Esempio n. 1
        public Chunk NBTDeserialize(CompoundTag tag)
            CompoundTag level = (CompoundTag)tag["Level"];
            int         x     = level.GetInt("xPos");
            int         z     = level.GetInt("zPos");

            SubChunk[] subChunks = ArrayUtils.CreateArray <SubChunk>(16);
            ListTag    sections  = level.GetList("Sections");

            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; ++i)
                CompoundTag section  = ((CompoundTag)sections[i]);
                SubChunk    subChunk = new SubChunk();
                byte        y        = section.GetByte("Y");
                subChunk.BlockDatas  = section.GetByteArray("Blocks");
                subChunk.MetaDatas   = new NibbleArray(section.GetByteArray("Data"));
                subChunk.SkyLights   = new NibbleArray(section.GetByteArray("SkyLight"));
                subChunk.BlockLigths = new NibbleArray(section.GetByteArray("BlockLight"));
                subChunks[y]         = subChunk;

            byte[]  biomes    = level.GetByteArray("Biomes");
            short[] cast      = new short[256];
            int[]   heightMap = level.GetIntArray("HeightMap");
            heightMap.CopyTo(cast, 0);

            Chunk chunk = new Chunk(x, z, subChunks, biomes, cast, level.GetList("Entities"), level.GetList("TileEntities"));

            chunk.LastUpdate       = level.GetLong("LastUpdate");
            chunk.InhabitedTime    = level.GetLong("InhabitedTime");
            chunk.LightPopulated   = level.GetByte("LightPopulated") == 1;
            chunk.TerrainPopulated = level.GetByte("TerrainPopulated") == 1;

Esempio n. 2
    public override ChunkMesh Draw(SubChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, ChunkMesh data)
        Shape shape = GetShape();

        if (!chunk.getBlock(x, y + 1, z).isSolid(WorldTypes.Direction.down, BlockBin.Air))
            data = FaceDataUp(data, x, y, z, shape);
        if (!chunk.getBlock(x, y - 1, z).isSolid(WorldTypes.Direction.up, BlockBin.Air))
            data = FaceDataDown(data, x, y, z, shape);
        if (!chunk.getBlock(x, y, z - 1).isSolid(WorldTypes.Direction.north, BlockBin.Air))
            data = FaceDataSouth(data, x, y, z, shape);
        if (!chunk.getBlock(x, y, z + 1).isSolid(WorldTypes.Direction.south, BlockBin.Air))
            data = FaceDataNorth(data, x, y, z, shape);
        if (!chunk.getBlock(x - 1, y, z).isSolid(WorldTypes.Direction.east, BlockBin.Air))
            data = FaceDataWest(data, x, y, z, shape);
        if (!chunk.getBlock(x + 1, y, z).isSolid(WorldTypes.Direction.west, BlockBin.Air))
            data = FaceDataEast(data, x, y, z, shape);

Esempio n. 3
        public override void GenerationBasicTerrain(Chunk chunk)
            if (this.flatOption != null)
                BlockLayers layers = this.flatOption.blockLayers;
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)     //X
                    for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) //Z
                        int y = 0;
                        for (int c = 0; c < layers.layers.Count; ++c)
                            BlockLayer layer = layers.layers[c];
                            for (int k = 0; k < layer.height; ++k)//Y
                                if (World.MAX_HEIGHT == y)
                                    Logger.Warn("World MaxHeight 256");
                                chunk.SetBlock(i, y, j, (byte)layer.block.ID);
                                chunk.SetMetadata(i, y, j, (byte)layer.block.Damage);
                                chunk.SetBiome(i, j, BiomeIDs.Plains);
                SubChunk flat = new SubChunk();
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)         //X
                    for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j)     //Z
                        for (int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) //Y
                            if (k == 0)
                                flat.SetBlock(i, k, j, 7);
                            else if (k == 1 || k == 2)
                                flat.SetBlock(i, k, j, 3);
                            else if (k == 3)
                                flat.SetBlock(i, k, j, 2);

                chunk.SubChunks[0] = flat;
Esempio n. 4
    public SubChunk getChunkAtIndex(int index)
        SubChunk subB = null;

        foreach (SubChunk sub in subChunk)
            if (sub.index == index)
                subB = sub;
Esempio n. 5
        public override Chunk DeserializeChunk(CompoundTag tag)
            CompoundTag level = tag.GetCompound("").GetCompound("Level");

            int x = level.GetInt("xPos");
            int z = level.GetInt("zPos");

            byte[]  biomes    = level.GetByteArray("Biomes");
            short[] cast      = new short[256];
            int[]   heightMap = level.GetIntArray("HeightMap");
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
                cast[i] = (short)heightMap[i];

