public List <Pair> ProfileUserFollow(int userID, int profileUserID, bool stopFollowing) { if (userID > 0) { SueetieUser sueetieFollowingUser = SueetieUsers.GetUser(profileUserID); string result = "You are now following " + sueetieFollowingUser.DisplayName; SueetieFollow sueetieFollow = new SueetieFollow { FollowerUserID = userID, FollowingUserID = profileUserID, ContentIDFollowed = -1 }; if (sueetieFollow.FollowerUserID == sueetieFollow.FollowingUserID) { result = "Sorry, you cannot follow yourself..."; } else { if (!stopFollowing) { int followID = SueetieUsers.FollowUser(sueetieFollow); } else { SueetieUsers.UnFollowUser(sueetieFollow); result = "You are no longer following " + sueetieFollowingUser.DisplayName; } } List <Pair> followResult = new List <Pair>(); followResult.Add(new Pair(stopFollowing, result)); return(followResult); } else { List <Pair> followResult = new List <Pair>(); followResult.Add(new Pair(stopFollowing, "Please login or become a member to follow this person.")); return(followResult); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["u"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Message.aspx"); } else { int userID = DataHelper.GetIntFromQueryString("u", -1); if (userID > 0) { if (SueetieConfiguration.Get().Core.UseForumProfile) { int forumUserID = SueetieUsers.GetThinSueetieUser(userID).ForumUserID; string profileUrl = SueetieUrls.Instance.MasterProfile(forumUserID).Url; Response.Redirect(profileUrl); } UserProfiled = SueetieUsers.GetUser(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["u"].ToString())); if (UserProfiled.IsAnonymous) { Response.Redirect("Message.aspx?msg=1"); } else { if (UserProfiled.HasAvatarImage) { AvatarImg.ImageUrl = "/images/avatars/" + UserProfiled.AvatarFilename; } else { AvatarImg.ImageUrl = "/images/avatars/noavatar.jpg"; } lblMemberSince.Text = UserProfiled.DisplayName + " has been a member of the Sueetie Community since " + UserProfiled.DateJoined.ToString("y"); lblBio.Text = DataHelper.DefaultTextIt(UserProfiled.Bio, UserProfiled.DisplayName + " has not yet created a bio."); Page.Title = SueetieLocalizer.GetString("memberprofile_title") + UserProfiled.DisplayName; } } } }
public string CreateBlogAdmin(string _userIDs) { string[] userIDs = _userIDs.Split(','); string newadmins = string.Empty; foreach (string userID in userIDs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userID)) { SueetieUser sueetieUser = SueetieUsers.GetUser(Convert.ToInt32(userID)); SueetieBlogs.CreateBlogAdmin(sueetieUser); SueetieBlogUtils.CreateProfile(sueetieUser, "blog"); if (!sueetieUser.IsBlogAdministrator) { Roles.AddUserToRole(sueetieUser.UserName, "BlogAdministrator"); } newadmins += sueetieUser.DisplayName + ","; } } return("The following are now site blog administrators: " + DataHelper.CommaTrim(newadmins)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MembershipUser user; string username = Request.QueryString["uname"]; string valBinary = Request.QueryString["key"]; int userid = DataHelper.GetIntFromQueryString("uid", -1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valBinary) && userid > 0) { user = Membership.GetUser(username); SueetieUser sueetieUser = SueetieUsers.GetUser(username); if ((user.IsApproved == false) && (valBinary == user.CreationDate.ToBinary().ToString()) && !sueetieUser.IsBanned) { user.IsApproved = true; Membership.UpdateUser(user); SueetieUsers.CreateUpdateUserProfileCookie(sueetieUser); SueetieLogs.LogUserEntry(UserLogCategoryType.JoinedCommunity, -1, userid); phActivated.Visible = true; phNot.Visible = false; } else { phActivated.Visible = false; phNot.Visible = true; } } else { phActivated.Visible = false; phNot.Visible = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ScriptManager1.RegisterPostBackControl(UpdateUpload); ScriptManager1.RegisterPostBackControl(DeleteAvatarButton); ScriptManager1.RegisterPostBackControl(btnUpdateBio); ScriptManager1.RegisterPostBackControl(ChangePasswordButton); if (Request.QueryString["dv"] == "1" || Request.QueryString["av"] == "1" || Request.QueryString["iv"] == "1") { TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 2; } else if (Request.QueryString["bio"] == "1") { TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 2; } else if (Request.QueryString["pr"] == "1") { TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 0; } else { TabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 0; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { SueetieUser sueetieUser = SueetieUsers.GetUser(CurrentUserID, false); SetActiveButtonAttributes(CancelButton); SetActiveButtonAttributes(ChangePasswordButton); SetActiveButtonAttributes(btnUpdateProfile); SetActiveButtonAttributes(btnUpdateBio); SueetieUIHelper.PopulateTimeZoneList(ddTimeZones, sueetieUser.TimeZone.ToString()); SueetieUserProfile profile = CurrentSueetieUser.Profile; txtCurrentPassword.Text = string.Empty; txtDisplayName.Text = sueetieUser.DisplayName; txtEmail.Text = sueetieUser.Email; #region Optional Profile Property Assignments if (chkNewsletter != null) { HasNewsletterCheckBox = true; chkNewsletter.Checked = profile.Newsletter; } #endregion // When using ProfileBase... //ProfileBase profile = HttpContext.Current.Profile; //txtDisplayName.Text = profile["DisplayName"] as string; //ddlGenders.SelectedValue = profile["Gender"] as string; //ddlOccupations.SelectedValue = profile["Occupation"] as string; //txtWebsite.Text = profile["Website"] as string; //txtTwitterName.Text = profile["TwitterName"] as string; //ddlCountries.SelectedValue = profile["Country"] as string; txtBio.Text = sueetieUser.Bio; } } BindData(); }
public string GetDisplayName(int userid) { return(SueetieUsers.GetUser(userid).DisplayName); }