Esempio n. 1
            public override void Draw(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
                var facingPosition  = getFacingPosition();
                var labeledPosition = getLabeledPosition();

                // Instead of "drawing", we're going to update the data for the Label,
                // which handles its own drawing.
                label.gameObject.transform.position = labeledPosition;
                label.gameObject.transform.rotation = Utils.FaceTargetWithoutTwist(
                    flip180: true);


                label.text = this.text;
Esempio n. 2
        public void DrawAtTop(Graphics g, Rdl.Runtime.Context context,
                              ref int l, ref int t, ref int w, ref int h)
            string title = Caption(context);

            if (title != null && title != string.Empty)
                Font  titleFont  = Style.GetWindowsFont(context);
                SizeF stringSize = g.MeasureString(title, titleFont);
                int   xPos       = 0;
                if (Position == Title.PositionEnum.Center)
                    xPos = (w / 2) - ((int)stringSize.Width / 2);
                if (Position == Title.PositionEnum.Far)
                    xPos = w - (int)stringSize.Width;
                g.DrawString(title, titleFont, new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(Style.Color(context))),
                             l + xPos, t);
                t += (int)stringSize.Height;
                h -= (int)stringSize.Height;
Esempio n. 3
        public void DrawAtLeft(Graphics g, Rdl.Runtime.Context context,
                               ref int l, ref int t, ref int w, ref int h)
            string title = Caption(context);

            if (title != null && title != string.Empty)
                Font  titleFont  = Style.GetWindowsFont(context);
                SizeF stringSize = g.MeasureString(title, titleFont, 0, new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical));
                int   yPos       = 0;
                if (Position == Title.PositionEnum.Center)
                    yPos = (h / 2) - ((int)stringSize.Height / 2);
                if (Position == Title.PositionEnum.Far)
                    yPos = h - (int)stringSize.Height;
                g.DrawString(title, titleFont, new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(Style.Color(context))),
                             l, t + yPos, new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical));
                l += (int)stringSize.Width;
                w -= (int)stringSize.Width;
Esempio n. 4
        internal void DrawVertical(Chart chart,
                                   Rdl.Runtime.Context context,
                                   Graphics g,
                                   ref int l, int t, ref int w, int h)
            int majorIntervals = (int)((_maxValue - _minValue) / _majorIntervalValue);
            int minorIntervals = (int)((_maxValue - _minValue) / _minorIntervalValue);

            // Find the tick mark and axis position for the axis.
            int majorTickStart, majorTickWidth, minorTickStart, minorTickWidth, axisPos, axisWidth;

            AdjustAxisPosition(GetAxisThickness(context), out majorTickStart, out majorTickWidth,
                               out minorTickStart, out minorTickWidth,
                               out axisPos, out axisWidth);

            // If we are showing the grid lines then adjust the tick width to include the whole chart area.
            if (MajorGridLines.ShowGridLines)
                majorTickWidth = w - _labelWidth - axisPos - majorTickStart;
            if (MinorGridLines.ShowGridLines)
                minorTickWidth = w - _labelWidth - axisPos - minorTickStart;

            // Draw the axis line
            Color color        = Style.W32Color(Style.Color(context));
            Brush brush        = new SolidBrush(color);
            Pen   majorGridPen = new Pen(brush, 1);

            if (MajorGridLines != null)
                majorGridPen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(MajorGridLines.Style.Color(context))),
            Pen minorGridPen = new Pen(brush, 1);

            if (MinorGridLines != null)
                minorGridPen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(MinorGridLines.Style.Color(context))),

            g.DrawLine(new Pen(brush, GetAxisThickness(context)),
                       new Point(l + _labelWidth + axisPos + (GetAxisThickness(context) >> 1), t),
                       new Point(l + _labelWidth + axisPos + (GetAxisThickness(context) >> 1), t + h));

            Font labelFont = chart.ValueAxis.Style.GetWindowsFont(context);

            float majorEntryHeight = (float)h / majorIntervals;
            float minorEntryHeight = (float)h / minorIntervals;

            for (int i = 0; i <= majorIntervals; i++)
                int top = t + h - (int)(i * majorEntryHeight);
                if (Visible)
                    // Determine the amount of space required for the axis labels.
                    SizeF stringSize;