            ListTag sections = level.GetList("Sections");

            SubChunk[] subChunks = new SubChunk[16];
            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; ++i)
                CompoundTag section  = (CompoundTag)sections[i];
                SubChunk    subChunk = new SubChunk();
                byte        y        = section.GetByte("Y");
                byte[]      bytes    = section.GetByteArray("Blocks");
                int[]       blocks   = new int[4096];
                for (int j = 0; j < 4096; ++j)
                    blocks[j] = bytes[j];
                subChunk.BlockDatas = blocks;
                subChunk.MetaDatas  = new NibbleArray(section.GetByteArray("Data"));
                subChunk.BlockLight = section.GetByteArray("BlockLight");
                subChunk.SkyLight   = section.GetByteArray("SkyLight");
                subChunks[y]        = subChunk;

            Chunk chunk = new Chunk(x, z, subChunks, level.GetList("Entities"), level.GetList("TileEntities"))
                LastUpdate       = level.GetLong("LastUpdate"),
                LightPopulated   = level.GetByte("LightPopulated"),
                TerrainPopulated = level.GetByte("TerrainPopulated"),
                V             = level.GetByte("V"),
                InhabitedTime = level.GetLong("InhabitedTime"),
                Biomes        = biomes,
                HeightMap     = cast

Esempio n. 6
    public void ChunkSetup()
        this.Name = Position.ToString();

        // Filling all subchunks
        for (int sc = 0; sc < SUBCHUNK_COUNT; sc++)
            m_SubChunks[sc]            = new SubChunk();
            m_SubChunks[sc].SubChunkId = sc;
            m_SubChunks[sc].Chunk = this;

        isSetup = true;
Esempio n. 7
    public override ChunkMesh Draw(SubChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, ChunkMesh data)
        Shape shape = GetShape();

        data = FaceDataSouth(data, x, y, z, shape);

        data = FaceDataNorth(data, x, y, z, shape);

        data = FaceDataWest(data, x, y, z, shape);

        data = FaceDataEast(data, x, y, z, shape);

    public T CreateSubChunk <T> (float x, float y, float z, SubChunk sub, Chunk chunk) where T : SubChunk
        Vector3 position    = new Vector3(x, y, z);
        T       newSubChunk = (T)sub.GetPooledInstance <T> ();

        newSubChunk.transform.position = position;
        newSubChunk.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(;
        newSubChunk.parentChunk        = chunk;
        newSubChunk.transform.parent   = chunk.transform;
        newSubChunk.chunkWidth         = chunk.chunkWidth;
        newSubChunk.chunkHeight        = chunk.chunkHeight;
        newSubChunk.chunkDepth         = chunk.chunkDepth;

Esempio n. 9
        public void ArrayUtilsTests_CreateArrayTest()
            SubChunk c = new SubChunk();

            SubChunk[] c1 = ArrayUtils.CreateArray(10, c);
            SubChunk[] c2 = ArrayUtils.CreateArray <SubChunk>(10);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)


            for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
Esempio n. 10
 public Block GetBlock(int x, int y, int z)
     if (inRange(x, y, z))
         SubChunk t = getChunkAtPosition(x, y, z);
         if (t != null)
             return(BlockBin.GetBlock(t.getBlockNum(x, y, z)));
         //return BlockBin.Air;
         return(world.GetBlock(x, y, z, this));
Esempio n. 11
        public void RoundtripTest()
            var provider      = new LevelDbProvider(null);
            var flatGenerator = new SuperflatGenerator(Dimension.Overworld);

            SubChunk chunk = flatGenerator.GenerateChunkColumn(new ChunkCoordinates())[0];

            using var stream = new MemoryStream();
            provider.Write(chunk, stream);
            byte[] output = stream.ToArray();

            var parsedChunk = new SubChunk();

            provider.ParseSection(parsedChunk, output);

            // Assert
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(chunk.Blocks, parsedChunk.Blocks);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(chunk.LoggedBlocks, parsedChunk.LoggedBlocks);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(chunk.RuntimeIds, parsedChunk.RuntimeIds);
Esempio n. 12
    void GenerateSubChunks()
        for (int i = 0; i < subChunkCount; i++)
            float   y     = i * subChunkSize.y;
            Vector3 scPos = new Vector3(pos.x, y, pos.z);

            GameObject subChunk = new GameObject();
   = $"SubChunk @{scPos}";
            subChunk.transform.position = scPos;
            subChunk.transform.parent   = transform;

