public void CanMergeWHenFalseyValues()
            var result = StyleEngine
                                         new StyleSetFake
                Root = new Style {
                    Background = "red"
                A = new Style {
                    Background = "green"
                                         new StyleSetFake
                A = new Style {
                    Background = "white"
                B = new Style {
                    Background = "blue"

            Assert.AreEqual("root-0", result.Root);
            Assert.AreEqual("a-1", result.A);
            Assert.AreEqual("b-2", result.B);
            Assert.AreEqual(".root-0{background:red;}" + ".a-1{background:white;}" + ".b-2{background:blue;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
        public void CanMergeWhenAllInputsAraFalsy()
            var result = StyleEngine.MergeStyleSets <StyleSetFake>(null, false, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(new StyleSetFake(), result);
            Assert.AreEqual("", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task SupportOverridingTheDefaultPrefix()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style { Background = "red" });

            Assert.AreEqual(className, "myCss-0");
            Assert.AreEqual(".myCss-0{background:red;}", _stylessheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 4
        public static void ExportDefaultStyle(string baseDir, StyleEngine styleEngine)
            var textAssetType = Il2CppType.Of <TextAsset>();
            var spriteType    = Il2CppType.Of <Sprite>();
            var audioClipType = Il2CppType.Of <AudioClip>();

            MelonLogger.Msg($"Exporting default VRC skin to {baseDir}");
            foreach (var keyValuePair in styleEngine.field_Private_Dictionary_2_Tuple_2_String_Type_Object_0)
                var basePath = Path.Combine(baseDir, keyValuePair.Key.Item1);

                if (keyValuePair.Key.Item2 == textAssetType)
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(basePath) !);
                    var textAsset = keyValuePair.Value.Cast <TextAsset>();
                    File.WriteAllBytes(basePath + ".txt", textAsset.bytes);
                else if (keyValuePair.Key.Item2 == spriteType)
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(basePath) !);
                    var sprite = keyValuePair.Value.Cast <Sprite>();
                    SpriteSnipperUtil.SaveSpriteAsPngWithMetadata(sprite, basePath + ".png");
                else if (keyValuePair.Key.Item2 == audioClipType)
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(basePath) !);
                    var audioClip = keyValuePair.Value.Cast <AudioClip>();
                    WriteWaveFile(basePath + ".wav", audioClip);
            MelonLogger.Msg($"Export finished");
        public void CanExpandChildSelectorsWithStaticClassNames()
            var result = StyleEngine.MergeStyleSets(new StyleSetFake
                Root = new Style[] {
                    new Style
                        Selectors =
                            ["&:hover $child"] = new Style {
                                Background = "red"
                Child = new Style[] {
                    new Style
                        Background = "green"

            Assert.AreEqual(new StyleSetFake
                Root  = "a root-0",
                Child = "d child-1"
            }, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(".root-0:hover .child-1{background:red;}" + ".child-1{background:green;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
        public void CarMergeTwoSetsWithClassNames()
            var styleSet1 = StyleEngine.MergeStyleSets(new StyleSetFake
                Root = new Style[] {
                    "ms-Foo", new Style {
                        Background = "red"

            var styleSet2 = StyleEngine.MergeStyleSets(styleSet1, new StyleSetFake
                Root = new Style[] {
                    "ms-Bar", new Style {
                        Background = "green"
            var test = $"{styleSet2}";

            Assert.AreEqual(new StyleSetFake {
                Root = "ms-Foo ms-Bar root-1"
            }, styleSet2);
            Assert.AreEqual(".root-0{background:red;}" + ".root-1{background:green;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task CanApplyMediaQueries()
            await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style
                Background = "blue",
                Selectors  =
                    ["@media(min-width: 300px)"] = new Style
                            Background = "red",
                            Selectors  =
                            [":hover"] = new Style
                            Background = "green"

            var expect = ".css-0{background:blue;}" +
                         "@media(min-width: 300px){" +
                         ".css-0{background:red;}" +
                         "}" +
                         "@media(min-width: 300px){" +
                         ".css-0:hover{background:green;}" +

            Assert.AreEqual(expect, _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Package typed document asynchronously
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of document body</typeparam>
        /// <param name="request">Request to be packaged</param>
        /// <param name="responseTask">Reponse task to be packaged</param>
        /// <returns>Packaged document</returns>
        protected async Task <IDocument <T> > PackageAndAddDocumentAsync <T>(IRestRequest request, Task <IRestResponse <T> > responseTask)
            Uri requestUri                 = _restClient.BaseUrl;
            IRestResponse <T> response     = await responseTask;
            HtmlParser        parser       = new HtmlParser();
            IHtmlDocument     htmlDocument = parser.ParseDocument(response.Content);
            IDocument <T>     document     = new Document <T>(request, response, htmlDocument);

