/// <summary>
 /// Refreshes sunrise and sunset based on latittude and longitude found in the configuration file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configBuilder">config builder for the AutoDarkModeConfig to allow saving</param>
 private static void UpdateSunTime(AdmConfigBuilder configBuilder)
     int[] sun = SunDate.CalculateSunriseSunset(configBuilder.LocationData.Lat, configBuilder.LocationData.Lon);
     configBuilder.LocationData.Sunrise = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, sun[0] / 60, sun[0] - (sun[0] / 60) * 60, 0);
     configBuilder.LocationData.Sunset  = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, sun[1] / 60, sun[1] - (sun[1] / 60) * 60, 0);
     Logger.Info($"new sunrise ({configBuilder.LocationData.Sunrise.ToString("HH:mm")}) and new sunset ({configBuilder.LocationData.Sunset.ToString("HH:mm")})");
Esempio n. 2
        public bool?CheckNightModeConditions()
            if (NightMode == NightMode.Scheduled && RequestedTheme == ElementTheme.Light)
                TimeSpan start;
                TimeSpan end;

                if (IsLocationBased && Location.Latitude != 0 && Location.Longitude != 0)
                    var t = SunDate.CalculateSunriseSunset(Location.Latitude, Location.Longitude);
                    start = new TimeSpan(t[1] / 60, t[1] - (t[1] / 60) * 60, 0);
                    end   = new TimeSpan(t[0] / 60, t[0] - (t[0] / 60) * 60, 0);
                    start = start.Add(From);
                    end   = end.Add(To);

                var now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

                // see if start comes before end
                if (start < end)
                    return(start <= now && now <= end);

                // start is after end, so do the inverse comparison
                return(!(end < now && now < start));

Esempio n. 3
        public void UpdateTimer()
            if (NightMode == NightMode.Scheduled && RequestedTheme == ElementTheme.Light)
                var start = DateTime.Today;
                var end   = DateTime.Today;

                if (IsLocationBased && Location.Latitude != 0 && Location.Longitude != 0)
                    var t       = SunDate.CalculateSunriseSunset(Location.Latitude, Location.Longitude);
                    var sunrise = new TimeSpan(t[0] / 60, t[0] - (t[0] / 60) * 60, 0);
                    var sunset  = new TimeSpan(t[1] / 60, t[1] - (t[1] / 60) * 60, 0);

                    start = start.Add(sunset);
                    end   = end.Add(sunrise);

                    if (sunrise > DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay)
                        start = start.AddDays(-1);
                    else if (sunrise < sunset)
                        end = end.AddDays(1);
                    start = start.Add(From);
                    end   = end.Add(To);

                    if (From < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay)
                        start = start.AddDays(-1);
                    else if (To < From)
                        end = end.AddDays(1);

                var now = DateTime.Now;
                if (now < start)
                    _nightModeTimer.Change(start - now, TimeSpan.Zero);
                else if (now < end)
                    _nightModeTimer.Change(end - now, TimeSpan.Zero);
                    _nightModeTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
                _nightModeTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
Esempio n. 4
        private string ConvertSunDate(bool enabled, Location location)
            if (location == null || (location.Latitude == 0 && location.Longitude == 0) || !enabled)

            var t       = SunDate.CalculateSunriseSunset(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);
            var sunrise = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, t[0] / 60, t[0] - (t[0] / 60) * 60, 0);
            var sunset  = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, t[1] / 60, t[1] - (t[1] / 60) * 60, 0);

            return(string.Format(Strings.Resources.AutoNightUpdateLocationInfo, BindConvert.Current.ShortTime.Format(sunset), BindConvert.Current.ShortTime.Format(sunrise)));
Esempio n. 5
        public bool?CheckNightModeConditions()
            if (NightMode == NightMode.Scheduled && RequestedTheme == ElementTheme.Light)
                var start = DateTime.Now.Date;
                var end   = DateTime.Now.Date;