            SubChunk sc = subChunk.AddComponent <SubChunk>();
            sc.position = scPos;
            sc.SetMeshFilter(subChunk.AddComponent <MeshFilter>());
            MeshRenderer mr = subChunk.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            mr.material = chunkMaterial;
            sc.SetMeshCollider(subChunk.AddComponent <MeshCollider>());
            subChunks[i] = sc;
Esempio n. 13
 public override ChunkMesh Draw(SubChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, ChunkMesh data)
Esempio n. 14
 public void RequestGeneration(SubChunk chunk)
Esempio n. 15
        public void CoordinateCoversions()
            int cellIndexX = 0;
            int cellIndexY = 0;

            for (int chX = 0; chX < ChunksX; chX++)
                for (int chY = 0; chY < ChunksY; chY++)
                    Chunk chunk = world.GetChunkAtPosition(cellIndexX, cellIndexY);
                    Assert.True(chunk.ChunkXIndex == chX);
                    Assert.True(chunk.ChunkYIndex == chY);

                    Assert.True(chunk.ChunkX == chX * world.CellsPerChunkWidth);
                    Assert.True(chunk.ChunkY == chY * world.CellsPerChunkHeight);
                    for (int schX = 0; schX < SubChunksX; schX++)
                        for (int schY = 0; schY < SubChunksY; schY++)
                            SubChunk subchunk = world.GetSubChunkAtPosition(cellIndexX, cellIndexY);
                            Assert.True(subchunk.SubChunkXIndex == schX);
                            Assert.True(subchunk.SubChunkYIndex == schY);

                            Assert.True(subchunk.SubChunkX == chX * world.CellsPerChunkWidth + schX * world.CellsPerSubChunkWidth);
                            Assert.True(subchunk.SubChunkY == chY * world.CellsPerChunkHeight + schY * world.CellsPerSubChunkHeight);
                            for (int cX = 0; cX < CellsX; cX++)
                                for (int cY = 0; cY < CellsY; cY++)
                                    Cell cell = world.GetCellAtPosition(cellIndexX, cellIndexY);
                                    Assert.True(cell.CellXLocal == cX);
                                    Assert.True(cell.CellYLocal == cY);
                                    Assert.True(cell.CellX == cellIndexX);
                                    Assert.True(cell.CellY == cellIndexY);
                                cellIndexY -= CellsY;
                            cellIndexX -= CellsX;
                            cellIndexY += CellsY;
                        cellIndexX += CellsX;
                        cellIndexY -= CellsY * SubChunksY;
                    cellIndexX -= CellsX * SubChunksX;
                    cellIndexY += CellsY * SubChunksY;
                cellIndexX += CellsX * SubChunksX;
                cellIndexY  = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < world.TotalWorldWidthCells; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < world.TotalWorldHeightCells; y++)
                    Cell cell = world.GetCellAtPosition(x, y);

                    if (cell.Adjacency.TL != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.TL.CellX == x - 1);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.TL.CellY == y - 1);
                    if (cell.Adjacency.TM != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.TM.CellX == x);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.TM.CellY == y - 1);
                    if (cell.Adjacency.TR != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.TR.CellX == x + 1);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.TR.CellY == y - 1);

                    if (cell.Adjacency.ML != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.ML.CellX == x - 1);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.ML.CellY == y);
                    if (cell.Adjacency.MM != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.MM.CellX == x);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.MM.CellY == y);
                    if (cell.Adjacency.MR != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.MR.CellX == x + 1);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.MR.CellY == y);

                    if (cell.Adjacency.BL != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.BL.CellX == x - 1);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.BL.CellY == y + 1);
                    if (cell.Adjacency.BM != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.BM.CellX == x);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.BM.CellY == y + 1);
                    if (cell.Adjacency.BR != null)
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.BR.CellX == x + 1);
                        Assert.True(cell.Adjacency.BR.CellY == y + 1);
Esempio n. 16
    // Creates a cube using an array.
    public static ArrayMesh Render(SubChunk chunk)
        var arrayMesh = new ArrayMesh();

        // Array containing other arrays.
        // OpenGL array buffer.
        var arrays = new Godot.Collections.Array();


        // Reset data.
        Vertices = new Vector3[9999];
        Normals  = new Vector3[9999];
        Colors   = new Color[9999];

        vertexIdx = 0;

        if (chunk.isEmpty())

        // If sub-chunk is completely surrounded. dont render.
        if (!chunk.RenderBottom && !chunk.RenderTop &&
            !chunk.RenderLeft && !chunk.RenderRight &&
            !chunk.RenderFront && !chunk.RenderBack)

