Esempio n. 1
 internal static IEnumerator ConvertAnythingToIterator(object o)
     IEnumerator iter = null;
     if (o is IDictionary)
         iter = ((IDictionary) o).Values.GetEnumerator();
     else if (o is ICollection)
         iter = ((ICollection) o).GetEnumerator();
     else if (o is IEnumerator)
         iter = (IEnumerator) o;
     if (iter == null)
         IList singleton = new StringTemplate.STAttributeList(1);
         return singleton.GetEnumerator();
     return iter;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// For <names,phones:{n,p | ...}> treat the names, phones as lists
        /// to be walked in lock step as n=names[i], p=phones[i].
        /// </summary>
        public virtual object ApplyTemplateToListOfAttributes(StringTemplate self, IList attributes, StringTemplate templateToApply)
            if (attributes == null || templateToApply == null || attributes.Count == 0)
                return null; // do not apply if missing templates or empty values
            IDictionary argumentContext = null;
            IList results = new StringTemplate.STAttributeList();

            // convert all attributes to iterators even if just one value
            for (int a = 0; a < attributes.Count; a++)
                object o = (object) attributes[a];
                if (o != null)
                    o = ConvertAnythingToIterator(o);
                    attributes[a] = o; // alter the list in place

            int numAttributes = attributes.Count;

            // ensure arguments line up
            HashList formalArguments = (HashList) templateToApply.FormalArguments;
            if (formalArguments == null || formalArguments.Count == 0)
                self.Error("missing arguments in anonymous" + " template in context " + self.GetEnclosingInstanceStackString());
                return null;
            object[] formalArgumentNames = new object[formalArguments.Count];
            formalArguments.Keys.CopyTo(formalArgumentNames, 0);
            if (formalArgumentNames.Length != numAttributes)
                self.Error("number of arguments " + formalArguments.Keys.ToString() + " mismatch between attribute list and anonymous" + " template in context " + self.GetEnclosingInstanceStackString());
                // truncate arg list to match smaller size
                int shorterSize = Math.Min(formalArgumentNames.Length, numAttributes);
                numAttributes = shorterSize;
                object[] newFormalArgumentNames = new object[shorterSize];
                Array.Copy(formalArgumentNames, 0, newFormalArgumentNames, 0, shorterSize);
                formalArgumentNames = newFormalArgumentNames;

            // keep walking while at least one attribute has values
            int i = 0;		// iteration number from 0
            while (true)
                argumentContext = new Hashtable();
                // get a value for each attribute in list; put into arg context
                // to simulate template invocation of anonymous template
                int numEmpty = 0;
                for (int a = 0; a < numAttributes; a++)
                    IEnumerator it = (IEnumerator) attributes[a];
                    if ((it != null) && it.MoveNext())
                        string argName = (string) formalArgumentNames[a];
                        object iteratedValue = it.Current;
                        argumentContext[argName] = iteratedValue;
                if (numEmpty == numAttributes)
                argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX_VARIABLE_NAME] = i+1;
                argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX0_VARIABLE_NAME] = i;
                StringTemplate embedded = templateToApply.GetInstanceOf();
                embedded.EnclosingInstance = self;
                embedded.ArgumentContext = argumentContext;

            return results;
Esempio n. 3
        public virtual object ApplyListOfAlternatingTemplates(StringTemplate self, object attributeValue, IList templatesToApply)
            if (attributeValue == null || templatesToApply == null || templatesToApply.Count == 0)
                return null; // do not apply if missing templates or empty value
            StringTemplate embedded = null;
            IDictionary argumentContext = null;

            // normalize collections and such to use iterators
            // anything iteratable can be used for "APPLY"
            // TODO: 2006-08-05 - Needed?: attributeValue = convertArrayToList(attributeValue);
            attributeValue = ConvertAnythingIteratableToIterator(attributeValue);

            bool isAnonymous;
            bool hasFormalArgument;
            if (attributeValue is IEnumerator)
                // results can be treated list an attribute, indicate ST created list
                IList resultVector = new StringTemplate.STAttributeList();
                IEnumerator iter = (IEnumerator) attributeValue;
                int i = 0;
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    object ithValue = iter.Current;
                    if (ithValue == null)
                        if (nullValue == null)
                        ithValue = nullValue;
                    int templateIndex = i % templatesToApply.Count; // rotate through
                    embedded = (StringTemplate) templatesToApply[templateIndex];
                    // template to apply is an actual StringTemplate (created in
                    // eval.g), but that is used as the examplar.  We must create
                    // a new instance of the embedded template to apply each time
                    // to get new attribute sets etc...
                    StringTemplateAST args = embedded.ArgumentsAST;
                    embedded = embedded.GetInstanceOf(); // make new instance
                    embedded.EnclosingInstance = self;
                    embedded.ArgumentsAST = args;