                if (IsLocationBased && Location.Latitude != 0 && Location.Longitude != 0)
                    var t       = SunDate.CalculateSunriseSunset(Location.Latitude, Location.Longitude);
                    var sunrise = new TimeSpan(t[0] / 60, t[0] - (t[0] / 60) * 60, 0);
                    var sunset  = new TimeSpan(t[1] / 60, t[1] - (t[1] / 60) * 60, 0);

                    start = start.Add(sunset);
                    end   = end.Add(sunrise);

                    if (sunrise > DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay)
                        start = start.AddDays(-1);
                    else if (sunrise < sunset)
                        end = end.AddDays(1);
                    start = start.Add(From);
                    end   = end.Add(To);

                    if (From < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay)
                        start = start.AddDays(-1);
                    else if (To < From)
                        end = end.AddDays(1);

                var now = DateTime.Now;
                if (now >= start && now < end)

        private string ConvertSunDate(bool enabled, Location location)
            if (location == null || (location.Latitude == 0 && location.Longitude == 0) || !enabled)

            var start = DateTime.Today;
            var end   = DateTime.Today;

            var t       = SunDate.CalculateSunriseSunset(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);
            var sunrise = new TimeSpan(t[0] / 60, t[0] - (t[0] / 60 * 60), 0);
            var sunset  = new TimeSpan(t[1] / 60, t[1] - (t[1] / 60 * 60), 0);

            start = start.Add(sunset);
            end   = end.Add(sunrise);

Esempio n. 7
    public string GetFootInformation()
        string dtr = "";
        string username = "******";
        Persia.SunDate persiandate = new SunDate();
        persiandate = Persia.Calendar.ConvertToPersian(DateTime.Now);

        //lbldate.Text = persiandate.Weekday;

        //string dt = FormatDateTime(

        if (Session["username"] != null)
            username = Session["username"].ToString();

        dtr =
            "امروز  <b>" + (persiandate.Weekday) + "</b>"
            + "  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span id=\"digitalclock\">111111</span>  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " +
            "کاربر جاری : <b>" + username + "</b>  <a class=\"exit\" href=\"exit.aspx\"> ( خروج ) </a>";
        return dtr;
    public void GetListOfWorkers(string EmployeeID)
        //_sListofWorkers = "";
        string _sGetListofWorkers = "";

        _sListofWorkers1 = "";
        conn             = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString);
            if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)

                //_sGetListofWorkers = " select distinct  (select user_ID from ovms_employees where employee_id = ed.employee_id) as User_ID, " +
                //                          " (select email_id from ovms_users where user_ID = (select user_ID from ovms_employees where employee_id = ed.employee_id)) as User_Email, " +
                //                          " (select user_password from ovms_users where user_ID = (select user_ID from ovms_employees where employee_id = ed.employee_id)) as User_Password, " +
                //                          " e.employee_id,dbo.CamelCase(ed.first_name) as first_name,dbo.CamelCase(ed.last_name) as last_name,ed.pay_rate from ovms_timesheet_status as ts " +
                //                          " join ovms_timesheet_details as td on ts.timesheet_status_id = td.timesheet_status_id " +
                //                          " join ovms_timesheet as t on td.timesheet_id = t.timesheet_id " +
                //                          " join ovms_employees as e on t.employee_id = e.employee_id " +
                //                          " join ovms_employee_details as ed on e.employee_id = ed.employee_id " +
                //                          " and e.active = 1 " +
                //                          " and t.active = 1 ";

