private SuperSearchFilterData GetSearchableContentTypes()
            SuperSearchFilterData filterData = new SuperSearchFilterData();

            Assembly targetAssembly = Assembly.Load("PureAlloyMvc");

            List <Type> semiFilteredTypes = targetAssembly.GetTypes().Where(type => type.IsClass).ToList();

            // Find all types inheriting from PageData and all their members

            List <Type> pageDataTypes = semiFilteredTypes.Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PageData))).ToList();

            foreach (Type type in pageDataTypes)
                ReflectedContentType reflectedContent = new ReflectedContentType()
                    Type    = type,
                    FromEpi = false // No class in episerver inherits from PageData
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
                    ReflectedPropertyInfo reflectedProperty = new ReflectedPropertyInfo()
                        PropertyInfo = property,
                        FromEpi      = typeof(PageData).GetProperty(property.Name) != null // if the property is defined in PageData or on an even lower level
                    reflectedContent.Properties.Add(property.Name, reflectedProperty);
                filterData.PageTypes.Add(type.Name, reflectedContent);

            // Find all types inheriting from BlockData and all their members

            List <Type> blockDataTypes = semiFilteredTypes.Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BlockData))).ToList();

            foreach (Type type in blockDataTypes)
                ReflectedContentType reflectedContent = new ReflectedContentType()
                    Type    = type,
                    FromEpi = false // No class in episerver inherits BlockData
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
                    ReflectedPropertyInfo reflectedProperty = new ReflectedPropertyInfo()
                        PropertyInfo = property,
                        FromEpi      = typeof(BlockData).GetProperty(property.Name) != null // if the property is defined in BlockData or on an even lower level
                    reflectedContent.Properties.Add(property.Name, reflectedProperty);
                filterData.BlockTypes.Add(type.Name, reflectedContent);

            // Find all interfaces that is implemented for any of the found types

            List <Type> blocksAndPages = new List <Type>();

            foreach (Type type in blocksAndPages.SelectMany(type => type.GetInterfaces()).Distinct()) // make sure to remove duplicates, or else it will be alot of them
                if (filterData.InterfaceTypes.Keys.Contains(type.Name))

                ReflectedContentType reflectedContent = new ReflectedContentType()
                    Type    = type,
                    FromEpi = type.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("EPiServer") // EPiServer have many interfaces on pages and blocks
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
                    ReflectedPropertyInfo reflectedProperty = new ReflectedPropertyInfo()
                        PropertyInfo = property,
                        FromEpi      = reflectedContent.FromEpi // if the property is in an interface from episerver, the property is from episerver
                    reflectedContent.Properties.Add(property.Name, reflectedProperty);
                filterData.InterfaceTypes.Add(type.Name, reflectedContent);

        public ActionResult Index()
            SuperSearchFilterData model = GetSearchableContentTypes();