                    // Draw the axis labels.
                    decimal dValue = _minValue + (i * _majorIntervalValue);
                    stringSize = g.MeasureString(dValue.ToString().ToString(), labelFont);
                    g.DrawString(dValue.ToString(), labelFont, new SolidBrush(color),
                                 l + _labelWidth - (int)stringSize.Width - 1,
                                 top - ((int)stringSize.Height / 2));

                if (i > 0)
                    // Draw the major tick marks
                    if (majorTickWidth > 0)
                                   new Point(l + _labelWidth + axisPos + majorTickStart, top),
                                   new Point(l + _labelWidth + axisPos + majorTickStart + majorTickWidth, top));

                    // Draw the minor tick marks
                    if (minorTickWidth > 0)
                        for (int j = 1; j < minorIntervals / majorIntervals; j++)
                                       new Point(l + _labelWidth + axisPos + minorTickStart, top - (int)(j * minorEntryHeight)),
                                       new Point(l + _labelWidth + axisPos + minorTickStart + majorTickWidth, top - (int)(j * minorEntryHeight)));
            l += _labelWidth + axisWidth;
            w -= _labelWidth + axisWidth;
Esempio n. 5
        internal void DrawHorizontal(Chart chart,
                                     Rdl.Runtime.Context context,
                                     Graphics g,
                                     bool centered,
                                     int l, int t, int w, ref int h)
            int majorIntervals = (int)((_maxValue - _minValue) / _majorIntervalValue);
            int minorIntervals = (int)((_maxValue - _minValue) / _minorIntervalValue);

            // Find the tick mark and axis position for the axis.
            int majorTickStart, majorTickHeight, minorTickStart, minorTickHeight, axisPos, axisWidth;

            AdjustAxisPosition(GetAxisThickness(context), out majorTickStart, out majorTickHeight,
                               out minorTickStart, out minorTickHeight,
                               out axisPos, out axisWidth);

            Color color        = Style.W32Color(Style.Color(context));
            Brush brush        = new SolidBrush(color);
            Pen   majorGridPen = new Pen(brush, 1);

            if (MajorGridLines != null)
                majorGridPen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(MajorGridLines.Style.Color(context))),
            Pen minorGridPen = new Pen(brush, 1);

            if (MinorGridLines != null)
                minorGridPen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(MinorGridLines.Style.Color(context))),

            Font  font            = Style.GetWindowsFont(context);
            bool  vertical        = false;
            float yMult           = (float)g.DpiY / 72;
            int   labelHeight     = 0;
            float majorEntryWidth = (float)w / majorIntervals;
            float minorEntryWidth = (float)w / minorIntervals;

            // Determine how much vertical space is required for the axis labels.
            if (Visible)
                // Determine if the labels need to be vertical and find the height required for the labels.
                labelHeight = (int)(font.Height * yMult);

                // Determine the amount of space required for the axis labels.
                GetValueLableWidth(context, g, majorIntervals);

                if (_labelWidth > (int)majorEntryWidth)
                    labelHeight = _labelWidth;
                    vertical    = true;

            // If we are showing the grid lines then adjust the tick width to include the whole chart area.
            if (MajorGridLines.ShowGridLines)
                majorTickHeight = h - labelHeight - axisPos - majorTickStart;
            if (MinorGridLines.ShowGridLines)
                minorTickHeight = h - labelHeight - axisPos - minorTickStart;

            // Fill in the background of the plot area.
            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(chart.PlotAreaStyle.BackgroundColor(context))),
                            l, t, w, h - (labelHeight + axisWidth));

            // Draw the axis line
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(color), GetAxisThickness(context)),
                       new Point(l, t + h - labelHeight - axisPos - (GetAxisThickness(context) >> 1)),
                       new Point(l + w, t + h - labelHeight - axisPos - (GetAxisThickness(context) >> 1)));

