public static int GetIntFromString(string id)
            string hexId = id
                           .Replace('H', '1')
                           .Replace('N', '7')
                           .Replace('V', '0')
                           .Replace('Y', '5')
                           .Replace("-", "");
            string strongId = HexDecode(hexId);
            int    intId    = StrongIdObfuscator.GetIdFromObfuscatedBase64IdOrRegularId(strongId);

        public static string GetStringFromInt(int id, bool insertDashes)
            // Hex chars:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F
            // replacemtns: H       Y   N     V
            string strongId   = StrongIdObfuscator.EncodeIdToBase64String(id); // Now we have somthing like 'td_BBw'
            string hexId      = HexEncode(strongId);                           // Now we have '74645F424277'
            string readableId = hexId
                                .Replace('1', 'H')
                                .Replace('7', 'N')
                                .Replace('0', 'V')
                                .Replace('5', 'Y');

            if (insertDashes)
                readableId = readableId.Insert(8, "-").Insert(4, "-");