Esempio n. 1
        public void ExplicitCastSuccessTest()
            SumType <int, string> sum = "foo";

            Assert.Equal("foo", (string)sum);

            sum = 1;
            Assert.Equal(1, (int)sum);
Esempio n. 2
        public void SumTryGetFailsTest()
            bool   boolValue;
            string stringValue;
            int    intValue;

            SumType <int, string, bool> sum = 1;

            Assert.False(sum.TryGet <string>(out stringValue));
            Assert.Equal(default, stringValue);
Esempio n. 3
        public void SumTryGetSucceedsTest()
            SumType <int, string> sum = "foo";

            Assert.True(sum.TryGet <string>(out var stringValue));
            Assert.Equal("foo", stringValue);

            sum = 1;
            Assert.True(sum.TryGet <int>(out var intValue));
            Assert.Equal(1, intValue);
Esempio n. 4
        public void ExplicitCastDowncastSucceeds()
            SumType <int, string, bool, double> sum       = 1;
            SumType <int, string, bool>         tripleSum = sum;
            SumType <int, string> doubleSum = sum;
            SumType <int>         singleSum = sum;

            Assert.Equal(1, (int)sum);
            Assert.Equal(1, (int)tripleSum);
            Assert.Equal(1, (int)doubleSum);
            Assert.Equal(1, (int)singleSum);
Esempio n. 5
        public void SumIsTrueTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool> sum = 1;

            Assert.True(sum.Is <int>());

            sum = "foo";
            Assert.True(sum.Is <string>());

            sum = true;
            Assert.True(sum.Is <bool>());
Esempio n. 6
        async Task <object> RequestCompletionsInternal(CompletionParams completionParams, CancellationToken token)
            SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?result =
                await jsonRpc.InvokeWithParameterObjectAsync(Methods.TextDocumentCompletion, completionParams, token);

            if (result == null)

            return(result.Value.Match <object> (
                       completionItems => completionItems,
                       completionList => completionList));
Esempio n. 7
        private ISum GetInstanceOfTypeISum(SumType sumType)
            switch (sumType)
            case SumType.SumAfterMultiplyByTwo:
                return(new SumAfterMultipyByTwo());

            case SumType.SumAfterMultiplyByThree:
                return(new SumAfterMultiplyByThree());

                throw new NotSupportedException("sumType not supported");
Esempio n. 8
        public List <List <Node> > GetPaths(SumType sumType)
            List <List <Node> > ret = new List <List <Node> >();

            //второой список сделать списком строк

            foreach (var path in getPathList(Root, new List <Node>(), new List <List <Node> >(), sumType))
                if (Sum(path) == 0)
Esempio n. 9
        public void ExplicitCastFailsTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool> sum = 1;

            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (string)sum);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (bool)sum);

            sum = "foo";
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (int)sum);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (bool)sum);

            sum = true;
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (int)sum);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (string)sum);
Esempio n. 10
        public void ExplicitCastSuccessTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool, double> sum = 1;

            Assert.Equal(1, (int)sum);

            sum = "foo";
            Assert.Equal("foo", (string)sum);

            sum = true;

            sum = 4.5;
            Assert.Equal(4.5, (double)sum);
Esempio n. 11
        public void ExplicitCastDowncastUpcastSucceedsTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool> sum      = "foo";
            SumType <int> lowerSum               = sum;
            SumType <int, string, bool> upperSum = lowerSum;

            Assert.Equal("foo", (string)upperSum);

            sum = true;
            SumType <int, string> middleSum = sum;

            upperSum = middleSum;

Esempio n. 12
        public void SumIsTrueDowncastUpcastTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool> sum      = "foo";
            SumType <int> lowerSum               = sum;
            SumType <int, string, bool> upperSum = lowerSum;

            Assert.True(upperSum.Is <string>());

            sum = true;
            SumType <int, string> middleSum = sum;

            upperSum = middleSum;

            Assert.True(upperSum.Is <bool>());
Esempio n. 13
        public void ExplicitCastDowncastUpcastFailsTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool> sum      = "foo";
            SumType <int> lowerSum               = sum;
            SumType <int, bool, string> upperSum = lowerSum;

            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (bool)upperSum);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (string)upperSum);

            sum = true;
            SumType <int, string>        middleSum = sum;
            SumType <int, string, float> upperSum2 = middleSum;

            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (bool)upperSum);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => (float)upperSum);
Esempio n. 14
        public void SumIsFalseDowncastUpcastTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool> sum      = "foo";
            SumType <int> lowerSum               = sum;
            SumType <int, bool, string> upperSum = lowerSum;

