Esempio n. 1
        private void AddAssociationArrow(StylusPoint firstPoint, StylusPoint lastPoint)
            Point pointOnStroke = GetPointForArrow(new Coordinates(firstPoint.ToPoint()), new Coordinates(lastPoint.ToPoint()), 10);

            Point actualArrowPoint1 = rotatePointAroundPoint(pointOnStroke, firstPoint.ToPoint(), 45);
            Point actualArrowPoint2 = rotatePointAroundPoint(pointOnStroke, firstPoint.ToPoint(), -45);

            StylusPoints.Add(new StylusPoint(actualArrowPoint1.X, actualArrowPoint1.Y));
            StylusPoints.Add(new StylusPoint(actualArrowPoint2.X, actualArrowPoint2.Y));
Esempio n. 2
        //private void StudentInkCanvas_SpeedCheckedEvent(object sender, StudentInkCanvas.SpeedCheckedEventArgs e)
        //    IsSpeedChecked = e.state;


        #region overrides

        protected override void OnStylusDown(RawStylusInput rawStylusInput)
            Stroke tempStroke = new Stroke(rawStylusInput.GetStylusPoints());

            //if the styluspoints is not empty
            if (tempStroke.StylusPoints.Count >= 0)
                //get the stroke thats the animation is running on
                ExpertStroke = ExpertStrokeCollection[StudentStrokeCount];
                //set the first point of the stroke as the expert reference point
                ExpertStylusPoint = ExpertStroke.StylusPoints.First();

                if (tempStroke.HitTest(ExpertStylusPoint.ToPoint(), HitThreshold))
                    foreach (StylusPoint sp in tempStroke.StylusPoints)
                    StrokeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0);
                    StrokeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 3
        private void MoveDotAndRobotToStylusPoint(StylusPoint stylusPt)
            var pt = stylusPt.ToPoint();

            if (dot.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                dotTranslateTransform.X = pt.X - (inkCanvas.ActualWidth / 2);
                dotTranslateTransform.Y = pt.Y - (inkCanvas.ActualHeight / 2);

            //TODO :: handle case where drawDimensionSize is less than the inkCanvas.Strokes size
            // Apply the scalingFactor to the point that the robot will draw.
            // FOR TESTING
            if (!isShowingDrawZone)
                // get the scaleFactor between the (inkSize + (drawDimensionSize - inkSize))
                // and  the actual inkSize.

                // TODO :: establish a new origin to be the Top Left of the Draw Rectangle
                double scaleFactorX = (drawZoneRect.Width / (inkCanvas.ActualWidth));
                double scaleFactorY = (drawZoneRect.Height / (inkCanvas.ActualHeight));

                pt.X = (pt.X * scaleFactorX) + drawZoneRect.Left;
                pt.Y = (pt.Y * scaleFactorY) + drawZoneRect.Top;

            // Send the point to the robot too.
            // Leave the arm in its current down state.
Esempio n. 4
        private void MoveDotAndRobotToStylusPoint(StylusPoint stylusPt)
            var pt = stylusPt.ToPoint();

            if (dot.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                dotTranslateTransform.X = pt.X - (inkCanvas.ActualWidth / 2);
                dotTranslateTransform.Y = pt.Y - (inkCanvas.ActualHeight / 2);

            // Send the point to the robot too.
Esempio n. 5
        protected Point GetTheRightBottomPoint()
            if (StylusPoints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("StylusPoints");
            StylusPoint tmpPoint = new StylusPoint(0, 0);

            foreach (StylusPoint point in StylusPoints)
                if ((point.X > tmpPoint.X) || (point.Y > tmpPoint.Y))
                    tmpPoint = point;
Esempio n. 6
        protected Point GetTheLeftTopPoint()
            if (StylusPoints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("StylusPoints");
            StylusPoint tmpPoint = new StylusPoint(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue);

            foreach (StylusPoint point in StylusPoints)
                if ((point.X < tmpPoint.X) || (point.Y < tmpPoint.Y))
                    tmpPoint = point;
        // resample the stroke into point set with constant inter-distance
        private void ResampleStrokes(int pass)
            // initial the variable
            m_resampleTime = new double[500];
            m_numS         = 0;
            m_meanTime     = 0;

            // init number of raw points between two resampled points
            int numBetween = 0;

            // compute the diagonal of the stroke's bounding box
            Rect   bound = m_stroke.GetBounds();
            double diag  = GetDistance(bound.TopLeft, bound.BottomRight);

            // set the distance between resampled poits to be 1/40 of the diagonal
            m_cellDist = diag / 40;

            // resample the points
            double m_length = 0;
            int    preIndex = 0;

            // pass 0: the first resampled points is the start point of the stroke
            if (pass == 0)
                m_resampleTime[m_numS] = 0;

