Esempio n. 1
		public void DontSimplifySegmentStruct()
			StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0) { Fields = { { 0, PrimitiveType.Int32 } } };
			s.IsSegment = true;
			DataType dt = s.Simplify();
			Assert.AreEqual("(segment (0 int32 dw0000))", dt.ToString());
 public void StrFldMerger_SingleMember()
     StructureType str = new StructureType("foo", 0);
     str.Fields.Add(4, PrimitiveType.Word16);
     DataType dt = sfm.Merge(str);
     Assert.AreEqual("(struct \"foo\" (4 word16 w0004))", dt.ToString());
		public void Setup()
            var image = new LoadedImage(Address.Ptr32(0x00100000), new byte[1024]);
            var arch = new FakeArchitecture();
            var program = new Program
                Image = image,
                Architecture = arch,
                ImageMap = image.CreateImageMap(),
                Platform = new DefaultPlatform(null, arch),
            store = program.TypeStore;
            factory = program.TypeFactory;
            globals = program.Globals;
			store.EnsureExpressionTypeVariable(factory, globals);

			StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0);
			s.Fields.Add(0x00100000, PrimitiveType.Word32, null);

			TypeVariable tvGlobals = store.EnsureExpressionTypeVariable(factory, globals);
			EquivalenceClass eqGlobals = new EquivalenceClass(tvGlobals);
			eqGlobals.DataType = s;
			globals.TypeVariable.DataType = new Pointer(eqGlobals, 4);
			globals.DataType = globals.TypeVariable.DataType;

            tcr = new TypedConstantRewriter(program);
Esempio n. 4
		public void UnifyStructsSameSize()
			StructureType s1 = new StructureType(null, 20);
			StructureType s2 = new StructureType(null, 20);
			StructureType m = (StructureType) un.Unify(s1, s2);
			Assert.AreEqual(20, m.Size);
Esempio n. 5
 public AddStructure(Position position, StructureType structureType, Facing frontFace)
     : this()
     Position = position;
     StructureType = structureType;
     FrontFace = frontFace;
Esempio n. 6
 public DataType CreateDataType()
     var str = new StructureType("foo", 0);
     str.Fields.Add(0, PrimitiveType.Int32);
     str.Fields.Add(4, new Pointer(str, 4));
     return str;
Esempio n. 7
		public void Setup()
            mem = new MemoryArea(Address.Ptr32(0x00100000), new byte[1024]);
            var arch = new FakeArchitecture();
            this.program = new Program
                Architecture = arch,
                SegmentMap = new SegmentMap(
                    new ImageSegment(".text", mem, AccessMode.ReadWriteExecute)),
                Platform = new DefaultPlatform(null, arch),
            store = program.TypeStore;
            factory = program.TypeFactory;
            globals = program.Globals;
			store.EnsureExpressionTypeVariable(factory, globals);

			StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0);
			s.Fields.Add(0x00100000, PrimitiveType.Word32, null);

			TypeVariable tvGlobals = store.EnsureExpressionTypeVariable(factory, globals);
			EquivalenceClass eqGlobals = new EquivalenceClass(tvGlobals);
			eqGlobals.DataType = s;
			globals.TypeVariable.DataType = new Pointer(eqGlobals, 4);
			globals.DataType = globals.TypeVariable.DataType;
Esempio n. 8
 public override DataType VisitStructure(StructureType str)
     if (visitedTypes.Contains(str))
         return str;
     return base.VisitStructure(str);
		public void MergeStaggeredArrays2()
			StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0);
			AddArrayField(s, 0, 8, PrimitiveType.Int32);
			AddArrayField(s, 4, 8, PrimitiveType.Int32);
			Assert.AreEqual("(struct (0 (arr (struct 0008 (0 int32 dw0000) (4 int32 dw0004))) a0000))", s.ToString());
 public void DTS_issue_113()
     // This recursive structure shoudn't blow up the stack.
     var str = new StructureType("foo", 0);
     str.Fields.Add(0, new Pointer(str, 4), "bar");
     var sStr = str.Accept(new DataTypeSerializer());
     Assert.AreEqual("struct(foo, (0, bar, ptr(struct(foo, ))))", sStr.ToString());
Esempio n. 11
		public void UnifyStructs()
            StructureType m1 = new StructureType { Fields = { { 4, PrimitiveType.Word32 } } };
            StructureType m2 = new StructureType { Fields = { { 8, PrimitiveType.Word32 } } };