            Assert.False(upperSum.Is <string>());
            Assert.False(upperSum.Is <bool>());

            sum = true;
            SumType <int, string>        middleSum = sum;
            SumType <int, string, float> upperSum2 = middleSum;

            Assert.False(upperSum.Is <string>());
            Assert.False(upperSum.Is <float>());
Esempio n. 15
        public void ExplicitCastDowncastUpcastSucceeds()
            SumType <int, string, bool, double> sum       = 4.5;
            SumType <int, string, bool>         tripleSum = sum;
            SumType <int, string> doubleSum = sum;
            SumType <int>         singleSum = sum;

            sum = tripleSum;
            Assert.Equal(4.5, (double)sum);

            sum = doubleSum;
            Assert.Equal(4.5, (double)sum);

            sum = singleSum;
            Assert.Equal(4.5, (double)sum);
 public AnalysisKey([CanBeNull] string trafokreis,
                    [CanBeNull] string providerType,
                    SumType sumType,
                    GenerationOrLoad generationOrLoad,
                    [CanBeNull] string houseName,
                    [CanBeNull] string profileSource,
                    [CanBeNull] string houseComponentType)
     Trafokreis         = trafokreis;
     ProviderType       = providerType;
     SumType            = sumType;
     GenerationOrLoad   = generationOrLoad;
     HouseName          = houseName;
     ProfileSource      = profileSource;
     HouseComponentType = houseComponentType;
        // Internal for testing
        internal SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?SetResolveData(SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList> completionResult, LanguageServerKind kind)
            var result = completionResult.Match <SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?>(
                items =>
                var newItems = items.Select(item => SetData(item)).ToArray();
                list =>
                var newItems = list.Items.Select(item => SetData(item)).ToArray();
                if (list is VSCompletionList vsList)
                    return(new VSCompletionList()
                        Items = newItems,
                        IsIncomplete = vsList.IsIncomplete,
                        SuggesstionMode = vsList.SuggesstionMode,
                        ContinueCharacters = vsList.ContinueCharacters

                return(new CompletionList()
                    Items = newItems,
                    IsIncomplete = list.IsIncomplete,
                () => null);


            CompletionItem SetData(CompletionItem item)
                var data = new CompletionResolveData()
                    LanguageServerKind = kind,
                    OriginalData       = item.Data

                item.Data = data;

        private SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?MassageCSharpCompletions(
            CompletionParams request,
            LSPDocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot,
            SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList> result)
            var updatedResult = result;

            var wordExtent = documentSnapshot.Snapshot.GetWordExtent(request.Position.Line, request.Position.Character, _textStructureNavigator);

            if (IsSimpleImplicitExpression(request, documentSnapshot, wordExtent))
                updatedResult = DoNotPreselect(updatedResult);
                updatedResult = IncludeCSharpKeywords(updatedResult);

            updatedResult = RemoveDesignTimeItems(documentSnapshot, wordExtent, updatedResult);
        // We should remove Razor design time helpers from C#'s completion list. If the current identifier being targeted does not start with a double
        // underscore, we trim out all items starting with "__" from the completion list. If the current identifier does start with a double underscore
        // (e.g. "__ab[||]"), we only trim out common design time helpers from the completion list.
        private SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList> RemoveDesignTimeItems(
            LSPDocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot,
            SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList> completionResult)
            var result = completionResult.Match <SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList> >(
                items =>
                items = RemoveDesignTimeItems(documentSnapshot, wordExtent, items);
                list =>
                list.Items = RemoveDesignTimeItems(documentSnapshot, wordExtent, list.Items);

        // C# keywords were previously provided by snippets, but as of now C# LSP doesn't provide snippets.
        // We're providing these for now to improve the user experience (not having to ESC out of completions to finish),
        // but once C# starts providing them their completion will be offered instead, at which point we should be able to remove this step.
        private SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?IncludeCSharpKeywords(SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList> completionResult, LanguageServerKind kind)
            var result = completionResult.Match <SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?>(
                items =>
                var newList = items.Union(KeywordCompletionItems, CompletionItemComparer.Instance);
                list =>
                var newList = list.Items.Union(KeywordCompletionItems, CompletionItemComparer.Instance);
                list.Items  = newList.ToArray();


