private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection Connection = new SqlConnection(Con.ConnectionString()); if (Cat.SelectedIndex == -1) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Please Select a Catagory and Enter Sub Catagory for that"; Cat.Focus(); } else if ((SubCat.Text.ToString().Trim(' ')).ToString() == "") { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Please Enter Sub Catagory Name"; SubCat.Text = ""; SubCat.Focus(); } else if (unit.SelectedIndex == -1) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Please Select a Unit for the Sub Catagory"; unit.Focus(); } else if ((Sup1.Checked == false) && (Sup2.Checked == false) && (Sup3.Checked == false)) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Please Select atleast one Supplier for this Sub Catagory"; Sup1.Focus(); } else { try { if (button1.Text.ToString() == "Save") { SqlCommand INSERT = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO SubCatagory(Catagory,SubCatagory,Descriptions,Supplier1,Supplier2,Supplier3,Units) VALUES(@Catagory,@SubCatagory,@Descriptions,@Supplier1,@Supplier2,@Supplier3,@Units)", Connection); INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Catagory", Cat.SelectedItem.ToString()); INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatagory", SubCat.Text.ToString()); INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Descriptions", Des.Text.ToString()); if (Sup1.Checked == true) { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", Sup1.Text.ToString()); } else { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", " "); } if (Sup2.Checked == true) { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", Sup2.Text.ToString()); } else { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", " "); } if (Sup3.Checked == true) { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", Sup3.Text.ToString()); } else { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", " "); } INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Units", unit.SelectedItem.ToString()); Connection.Open(); int a = INSERT.ExecuteNonQuery(); Connection.Close(); if (a == 1) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Successfully Saved"; SubCat.Text = ""; Des.Text = ""; Sup1.Checked = true; Sup2.Checked = true; Sup3.Checked = true; unit.SelectedIndex = 0; SubCat.Focus(); } else { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Error SubCatagory Not Saved"; } } else { SqlCommand UPDES = new SqlCommand("UPDATE SubCatagory SET Descriptions=@Description WHERE Catagory=@Catagory AND SubCatagory=@SubCatagory ", Connection); UPDES.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Description", Des.Text.ToString()); UPDES.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Catagory", Cat.SelectedItem.ToString()); UPDES.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatagory", SubCat.Text.ToString()); SqlCommand UPSUP1 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE SubCatagory SET Supplier1=@Supplier1 WHERE Catagory=@Catagory AND SubCatagory=@SubCatagory ", Connection); UPSUP1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Catagory", Cat.SelectedItem.ToString()); UPSUP1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatagory", SubCat.Text.ToString()); if (Sup1.Checked == true) { UPSUP1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", Sup1.Text.ToString()); } else { UPSUP1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", " "); } SqlCommand UPSUP2 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE SubCatagory SET Supplier2=@Supplier2 WHERE Catagory=@Catagory AND SubCatagory=@SubCatagory ", Connection); UPSUP2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Catagory", Cat.SelectedItem.ToString()); UPSUP2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatagory", SubCat.Text.ToString()); if (Sup2.Checked == true) { UPSUP2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", Sup2.Text.ToString()); } else { UPSUP2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", " "); } SqlCommand UPSUP3 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE SubCatagory SET Supplier3=@Supplier3 WHERE Catagory=@Catagory AND SubCatagory=@SubCatagory ", Connection); UPSUP3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Catagory", Cat.SelectedItem.ToString()); UPSUP3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatagory", SubCat.Text.ToString()); if (Sup3.Checked == true) { UPSUP3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", Sup3.Text.ToString()); } else { UPSUP3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", " "); } SqlCommand UPUNIT = new SqlCommand("UPDATE SubCatagory SET Units=@Units WHERE Catagory=@Catagory AND