            Task <int> result      = null;
            Task <int> styleResult = null;

            if (JavascriptScrapingEnabled)
                result = JavascriptEngine.AddAsync(document);
            if (StyleScrapingEnabled)
                styleResult = StyleEngine.AddAsync(document);

            if (JavascriptScrapingEnabled && result != null)
                await result;
            if (StyleScrapingEnabled && styleResult != null)
                await styleResult;
            document.RequestUri = requestUri;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Secondary initializer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="javascriptEngine"></param>
 /// <param name="styleEngine"></param>
 /// <param name="restClient"></param>
 /// <param name="cookieContainer"></param>
 /// <param name="historyManager"></param>
 /// <param name="styleScrapingEnabled"></param>
 /// <param name="javascriptScrapingEnabled"></param>
 /// <param name="defaultUriProtocol"></param>
 public StandardCore(JavascriptEngine javascriptEngine, StyleEngine styleEngine,
                     RestClient restClient, CookieContainer cookieContainer,
                     HistoryManager historyManager, bool styleScrapingEnabled,
                     bool javascriptScrapingEnabled, string defaultUriProtocol) :
     base(javascriptEngine, styleEngine, restClient,
          cookieContainer, historyManager, styleScrapingEnabled,
          javascriptScrapingEnabled, defaultUriProtocol)
Esempio n. 10
        public async Task DoesNotEmitRuleWhichHasAnUndefinedValue()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style()
                FontFamily = null

            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, className);
            Assert.AreEqual("", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task CanExpandAnArrayOfRules()
            await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style[] { new Style {
                                                                 Background = "red"
                                                             }, new Style {
                                                                 Background = "white"
                                                             } });

            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{background:white;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Default Constructor
 /// </summary>
 public BrowserCore()
     _javascriptEngine           = new JavascriptEngine();
     _styleEngine                = new StyleEngine();
     _restClient                 = new RestClient();
     _restClient.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
     _history = new HistoryManager();
     _styleScrapingEnabled      = true;
     _javascriptScrapingEnabled = true;
     DefaultUriProtocol         = "http";
        void registerFontFace(string fontFamily, string url, FontWeight fontWeight = default, string localFontName = null)
            fontFamily = $"'{fontFamily}'";
            var localFontSrc = localFontName != null ? $"local('{localFontName}')," : "";

            StyleEngine.InsertFontFace(new FontFace
                FontFamily = fontFamily,
                Src        = $"{localFontSrc}url('{url}.woff2') format('woff2'),url('{url}.woff') format('woff')",
                FontWeight = fontWeight,
                FontStyle  = FontStyle.Normal
Esempio n. 14
        public async Task CanExpandPreviouslyRegisteredRules()
            var className = await StyleEngine.MergeStyle(new Style { Left = 1 });

            (List <string> classes, List <Style> objects) = await StyleEngine.ExtractStyleParts(className, new Style { Left = 2 });

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new List <string>(), classes);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new Style[] { new Style {
                                                        Left = 1
                                                    }, new Style {
                                                        Left = 2
                                                    } }, objects);
        public void CanMergeClassNames()
            var result = StyleEngine.MergeStyleSets(new StyleSetFake
                Root = new Style[] { "a", "b", new Style {
                                         Background = "red"
                                     } }

            Assert.AreEqual(new StyleSetFake {
                Root = "a b root-0"
            }, result);
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task CanFlipRTLAndAddUnits()
            await TransformationsRules.SetRTL(true);

            var style = new Style()
                Left = 40
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(style);

            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{right:40px;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
            await TransformationsRules.SetRTL(false);
Esempio n. 17
        public async Task CanHaveSameElementClassSelector()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style
                Selectors =
                    ["&.foo"] = new Style[] { new Style {
                                                  Background = "red"
                                              } }

            Assert.AreEqual("{background:red;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 18
        public async Task CanExpandIncreasedSpecificityRules()
            await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style
                Selectors =
                    ["&&&"] = new Style {
                        Background = "red"

            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0.css-0.css-0{background:red;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task CanExpandPreviusDfinedRules()
            var style = new Style()
                Background = "red"
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(style);

            var newClassName = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(className, new Style { Color = "white" });

            Assert.AreEqual("css-1", newClassName);

