(item2.quantity.ToString() + " " + item2.measure); table.AddCell(String.Format("{0:0.00}", item2.price)); table.AddCell(item2.location); table.AddCell(String.Format("{0:0.00}", sum)); totalSum += sum; } FooterGeneration(table, totalSum, item.Key); grandTotal += totalSum; totalSum = 0; } return(grandTotal); }
public void CreatePdfAggregatedSalesReports(string destinationDirectoryPath) { float fontSize = 12f; Font.FontFamily fontFamily = new Font.FontFamily(); fontFamily = Font.FontFamily.COURIER; using (var supermarketContext = new SupermarketContext()) { var distinctDates = supermarketContext.Sales .Select(s => s.Date).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var date in distinctDates) { using (var currentAggregateSalesReport = new Document()) { PdfWriter.GetInstance(currentAggregateSalesReport, new FileStream( string.Format("{0}/Aggregated-Sales-Report-{1}.pdf", destinationDirectoryPath, date.ToShortDateString()), FileMode.Create)); currentAggregateSalesReport.Open(); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(5); IList <PdfPCell> cells = new List <PdfPCell>(); AddTitleRows(fontSize, fontFamily, date, cells); var sales = supermarketContext.Sales.Include("Product") .Include("Supermarket").Where(s => s.Date == date).ToList(); var measures = supermarketContext.Measures; foreach (var sale in sales) { string productName = supermarketContext.Products .Find(sale.ProductID).Name; string location = supermarketContext.Supermarkets .Find(sale.SupermarketID).Name; string measure = measures.Find(sale.Product.MeasureID).MeasureName; AddSaleReportRow(fontSize, fontFamily, cells, sale, measure, productName, location); } foreach (var cell in cells) { table.AddCell(cell); } currentAggregateSalesReport.Add(table); } } } }
private static void FillExpensesInSql(ICollection <Expense> expenses) { SupermarketContext context = new SupermarketContext(); using (context) { foreach (var expense in expenses) { context.Expenses.Add(expense); } context.SaveChanges(); } Console.WriteLine("5. Expenses saved in SQL Server!"); }
private void AddSale(int productId, int quantity, decimal unitPrice, decimal sum, SupermarketContext sqlServerDb, int dateId, int supermarketId) { Sale sale = new Sale() { ProductId = productId, Quantity = quantity, UnitPrice = unitPrice, Sum = sum, SoldDateId = dateId, SupermarketId = supermarketId }; sqlServerDb.Sales.Add(sale); sqlServerDb.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Check for existing product type, because we want to have distinct data in the database and if the product type do not exists the method add it to the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="prodTypeName">the type to be checked</param> /// <param name="context">the Entity Framework connection to the database</param> private void CheckProductType(string prodTypeName, SupermarketContext context) { var existPodType = context.ProductTypes .Where(t => t.TypeName == prodTypeName) .Select(t => t.TypeName) .FirstOrDefault(); if (existPodType == null) { context.ProductTypes.Add(new ProductType { TypeName = prodTypeName }); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private static void ReplicateMeasures(SupermarketContext context) { var oracleDb = new OracleEntities(); var measures = oracleDb.MEASURES.ToList(); foreach (var measure in measures) { if (context.Measures.Any(m => m.Name == measure.NAME) == false) { context.Measures.Add(new Measure { Name = measure.NAME }); } } context.SaveChanges(); }
private void GetSales(string directory, SupermarketContext supermarketContext, IList <Models.Sale> allSales) { foreach (var sale in GetSalesFromExcelFiles(directory, supermarketContext)) { allSales.Add(sale); } string[] subDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(directory); if (subDirectories.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < subDirectories.Length; i++) { GetSales(subDirectories[i], supermarketContext, allSales); } } }