            // compute other resampled points
            for (int i = 1; i < m_numP; i++)
                // compute the distance between ajacent two raw points in the stroke
                double dist = GetDistance(m_stroke.StylusPoints[i - 1].ToPoint(), m_stroke.StylusPoints[i].ToPoint());
                // check the distance between the last resampled point and the visiting raw points
                if (m_length + dist >= m_cellDist ||
                    (pass == 1 && m_numS == 0 && m_length + dist >= m_cellDist / 2.0))
                    // add a new point to the resampled points
                    Point       newPoint = new Point();
                    StylusPoint preP     = m_stroke.StylusPoints[i - 1];
                    StylusPoint curP     = m_stroke.StylusPoints[i];
                    // compute the position of the new resampled point
                    if (pass == 1 && m_numS == 0)
                        // first shifted resampled point
                        newPoint.X = preP.X + ((m_cellDist / 2.0 - m_length) / dist) * (curP.X - preP.X);
                        newPoint.Y = preP.Y + ((m_cellDist / 2.0 - m_length) / dist) * (curP.Y - preP.Y);
                        // other resampled points
                        newPoint.X = preP.X + ((m_cellDist - m_length) / dist) * (curP.X - preP.X);
                        newPoint.Y = preP.Y + ((m_cellDist - m_length) / dist) * (curP.Y - preP.Y);
                    // compute the distance from the new resampled point to the raw point i
                    m_length = GetDistance(newPoint, curP.ToPoint());

                    // compute time for each resampled point
                    m_resampleTime[m_numS] = m_time[i] - m_time[preIndex];
                    if (m_resampleTime[m_numS] < 0)
                        m_resampleTime[m_numS] = 0;
                    // compute the mean time of the resampled points
                    m_meanTime += m_resampleTime[m_numS];

                    // add extra resampled points between newPoint and raw point i
                    preIndex   = i;
                    numBetween = 0;
                    // make sure m_length is less than m_cellDist
                    while (m_length > m_cellDist)
                        // find all possible resampled point befor i
                        newPoint.X += (m_cellDist / dist) * (curP.X - preP.X);
                        newPoint.Y += (m_cellDist / dist) * (curP.Y - preP.Y);
                        m_length -= m_cellDist;
                        // compute time for each resampled point
                        m_resampleTime[m_numS] = m_time[i] - m_time[i - 1];
                        if (m_resampleTime[m_numS] < 0)
                            m_resampleTime[m_numS] = 0;
                        // compute the mean time of the resampled points
                        m_meanTime += m_resampleTime[m_numS];
                    // get the last resampled point
                    m_length += dist;
                    if ((m_length > m_cellDist) && (i == m_numP - 1))
                        m_resampleTime[m_numS] = m_time[i] - m_time[preIndex];

            // compute mean time of resampled point
            m_meanTime /= m_numS;
Esempio n. 8
        protected override void OnStylusMoveProcessed(object callbackData, bool targetVerified)
            // Check that the element actually receive the OnStylusUp input.
            if (targetVerified)
                //Debug.WriteLine("StudentDynamicRendrer/StudentStrokeCount : " + StudentStrokeCount);
                StylusPointCollection spc = callbackData as StylusPointCollection;

                //pass the points into a stroke to find the neartest stroke
                Stroke tempStroke = new Stroke(spc);

                //if the expert stroke is loaded
                if (IsExpertStrokeLoaded == true)
                    //get the expert strokes collection that are overlapping with the current ink stroke
                    //StrokeCollection tempStrokeCollection = SelectBoundingStrokeCollection(tempStroke, ExpertStrokeCollection);
                    //if the tempstrokecollection returns empty exit the method.
                    //if (tempStrokeCollection.Count > 0)
                    //get the stylusPoint and the stroke over lapping the pen point from the tempStrokeCollection
                    //Stroke ExpertStroke = ExpertStrokeCollection[StudentStrokeCount];
                    //set the first point of the stroke as the
                    //ExpertStylusPoint = ExpertStroke.StylusPoints.First();
                    //ExpertStylusPoint = SelectNearestExpertPoint(tempStroke, tempStrokeCollection, out ExpertStroke);

                    //raise the event that the nearest expert point is selected
                    //NearestExpertStylusPointCalculatedEventArgs args = new NearestExpertStylusPointCalculatedEventArgs();
                    //args.styluspoint = ExpertStylusPoint;
                    //args.stroke = ExpertStroke;

                    //if StrokeFeedback is requested
                    if (IsStrokeChecked == true)
                        if (tempStroke.HitTest(ExpertStylusPoint.ToPoint(), HitThreshold))
                            foreach (StylusPoint sp in tempStroke.StylusPoints)
                            StrokeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0);
                            StrokeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);
                    //If Pressure is checked change the color of the Stroke
                    if (IsPressureChecked == true)
                        List <float> pressureFactorList = new List <float>();
                        foreach (StylusPoint s in tempStroke.StylusPoints)
                        float StudentPressureFactor = pressureFactorList.Average();
                        //multiplier to darken or lighen the PreviousColor
                        float ExpertPressureFactor = ExpertStylusPoint.PressureFactor;
                        //if pressure is higher produce darker color by passing negetive number
                        float ColorWeight = ExpertPressureFactor - StudentPressureFactor;
                        StrokeColor = ChangeColorBrightness(StrokeColor, ColorWeight);