        // 16 x 16 x 16 = 4096 blocks.
        for (int x = 0; x < Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE; y++)
                    // No cube if not active.
                    if (chunk.GetBlock(x, y, z) == -1)

                    // Create cube.
                    CreateBlock(new Vector3(x, y, z), chunk);

        System.Array.Resize(ref Vertices, vertexIdx);
        System.Array.Resize(ref Normals, vertexIdx);
        System.Array.Resize(ref Colors, vertexIdx);

        // Fill the array with the others arrays.
        arrays[0] = Vertices;
        arrays[1] = Normals;
        arrays[3] = Colors;

        if (Vertices.Length == 0)

        // Create surface from arrays.
        arrayMesh.AddSurfaceFromArrays(Mesh.PrimitiveType.Triangles, arrays);


        // Done.
Esempio n. 17
    private static void CreateBlock(Vector3 position, SubChunk chunk)
        // subChunk index in the Chunk itself. [0, 15]
        int subChunkId = chunk.SubChunkId;

        // Position as integer.
        int x = (int)position.x;
        int y = (int)position.y;
        int z = (int)position.z;

        // False if there is a block next to those faces.
        bool left, right, top, bottom, front, back;

        top    = y != 15 ? chunk.GetBlock(x, y + 1, z) == -1 : true;
        bottom = y != 0  ? chunk.GetBlock(x, y - 1, z) == -1 : true;
        left   = x != 0  ? chunk.GetBlock(x - 1, y, z) == -1 : true;
        right  = x != 15 ? chunk.GetBlock(x + 1, y, z) == -1 : true;
        front  = z != 15 ? chunk.GetBlock(x, y, z + 1) == -1 : true;
        back   = z != 0  ? chunk.GetBlock(x, y, z - 1) == -1 : true;

        // If the block is completly surrounded(not seen).
        if (left && right && top && bottom && front && back)

        // Should draw faces? except chunk borders.
        bool leftChunk  = true;
        bool rightChunk = true;
        bool backChunk  = true;
        bool frontChunk = true;

        if (x == 0)
            leftChunk = chunk.Chunk.ChunkLeft.GetSubChunk(subChunkId).GetBlock(15, y, z) == -1;
        if (x == 15)
            rightChunk = chunk.Chunk.ChunkRight.GetSubChunk(subChunkId).GetBlock(0, y, z) == -1;
        if (z == 0)
            backChunk = chunk.Chunk.ChunkBack.GetSubChunk(subChunkId).GetBlock(x, y, 15) == -1;
        if (z == 15)
            frontChunk = chunk.Chunk.ChunkFront.GetSubChunk(subChunkId).GetBlock(x, y, 0) == -1;

        // Check if there is a block in the above subchunk.
        // Dont check if the subchunk is the bottom or top one.
        bool topChunk    = true;
        bool bottomChunk = true;

        if (subChunkId != 15)
            SubChunk topSubChunk = chunk.Chunk.GetSubChunk(subChunkId + 1);
            if (topSubChunk.isFull())
                topChunk = true;
                topChunk = topSubChunk.GetBlock(x, 0, z) == -1;
        if (subChunkId != 0)
            SubChunk botSubChunk = chunk.Chunk.GetSubChunk(subChunkId - 1);
            if (botSubChunk.isFull())
                bottomChunk = false;
                bottomChunk = botSubChunk.GetBlock(x, 15, z) == -1;

        // False if should not render chunk border faces.
        bool topBorder    = y == 15 ? chunk.RenderTop && topChunk    : top;
        bool bottomBorder = y == 0  ? chunk.RenderBottom && bottomChunk : bottom;
        bool leftBorder   = x == 0  ? chunk.RenderLeft && leftChunk   : left;
        bool rightBorder  = x == 15 ? chunk.RenderRight && rightChunk  : right;
        bool frontBorder  = z == 15 ? chunk.RenderFront && frontChunk  : front;
        bool backBorder   = z == 0  ? chunk.RenderBack && backChunk   : back;

        // Display the chunk in green if chunk is surrounded.
        int gx = (int)(chunk.Chunk.Position.x * 16) + x;
        int gz = (int)(chunk.Chunk.Position.y * 16) + z;

        CurrentColor = BlockPalette.GetColor((BLOCK_TYPE)chunk.GetBlock(x, y, z), gx, gz);

        // Represent each faces of a cube and if it should place
        // each faces. Placed in the same order in CUBE_FACES enum.
        bool[] lutFaces =
            topBorder,   bottomBorder,
            leftBorder,  rightBorder,
            frontBorder, backBorder

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            if (lutFaces[i] == true)
                CreateFace(i, position);