SubCatagory=@SubCatagory", Connection); UPUNIT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Units", unit.Text.ToString()); UPUNIT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Catagory", Cat.SelectedItem.ToString()); UPUNIT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubCatagory", SubCat.Text.ToString()); int a, b, c, d, ei; Connection.Open(); a = UPDES.ExecuteNonQuery(); b = UPSUP1.ExecuteNonQuery(); c = UPSUP2.ExecuteNonQuery(); d = UPSUP3.ExecuteNonQuery(); ei = UPUNIT.ExecuteNonQuery(); if ((a == 1) && (b == 1) && (c == 1) && (d == 1) && (ei == 1)) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Successfully Updated"; SubCat.Text = ""; Des.Text = ""; Sup1.Checked = true; Sup2.Checked = true; Sup3.Checked = true; unit.SelectedIndex = 0; SubCat.Focus(); } } } catch (SqlException s) { MessageBox.Show(s.ToString()); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OleDbConnection Connection = new OleDbConnection(Con.ConnectionString()); if (CatName.Text.ToString().Trim(' ') == "") { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Please Enter Catagory Name"; CatName.Text = ""; CatName.Focus(); } else if ((Sup1.SelectedIndex == -1) && (Sup2.SelectedIndex == -1) && (Sup3.SelectedIndex == -1)) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Please Select atleast One Supplier for this Catagory"; Sup1.Focus(); } else { try { if (button1.Text.ToString() == "Save") { OleDbCommand INSERT = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO Catagory(CatName,Descriptions,Supplier1,Supplier2,Supplier3) VALUES(@CatName,@Descriptions,@Supplier1,@Supplier2,@Supplier3)", Connection); INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatName", CatName.Text.ToString()); INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Descriptions", Des.Text.ToString()); if (Sup1.SelectedIndex != -1) { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", Sup1.SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", ""); } if (Sup2.SelectedIndex != -1) { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", Sup2.SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", ""); } if (Sup3.SelectedIndex != -1) { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", Sup3.SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { INSERT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", ""); } Connection.Open(); int a = INSERT.ExecuteNonQuery(); Connection.Close(); if (a == 1) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Successfully Saved"; CatName.Text = ""; Des.Text = ""; Sup1.Text = ""; Sup2.Text = ""; Sup3.Text = ""; CatName.Focus(); } else { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Error Catagory not Saved"; } } else { OleDbCommand UPDES = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Catagory SET Descriptions=@Descriptions WHERE CatName=@CatName", Connection); UPDES.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatName", CatName.Text.ToString()); UPDES.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Descriptions", Des.Text.ToString()); OleDbCommand UPSUP1 = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Catagory SET Supplier1=@Supplier1 WHERE CatName=@CatName", Connection); if (Sup1.SelectedIndex != -1) { UPSUP1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", Sup1.SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { UPSUP1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier1", ""); } UPSUP1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatName", CatName.Text.ToString()); OleDbCommand UPSUP2 = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Catagory SET Supplier2=@Supplier2 WHERE CatName=@CatName", Connection); if (Sup2.SelectedIndex != -1) { UPSUP2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", Sup2.SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { UPSUP2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier2", ""); } UPSUP2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatName", CatName.Text.ToString()); OleDbCommand UPSUP3 = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Catagory SET Supplier3=@Supplier3 WHERE CatName=@CatName", Connection); if (Sup3.SelectedIndex != -1) { UPSUP3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", Sup3.SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { UPSUP3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Supplier3", ""); } UPSUP3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatName", CatName.Text.ToString()); int a, b, c, d; Connection.Open(); a = UPDES.ExecuteNonQuery(); b = UPSUP1.ExecuteNonQuery(); c = UPSUP2.ExecuteNonQuery(); d = UPSUP3.ExecuteNonQuery(); Connection.Close(); if ((a == 1) && (b == 1) && (c == 1) && (d == 1)) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Successfully Updated"; CatName.Text = ""; Des.Text = ""; Sup1.Text = ""; Sup2.Text = ""; Sup3.Text = ""; CatName.Focus(); } else { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Error Catagory Not Updated"; } } } catch { } } }