			StructureType m = (StructureType) un.Unify(m1, m2);
			Assert.AreEqual(2, m.Fields.Count);
Esempio n. 12
	public BlockStructure(string DefaultType) {
		if (DefaultType == "Tree") {
			MyBlocks.Size = new Vector3 (6, 9, 6);
			MyType = StructureType.Tree;
		MyBlocks.InitilizeData ();
		UpdateBlockStructureWithType ();
		private StructureType BuildStaggeredArrays()
			StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0);
			s.Fields.Add(4, new ArrayType(new StructureType(null, 20) { Fields = { { 0, PrimitiveType.Int32 } } }, 0));
			s.Fields.Add(8, new ArrayType(new StructureType(null, 20) { Fields = { { 0, PrimitiveType.Real64} } }, 0));
			s.Fields.Add(12,new ArrayType(new StructureType(null, 20) { Fields = { { 0, PrimitiveType.Byte } } }, 0));
			return s;
		private StructureType BuildDistinctArrays()
			StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0);
			AddArrayField(s, 0, 20, PrimitiveType.Int32);
			AddArrayField(s, 4, 20, PrimitiveType.Int32);
			AddArrayField(s, 40, 20, PrimitiveType.Real32);
			AddArrayField(s, 44, 20, PrimitiveType.Real32);
			return s;
Esempio n. 15
 public void HasNoCoincidentFields()
     StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0);
     s.Fields.Add(4, new TypeVariable(1));
     s.Fields.Add(5, PrimitiveType.Word16);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, s.Fields.Count);
     TypeTransformer trans = new TypeTransformer(factory, null, null);
Esempio n. 16
 public Structure(Vector2Int location, User owner, StructureType type)
     _commands = new Dictionary<string, Command>();
     Squads = new List<Squad>();
     Enabled = true;
     Location = location;
     Owner = owner;
     Type = type;
		public void MergeOffsetStructures()
			StructureType s1 = new StructureType(null, 20);
			s1.Fields.Add(0, PrimitiveType.Int32);
			StructureType s2 = new StructureType(null, 20);
			s2.Fields.Add(0, PrimitiveType.Real32);
			DataType dt = trans.MergeOffsetStructures(s1, 4, s2, 8);
			Assert.AreEqual("(struct 0014 (0 int32 dw0000) (4 real32 r0004))", dt.ToString());
Esempio n. 18
        public Structure(StructureType structureType, int _floor)
            IronTowerDBContext db = new IronTowerDBContext();

            //   Game game = db.Games.FirstOrDefault();
            //    this.Game = game;

            switch (structureType)
                case StructureType.Laundry:
                    this.Floor = _floor;
                    this.Income = 1;
                    this.InitialCost = 1;
                    this.IsResidence = false;
                    this.PopulationCost = 1;
                    this.SupportedPopulation = 0;
                    this.Type = StructureType.Laundry;
                    this.UpKeep = 1;

                case StructureType.Restaurant:
                    this.Floor = _floor;
                    this.Income = 2;
                    this.InitialCost = 1;
                    this.IsResidence = false;
                    this.PopulationCost = 3;
                    this.SupportedPopulation = 0;
                    this.Type = StructureType.Restaurant;
                    this.UpKeep = 1;

                case StructureType.AmusementPark:
                    this.Floor = _floor;
                    this.Income = 3;
                    this.InitialCost = 3;
                    this.IsResidence = false;
                    this.PopulationCost = 1;
                    this.SupportedPopulation = 0;
                    this.Type = StructureType.AmusementPark;
                    this.UpKeep = 1;

                case StructureType.Residence:
                    this.Floor = _floor;
                    this.Income = 0;
                    this.InitialCost = 1;
                    this.IsResidence = true;
                    this.PopulationCost = 0;
                    this.SupportedPopulation = 5;
                    this.Type = StructureType.Residence;
                    this.UpKeep = 1;