/// <summary> /// Load the zipped files with the excel reports. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context relationship with the Entity framework and the database</param> public void LoadExelReports(SupermarketContext context) { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(this.FilePath); Console.WriteLine(@" Loading Exel Reports To MsSqlDB ------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Extracting data from file {0}", directoryInfo.FullName); string tempFolder = string.Format("{0}{1}", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), TempFolderName); string currentReportDate = string.Empty; using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(this.FilePath)) { foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries) { if (entry.FullName.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //Gets from the folders the date in which the reports are made currentReportDate = entry.FullName.TrimEnd('/'); } else { if (!Directory.Exists(tempFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempFolder); } //extract the readed file always into this "temporary" file entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(tempFolder, TempFileName), true); DataTable excelData = this.ReadExcelData(string.Format("{0}{1}", tempFolder, TempFileName)); DataRowCollection arrExelData = excelData.Rows; string marketName = this.SupermarketName(arrExelData[0].ItemArray); this.CheckForExistingSupermarket(arrExelData[0].ItemArray, context); //The loop starts from 2, because of the cell formatting in the excel file, if the loop starts form 0 it will iterate trough array full of empty strings for (int i = 2; i < arrExelData.Count - 1; i++) { InsertIntoDataBase(arrExelData[i].ItemArray, context, currentReportDate, marketName); } } } } Console.WriteLine("Zip excel reports imported."); }
private static void InitializeDataFromExcel() { var db = new SupermarketContext(); var generator = new Generator(@"..\..\", @"..\..\"); var reportList = generator.Generate(); using (db) { foreach (var item in reportList) { db.DailyReports.Add(item); } db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("1. Data from Excel saved in SQL Server!"); } }
private static void ReplicateCategories(SupermarketContext context) { var oracleDb = new OracleEntities(); var categories = oracleDb.CATEGORIES.ToList(); foreach (var category in categories) { if (context.Categories.Any(c => c.Name == category.NAME) == false) { context.Categories.Add(new Category { Name = category.NAME, Description = category.DESCRIPTION }); } } context.SaveChanges(); }
public void FillTable() { SupermarketContext context = new SupermarketContext(); using (context) { foreach (var report in this.reports) { var supermarket = context.Supermarkets.Where(x => x.Name == report.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (supermarket == null) { var newSupermarket = new Supermarket.Model.SalesReports.Supermarket() { Name = report.Name }; context.Supermarkets.Add(newSupermarket); supermarket = newSupermarket; context.SaveChanges(); } for (int i = 0; i < report.ProductID.Count; i++) { var newSalesReport = new SalesReport() { SupermarketId = supermarket.Id, ProductId = report.ProductID[i], Quantity = report.Quantity[i], UnitPrice = report.UnitPrice[i], Sum = report.Sum[i], Date = report.Date }; context.SalesReports.Add(newSalesReport); } } context.SaveChanges(); } }
private static void ReplicateCustomers(SupermarketContext context) { var oracleDb = new OracleEntities(); var customers = oracleDb.CUSTOMERS.ToList(); foreach (var customer in customers) { if (context.Customers.Any(c => c.Name == customer.NAME) == false) { context.Customers.Add(new Customer { Name = customer.NAME, Address = customer.ADDRESS, Phone = customer.PHONE }); } } context.SaveChanges(); }
public void MigrateDataFromExcelFiles(string zipFilePath) { ExtractZipFile(zipFilePath); using (var supermarketContext = new SupermarketContext()) { IList <Models.Sale> allSales = new List <Models.Sale>(); GetSales(TempFolderForExtract, supermarketContext, allSales); foreach (var sale in allSales) { supermarketContext.Sales.Add(sale); } supermarketContext.SaveChanges(); } Directory.Delete(TempFolderForExtract, true); }
