protected void DataGrid1_ItemCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { //allowcheck int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); StudentApplyInfoChecked infoCheck = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<StudentApplyInfoChecked>(id); if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { if (infoCheck != null && infoCheck.Checked == 1) { WebTools.Alert(this, "已审核过的数据无法删除!"); } else { SimpleOrmOperator.Delete(infoCheck); WebTools.Alert(this, "删除成功!"); this.ProcedurePager1.Changed = true; } } else if (e.CommandName == "Detail") { //int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); //this.Pop(id); StudentApplyInfo sai = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<StudentApplyInfo>(id); if (sai == null) return ; if (StudentApplyInfoOperator.CheckInfo(sai, this.Operator.OperatorName)) { WebTools.Alert(string.Format("{0}:{1} 审核成功", sai.Xm, sai.Sfzmhm)); } else { WebTools.Alert(string.Format("{0}:{1} 审核失败", sai.Xm, sai.Sfzmhm)); } } }
public static bool CheckPhoto(StudentApplyInfo info) { bool result = false; StudentApplyInfoChecked checkInfo = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <StudentApplyInfoChecked>(info.Id); try { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(GetPhoto(info.Sfzmhm)); Image image = Image.FromStream(ms, true); // result = DriverInterface.WritePersonPhoto(info.Sfzmmc, info.Sfzmhm, image); string zp = ImageHelper.ImageToBase64Str(image); string[] res = DrvNewInterface.WritePhoto(info.Sfzmhm, zp); if (res.Length == 2) { checkInfo.PhotoSyn = 1; result = true; } else if (res.Length == 3) { checkInfo.PhotoSyn = 2; checkInfo.CheckResult = res[2]; } } catch (System.Exception e) { result = false; info.PhotoSyn = 2; } SimpleOrmOperator.Update(checkInfo); return(result); }
public static bool Check(int id, string optname) { bool isChecked = false; StudentApplyInfo info = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <StudentApplyInfo>(id); StudentApplyInfoChecked infoCheck = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <StudentApplyInfoChecked>(id); string glbm = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DrvHelperSystem_glbm"]; TmriResponse resp = null; string[] res = new string[] {}; try { string useold = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Drv_Apply_Use_Old"]; if (useold == "true") { resp = new TmriResponse(); bool resultold = DriverInterface.WriteApplyOld(ConvertInfoToRequest(info)); // resultold ? 0 : 2; if (resultold) { resp.Code = 0; resp.Message = "更新成功"; } else { resp.Code = 2; resp.Message = "更新不成功"; } } // resp = DriverInterface.WriteDrvBaseTmriRequest(ConvertInfoToRequest(info)); //resp= DriverInterface.yuyueInfo(info); info.Hmcd = "1"; string xml = ConvertInfoToRequest(info).ToXml(); res = DrvNewInterface.WritePresign(xml); } catch (Exception exe) { SaveInfoCheckFail(info, optname, exe.Message); //info.CheckResult = exe.Message; // SimpleOrmOperator.Update(info); return(false); } if (res.Length == 2) //if (resp.Code == 0 || resp.Code == 1) { infoCheck.Checked = 1; infoCheck.CheckResult = res[1]; isChecked = true; //DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql("update table_student_apply_info set i_tpchecked_num=i_tpchecked_num+1 where i_tpchecked_num<i_tpused_num and id=" + info.PaibanId); } else if (res.Length == 3) { infoCheck.Checked = 2; infoCheck.CheckResult = res[1]; } infoCheck.CheckOperator = optname; SimpleOrmOperator.Update(infoCheck); return(isChecked); }