Esempio n. 19
 public void CmpRecursiveEqualStructs()
     // struct str1{struct *str2} == struct str2{struct *str1}
     StructureType s1 = new StructureType();
     StructureType s2 = new StructureType();
     s1.Fields.Add(0, new Pointer(s2, 4));
     s2.Fields.Add(0, new Pointer(s1, 4));
     DataTypeComparer c = new DataTypeComparer();
     Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Compare(s1, s2));
Esempio n. 20
 public void StrFldMerger_FindOverlappingCluster()
     StructureType str = new StructureType("foo", 0);
     str.Fields.Add(2, PrimitiveType.Word32);
     str.Fields.Add(4, PrimitiveType.Word32);
     foreach (List<StructureField> cluster in sfm.GetOverlappingClusters(str.Fields))
         Assert.AreEqual(2, cluster.Count);
Esempio n. 21
 public string GenerateTableStructure(ServerModel server, StructureType gentype, List<TableModel> tables)
         return scriptData.GenerateTableStructure(server, gentype, tables);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Esempio n. 22
		public void TyfoMem()
			StructureType m = new StructureType( "foo", 0);
			m.Fields.Add(4, PrimitiveType.UInt16);
			m.Fields.Add(8, new Pointer(PrimitiveType.UInt32, 4));
			tyfo.Write(m, "bar");
@"struct foo {
	uint16 w0004;	// 4
	uint32 * ptr0008;	// 8
} bar",
Esempio n. 23
 private void Globals(params StructureField[] fields)
     var arch = new Mocks.FakeArchitecture();
     this.prog = new Program(
         new DefaultPlatform(null, arch));
     var globalStruct = new StructureType();
     prog.Globals.TypeVariable = new TypeVariable("globals_t", 1) { DataType = globalStruct };
     var ptr = new Pointer(globalStruct, 4);
     prog.Globals.TypeVariable.DataType = ptr;
Esempio n. 24
 public ChartForm(BenchmarkType type, StructureType types, int start, int count, int step, int control)
     var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GenerateBenchmarks(type, types, start, count, step, control), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
     task.ContinueWith(ancestor =>
         foreach (var series in ConvertAllSeries(ancestor.Result, type == BenchmarkType.Memory))
         Chart.Visible = true;
         ProgressBarPanel.Visible = false;
         if ((type & BenchmarkType.Memory) > 0)
             Chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Memory (MB)";
     }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
        public void StructureContainingArray()
            ArrayType a = new ArrayType(PrimitiveType.Int32, 4);

            StructureType s = new StructureType(null, 0) { Fields = { { 8, a } } };

            TypeVariable tv = store.CreateTypeVariable(factory);
            tv.Class.DataType = s;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, store.UsedEquivalenceClasses.Count);

            DataType dt = tv.Class.DataType.Accept(nct);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, store.UsedEquivalenceClasses.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("(struct (8 (arr int32 4) a0008))", store.UsedEquivalenceClasses[0].DataType.ToString()); 
        public void StrFldMerger_FindOverLappingClusterWithEqv()
            StructureType str = new StructureType("foo", 0);
            UnionType u = new UnionType(null, null, PrimitiveType.Pointer32, PrimitiveType.Word16);
            EquivalenceClass eq = Eqv(u);
            str.Fields.Add(2, eq);
            str.Fields.Add(4, PrimitiveType.SegmentSelector);

