public void MergeIntoTest()
            StyleCollection target = new StyleCollection();
            StyleDefn       defn   = new StyleDefn();

            defn.Match = "doc:Label.sea";

            defn.Border.Color    = PDFColors.Red;
            defn.Border.Width    = 10;
            defn.Font.FontFamily = (PDFFontSelector)"Helvetica";


            StyleDefn defn2 = new StyleDefn();

            defn2.Match = ".sea"; // lower priority

            defn2.Border.Color        = PDFColors.Gray;
            defn2.Columns.ColumnCount = 3;

            StyleDefn defn3 = new StyleDefn();

            defn3.AppliedClass = "other";
            defn3.Border.Width = 20;
            defn3.Stroke.Color = PDFColors.Aqua;

            Label lbl = new Label();

            lbl.ElementName = "doc:Label";
            ComponentState state = ComponentState.Normal;

            Style style = new Style();

            target.MergeInto(style, lbl, state);
            Assert.IsFalse(style.HasValues);//no style class on the label

            lbl.StyleClass = "sea";
            style          = new Style();
            target.MergeInto(style, lbl, state);

            Assert.AreEqual(PDFColors.Red, style.Border.Color);                   //from defn as higher priority
            Assert.AreEqual((PDFUnit)10, style.Border.Width);                     // from defn (defn2 has no width)
            Assert.AreEqual((PDFFontSelector)"Helvetica", style.Font.FontFamily); //from defn
            Assert.AreEqual(3, style.Columns.ColumnCount);                        //from defn2 (lower priority but not set on defn)
            Assert.IsFalse(style.IsValueDefined(StyleKeys.StrokeColorKey));       //defn3 does have a stroke, but shoulld not be included