                _sGetListofWorkers = " select distinct  (select user_ID from ovms_employees where employee_id = ed.employee_id) as User_ID,  e.job_id, " +
                                     " (select email_id from ovms_users where user_ID = (select user_ID from ovms_employees where employee_id = ed.employee_id)) as User_Email,  " +
                                     "  (select user_password from ovms_users where user_ID = (select user_ID from ovms_employees where employee_id = ed.employee_id)) as User_Password, " +
                                     "  e.employee_id,dbo.CamelCase(ed.first_name) as first_name,dbo.CamelCase(ed.last_name) as last_name,ed.pay_rate, " +
                                     "  (select user_id as Manager_ID from ovms_jobs where job_id = e.job_id  and active = 1) as Manager_ID " +
                                     "  from ovms_timesheet_status as ts " +
                                     "  join ovms_timesheet_details as td on ts.timesheet_status_id = td.timesheet_status_id " +
                                     "  join ovms_timesheet as t on td.timesheet_id = t.timesheet_id  join ovms_employees as e " +
                                     "  on t.employee_id = e.employee_id  join ovms_employee_details as ed " +
                                     "  on e.employee_id = ed.employee_id " +
                                     "  and e.active = 1 " +
                                     "  and t.active = 1 " +
                                     "  and td.active = 1 " +
                                     "  and(select user_id as Manager_ID from ovms_jobs where job_id = e.job_id  and active = 1) =  " + Session["UserID"].ToString() + "";
                _sGetListofWorkers = _sGetListofWorkers + " and td.active = 1 order by first_name asc ";
                SqlCommand    cmdGetListofWorkers = new SqlCommand(_sGetListofWorkers, conn);
                SqlDataReader rsGetListOfWorker   = cmdGetListofWorkers.ExecuteReader();
                _sTimeSheetLines = "";
                while (rsGetListOfWorker.Read())
                    if (EmployeeID != "")
                        if (rsGetListOfWorker["employee_ID"].ToString() == EmployeeID)
                            Session["sFullNameClient"] = rsGetListOfWorker["first_name"].ToString() + " " + rsGetListOfWorker["last_name"].ToString();
                            Session["EmailClient"]     = rsGetListOfWorker["User_Email"].ToString();
                            Session["P@ssClient"]      = rsGetListOfWorker["User_Password"].ToString();
                            Session["UserIDClient"]    = rsGetListOfWorker["User_ID"].ToString();
                            _sTimeSheetLines           = "<tr><td>" +
                                                         " <a class='btn btn-primary' href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + rsGetListOfWorker["employee_id"] + "'><i class='icon-user-1'></i> " + rsGetListOfWorker["first_name"].ToString() + " " + rsGetListOfWorker["last_name"].ToString() + "</a>" +
                                                         " </td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " <td></td>" +
                                                         " </tr>";
                            //Do details

                            Session["EmployeeIDForJob"] = EmployeeID;
                            //pull person information

                            NumberOfWeeks    = GetNumberOfWeeks();
                            FirstMonday      = GetMonday(NumberOfWeeks.Split(',')[0].ToString());
                            FirstSunday      = GetSunday(NumberOfWeeks.Split(',')[0].ToString());
                            ContractWeeks    = NumberOfWeeks.Split(',')[2].ToString(); //week num
                            LastContractDate = NumberOfWeeks.Split(',')[1].ToString(); //last contract date
                            //draw table but first read from file
                            int    counter = 0;
                            string line;
                            string TimeSheet_Line    = "";
                            string TimeSheetFileRead = "";
                            int    iloop             = 0;

                            DateTime MonDate;
                            DateTime SunDate;
                            string   _sMonday;
                            string   _sMondayDay   = "";
                            string   _sMondayMonth = "";
                            string   _sMondayYear  = "";
                            string   _sTuesday;
                            string   _sWednesday;
                            string   _sThursday;
                            string   _sFriday;
                            string   _sSaturday;
                            string   _sSunday;
                            string   enableordisable = "";
                            string   _sBackground    = "";
                            double   _dTotal         = 0;

                            //get all time values for this timesheet
                            conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString);
                                if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)

                                    // Session["JobID"] = jobID.ToString();

                                    //start, end and weeks
                                    //string sqlGetTime = "select concat(month,-day, -year) as tDate, hours " +
                                    //            " from ovms_timesheet where employee_id = " + Session["EmployeeIDForJob"].ToString();

                                    string sqlGetTime = "select concat(a.month,-a.day, -a.year) as tDate, a.hours, b.timesheet_status_id,  " +
                                                        " (select timesheet_status from ovms_timesheet_status where timesheet_status_id = b.timesheet_status_id and active = 1) as TimeSheet_Status_Name " +
                                                        " from ovms_timesheet a, ovms_timesheet_details b " +
                                                        " where a.employee_id =  " + Session["EmployeeIDForJob"].ToString() + " " +
                                                        " and a.timesheet_id = b.timesheet_id " +
                                                        " and a.active = 1 " +
                                                        " and b.active = 1 ";