            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{background:red;}.css-1{background:red;color:white;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 20
        public async Task CanPrefixWebkitSpecificThings()
            VendorSettings.SetCurrent(new VendorSettings {
                IsWebKit = true
            var style = new Style()
                WebkitFontSmoothing = FontSmoothing.None
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(style);

            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{-webkit-font-smoothing:none;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Browser core secondary constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="javascriptEngine"></param>
 /// <param name="styleEngine"></param>
 /// <param name="restClient"></param>
 /// <param name="cookieContainer"></param>
 /// <param name="historyManager"></param>
 /// <param name="styleScrapingEnabled"></param>
 /// <param name="javascriptScrapingEnabled"></param>
 /// <param name="defaultUriProtocol"></param>
 public BrowserCore(JavascriptEngine javascriptEngine, StyleEngine styleEngine,
                    RestClient restClient, CookieContainer cookieContainer,
                    HistoryManager historyManager, bool styleScrapingEnabled,
                    bool javascriptScrapingEnabled, string defaultUriProtocol)
     _javascriptEngine           = javascriptEngine;
     _styleEngine                = styleEngine;
     _restClient                 = restClient;
     _restClient.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
     _history = historyManager;
     _styleScrapingEnabled      = styleScrapingEnabled;
     _javascriptScrapingEnabled = javascriptScrapingEnabled;
     DefaultUriProtocol         = defaultUriProtocol;
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task CanRegisterGlobalSelectors()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style()
                Selectors =
                    [":global(button)"] = new Style {
                        Background = "red"

            Assert.AreEqual("css-0", className);
            Assert.AreEqual("button{background:red;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
        public void CanNormalizeDuplicateStaticClassName()
            var styles = StyleEngine
                         .MergeStyleSets(new StyleSetFake {
                Root = new Style[] { "a", new Style {
                                         Background = "red"
                                     } }

            var styles1 = StyleEngine.MergeStyleSets(styles, styles);

            Assert.AreEqual(new StyleSetFake {
                Root = "a root-0"
            }, styles1);
 public void CanRegisterFromToKeyframesInRTL()
     StyleEngine.Keyframes(new Keyframes {
         From = new Style
             Opacity = 0
         To = new Style
             Opacity = 1
     Assert.AreEqual("@keyframes css-0{from{opacity:0;}to{opacity:1;}}", stylesheet.GetRules());
 public void CanRegisterFromToKeyFrames()
     StyleEngine.Keyframes(new Keyframes
         From = new Style
             Opacity = 0,
         To = new Style
             Opacity = 1
     Assert.AreEqual("@keyframes css-0{from{opacity:0;}to{opacity:1;}}", stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 26
        public async Task CanRegisterPseduoSelectors()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style
                Selectors = new Dictionary <string, Style>
                    [":hover"] = new Style {
                        Background = "red"

            Assert.AreEqual("css-0", className, $"Bad generated class name, expected css-0 and get {className}");

            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0:hover{background:red;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 27
        public async Task CanPreserveDisplayNameInNames()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style()
                DisplayName = "foo"

            Assert.AreEqual("foo-0", className);
            className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style()
                DisplayName = "foo"

            Assert.AreEqual("foo-0", className);
            Assert.AreEqual("", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 28
        public async Task CanMergeTools()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(
                new Style { BackgroundColor = "red", Color = "white" },
                new Style { BackgroundColor = "green" });

            Assert.AreEqual("css-0", className, $"Bad generated class name, expected css-0 and get {className}");
            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{background-color:green;color:white;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());

            className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style { BackgroundColor = "green", Color = "white" });

            Assert.AreEqual("css-0", className, $"Bad generated class name, expected css-0 and get {className}");
Esempio n. 29
        public async Task SameClassNameForOnlyDysplayNameRule()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style()
                DisplayName = "foo"

            Assert.AreEqual("foo-0", className);
            className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style()
                DisplayName = "foo"

            Assert.AreEqual("foo-0", className);
            Assert.AreEqual("", _stylesheet.GetRules());
Esempio n. 30
        public async Task CanRegisterClassesAndAvoidReRegistering()
            var className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style { Background = "red" });

            Assert.AreEqual("css-0", className, $"Bad generated class name, expected css-0 and get {className}");
            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{background:red;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());

            className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style { Background = "red" });

            Assert.AreEqual("css-0", className, $"Bad generated class name, expected css-0 and get {className}");
            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{background:red;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());

            className = await StyleEngine.StyleToClassName(new Style { Background = "green" });

            Assert.AreEqual("css-1", className, $"Bad generated class name, expected css-0 and get {className}");
            Assert.AreEqual(".css-0{background:red;}.css-1{background:green;}", _stylesheet.GetRules());