public static void SaveInfoCheckFail(StudentApplyInfo info, string name, string msg) { info.Checked = 2; info.CheckOperator = name; // info.Jbr = name; info.CheckResult = msg; SimpleOrmOperator.Update(info); // DataAccessFactory.GetDataAccess().ExecuteSql("update table_student_apply_info set c_check_result='"+msg+"' and id=" + info.Id); }
protected void btnSure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int depId = this.Operator.DeptId; DepartMent dep = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <DepartMent>(depId); DrvAuthObject auth = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <DrvAuthObject>(dep.DepCode); if (auth == null || auth.YLR_IND != 1) { WebTools.Alert("未获得授权不能使用预录入功能!"); return; } StudentApplyInfo entity = new StudentApplyInfo(); WebFormHelper.GetDataFromForm(this, entity); entity.Csrq = this.txtCsrq.Value.Trim(); entity.Tjrq = this.txtTjrq.Value.Trim(); //借用一下这个字段 entity.PhotoSrc = this.cbBustype.SelectedValue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["cbDjzsxzqhValue"])) { entity.Djzsxzqh = Request.Params["cbDjzsxzqhValue"]; } entity.CheckDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // entity.DepName = this.cbDepCodeValue.SelectedItem.Text; if (entity.Id < 0) { entity.Jxdm = this.Operator.Desp3; entity.Jxmc = this.Operator.Desp4; if (SimpleOrmOperator.Create(entity)) { WebTools.Alert("添加成功!"); } else { WebTools.Alert("添加失败!"); } } else { if (SimpleOrmOperator.Update(entity)) { WebTools.Alert("修改成功!"); } else { WebTools.Alert("修改失败!"); } } }
public static DrvPresonApplyInfoRequest ConvertInfoToRequest(StudentApplyInfo info) { DrvPresonApplyInfoRequest req = new DrvPresonApplyInfoRequest(); String sn = req.GetSn(); req.Bsl = info.Bsl; req.Csrq = info.Csrq; req.Dabh = info.Dabh; req.Djzsxxdz = info.Djzsxxdz; req.Djzsxzqh = info.Djzsxzqh; req.Dzyx = info.Dzyx; req.Gj = info.Gj; req.Hmcd = info.Hmcd; req.Jxdm = info.Jxdm; req.Jxmc = info.Jxmc; req.Lsh = info.Lsh; req.Lxdh = info.Lxdh; req.Lxzsxxdz = info.Lxzsxxdz; req.Lxzsxzqh = info.Lxzsxzqh; req.Lxzsyzbm = info.Lxzsyzbm; req.Ly = info.Ly; req.Qgjb = info.Qgjb; req.Sfzmhm = info.Sfzmhm; req.Sfzmmc = info.Sfzmmc; req.Sg = info.Sg; req.Sjhm = info.Sjhm; req.Sz = info.Sz; req.Tjrq = info.Tjrq; req.Tjyymc = info.Tjyymc; req.Tl = info.Tl; req.Xb = info.Xb; req.Xm = info.Xm; req.Xzqh = info.Xzqh; req.Ysl = info.Ysl; req.Yxz = info.Yxz; req.Zkcx = info.Zkcx; req.Zkzmbh = info.Zkzmbh; req.Zsl = info.Zsl; req.Zxz = info.Zxz; req.Zzzm = info.Zzzm; req.Sn = sn; return(req); }
protected void btnCheckImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["id"])) { StudentApplyInfo entity = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <StudentApplyInfo>(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["id"])); entity.CheckDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); entity.CheckOperator = this.Operator.OperatorName; if (StudentApplyInfoOperator.CheckPhoto(entity)) { WebTools.Alert(this, "图片审核通过!"); } else { WebTools.Alert(this, "图片审核失败!"); } } }