public void CreateReport() { string connectionString = "mongodb://localhost"; var url = new MongoUrl(connectionString); var client = new MongoClient(url); var server = client.GetServer(); var database = server.GetDatabase("ProductReports"); database.DropCollection("ProductReports"); var collection = database.GetCollection("ProductReports"); using (var supermarket = new SupermarketContext()) { var productsById = supermarket.SalesReports.Include("Vendors").Include("Products").GroupBy(r => r.ProductId).ToList(); foreach (var group in productsById) { var firstProduct = group.First(); var productDocument = new BsonDocument(); productDocument["product-id"] = firstProduct.ProductId; productDocument["product-name"] = firstProduct.Product.ProductName.Replace("\"", "\\\""); productDocument["vendor-id"] = firstProduct.Product.VendorId; productDocument["vendor-name"] = firstProduct.Product.Vendor.VendorName.Replace("\"", "\\\""); productDocument["total-quantity-sold"] = group.Sum(g => g.Quantity); productDocument["total-incomes"] = group.Sum(g => g.Sum).ToString(); collection.Insert(productDocument); using (StreamWriter documentWriter = new StreamWriter(string.Format("../../Product-Reports/{0}.json", productDocument["product-id"]), false)) { documentWriter.WriteLine("{"); documentWriter.WriteLine("\t\"product-id\": \"{0}\"", productDocument["product-id"]); documentWriter.WriteLine("\t\"product-name\": \"{0}\"", productDocument["product-name"]); documentWriter.WriteLine("\t\"vendor-name\": \"{0}\"", productDocument["vendor-name"]); documentWriter.WriteLine("\t\"total-quantity-sold\": \"{0}\"", productDocument["total-quantity-sold"]); documentWriter.WriteLine("\t\"total-incomes\": \"{0}\"", productDocument["total-incomes"]); documentWriter.WriteLine("}"); } } } }
private static void ReplicateOrders(SupermarketContext context) { var oracleDb = new OracleEntities(); var orders = oracleDb.ORDERS.ToList(); foreach (var order in orders) { if (context.Orders.Any(o => o.Id == order.ID) == false) { context.Orders.Add(new Order { Quantity = order.QUANTITY, ProductId = (int)order.PRODUCT_ID, Discount = order.DISCOUNT, Date = order.ORDER_DATE, CustomerId = (int)order.CUSTOMER_ID }); } } context.SaveChanges(); }
private static void ReplicateProducts(SupermarketContext context) { var oracleDb = new OracleEntities(); var products = oracleDb.PRODUCTS.ToList(); foreach (var product in products) { if (context.Products.Any(p => p.Name == product.NAME) == false) { context.Products.Add(new Product { Name = product.NAME, Price = product.PRICE, SupplierId = (int)product.SUPPLIER_ID, CategoryId = (int)product.CATEGORY_ID, MeasureId = (int)product.MEASURE_ID }); } } context.SaveChanges(); }
private static void ReplicateSuppliers(SupermarketContext context) { var oracleDb = new OracleEntities(); var suppliers = oracleDb.SUPPLIERS.ToList(); foreach (var supplier in suppliers) { if (context.Suppliers.Any(s => s.Name == supplier.NAME) == false) { context.Suppliers.Add(new Supplier { Name = supplier.NAME, Address = supplier.ADDRESS, Phone = supplier.PHONE }); } } context.SaveChanges(); }
public ImportFromXML(string expensesImportPath, SupermarketContext context) { this.ExpensesImportPath = expensesImportPath; this.SupermarketContext = context; }
public static void GenerateJsonReports() { Console.WriteLine("Enter start date in format \'YYYY-MM-DD\': "); string startDateInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter end date in format \'YYYY-MM-DD\': "); string endDateInput = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Processing data......."); try { DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(startDateInput); DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse(endDateInput); if (startDate > endDate) { throw new ArgumentException("End date must be after start date!"); } var mssqlData = new SupermarketContext(); var jsSerializaer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var sales = mssqlData.SupermarketSalesProducts.Where(s => s.SalesDate >= startDate && s.SalesDate <= endDate) .Select( s => new { productId = s.ProductId, productName = s.Product.ProductName, vendorName = s.Product.Vendor.VendorName, totalQuantitySold = s.Quantity, totalIncomes = s.Quantity * s.Product.Price }).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Sending data to MongoDB....."); foreach (var sale in sales) { var jsonReport = jsSerializaer.Serialize(sale); SaveDataInMongoDb(jsonReport); if (!File.Exists(JsonReportPath + sale.productId + ".json")) { File.WriteAllText(JsonReportPath + sale.productId + ".json", jsonReport); } } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); return; } Console.WriteLine("JSON reports were generated."); DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(JsonReportPath); Console.WriteLine("Directory: {0}", directoryInfo.FullName); foreach (var file in directoryInfo.GetFiles()) { Console.WriteLine("File: {0}", file.Name); } Console.WriteLine("JSON reports were imported in MongoDB successfully."); }