                                    SqlCommand    cmdGetTime = new SqlCommand(sqlGetTime, conn);
                                    SqlDataReader rsGetTime  = cmdGetTime.ExecuteReader();
                                    //string _svendorList = "";
                                    while (rsGetTime.Read())
                                        //Session["EmployeeIDForJob"] = rsGetTime["employee_ID"].ToString();
                                        //_sArrayString = rsStartEndWeeks["contract_Start_date"].ToString() + "," + rsStartEndWeeks["contract_end_date"].ToString() + "," + rsStartEndWeeks["Num_weeks"].ToString();
                                        //sTimeValues = sTimeValues + rsGetTime["tDate"].ToString() + "," + rsGetTime["hours"].ToString() + "@";
                                        sTimeValues = sTimeValues + rsGetTime["tDate"].ToString() + "," + rsGetTime["hours"].ToString() + "," + rsGetTime["TimeSheet_Status_Name"].ToString() + "@";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                            for (iloop = 0; iloop <= Convert.ToInt32(ContractWeeks); iloop++)
                                if (iloop == 0)
                                    MonDate = Convert.ToDateTime(FirstMonday);
                                    SunDate = Convert.ToDateTime(FirstSunday);
                                    MonDate = AddWorkingDays(Convert.ToDateTime(FirstMonday), iloop * 5);
                                    SunDate = AddWorkingDays(Convert.ToDateTime(FirstSunday), iloop * 5);
                                    //MonDate = Convert.ToDateTime(FirstMonday),AddDays(iloop * 7 + 1);

                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).Day.ToString().Length == 1)
                                    _sMonday      = "0" + Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).Day.ToString();
                                    _sMondayDay   = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).Day.ToString();
                                    _sMondayMonth = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).Month.ToString();
                                    _sMondayYear  = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).Year.ToString();
                                    _sMonday = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).Day.ToString();
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(1).Day.ToString().Length == 1)
                                    _sTuesday = "0" + Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(1).Day.ToString();
                                    _sTuesday = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(1).Day.ToString();
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(2).Day.ToString().Length == 1)
                                    _sWednesday = "0" + Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(1).Day.ToString();
                                    _sWednesday = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(2).Day.ToString();
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(3).Day.ToString().Length == 1)
                                    _sThursday = "0" + Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(3).Day.ToString();
                                    _sThursday = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(3).Day.ToString();
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(4).Day.ToString().Length == 1)
                                    _sFriday = "0" + Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(4).Day.ToString();
                                    _sFriday = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(4).Day.ToString();
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(5).Day.ToString().Length == 1)
                                    _sSaturday = "0" + Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(5).Day.ToString();
                                    _sSaturday = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(5).Day.ToString();
                                if (Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(6).Day.ToString().Length == 1)
                                    _sSunday = "0" + Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(6).Day.ToString();
                                    _sSunday = Convert.ToDateTime(MonDate).AddDays(6).Day.ToString();

                                if (iloop % 2 >= 1)
                                    enableordisable = "";
                                    _sBackground    = "bgcolor='#ECF0F1'";
                                    enableordisable = "disabled";
                                    _sBackground    = "";