Esempio n. 21
        private static int GetSum(SumType type)
            int length = type == SumType.Demand ? consumers.Count : producers.Count;
            int sum    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (type == SumType.Demand)
                    sum += consumers[i].Demand;
                    sum += producers[i].Stock;
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task <IEnumerable <DocumentsSummery> > SumAsync(SumType type, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate,
                                                                     int?salesmanCode = null, bool?isClosed = null)
            if (type != SumType.Monthly)
                throw new InvalidStateException($"Unsupported type {type} Not Implemented");
            using var transaction = DalService.CreateUnitOfWork();
            Expression <Func <TDocumentHeader, bool> > datePredicate =
                x => x.Date >= fromDate && x.Date <= toDate && x.IsCanceled != true;

            Expression <Func <TDocumentHeader, bool> > salesmanPredicate =
                x => x.SalesmanSn == salesmanCode && x.Date >= fromDate && x.Date <= toDate && x.IsCanceled != true;

            Expression <Func <TDocumentHeader, bool> > isClosedPredicate =
                x => x.IsClosed == isClosed && x.Date >= fromDate && x.Date <= toDate && x.IsCanceled != true;

            Expression <Func <TDocumentHeader, bool> > isClosedSalesmanPredicate =
                x => x.IsClosed == isClosed && x.SalesmanSn == salesmanCode && x.Date >= fromDate &&
                x.Date <= toDate && x.IsCanceled != true;

            Expression <Func <TDocumentHeader, bool> > predicate;

            if (salesmanCode.HasValue && isClosed.HasValue)
                predicate = isClosedSalesmanPredicate;
            else if (salesmanCode.HasValue)
                predicate = salesmanPredicate;
            else if (isClosed.HasValue)
                predicate = isClosedPredicate;
                predicate = datePredicate;

            return(await GetRepository(transaction).SumMonthlyAsync(predicate));
Esempio n. 23
        // In cases like "@{" preselection can lead to unexpected behavior, so let's exclude it.
        private SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?DoNotPreselect(SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList> completionResult)
            var result = completionResult.Match <SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?>(
                items => {
                foreach (var i in items)
                    i.Preselect = false;

                list => {
                foreach (var i in list.Items)
                    i.Preselect = false;


Esempio n. 24
            static bool TryConvertToCompletionList(SumType <CompletionItem[], CompletionList>?original, out CompletionList completionList)
                if (!original.HasValue)
                    completionList = null;

                if (original.Value.TryGetFirst(out var completionItems))
                    completionList = new CompletionList()
                        Items        = completionItems,
                        IsIncomplete = false
                else if (!original.Value.TryGetSecond(out completionList))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not convert Razor completion set to a completion list. This should be impossible, the completion result should be either a completion list, a set of completion items or `null`.");

Esempio n. 25
        public void IsFalseTest()
            SumType <int, string, bool, double> sum = 1;

            Assert.False(sum.Is <string>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <bool>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <double>());

            sum = "foo";
            Assert.False(sum.Is <int>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <bool>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <double>());

            sum = true;
            Assert.False(sum.Is <int>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <string>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <double>());

            sum = 4.5;
            Assert.False(sum.Is <int>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <string>());
            Assert.False(sum.Is <bool>());
        public async Task HandleRequestAsync_CSharpProjection_InvokesCSharpLanguageServer()
            // Arrange
            var called = false;

            var expectedContents = new SumType <SumType <string, MarkedString>, SumType <string, MarkedString>[], MarkupContent>(
                new MarkedString()
                Language = "markdown",
                Value    = "Hover Details"

            var lspResponse = new Hover()
                Range = new Range()
                    Start = new Position(10, 0),
                    End   = new Position(10, 1)
                Contents = expectedContents

            var expectedItem = new Hover()
                Range = new Range()
                    Start = new Position(0, 0),
                    End   = new Position(0, 1)
                Contents = expectedContents

            var hoverRequest = new TextDocumentPositionParams()
                TextDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier()
                    Uri = Uri
                Position = new Position(0, 1)

            var documentManager = new TestDocumentManager();

            documentManager.AddDocument(Uri, Mock.Of <LSPDocumentSnapshot>());

            var requestInvoker = new Mock <LSPRequestInvoker>();