            // Loop through the major interval values
            int left = l;

            for (int i = 0; i <= majorIntervals; i++)
                left = l + (int)(i * majorEntryWidth);

                if (Visible)
                    decimal dValue = _minValue + (i * _majorIntervalValue);

                    int center = left;
                    if (centered)
                        center += (int)(majorEntryWidth / 2);
                    SizeF size = g.MeasureString(dValue.ToString(), font);
                    if (vertical)
                        System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath();
                        path.AddString(dValue.ToString(), font.FontFamily, (int)font.Style, font.Size * yMult,
                                       new Point(center - ((int)size.Width / 2), t + h - labelHeight),
                        if (vertical)
                            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix matrix = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix();
                            matrix.Translate(0 - (size.Width / 2), 0);
                            matrix.RotateAt(-30, new PointF(center, t + h - labelHeight), System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Append);
                        g.DrawPath(new Pen(brush), path);
                        g.DrawString(dValue.ToString(), font, brush,
                                     center - (int)size.Width / 2, t + h - labelHeight, StringFormat.GenericDefault);

                if (i > 0)
                    // Draw the major tick mark
                    if (majorTickHeight > 0)
                                   new Point(left, t + h - labelHeight - (axisWidth >> 1) - majorTickStart),
                                   new Point(left, t + h - labelHeight - (axisWidth >> 1) - majorTickStart - majorTickHeight));

                    // Draw the minor tick marks
                    if (minorTickHeight > 0)
                        for (int j = 1; j < minorIntervals / majorIntervals; j++)
                                       new Point(left + (int)(j * minorEntryWidth), t + h - labelHeight - (axisWidth >> 1) + minorTickStart),
                                       new Point(left + (int)(j * minorEntryWidth), t + h - labelHeight - (axisWidth >> 1) + minorTickStart - minorTickHeight));

            h -= labelHeight + ((axisWidth + GetAxisThickness(context)) >> 1);
Esempio n. 6
        private void DrawLegend(Rdl.Runtime.Context context, System.Drawing.Graphics g, Bitmap bm,
                                ref int l, ref int t, ref int w, ref int h, bool includeGroups, decimal xMult, decimal yMult)
            if (_legend == null)

            if (!_legend.Visible)

            // The legend is only required if there is a series.
            if (_seriesGrouping == null)

            // Build the color values to use for each group
            int index = 0;

            foreach (Series ser in _leafSeriesList)
                if (!_seriesColors.ContainsKey(ser.CombinedValue))
                    _seriesColors.Add(ser.CombinedValue, Rdl.Engine.Chart.Palette.GetColor(_palette, index));

            // Get the font to use to draw the text.
            System.Drawing.Font font = _legend.Style.GetWindowsFont(context);

            // Measure the space required for the text.
            int height     = 0;
            int width      = 0;
            int lineHeight = 0;

            foreach (string s in _seriesColors.Keys)
                SizeF size = g.MeasureString(s, font);
                lineHeight = (int)size.Height + 1;
                height    += lineHeight;
                width      = Math.Max(width, (int)size.Width + 1);

            // Add some room for the color boxes and space between columns.
            width += lineHeight * 2;

            int columns = 1;

            int top = t, left = l;

            if (_legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftBottom ||
                _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftCenter ||
                _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftTop ||
                _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.RightTop ||
                _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.RightCenter ||
                _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.RightBottom)
                // If the legend is going on the left or right of the chart then don't use more than
                // 1/3 of the available area for the legend.
                width  = Math.Min(width, w / 3);
                w     -= width + _legendPadding;
                height = Math.Min(height, h - (_legendPadding << 1));
                if (_legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftBottom ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftCenter ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftTop)
                    l += width + _legendPadding;
                    left = w + _legendPadding;

                if (_legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftBottom ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.RightBottom)
                    top = t + h - height;
                if (_legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.LeftCenter ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.RightCenter)
                    top = t + (h / 2) - (height / 2);
                columns = (int)(w / width);
                height  = lineHeight * (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_seriesColors.Count / columns);

                // If the legend is going above or below the chart then don't use more than
                // %60 the available space.
                height = Math.Min(height, (int)((h - _legendPadding - _legendPadding) * .6));
                h     -= height + _legendPadding + _legendPadding;
                if (_legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.TopCenter ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.TopLeft ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.TopRight)
                    top = t + _legendPadding;
                    t  += height + _legendPadding + _legendPadding;
                    top = t + h + _legendPadding;

                if (_legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.BottomRight ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.TopRight)
                    left = l + w - (width * columns);
                if (_legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.BottomCenter ||
                    _legend.Position == Legend.PositionEnum.TopCenter)
                    left = l + (w / 2) - ((width * columns) / 2);

            if (lineHeight * _seriesColors.Count > height)
                lineHeight = height / _seriesColors.Count;

            if (_legend.Style.BorderWidth != null)
                Rdl.Render.Drawing.DrawBorder(g, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(left, top, (width * columns), height),
                                              new Rdl.Render.BorderWidth(_legend.Style.BorderWidth, context),
                                              new Rdl.Render.BorderStyle(_legend.Style.BorderStyle, context),
                                              new Rdl.Render.BorderColor(_legend.Style.BorderColor, context),
                                              xMult, yMult);