            IEnumerable<List<StructureField>> eb = sfm.GetOverlappingClusters(str.Fields);
            IEnumerator<List<StructureField>> e = eb.GetEnumerator();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, e.Current.Count);
            List<StructureField> cluster = e.Current;
Esempio n. 27
		public void Merge1()
			TypeVariable tv1 = new TypeVariable(1);
			TypeVariable tv2 = new TypeVariable(2);
            StructureType s1 = new StructureType { Fields = { { 4, PrimitiveType.Pointer32 } } };
            StructureType s2 = new StructureType { Fields = { { 4, PrimitiveType.Pointer32 } } };
			EquivalenceClass c1 = new EquivalenceClass(tv1);
			EquivalenceClass c2 = new EquivalenceClass(tv2);
			c1.DataType = s1;
			c2.DataType = s2;
			StructureMerger sm = new StructureMerger(new StructureType[] { s1, s2 }, new EquivalenceClass[] { c1, c2 } );
			Assert.AreEqual("(struct (4 ptr32 ptr0004))", c1.DataType.ToString());
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Inserts a frame pointer assignment at the beginning of the procedure
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The frame pointer assignment needs a block of its own, as placing it in the 
 /// "entryBlock" wreaks havoc with SSA assignments &c.
 /// </remarks>
 public void InsertFramePointerAssignment(IProcessorArchitecture arch)
     Block b = proc.AddBlock(proc.Name + "_frame_asgn");
     Block s = proc.EntryBlock.Succ[0];
     proc.ControlGraph.RemoveEdge(proc.EntryBlock, s);
     proc.ControlGraph.AddEdge(proc.EntryBlock, b);
     proc.ControlGraph.AddEdge(b, s);
     StructureType st = new StructureType(proc.Name + "_frame_t", 0);
     Identifier frame = proc.Frame.CreateTemporary(proc.Name + "_frame", st);
         new Assignment(
         new UnaryExpression(Operator.AddrOf, arch.FramePointerType, frame)));
Esempio n. 29
 public void CmpRecursiveNotEqualStructs()
     // struct str1{struct *str2; int f1} != struct str2{struct *str1; float f2}
     DataType u32 = PrimitiveType.UInt32;
     DataType r32 = PrimitiveType.Real32;
     StructureType s1 = new StructureType();
     StructureType s2 = new StructureType();
     s1.Fields.Add(0, new Pointer(s2, 4));
     s1.Fields.Add(4, u32);
     s2.Fields.Add(0, new Pointer(s1, 4));
     s2.Fields.Add(4, r32);
     DataTypeComparer c = new DataTypeComparer();
     Assert.AreNotEqual(0, c.Compare(s1, s2));
     Assert.AreNotEqual(0, c.Compare(r32, u32));
 public void Setup()
     var image = new LoadedImage(Address.Ptr32(0x00400000), new byte[1024]);
     var arch = new FakeArchitecture();
     program = new Program
         Architecture = arch,
         Image = image,
         ImageMap = image.CreateImageMap(),
         Platform = new DefaultPlatform(null, arch)
     store = program.TypeStore;
     factory = program.TypeFactory;
     point = new StructureType(null, 0);
     point.Fields.Add(0, PrimitiveType.Word32, null);
     point.Fields.Add(4, PrimitiveType.Word32, null);
Esempio n. 31
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.VideoEncodeH264SessionParametersCreateInfoExt);
Esempio n. 33
 public PhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features
     StructureType sType                                       = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features,
     void *pNext                                               = default,
     Bool32 samplerMirrorClampToEdge                           = default,
     Bool32 drawIndirectCount                                  = default,
     Bool32 storageBuffer8BitAccess                            = default,
     Bool32 uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess                  = default,
     Bool32 storagePushConstant8                               = default,
     Bool32 shaderBufferInt64Atomics                           = default,
     Bool32 shaderSharedInt64Atomics                           = default,
     Bool32 shaderFloat16                                      = default,
     Bool32 shaderInt8                                         = default,
     Bool32 descriptorIndexing                                 = default,
     Bool32 shaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing          = default,
     Bool32 shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = default,
     Bool32 shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = default,
     Bool32 shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = default,
     Bool32 shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = default,
     Bool32 shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = default,
     Bool32 shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = default,
     Bool32 shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing       = default,
     Bool32 shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = default,
     Bool32 shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind      = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind       = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind       = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind      = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending          = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingPartiallyBound                    = default,
     Bool32 descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount           = default,
     Bool32 runtimeDescriptorArray                             = default,
     Bool32 samplerFilterMinmax                                = default,
     Bool32 scalarBlockLayout                                  = default,
     Bool32 imagelessFramebuffer                               = default,
     Bool32 uniformBufferStandardLayout                        = default,
     Bool32 shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes                        = default,
     Bool32 separateDepthStencilLayouts                        = default,
     Bool32 hostQueryReset                                     = default,
     Bool32 timelineSemaphore                                  = default,
     Bool32 bufferDeviceAddress                                = default,
     Bool32 bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay                   = default,
     Bool32 bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice                     = default,
     Bool32 vulkanMemoryModel                                  = default,
     Bool32 vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope                       = default,
