public string GetEventWrites() { StringBuilder eventBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Location location in Locations) { location.WriteLocationEvent(eventBuilder); } foreach (EventDefine define in LogicParser.GetEventDefines()) { define.WriteDefineString(eventBuilder); } byte[] seedValues = new byte[4]; seedValues[0] = (byte)((Seed >> 00) & 0xFF); seedValues[1] = (byte)((Seed >> 08) & 0xFF); seedValues[2] = (byte)((Seed >> 16) & 0xFF); seedValues[3] = (byte)((Seed >> 24) & 0xFF); eventBuilder.AppendLine("#define seedHashed 0x" + StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)PatchUtil.Crc32(seedValues, 4))); eventBuilder.AppendLine("#define settingHash 0x" + StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)GetSettingHash())); return(eventBuilder.ToString()); }
public void SaveFile(SaveFile save, int fileNumber) { uint checksum = CalculateChecksum(fileNumber); writer.WriteBytes(, 0x80 + (fileNumber * 0x500)); uint newchecksum = CalculateChecksum(fileNumber); Console.WriteLine("old checksum {0}", StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)checksum)); Console.WriteLine("new checksum {0}", StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)newchecksum)); writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)((newchecksum & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16), 0x30 + (fileNumber * 0x10)); writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(newchecksum & 0xFFFF)); writer.Flush(); byte[] dataToWrite = new byte[saveData.Length]; Array.Copy(saveData, dataToWrite, saveData.Length); // Flip data back for output write, but don't touch current data for (int block = 0; block < dataToWrite.Length;) { Array.Reverse(dataToWrite, block, 8); block += 8; } if (dataToWrite == saveData) { Console.WriteLine("Same!"); } File.WriteAllBytes(path, dataToWrite); }
public List <Location> ParseLocations(string[] lines, Random rng) { List <Location> outList = new List <Location>(); foreach (string locationLine in lines) { // Spaces are ignored, and everything after a # is a comment string locationString = locationLine.Split('#')[0].Trim(); // Empty lines or locations are ignored if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(locationString)) { continue; } if (!SubParser.ShouldIgnoreLines()) { // Replace defines between ` // Probably a more efficient way to do it, but eh if (locationString.IndexOf("`") != -1) { locationString = locationString.Replace("`RAND_INT`", StringUtil.AsStringHex8(rng.Next())); locationString = SubParser.ReplaceDefines(locationString); } if (locationString[0] == '!') { // Parse the string as a directive, ignoring preparsed directives if (!SubParser.ParseOnLoad(locationString)) { SubParser.ParseDirective(locationString); } } else { // Remove spaces as they're ignored in locations locationString = locationString.Replace(" ", ""); Location newLocation = GetLocation(locationString); outList.Add(newLocation); } } else { // Only parse directives to check for conditionals if (locationString[0] == '!') { SubParser.ParseDirective(locationString); } } } return(outList); }
private void LoadRom() { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "GBA ROMs|*.gba|All Files|*.*", Title = "Select TMC ROM" }; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } try { ROM_ = new ROM(ofd.FileName); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } if (ROM.Instance.version.Equals(RegionVersion.None)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid TMC ROM. Please Open a valid ROM.", "Incorrect ROM", MessageBoxButtons.OK); statusText.Text = "Unable to determine ROM."; ROM_ = null; return; } if (!shuffler.RomCrcValid(ROM_)) { Console.WriteLine(StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)PatchUtil.Crc32(ROM_.romData, ROM_.romData.Length))); MessageBox.Show("ROM does not match the expected CRC for the logic file", "Incorrect ROM", MessageBoxButtons.OK); statusText.Text = "ROM not valid"; ROM_ = null; return; } }
private void Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ROM_ == null) { LoadRom(); if (ROM_ == null) { return; } } if (shuffler == null) { return; } try { // If the seed is valid, load locations from the logic and randomize their contents if (int.TryParse(seedField.Text, out int seed)) { // Make sure the RNG is set to the seed, so the seed can be regenerated shuffler.SetSeed(seed); if (customLogicCheckBox.Checked) { shuffler.LoadLocations(customLogicPath.Text); } else { shuffler.LoadLocations(); } shuffler.RandomizeLocations(); } else { MessageBox.Show("The seed value is not valid!\nMake sure it's not too large and only contains numeric characters."); return; } // Mark that a seed has been generated so seed-specific options can be used Randomized = true; if (!mainTabs.TabPages.Contains(generatedTab)) { // Change the tab to the seed output tab mainTabs.TabPages.Add(generatedTab); } mainTabs.SelectedTab = generatedTab; // Show ROM information on seed page generatedSeedValue.Text = seed.ToString(); generatedLogicLabel.Text = shuffler.GetLogicIdentifier(); settingHashValue.Text = StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)shuffler.GetSettingHash()); gimmickHashValue.Text = StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)shuffler.GetGimmickHash()); statusText.Text = $"Successfully randomzied seed {seed}"; } catch (ShuffleException error) { MessageBox.Show(error.Message); statusText.Text = $"Error randomizing seed: {error.Message}"; } }
public string GetOptionsIdentifier() { return(StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)GetSettingHash()) + "-" + StringUtil.AsStringHex8((int)GetGimmickHash())); }