            // Draw the text onto the chart legend area.
            System.Drawing.Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(Style.Color(context)));
            float x, y;

            x = left;
            y = top;
            int c = 1;

            foreach (string s in _seriesColors.Keys)
                if (y + lineHeight <= top + height)
                    // Draw the collored box
                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(_seriesColors[s]),
                                    new RectangleF(x, y + (lineHeight / 10), (lineHeight * .8f), (lineHeight * .8f)));
                    g.DrawString(s, font, brush, new RectangleF(x + lineHeight, y, width, height - (y - top)), new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoWrap));
                    if (c == columns)
                        c  = 1;
                        y += lineHeight;
                        x  = left;
                        x += width;
Esempio n. 7
        public System.Drawing.Image RenderChart(Rdl.Runtime.Context context, int width, int height, decimal xMult, decimal yMult)
            if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(width, height);

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm);

            g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;

            int t = 0;
            int l = 0;
            int w = width;
            int h = height;

            if (context.Rows.Count == 0)
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(Style.BackgroundColor(context))),
                                new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h));
                g.DrawString("No Data", Style.GetWindowsFont(context), new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(Style.Color(context))), new Point(0, 0));

            System.Drawing.Rectangle clipRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(l, t, w, h);
            if (Style.BackgroundColor(context) != null)
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(Style.BackgroundColor(context))),

            if (Style.BorderWidth != null)
                Rdl.Render.Drawing.DrawBorder(g, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(l, t, w, h),
                                              new Rdl.Render.BorderWidth(Style.BorderWidth, context),
                                              new Rdl.Render.BorderStyle(Style.BorderStyle, context),
                                              new Rdl.Render.BorderColor(Style.BorderColor, context),
                                              xMult, yMult);

            if (Style != null)
                l += (int)(Style.PaddingLeft(context).points *xMult);
                t += (int)(Style.PaddingTop(context).points *yMult);
                w -= (int)((Style.PaddingLeft(context).points + Style.PaddingRight(context).points) * xMult);
                h -= (int)((Style.PaddingTop(context).points + Style.PaddingBottom(context).points) * yMult);

            // Draw in the title.
            if (_title != null)
                _title.DrawAtTop(g, context, ref l, ref t, ref w, ref h);

            // Get the categories.
            if (_categoryGrouping != null)
                _categories     = _categoryGrouping.GetCategories(context, null);
                _leafCategories = _categories.LeafCategories;

            // Get the series
            if (_seriesGrouping != null)
                _seriesList     = _seriesGrouping.GetSeriesList(context, null);
                _leafSeriesList = _seriesList.LeafSeriesList;

            // Draw in the Legend
            DrawLegend(context, g, bm, ref l, ref t, ref w, ref h, (_type == TypeEnum.Pie), xMult, yMult);

            // Draw the chart.
            switch (_type)
            case TypeEnum.Area:

            case TypeEnum.Bar:
                Type.Bar barChart = new Type.Bar(this, context, g, l, t, w, h);

            case TypeEnum.Bubble:

            case TypeEnum.Column:
                Type.Column columnChart = new Type.Column(this, context, g, l, t, w, h);

            case TypeEnum.Doughnut:

            case TypeEnum.Line:
                Type.Line lineChart = new Type.Line(this, context, g, l, t, w, h);

            case TypeEnum.Pie:

            case TypeEnum.Scatter:

            case TypeEnum.Stock:
Esempio n. 8
        internal void DrawVertical(Chart chart,
                                   Rdl.Runtime.Context context,
                                   Graphics g,
                                   bool centered,
                                   ref int l, int t, ref int w, int h)
            if (chart.LeafCategories != null)
                _totalCategories = chart.LeafCategories.Count;