                    argumentContext = new Hashtable();
                    isAnonymous = (embedded.Name == StringTemplate.ANONYMOUS_ST_NAME);
                    IDictionary formalArgs = embedded.FormalArguments;
                    SetSoleFormalArgumentToIthValue(embedded, argumentContext, ithValue);
                    hasFormalArgument = ((formalArgs != null) && (formalArgs.Count > 0));
                    // if it's an anonymous template with a formal arg, don't set it/attr
                    if ( !(isAnonymous && hasFormalArgument) )
                        argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = ithValue;
                        argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DEPRECATED] = ithValue;
                    argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX_VARIABLE_NAME] = (i + 1);
                    argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX0_VARIABLE_NAME] = i;
                    embedded.ArgumentContext = argumentContext;
                    System.err.println("i="+i+": applyTemplate("+embedded.getName()+
                    ", args="+argumentContext+
                    " to attribute value "+ithValue);
                if (resultVector.Count == 0)
                    resultVector = null;
                return resultVector;
                System.out.println("setting attribute "+DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME+" in arg context of "+
                " to "+attributeValue);
                embedded = (StringTemplate) templatesToApply[0];
                argumentContext = new Hashtable();
                IDictionary formalArgs = embedded.FormalArguments;
                SetSoleFormalArgumentToIthValue(embedded, argumentContext, attributeValue);
                isAnonymous = (embedded.Name == StringTemplate.ANONYMOUS_ST_NAME);
                hasFormalArgument = ((formalArgs != null) && (formalArgs.Count > 0));
                // if it's an anonymous template with a formal arg, don't set it/attr
                if ( !(isAnonymous && hasFormalArgument) )
                    argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = attributeValue;
                    argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DEPRECATED] = attributeValue;
                argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX_VARIABLE_NAME] = 1;
                argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX0_VARIABLE_NAME] = 0;
                embedded.ArgumentContext = argumentContext;
                return embedded;
Esempio n. 4
        /** <summary>
         *  For &lt;names,phones:{n,p | ...}> treat the names, phones as lists
         *  to be walked in lock step as n=names[i], p=phones[i].
         *  </summary>
        public virtual object ApplyTemplateToListOfAttributes( StringTemplate self,
                                                      IList attributes,
                                                      StringTemplate templateToApply )
            if ( attributes == null || templateToApply == null || attributes.Count == 0 )
                return null; // do not apply if missing templates or empty values
            Dictionary<string, object> argumentContext = null;
            // indicate it's an ST-created list
            var results = new StringTemplate.STAttributeList();

            // convert all attributes to iterators even if just one value
            for ( int a = 0; a < attributes.Count; a++ )
                object o = attributes[a];
                if ( o != null )
                    o = ConvertAnythingToIterator( o );
                    attributes[a] = o; // alter the list in place

            int numAttributes = attributes.Count;

            // ensure arguments line up
            var formalArguments = templateToApply.FormalArguments;
            if ( formalArguments == null || formalArguments.Count == 0 )
                self.Error( "missing arguments in anonymous" +
                           " template in context " + self.GetEnclosingInstanceStackString() );
                return null;
            string[] formalArgumentNames = formalArguments.Select( fa => ).ToArray();
            if ( formalArgumentNames.Length != numAttributes )
                string formalArgumentsText = formalArguments.Select( fa => ).ToList().ToElementString();
                self.Error( "number of arguments " + formalArgumentsText +
                           " mismatch between attribute list and anonymous" +
                           " template in context " + self.GetEnclosingInstanceStackString() );
                // truncate arg list to match smaller size
                int shorterSize = Math.Min( formalArgumentNames.Length, numAttributes );
                numAttributes = shorterSize;
                string[] newFormalArgumentNames = new string[shorterSize];
                Array.Copy( formalArgumentNames, 0,
                                 newFormalArgumentNames, 0,
                                 shorterSize );
                formalArgumentNames = newFormalArgumentNames;