public void from(StudentApplyInfo info) { this.Bsl = info.Bsl; this.CheckDate = info.CheckDate; this.Checked = info.Checked; this.CheckOperator = info.CheckOperator; this.CheckResult = info.CheckResult; this.Csrq = info.Csrq; this.Dabh = info.Dabh; this.Djzsxxdz = info.Djzsxxdz; this.Djzsxzqh = info.Djzsxzqh; this.Dzyx = info.Dzyx; this.Gj = info.Gj; this.Hmcd = info.Hmcd; this.Id = info.Id; this.Jxdm = info.Jxdm; this.Jxmc = info.Jxmc; this.Lsh = info.Lsh; this.Lxdh = info.Lxdh; this.Lxzsxxdz = info.Lxzsxxdz; this.Lxzsxzqh = info.Lxzsxzqh; this.Lxzsyzbm = info.Lxzsyzbm; this.Ly = info.Ly; this.PhotoSrc = info.PhotoSrc; this.PhotoSyn = info.PhotoSyn; this.Qgjb = info.Qgjb; this.Sfzmhm = info.Sfzmhm; this.Sfzmmc = info.Sfzmmc; this.Sg = info.Sg; this.Sjhm = info.Sjhm; this.Sz = info.Sz; this.Tjrq = info.Tjrq; this.Tjyymc = info.Tjyymc; this.Tl = info.Tl; this.Xb = info.Xb; this.Xm = info.Xm; this.Xzqh = info.Xzqh; this.Ysl = info.Ysl; this.Yxz = info.Yxz; this.Zkcx = info.Zkcx; this.Zkzmbh = info.Zkzmbh; this.Zsl = info.Zsl; this.Zxz = info.Zxz; this.Zzzm = info.Zzzm; }
protected void btnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IList<int> ids = new List<int>(); int checkNum = 0; int reNum = 0; foreach (DataGridItem item in DataGrid1.Items) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("CheckBox1"); if (cb.Checked) { try{ ids.Add(Convert.ToInt32( item.Cells[1].Text)); checkNum++; }catch(Exception){} } } if (checkNum == 0) { WebTools.Alert("没有记录被选中"); return; } foreach (int id in ids) { StudentApplyInfo sai = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<StudentApplyInfo>(id); if (sai == null) continue; if (StudentApplyInfoOperator.CheckInfo(sai, this.Operator.OperatorName)) { reNum++; } } WebTools.Alert(string.Format("审核结果:选中{0}条记录,{1}条成功通过审核", checkNum, reNum)); this.ProcedurePager1.Changed = true; //txtQueryValue.Text = ""; //txtQueryValue.Focus(); }
protected void DataGrid1_ItemCommand1(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); StudentApplyInfo record = StudentApplyInfoOperator.Get(id); if (record != null && record.Checked == 1) { WebTools.Alert(this, "已审核过的数据无法删除!"); } else { StudentApplyInfoOperator.Delete(id); WebTools.Alert(this, "删除成功!"); this.ProcedurePager1.Changed = true; } } else if (e.CommandName == "Detail") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); this.Pop(id); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListBustype(this.cbBustype); DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListSfzmmc(this.cbSfzmmcValue); DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListHospital(this.cbTjyy); ListItemCollection tjyys = new ListItemCollection(); lbJxmc.Text = this.Operator.Desp4; foreach (ListItem li in this.cbTjyy.Items) { if (li.Value.StartsWith(getDefaultCityCode())) { tjyys.Add(li); } } this.cbTjyy.Items.Clear(); foreach (ListItem li in tjyys) { this.cbTjyy.Items.Add(li); } DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListLocalArea2(this.cbLxzsxzqhValue); ListItemCollection xzqhs = new ListItemCollection(); foreach (ListItem li in this.cbLxzsxzqhValue.Items) { if (li.Value.StartsWith(getDefaultCityCode()) && li.Value != getDefaultCityCode() + "00") { xzqhs.Add(li); } } this.cbXzqhValue.Items.Clear(); this.cbLxzsxzqhValue.Items.Clear(); foreach (ListItem li in xzqhs) { //this.cbXzqhValue.Items.Add(new ListItem(li.Text,li.Value)); this.cbLxzsxzqhValue.Items.Add(new ListItem(li.Text, li.Value)); this.cbXzqhValue.Items.Add(new ListItem(li.Text, li.Value)); } this.cbXzqhValue.Items.Add(new