            .Setup(r => r.ReinvokeRequestOnServerAsync <TextDocumentPositionParams, Hover>(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <TextDocumentPositionParams>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Callback <string, string, TextDocumentPositionParams, CancellationToken>((method, serverContentType, hoverParams, ct) =>
                Assert.Equal(Methods.TextDocumentHoverName, method);
                Assert.Equal(RazorLSPConstants.CSharpContentTypeName, serverContentType);
                called = true;

            var projectionResult = new ProjectionResult()
                LanguageKind = RazorLanguageKind.CSharp
            var projectionProvider = new Mock <LSPProjectionProvider>();

            projectionProvider.Setup(p => p.GetProjectionAsync(It.IsAny <LSPDocumentSnapshot>(), It.IsAny <Position>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(projectionResult));

            var remappingResult = new RazorMapToDocumentRangesResponse()
                Ranges = new[] {
                    new Range()
                        Start = new Position(0, 0),
                        End   = new Position(0, 1)
                HostDocumentVersion = 0
            var documentMappingProvider = new Mock <LSPDocumentMappingProvider>();

            documentMappingProvider.Setup(d => d.MapToDocumentRangesAsync(RazorLanguageKind.CSharp, It.IsAny <Uri>(), It.IsAny <Range[]>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())).

            var hoverHandler = new HoverHandler(requestInvoker.Object, documentManager, projectionProvider.Object, documentMappingProvider.Object);

            // Act
            var result = await hoverHandler.HandleRequestAsync(hoverRequest, new ClientCapabilities(), CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedItem.Contents, result.Contents);
            Assert.Equal(expectedItem.Range, result.Range);
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Don't use this class 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_entityID"></param>
 /// <param name="_sumType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public EntityCollection QuerySumTypeEntity(int _entityID, SumType _sumType)
     return null;
Esempio n. 28
        public EntityCollection QuerySumTypeEntity(SumType _sumType)
            EntityCollection collection = new EntityCollection();
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
                command.Connection = connection;
                command.CommandText = "SP_SEL_Table";
                SqlParameter _param = command.Parameters.Add("@value1", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);
                _param.Value = "Entity";
                SqlParameter _param2 = command.Parameters.Add("@value2", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);
                _param2.Value = "5";
                SqlParameter _param3 = command.Parameters.Add("@value3", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);
                _param3.Value = (int)_sumType;
                SqlParameter _param4 = command.Parameters.Add("@order_by1", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);
                _param4.Value = "1";
                SqlParameter _param5 = command.Parameters.Add("@order_by2", System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                _param5.Value = 0;
                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Entity _entity = new Entity();
                        _entity.EntityID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]);
                        _entity.ParentID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ParentID"]);
                        _entity.EntityName = reader["Entity_Name"].ToString();
                        _entity.EntityType = (EntityType)Convert.ToInt32(reader["Entity_Type"]);
                        _entity.SumType = (SumType)Convert.ToInt32(reader["SumType"]);
                        _entity.Currency.CurrencyID = reader["Currency"].ToString();
                        _entity.ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Exchange_Rate"]);
                        _entity.IsAccount = Convert.ToInt32(reader["IsAccount"]);
                        _entity.Enable = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Enable"]);
                        _entity.IsLastLevel = Convert.ToInt32(reader["IsLastLevel"]);

                        if (_entity.Enable == 1)
                return collection;
 public static Command GetCommand(this SumType <Command, CodeAction> commandOrCodeAction)
                command => command,
                codeAction => codeAction.Command));
Esempio n. 30
        public void SumTryGetFailsTest()
            SumType <int> sum = 1;

            Assert.False(sum.TryGet <string>(out var value));
            Assert.Equal(default, value);
Esempio n. 31
        public void SumIsFalseTest()
            SumType <int> sum = 1;

            Assert.False(sum.Is <string>());
Esempio n. 32
        public void SumIsTrueTest()
            SumType <int> sum = 1;

            Assert.True(sum.Is <int>());
Esempio n. 33
 public void VisitSum(SumType t)
            private void fillDataPeriod(Worksheet ws, List<FactData> sqlData, int columnIndex,
               int minRowIndex, int maxRowIndex, SumType sumType)
                for (int rowIndex = minRowIndex; rowIndex <= maxRowIndex; rowIndex++)
                    var row = (Range)ws.Rows[rowIndex];
                    var codes = row.GetCellValue<string>(1, 1);
                    int currentColIndex = columnIndex;

                    // флаг стоматологии (или неотложки)
                    var isStomaOrEmegency = (rowIndex >= stomaRowRowIndex && rowIndex <= emergencyRowIndex);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codes) || isStomaOrEmegency)
                        if (codes == null)
                            codes = "";

                        // выделяем услуги для текущих специализаций (для стоматологии и неотложки
                        // услуги выделяются в SQL запросе)
                        string[] specCodes = codes.Split(',');
                        List<FactData> rowData = (from c in sqlData
                                                  where isStomaOrEmegency
                                                        || specCodes.Contains(c.SpecCode)
                                                  select c).ToList();

                        double fact = 0;