            // keep walking while at least one attribute has values
            int i = 0; // iteration number from 0
            for ( ; ; )
                argumentContext = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                // get a value for each attribute in list; put into arg context
                // to simulate template invocation of anonymous template
                int numEmpty = 0;
                for ( int a = 0; a < numAttributes; a++ )
                    Iterator it = attributes[a] as Iterator;
                    if ( it != null && it.hasNext() )
                        string argName = formalArgumentNames[a];
                        object iteratedValue =;
                        argumentContext[argName] = iteratedValue;
                if ( numEmpty == numAttributes )
                argumentContext[DefaultIndexVariableName] = i + 1;
                argumentContext[DefaultIndex0VariableName] = i;
                StringTemplate embedded = templateToApply.GetInstanceOf();
                embedded.EnclosingInstance = self;
                embedded.ArgumentContext = argumentContext;
                results.Add( embedded );

            return results;
Esempio n. 5
        public virtual object ApplyListOfAlternatingTemplates( StringTemplate self,
                                                      object attributeValue,
                                                      IList<StringTemplate> templatesToApply )
            if ( attributeValue == null || templatesToApply == null || templatesToApply.Count == 0 )
                return null; // do not apply if missing templates or empty value
            StringTemplate embedded = null;
            Dictionary<string, object> argumentContext = null;

            // normalize collections and such to use iterators
            // anything iteratable can be used for "APPLY"
            attributeValue = ConvertArrayToList( attributeValue );
            attributeValue = ConvertAnythingIteratableToIterator( attributeValue );

            Iterator iter = attributeValue as Iterator;
            if ( iter != null )
                // results can be treated list an attribute, indicate ST created list
                var resultVector = new StringTemplate.STAttributeList();
                int i = 0;
                while ( iter.hasNext() )
                    object ithValue =;
                    if ( ithValue == null )
                        if ( _nullValue == null )
                        ithValue = _nullValue;
                    int templateIndex = i % templatesToApply.Count; // rotate through
                    embedded = templatesToApply[templateIndex];
                    // template to apply is an actual StringTemplate (created in
                    // eval.g), but that is used as the examplar.  We must create
                    // a new instance of the embedded template to apply each time
                    // to get new attribute sets etc...
                    StringTemplateAST args = embedded.ArgumentsAST;
                    embedded = embedded.GetInstanceOf(); // make new instance
                    embedded.EnclosingInstance = self;
                    embedded.ArgumentsAST = args;
                    argumentContext = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    var formalArgs = embedded.FormalArguments;
                    bool isAnonymous =
                        embedded.Name == StringTemplate.ANONYMOUS_ST_NAME;
                    SetSoleFormalArgumentToIthValue( embedded, argumentContext, ithValue );
                    // if it's an anonymous template with a formal arg, don't set it/attr
                    if ( !( isAnonymous && formalArgs != null && formalArgs.Count > 0 ) )
                        argumentContext[DefaultAttributeName] = ithValue;
                        argumentContext[DefaultAttributeNameDeprecated] = ithValue;
                    argumentContext[DefaultIndexVariableName] = i + 1;
                    argumentContext[DefaultIndex0VariableName] = i;
                    embedded.ArgumentContext = argumentContext;
                    EvaluateArguments( embedded );
                    System.err.println("i="+i+": applyTemplate("+embedded.getName()+
                            ", args="+argumentContext+
                            " to attribute value "+ithValue);
                    resultVector.Add( embedded );
                if ( resultVector.Count == 0 )
                    resultVector = null;
                return resultVector;
                System.out.println("setting attribute "+DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME+" in arg context of "+
                " to "+attributeValue);
                embedded = templatesToApply[0];
                argumentContext = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                var formalArgs = embedded.FormalArguments;
                StringTemplateAST args = embedded.ArgumentsAST;
                SetSoleFormalArgumentToIthValue( embedded, argumentContext, attributeValue );
                bool isAnonymous =
                    embedded.Name == StringTemplate.ANONYMOUS_ST_NAME;
                // if it's an anonymous template with a formal arg, don't set it/attr
                if ( !( isAnonymous && formalArgs != null && formalArgs.Count > 0 ) )
                    argumentContext[DefaultAttributeName] = attributeValue;
                    argumentContext[DefaultAttributeNameDeprecated] = attributeValue;
                argumentContext[DefaultIndexVariableName] = 1;
                argumentContext[DefaultIndex0VariableName] = 0;
                embedded.ArgumentContext = argumentContext;
                EvaluateArguments( embedded );
                return embedded;
Esempio n. 6
        protected static Iterator ConvertAnythingToIterator( object o )
            o = ConvertAnythingIteratableToIterator( o );

            Iterator iter = o as Iterator;
            if ( iter != null )
                return iter;

            var singleton = new StringTemplate.STAttributeList( 1 );
            singleton.Add( o );
            return singleton.iterator();