     Bool32 vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains      = default,
     Bool32 shaderOutputViewportIndex                          = default,
     Bool32 shaderOutputLayer                                  = default,
     Bool32 subgroupBroadcastDynamicId                         = default
     SType = sType;
     PNext = pNext;
     SamplerMirrorClampToEdge          = samplerMirrorClampToEdge;
     DrawIndirectCount                 = drawIndirectCount;
     StorageBuffer8BitAccess           = storageBuffer8BitAccess;
     UniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess = uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess;
     StoragePushConstant8              = storagePushConstant8;
     ShaderBufferInt64Atomics          = shaderBufferInt64Atomics;
     ShaderSharedInt64Atomics          = shaderSharedInt64Atomics;
     ShaderFloat16      = shaderFloat16;
     ShaderInt8         = shaderInt8;
     DescriptorIndexing = descriptorIndexing;
     ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing          = shaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing;
     ShaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing;
     ShaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing;
     ShaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
     ShaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing;
     ShaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
     ShaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing;
     ShaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing       = shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing;
     ShaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
     ShaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing;
     DescriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind      = descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind;
     DescriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind       = descriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind;
     DescriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind       = descriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind;
     DescriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind      = descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind;
     DescriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind;
     DescriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind;
     DescriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending          = descriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending;
     DescriptorBindingPartiallyBound          = descriptorBindingPartiallyBound;
     DescriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount = descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount;
     RuntimeDescriptorArray      = runtimeDescriptorArray;
     SamplerFilterMinmax         = samplerFilterMinmax;
     ScalarBlockLayout           = scalarBlockLayout;
     ImagelessFramebuffer        = imagelessFramebuffer;
     UniformBufferStandardLayout = uniformBufferStandardLayout;
     ShaderSubgroupExtendedTypes = shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes;
     SeparateDepthStencilLayouts = separateDepthStencilLayouts;
     HostQueryReset      = hostQueryReset;
     TimelineSemaphore   = timelineSemaphore;
     BufferDeviceAddress = bufferDeviceAddress;
     BufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay = bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay;
     BufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice   = bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice;
     VulkanMemoryModel            = vulkanMemoryModel;
     VulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope = vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope;
     VulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains = vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains;
     ShaderOutputViewportIndex  = shaderOutputViewportIndex;
     ShaderOutputLayer          = shaderOutputLayer;
     SubgroupBroadcastDynamicId = subgroupBroadcastDynamicId;
Esempio n. 34
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.AcquireNextImageInfoKhr);
Esempio n. 35
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.ImageResolve2Khr);
Esempio n. 36
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.FenceGetFDInfoKhr);
Esempio n. 37
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesExt);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PerformanceCounterDescriptionKhr);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV);
Esempio n. 40
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.BufferOpaqueCaptureAddressCreateInfo);
Esempio n. 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfoKhx"/> structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deviceMask">The initial value of the command buffer's device mask.</param>
 /// <param name="next">
 /// Is <see cref="IntPtr.Zero"/> or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
 /// </param>
 public DeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfoKhx(int deviceMask, IntPtr next = default(IntPtr))
     Type       = StructureType.DeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfoKhx;
     Next       = next;
     DeviceMask = deviceMask;
Esempio n. 42
 public int VisitStructure(StructureType str)
     writer.Write("new StructureType({0})", str.Name ?? "<not-set>");
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features);
Esempio n. 44
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.DevicePrivateDataCreateInfoExt);
Esempio n. 45
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.MemoryAllocateFlagsInfo);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PipelineCreationFeedbackCreateInfoExt);
Esempio n. 48
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesExt);
Esempio n. 49
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceMaintenance4PropertiesKhr);
Esempio n. 50
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfo);
Esempio n. 51
        public void Scanner_GlobalData()
            var bytes = new byte[] {
                0x48, 0x00, 0x21, 0x43, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x53, 0x00, 0x21, 0x43,
                0x28, 0x00, 0x21, 0x43, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x63, 0x00, 0x21, 0x43,
                0x38, 0x00, 0x21, 0x43, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x73, 0x00, 0x21, 0x43,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