                        // лямбда для определения фактического показателя для суммирования
                        Func<FactData, double> sumFunc = y =>
                            double result = 0;
                            switch (sumType)
                                case SumType.Event:
                                    result = y.EventCount;
                                case SumType.Kol:
                                    result = y.Kol;
                                case SumType.Uet:
                                    result = y.Uet;
                            return result;

                        // есть ли для текущей специальности годовой план по детям
                        var useChildCodes = row.GetCellValue<int>(1, childPlanProfilacticColumn) > 0
                            || row.GetCellValue<int>(1, childPlanVisitColumn) > 0
                            || row.GetCellValue<int>(1, childPlanTreatmentColumn) > 0;

                        // лямбда для отнесения фактических данных к колонке отчета
                        Func<FactData, bool, ActionKind, bool> selectorFunc = (factData, isChild, actionKind) =>
                            var result = factData.ActionKind == (int)actionKind;
                            if (useChildCodes)
                                result = result && (factData.IsChild == (isChild ? 1 : 0));
                                result = result && !isChild;
                            return result;

                        fact = rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, false, ActionKind.Profilactic)).Sum(sumFunc);
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, fact);

                        fact = rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, true, ActionKind.Profilactic)).Sum(sumFunc);
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, fact);

                        fact = rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, false, ActionKind.Visit)).Sum(sumFunc);
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, fact);

                        fact = rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, true, ActionKind.Visit)).Sum(sumFunc);
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, fact);

                        fact = rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, false, ActionKind.Treatment)).Sum(sumFunc);
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, fact);

                        fact = rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, true, ActionKind.Treatment)).Sum(sumFunc);
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, fact);

                        #region Сбор использованных кодов услуг

                        currentColIndex = serviceCodeColumn;

                        string services = "";

                        services = string.Join(",",
                            rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, false, ActionKind.Profilactic))
                            .Select(x => x.ServiceCode).Distinct());
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, services);

                        services = string.Join(",",
                            rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, true, ActionKind.Profilactic))
                            .Select(x => x.ServiceCode).Distinct());
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, services);

                        services = string.Join(",",
                            rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, false, ActionKind.Visit))
                            .Select(x => x.ServiceCode).Distinct());
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, services);

                        services = string.Join(",",
                            rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, true, ActionKind.Visit))
                            .Select(x => x.ServiceCode).Distinct());
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, services);

                        services = string.Join(",",
                            rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, false, ActionKind.Treatment))
                            .Select(x => x.ServiceCode).Distinct());
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, services);

                        services = string.Join(",",
                            rowData.Where(x => selectorFunc(x, true, ActionKind.Treatment))
                            .Select(x => x.ServiceCode).Distinct());
                        row.SetCellValue(1, currentColIndex++, services);

            private void fillDataCell(Worksheet ws, List<FactData> factDatas, 
                int columnIndex, int rowIndex, SumType sumType)
                Func<FactData, double> sumFunc = y =>
                    double result = 0;
                    switch (sumType)
                        case SumType.Event:
                            result = y.EventCount;
                        case SumType.Client:
                            result = y.ClientCount;
                    return result;

                var fact = factDatas.Sum(sumFunc);

                Utils.SetExcelValue(ws.Cells, rowIndex, columnIndex, fact);
Esempio n. 36
 private static double getRiemannSum(int rects, double start, double end, double deltaX, string func, SumType sumSide)
     var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
     ScalarValue x = new ScalarValue(0);
     Parser.AddVariable("x", x);
     var c = Parser.Parse(func);
     double sum = 0.0;
     double middleOffset = 0;
     int first = 0;
     int limit = rects;
     double trapezoidalMultiple = 1.0;
     //sumSide == SumType.Left is the default case, in which none of these if statements will fire.
     if (sumSide == SumType.Middle)
         middleOffset = deltaX / 2;
     if (sumSide == SumType.Right)
     if (sumSide == SumType.Trapezoidal)
         trapezoidalMultiple = 2.0;
         //Shrink the sum calculated by removing a term on the right side/
         for (int i = first; i < limit; i++)
             x.Value = trapezoidalMultiple * (start + (i * deltaX) + middleOffset);
             ScalarValue s = (ScalarValue)c.Execute();
             sum += s.Value;
         if (sumSide == SumType.Trapezoidal)
             x.Value = start;
             ScalarValue s = (ScalarValue)c.Execute();
             sum += s.Value;
             x.Value = end;
             s = (ScalarValue)c.Execute();
             sum += s.Value;
             sum *= 0.5;
     catch (YAMP.YAMPException ex)
         throw ex;
     //Console.WriteLine(sum * deltaX);
     return sum * deltaX;