                                //load all values from database for this employeeID
                                _dTotal = Convert.ToDouble(CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToDouble(CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(1).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(1).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(1).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToDouble(CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(2).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(2).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(2).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToDouble(CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(3).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(3).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(3).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToDouble(CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(4).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(4).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(4).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToDouble(CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(5).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(5).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(5).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToDouble(CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(6).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(6).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(6).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString());
                                if (_dTotal > 0)
                                    _sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "<tr " + _sBackground + ">" +
                                                       "    <td>" + Session["sFullNameClient"].ToString() + "</td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" + Convert.ToInt32(iloop + 1) + "</td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" + DateTime.Parse(MonDate.ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + "</td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" + DateTime.Parse(SunDate.ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + "</td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" +
                                                       "        <div class='input-group'>" +
                                                       "            " + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString() +
                                                       "        </div>" +
                                                       "    </td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" +
                                                       "        <div class='input-group'>" +
                                                       "          " + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(1).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(1).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(1).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString() +
                                                       "        </div>" +
                                                       "    </td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" +
                                                       "        <div class='input-group'>" +
                                                       "            " + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(2).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(2).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(2).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString() +
                                                       "        </div>" +
                                                       "    </td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" +
                                                       "        <div class='input-group'>" +
                                                       "            " + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(3).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(3).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(3).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString() +
                                                       "        </div>" +
                                                       "    </td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" +
                                                       "        <div class='input-group'>" +
                                                       "           " + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(4).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(4).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(4).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString() +
                                                       "        </div>" +
                                                       "    </td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" +
                                                       "        <div class='input-group'>" +
                                                       "           " + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(5).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(5).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(5).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString() +
                                                       "        </div>" +
                                                       "    </td>" +
                                                       "    <td>" +
                                                       "        <div class='input-group'>" +
                                                       "            " + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(6).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(6).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(6).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[0].ToString() +
                                                       "        </div>" +
                                                       "    </td>";
                                    _sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "<td>" + _dTotal + " </td>";
                                    //_sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "<td><a href='Client_View_Worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&done=' class='btn btn-success btn-xs'  data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Request for an Interview or Approve candidate'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a>&nbsp;<a href='Client_View_Worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&more=' class='btn btn-default btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Request more details'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></a>&nbsp;<a href='Client_View_Worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&Reject=' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject Candidate'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>";
                                    //_sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "<td>" + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[1].ToString() + " </td>";
                                    string sAction = CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[1].ToString();
                                    if (sAction == "Pending Review")
                                        //    _sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "<td><a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID="+Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString()+ "&action=Approve&fromD="+ MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString() +"&FromM="+ MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString() +"&FromY="+ MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString() + "' class='btn btn-success btn-xs'  data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Approve TimeSheet'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a>&nbsp;<a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString() + "&action=Reject&fromD=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString() + "&FromM=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString() + "&FromY=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString() + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject TimeSheet'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>";
                                        _sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "<td><a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString() + "&action=Approve&fromD=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString() + "&FromM=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString() + "&FromY=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString() + "' class='btn btn-success btn-xs'  data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Approve TimeSheet'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a>&nbsp;<a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString() + "&action=Reject&fromD=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString() + "&FromM=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString() + "&FromY=" + MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString() + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject TimeSheet'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>";
                                        _sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "<td>" + CheckValTime(MonDate.AddDays(0).Day.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Month.ToString(), MonDate.AddDays(0).Year.ToString()).Split(',')[1].ToString() + " </td>";
                                    _sTimeSheetLines = _sTimeSheetLines + "</tr>";
                            _sListofWorkers1 = _sListofWorkers1 + " <tr>" +
                                               " <td>" +
                                               " <a class='btn btn-primary' href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + rsGetListOfWorker["employee_id"] + "'><i class='icon-user-1'></i> " + rsGetListOfWorker["first_name"].ToString() + " " + rsGetListOfWorker["last_name"].ToString() + "</a>" +
                                               " </td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " <td></td>" +
                                               " </tr>";
                        //lblTimeSheet.Text = _sTimeSheetLines;

                    if (EmployeeID == "")
                        _sListofWorkers = _sListofWorkers + " <tr>" +
                                          " <td>" +
                                          " <a class='btn btn-primary' href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + rsGetListOfWorker["employee_id"] + "'><i class='icon-user-1'></i> " + rsGetListOfWorker["first_name"].ToString() + " " + rsGetListOfWorker["last_name"].ToString() + "</a>" +
                                          " </td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " <td></td>" +
                                          " </tr>";
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

        if (EmployeeID == "") //first load
            lblNames.Text = _sListofWorkers;
        //second and other loads
        if (EmployeeID != "")
            lblNames.Text = _sTimeSheetLines + "</tr><tr></tr>" + _sListofWorkers1;