            // Find the tick mark sizes and axis position for the axis.
            int majorTickStart, majorTickWidth, minorTickStart, minorTickWidth, axisPos, axisWidth;

            AdjustAxisPosition(GetAxisThickness(context), out majorTickStart, out majorTickWidth,
                               out minorTickStart, out minorTickWidth,
                               out axisPos, out axisWidth);

            // If we are showing the grid lines then adjust the tick width to include the whole chart area.
            if (MajorGridLines.ShowGridLines)
                majorTickWidth = w - _categoryLabelWidth - axisPos - majorTickStart;
            if (MinorGridLines.ShowGridLines)
                minorTickWidth = w - _categoryLabelWidth - axisPos - minorTickStart;

            // Draw the axis line
            Color color = Style.W32Color(chart.ValueAxis.Style.Color(context));

            g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(color), GetAxisThickness(context)),
                       new Point(l + _categoryLabelWidth + axisPos, t), new Point(l + _categoryLabelWidth + axisPos, t + h));

            Font  labelFont = Style.GetWindowsFont(context);
            Brush brush     = new SolidBrush(Style.W32Color(Style.Color(context)));

            Pen majorGridPen = new Pen(color, 1);

            if (chart.CategoryAxis.MajorGridLines != null)
                majorGridPen = new Pen(Style.W32Color(MajorGridLines.Style.Color(context)),
            Pen minorGridPen = new Pen(color, 1);

            if (chart.CategoryAxis.MinorGridLines != null)
                minorGridPen = new Pen(Style.W32Color(MinorGridLines.Style.Color(context)),

            if (Scalar)
                if (chart.CategoryGrouping == null || chart.CategoryGrouping.NextGrouping != null)
                    throw new Exception("There must be exactly one grouping on a scalar axis.");

                // Find the min and max values from the data.
                decimal min = 0;
                decimal max = 0;
                foreach (Category cat in chart.Categories)
                    min = Math.Min(min, decimal.Parse(cat.Value));
                    max = Math.Max(max, decimal.Parse(cat.Value));

                // Adjust the min and max values and find int intervals.
                SetMinMaxValues(context, min, max);

                int majorIntervals = (int)((_maxValue - _minValue) / _majorIntervalValue);
                int minorIntervals = (int)((_maxValue - _minValue) / _minorIntervalValue);

                float majorIntervalSize = (float)h / majorIntervals;
                float minorIntervalSize = (float)h / minorIntervals;

                int i = 0;
                for (decimal dValue = min; dValue <= max; dValue += _majorIntervalValue)
                    // Draw the labels.
                    if (Visible)
                        SizeF stringSize = g.MeasureString(dValue.ToString(), labelFont);
                        g.DrawString(dValue.ToString(), labelFont, brush,
                                     l + _categoryLabelWidth - stringSize.Width,
                                     t + h - (int)(i * majorIntervalSize) - (stringSize.Height / 2));

                    // Draw the major tick mark
                    if (majorTickWidth > 0)
                                   new Point(l + _categoryLabelWidth + axisPos + majorTickStart,
                                             t + h - (int)(i * majorIntervalSize)),
                                   new Point(l + _categoryLabelWidth + axisPos + majorTickStart + majorTickWidth,
                                             t + h - (int)(i * majorIntervalSize)));

                    // Draw the minor tick marks
                    if (majorTickWidth > 0)
                        for (int j = 1; j < minorIntervals / majorIntervals; j++)
                                       new Point(l + _categoryLabelWidth + axisPos + minorTickStart,
                                                 t + h - (int)(i * majorIntervalSize) - (int)(j * minorIntervalSize)),
                                       new Point(l + _categoryLabelWidth + axisPos + minorTickStart + minorTickWidth,
                                                 t + h - (int)(i * majorIntervalSize) - (int)(j * minorIntervalSize)));

            else if (chart.Categories != null && chart.Categories.Count > 0)
                DrawCategoryOntoVerticalAxis(chart.Categories, g, brush, labelFont, context,
                                             centered, l, t, h, 0, axisPos,
                                             majorGridPen, majorTickStart, majorTickWidth,
                                             minorGridPen, minorTickStart, minorTickWidth);

            l += _categoryLabelWidth + axisWidth;
            w -= _categoryLabelWidth + axisWidth;