Esempio n. 1
        public void Initialize()
            fakeStories = new Story[]
                new Story { Message = "First story", PostedOn = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 15, 1, 0) },
                new Story { Message = "Second story", PostedOn = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 15, 5, 0) }

            //Creates a fake ITimelineReaderService with a liked observer in order to
            //assert that the SUT relies on it
            timelineReaderServiceObserver = new StubObserver();
            timelineReaderService = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubITimelineReaderService
                InstanceObserver = timelineReaderServiceObserver,
                GetTimelineString = userName => fakeStories

            storyFormatterObserver = new StubObserver();
            storyFormatter = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubIEntityFormatter<Story>
                InstanceObserver = storyFormatterObserver,
                FormatT0 = story => story.Message

            sut = new ReadCommand(timelineReaderService, storyFormatter);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Initialize()
            //Initializing observers
            readCommandObserver = new StubObserver();
            postCommandObserver = new StubObserver();
            wallCommandObserver = new StubObserver();

            //Initializing fake commands with arbitrary signatures.
            //Each one is linked to its observer in order to check
            //whether the requests are properly routed
            readCommand = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubICommand
                // command signature: {UserName}
                SignatureGet = () => @"^([^\s][A-Za-z0-9-_]+)$",
                InstanceObserver = readCommandObserver
            postCommand = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubICommand
                // command signature: {UserName} -> {Message}
                SignatureGet = () => @"^([^\s][A-Za-z0-9-_]+) -> (.+)$",
                InstanceObserver = postCommandObserver
            wallCommand = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubICommand
                // command signature: {UserName} Wall
                SignatureGet = () => @"^([^\s][A-Za-z0-9-_]+) Wall$",
                InstanceObserver = wallCommandObserver
Esempio n. 3
        public void Initialize()
            fakeAggregatedStories = new AggregatedStory[]
                new AggregatedStory { Story = new Story { Message = "First story", PostedOn = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 15, 1, 0) }},
                new AggregatedStory { Story = new Story { Message = "Second story", PostedOn = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 15, 5, 0) }}

            //Creates a fake IAggregatorService with a liked observer in order to
            //assert that the SUT relies on it
            aggregatorServiceObserver = new StubObserver();
            aggregatorService = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubIAggregatorService
                InstanceObserver = aggregatorServiceObserver,
                GetAggregatedStoriesString = userName => fakeAggregatedStories

            aggregatedStoryFormatterObserver = new StubObserver();
            aggregatedStoryFormatter = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubIEntityFormatter<AggregatedStory>
                InstanceObserver = aggregatedStoryFormatterObserver,
                FormatT0 = aggregatedStory => aggregatedStory.Story.Message

            sut = new WallCommand(aggregatorService, aggregatedStoryFormatter);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Initialize()
            //Creates a fake ITimelineWriterService with a liked observer in order to
            //assert that the SUT relies on it
            timelineWriterServiceObserver = new StubObserver();
            timelineWriterService = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubITimelineWriterService
                InstanceObserver = timelineWriterServiceObserver

            sut = new PostCommand(timelineWriterService);
Esempio n. 5
        public void Initialize()
            //Creates a fake IFollowerService with a liked observer in order to
            //assert that the SUT relies on it
            followerServiceObserver = new StubObserver();
            followerService = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubIFollowerService
                InstanceObserver = followerServiceObserver

            sut = new FollowsCommand(followerService);
        public void TestMethod3()
            var stubLogger = new StubILogger {ShouldLog = () => true};
            var sut = new ClassA();
            var observer = new StubObserver();
            stubLogger.InstanceObserver = observer;


            var calls = observer.GetCalls();
Esempio n. 7
 public FakeOrganzationService(IOrganizationService realService)
     Observer = new StubObserver();
     this.InstanceObserver = Observer;
     CallCount             = 0;
     if (realService == null)
        public void GetEventName_Test_Fakes()
            var stubLogger = new StubILogger { IsLoggerEnabledGet = () => true };
            var diagonizeStub = new DiagonizeStubs();
            var observer = new StubObserver();
            stubLogger.InstanceObserver = observer;

            var calls = observer.GetCalls();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, calls.Length);
        public void Initialize()
            // Initialize fake user
            fakeUser = new User
                Name = "Alice",
                Timeline = new List<Story>()

            // Initializes a fake repository that returns the fake user
            // and attaches an observer to it in order to check if the repository
            // is correctly called by the TimelineWriterService
            userRepositoryObserver = new StubObserver();
            userRepository = new Contracts.Interfaces.Fakes.StubIRepository<User>
                GetOrCreateString = (userName) => fakeUser,
                InstanceObserver = userRepositoryObserver

            sut = new TimelineWriterService(userRepository);
        public void Test_Stub_Observer_Contains_Valid_Argument_And_Method_Info()
            // Arrange
            var mock = new StubILogWriter();
            var stubObserver = new StubObserver();
            mock.InstanceObserver = stubObserver;

            // Act

            // Assert
            var calls = stubObserver.GetCalls();
            CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(calls, "Should be at least one call to the observer.");

            var callInfo = calls[0];

            Assert.That(callInfo.GetArguments()[0], Is.EqualTo("Foo"),
                "Mocked method should be called with 'Foo' argument.");

            Assert.That(callInfo.StubbedMethod.Name, Is.EqualTo("Write"),
                "ILogWriter.Write method should be called.");
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the calls made to the Execute method of the provided observer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="observer"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private IEnumerable<StubObservedCall> GetExecuteCall(StubObserver observer)
     return observer.GetCalls().Where(c => c.StubbedMethod.Name == "Execute");