            Given_Program(Address.Ptr32(0x43210000), bytes);
            var project = new Project {
                Programs = { program }

            var sc = new Scanner(
                new ImportResolver(project, program, eventListener),

            var ft1 = Given_Serialized_Signature(new SerializedSignature
                Convention  = "__cdecl",
                ReturnValue = new Argument_v1 {
                    Type = Int32()
            var ft2 = Given_Serialized_Signature(new SerializedSignature
                ReturnValue = new Argument_v1 {
                    Type = Char()
            var str    = new StructureType();
            var fields = new StructureField[] {
                new StructureField(0, new Pointer(ft1, 32), "A"),
                new StructureField(4, PrimitiveType.Int32, "B"),
                new StructureField(8, new Pointer(ft2, 32), "C"),

            var elementType = new TypeReference("test", str);
            var arrayType   = new ArrayType(elementType, 3);

            sc.EnqueueUserGlobalData(Address.Ptr32(0x43210000), arrayType, null);

            var sExpSig1 =
                @"Register ui32 sig1()
// stackDelta: 4; fpuStackDelta: 0; fpuMaxParam: -1
            var sExpSig2 =
                @"Register char sig2()
// stackDelta: 4; fpuStackDelta: 0; fpuMaxParam: -1

            Assert.AreEqual(6, program.Procedures.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(sExpSig1, program.Procedures[Address.Ptr32(0x43210028)].Signature.ToString("sig1", FunctionType.EmitFlags.AllDetails));
            Assert.AreEqual(sExpSig1, program.Procedures[Address.Ptr32(0x43210038)].Signature.ToString("sig1", FunctionType.EmitFlags.AllDetails));
            Assert.AreEqual(sExpSig1, program.Procedures[Address.Ptr32(0x43210048)].Signature.ToString("sig1", FunctionType.EmitFlags.AllDetails));
            Assert.AreEqual(sExpSig2, program.Procedures[Address.Ptr32(0x43210053)].Signature.ToString("sig2", FunctionType.EmitFlags.AllDetails));
            Assert.AreEqual(sExpSig2, program.Procedures[Address.Ptr32(0x43210063)].Signature.ToString("sig2", FunctionType.EmitFlags.AllDetails));
            Assert.AreEqual(sExpSig2, program.Procedures[Address.Ptr32(0x43210073)].Signature.ToString("sig2", FunctionType.EmitFlags.AllDetails));
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.RayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKhr);
Esempio n. 53
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.InitializePerformanceApiInfoIntel);
Esempio n. 54
 /// <summary>
 /// Write instruction operands into bytecode stream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writer">Bytecode writer.</param>
 public override void WriteOperands(WordWriter writer)
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PipelineExecutablePropertiesKhr);
Esempio n. 56
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
 /// <paramref name="structType"/> is null.
 /// </exception>
 internal StructureShape(StructureType structure) : base(structure)
     this.structure = structure;
Esempio n. 57
 public int VisitStructure(StructureType str)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 58
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.SamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties);
Esempio n. 59
 public ExpressionTypeAscenderBase(Program program, TypeFactory factory)
     this.platform     = program.Platform;
     this.globalFields = program.GlobalFields;
     this.factory      = factory;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType()
     return(SType = StructureType.PhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features);