ListItem("其它(外地)", "440907")); DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListLy(this.cbLyValue); DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListZkcx(this.cbZkcxValue); DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListNational(this.cbGjValue); DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListLocalArea(this.cbDjzsxzqhValue); //DrvQueryHelper.BindDropDownListLocalArea(this.cbLxzsxzqhValue); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLProvince(this.cbLxzsxzqhP); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLProvince(this.cbDjzsxzqhP); this.cbGjValue.SelectedValue = "156"; if (Request.Params["id"] != null) { StudentApplyInfo entity = SimpleOrmOperator.Query <StudentApplyInfo>(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["id"])); WebFormHelper.SetDataToForm(this, entity); this.txtTjrq.Value = entity.Tjrq; this.txtCsrq.Value = entity.Csrq; this.cbDjzsxzqhValue.Items.Clear(); //this.cbDjzsxzqhValue.Items.Add(new ListItem(entity.Djzsxzqh, entity.Djzsxzqh)); //this.cbDjzsxzqhValue.Items.Clear(); //this.cbDjzsxzqhValue.Text = entity.Djzsxzqh; this.imgPhoto.ImageUrl = "ApplyInfoPhoto.aspx?idcard=" + entity.Sfzmhm; this.cbBustype.SelectedValue = entity.PhotoSrc; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Lxzsxzqh)) { this.cbLxzsxzqhP.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}0000", entity.Lxzsxzqh.Substring(0, 2)); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLCity(cbLxzsxzqhC, this.cbLxzsxzqhP.SelectedValue); this.cbLxzsxzqhC.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}00", entity.Lxzsxzqh.Substring(0, 4)); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLArea(cbLxzsxzqhValue, this.cbLxzsxzqhC.SelectedValue); this.cbLxzsxzqhValue.SelectedValue = entity.Lxzsxzqh; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Djzsxzqh)) { this.cbDjzsxzqhP.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}0000", entity.Djzsxzqh.Substring(0, 2)); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLCity(cbDjzsxzqhC, this.cbDjzsxzqhP.SelectedValue); this.cbDjzsxzqhC.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}00", entity.Djzsxzqh.Substring(0, 4)); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLArea(cbDjzsxzqhValue, this.cbDjzsxzqhC.SelectedValue); this.cbDjzsxzqhValue.SelectedValue = entity.Djzsxzqh; } } else { this.imgPhoto.ImageUrl = "~/images/no_photo.jpg"; //this.cbLxzsxzqhValue.SelectedValue = "440500"; //this.cbXzqhValue.SelectedValue = "440500"; //this.cbDjzsxzqhValue.SelectedValue = "440500"; this.cbLxzsxzqhP.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}0000", this.getDefaultCityCode().Substring(0, 2)); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLCity(cbLxzsxzqhC, this.cbLxzsxzqhP.SelectedValue); this.cbLxzsxzqhC.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}00", this.getDefaultCityCode()); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLArea(cbLxzsxzqhValue, this.cbLxzsxzqhC.SelectedValue); this.cbDjzsxzqhP.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}0000", this.getDefaultCityCode().Substring(0, 2)); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLCity(cbDjzsxzqhC, this.cbDjzsxzqhP.SelectedValue); this.cbDjzsxzqhC.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}00", this.getDefaultCityCode().Substring(0, 4)); DrvQueryHelper.BindDDLArea(cbDjzsxzqhValue, this.cbDjzsxzqhC.SelectedValue); this.txtYsl.Text = "5.0"; this.txtZsl.Text = "5.0"; this.cbZkcxValue.SelectedValue = "C1"; this.txtLxzsyzbm.Text = "510000"; } if (Request.Params["allowcheck"] == null) { this.btnCheck.Visible = false; this.btnCheckImage.Visible = false; } else { this.btnSure.Visible = false; this.cbBustype.Enabled = false; } } }
