Esempio n. 1
         * Writes out to disk the header, and then all the properties
        public void WriteOut(Stream o)
            // First goes the number of characters we affect
            StyleTextPropAtom.WriteLittleEndian(charactersCovered, o);

            // Then we have the reserved field if required
            if (reservedField > -1)
                StyleTextPropAtom.WriteLittleEndian(reservedField, o);

            // Then the mask field
            int mask = maskSpecial;

            for (int i = 0; i < textPropList.Count; i++)
                TextProp textProp = (TextProp)textPropList[i];
                //sometimes header indicates that the bitmask is present but its value is 0

                if (textProp is BitMaskTextProp)
                    if (mask == 0)
                        mask |= textProp.GetWriteMask();
                    mask |= textProp.GetWriteMask();
            StyleTextPropAtom.WriteLittleEndian(mask, o);

            // Then the contents of all the properties
            for (int i = 0; i < textPropList.Count; i++)
                TextProp textProp = textPropList[i];
                int      val      = textProp.GetValue();
                if (textProp.GetSize() == 2)
                    StyleTextPropAtom.WriteLittleEndian((short)val, o);
                else if (textProp.GetSize() == 4)
                    StyleTextPropAtom.WriteLittleEndian(val, o);
Esempio n. 2
	 * Internal constructor and Initializer
	private TextRun(TextHeaderAtom tha, TextBytesAtom tba, TextCharsAtom tca, StyleTextPropAtom sta) {
		_headerAtom = tha;
		_styleAtom = sta;
		if(tba != null) {
			_byteAtom = tba;
			_isUnicode = false;
		} else {
			_charAtom = tca;
			_isUnicode = true;
		String RunRawText = GetText();

		// Figure out the rich text Runs
		LinkedList pStyles = new LinkedList();
		LinkedList cStyles = new LinkedList();
		if(_styleAtom != null) {
			// Get the style atom to grok itself
			pStyles = _styleAtom.GetParagraphStyles();
			cStyles = _styleAtom.GetCharacterStyles();
        buildRichTextRuns(pStyles, cStyles, RunRawText);
Esempio n. 3
    public TextRun CreateTextRun(){
        _txtbox = GetEscherTextboxWrapper();
        if(_txtbox == null) _txtbox = new EscherTextboxWrapper();

        _txtrun = GetTextRun();
        if(_txtrun == null){
            TextHeaderAtom tha = new TextHeaderAtom();

            TextCharsAtom tca = new TextCharsAtom();

            StyleTextPropAtom sta = new StyleTextPropAtom(0);

            _txtrun = new TextRun(tha,tca,sta);
            _txtRun._records = new Record[]{tha, tca, sta};



        return _txtRun;
Esempio n. 4
	* Constructs a Text Run from a Ascii text block
	* @param tha the TextHeaderAtom that defines what's what
	* @param tba the TextBytesAtom Containing the text
	* @param sta the StyleTextPropAtom which defines the character stylings
	public TextRun(TextHeaderAtom tha, TextBytesAtom tba, StyleTextPropAtom sta) {
Esempio n. 5
	* Constructs a Text Run from a Unicode text block
	* @param tha the TextHeaderAtom that defines what's what
	* @param tca the TextCharsAtom Containing the text
	* @param sta the StyleTextPropAtom which defines the character stylings
	public TextRun(TextHeaderAtom tha, TextCharsAtom tca, StyleTextPropAtom sta) {
Esempio n. 6
	 * Ensure a StyleTextPropAtom is present for this Run,
	 *  by Adding if required. Normally for internal TextRun use.
	public void ensureStyleAtomPresent() {
		if(_styleAtom != null) {
			// All there

		// Create a new one at the right size
		_styleAtom = new StyleTextPropAtom(getRawText().Length + 1);

		// Use the TextHeader atom to Get at the parent
		RecordContainer RunAtomsParent = _headerAtom.GetParentRecord();

		// Add the new StyleTextPropAtom after the TextCharsAtom / TextBytesAtom
		Record AddAfter = _byteAtom;
		if(_byteAtom == null) { AddAfter = _charAtom; }
		RunAtomsParent.AddChildAfter(_styleAtom, AddAfter);

		// Feed this to our sole rich text run
		if(_rtRuns.Length != 1) {
			throw new InvalidOperationException("Needed to add StyleTextPropAtom when had many rich text Runs");
		// These are the only styles for now