Esempio n. 1
        public SubscribeResponseMessage Subscribe(SubscribeRequestMessage request)
            var deliverTo = request.Body.Delivery.NotifyTo.ToEndpointAddress().Uri;
            var id        = Guid.NewGuid();

            var subscription = new Tuple <Uri, DateTime>(deliverTo, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5));

            Subscribers.Add(id, subscription);

            Console.WriteLine("\tSubscription request for {0}", deliverTo);
            Console.WriteLine("\tSubscription ID {0}", id);
            Console.WriteLine("\tSubscription Expires {0}", subscription.Item2);

            // We're going to run the event source as the Subscription Manager as
            //  well so the endpoint will be the same. Because they have the same
            //  EPA.To, Event subscriber identification will be handled via the
            //  wse:Identifier header element and will be a reference header in
            //  the EPA for the subscription manager endpoint.
            var manager = new SubscriptionManager(OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.To);

            var response = new SubscribeResponseMessage(manager, new Expires(subscription.Item2));

            response.Identifier = id; // This will insert the wse:Identifier address header to the EPA we return to the subscriber

Esempio n. 2
        public SubscribeResponseMessage Subscribe(SubscribeRequestMessage request)
            var deliverTo = request.Body.Delivery.NotifyTo.ToEndpointAddress().Uri;


            Console.WriteLine("\tSubscription request for " + deliverTo);

            // We're not going to run an actual Subscription Manager endpoint NOR
            //  going to support identification of specific subscribers (via the
            //  wse:Identifier header element) in this example hence the use of
            //  http://tempuri endpoint address.
            var response = new SubscribeResponseMessage(new SubscribeResponseMessageBody(new SubscriptionManager(new Uri("http://tempuri")), new Expires(DateTime.MaxValue)));