public static bool CheckInfo(StudentApplyInfo info,string optname) { return Check(info.Id,optname); }
public static DrvPresonApplyInfoRequest ConvertInfoToRequest(StudentApplyInfo info) { DrvPresonApplyInfoRequest req = new DrvPresonApplyInfoRequest(); String sn=req.GetSn(); req.Bsl = info.Bsl; req.Csrq = info.Csrq; req.Dabh = info.Dabh; req.Djzsxxdz = info.Djzsxxdz; req.Djzsxzqh = info.Djzsxzqh; req.Dzyx = info.Dzyx; req.Gj = info.Gj; req.Hmcd = info.Hmcd; req.Jxdm = info.Jxdm; req.Jxmc = info.Jxmc; req.Lsh = info.Lsh; req.Lxdh = info.Lxdh; req.Lxzsxxdz = info.Lxzsxxdz; req.Lxzsxzqh = info.Lxzsxzqh; req.Lxzsyzbm = info.Lxzsyzbm; req.Ly = info.Ly; req.Qgjb = info.Qgjb; req.Sfzmhm = info.Sfzmhm; req.Sfzmmc = info.Sfzmmc; req.Sg = info.Sg; req.Sjhm = info.Sjhm; req.Sz = info.Sz; req.Tjrq = info.Tjrq; req.Tjyymc = info.Tjyymc; req.Tl = info.Tl; req.Xb = info.Xb; req.Xm = info.Xm; req.Xzqh = info.Xzqh; req.Ysl = info.Ysl; req.Yxz=info.Yxz; req.Zkcx = info.Zkcx; req.Zkzmbh = info.Zkzmbh; req.Zsl = info.Zsl; req.Zxz = info.Zxz; req.Zzzm = info.Zzzm; req.Sn = sn; return req; }
public static bool CheckPhoto(StudentApplyInfo info) { bool result = false; StudentApplyInfoChecked checkInfo = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<StudentApplyInfoChecked>(info.Id); try { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(GetPhoto(info.Sfzmhm)); Image image = Image.FromStream(ms, true); // result = DriverInterface.WritePersonPhoto(info.Sfzmmc, info.Sfzmhm, image); string zp = ImageHelper.ImageToBase64Str(image); string[] res= DrvNewInterface.WritePhoto(info.Sfzmhm,zp); if (res.Length == 2) { checkInfo.PhotoSyn = 1; result = true; } else if(res.Length==3) { checkInfo.PhotoSyn = 2; checkInfo.CheckResult = res[2]; } } catch (System.Exception e) { result = false; info.PhotoSyn = 2; } SimpleOrmOperator.Update(checkInfo); return result; }
public static bool CheckInfoAndPhoto(StudentApplyInfo info, string optname) { return CheckPhoto(info) && CheckInfo(info, optname); }
public static bool CheckInfoAndPhoto(StudentApplyInfo info, string optname) { return(CheckPhoto(info) && CheckInfo(info, optname)); }
public static bool CheckInfo(StudentApplyInfo info, string optname) { return(Check(info.Id, optname)); }
protected void btnSure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int depId = this.Operator.DeptId; DepartMent dep = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<DepartMent>(depId); DrvAuthObject auth = SimpleOrmOperator.Query<DrvAuthObject>(dep.DepCode); if (auth == null || auth.YLR_IND != 1) { WebTools.Alert("未获得授权不能使用预录入功能!"); return; } StudentApplyInfo entity = new StudentApplyInfo(); WebFormHelper.GetDataFromForm(this, entity); entity.Csrq = this.txtCsrq.Value.Trim(); entity.Tjrq = this.txtTjrq.Value.Trim(); //借用一下这个字段 entity.PhotoSrc = this.cbBustype.SelectedValue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["cbDjzsxzqhValue"])) { entity.Djzsxzqh = Request.Params["cbDjzsxzqhValue"]; } entity.CheckDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // entity.DepName = this.cbDepCodeValue.SelectedItem.Text; if (entity.Id < 0) { entity.Jxdm = this.Operator.Desp3; entity.Jxmc = this.Operator.Desp4; if (SimpleOrmOperator.Create(entity)) { WebTools.Alert("添加成功!"); } else { WebTools.Alert("添加失败!"); } } else { if (SimpleOrmOperator.Update(entity)) { WebTools.Alert("修改成功!"); } else { WebTools.Alert("修改失败!"); } } }